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  1. L

    Anthony Bourdain was exposing the Illuminati

    What isn't though nowadays? Ask a lawyer, banker or techie. Here are some insights from a techie: Warning, there's a shock photo at the very end of the site, and two pornographic ones in the middle. I suggest you disable pictures. But it's still...
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    Anthony Bourdain was exposing the Illuminati

    "Friends" was recorded during an live-audience. There aren't any "commercial breaks" (for whom anyway, the live audience?) during such recordings. That makes no sense. I think what Bourdain meant is that his (CNN?!) cast chanted these things when they watched friends. That would make it a lot...
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    The "celebrity mind control" aspect on this site doesn't add up completely

    Super bizarre video on that site. At around 30:00 the girl, that is living with the O'Brians tells her story. Apparently her abusive mormon father, who was raping her, contacted Mark and Cathy to get advice at how to keep his daughter-slave obedient, and that's how they met. WHAT?!
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    The "celebrity mind control" aspect on this site doesn't add up completely

    I didn't mean that. I meant the MK of Bill Clinton himself. Any idea how that procedure might work? Keeping him from his secret service agents for a period of time and so on?
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    The "celebrity mind control" aspect on this site doesn't add up completely

    Yes, I have seen the tape where Bill Clinton acts like a zombie for example. I am trying to make sense of it - again, the logistics of it. I can see how someone like Britney might have a "handler". But to put the president for example into a basement for a torture session, away from all his...
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    The TV show "Nowhere Man"

    I am surprised this mid 90s show isn't covered by "conspiracy" sites at all. It has the most blatant "mind control" storylines of anything I've ever seen on television or elsewhere. Has anyone here watched it? What's your opinion? Story (from wikipedia): Nowhere Man is the story of...
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    The "celebrity mind control" aspect on this site doesn't add up completely

    So it kinda works like Cesar Milan's "tsst"-grip?
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    The "celebrity mind control" aspect on this site doesn't add up completely

    Are they using trauma based mind control though? That's basically an axiom on this site, but maybe (if they are doing it) it's actually an entirely different technique. Maybe it's a variation of Scientological auditing for instance...
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    The "celebrity mind control" aspect on this site doesn't add up completely

    How do you know? That in itself would be interesting discussion. What does an actual MKULTRA procedure look like nowadays?
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    The "celebrity mind control" aspect on this site doesn't add up completely

    And use that on your multimillion dollar popstar, in some basement?
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    The "celebrity mind control" aspect on this site doesn't add up completely

    Doesn't the procedure involve drugs and electro shocks? VC calls it one of the cruelest inventions known to man after all. I think the stars would be dying like flies (far more than now anyway) if this stuff would be done in some basement without medical supervision.
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    The "celebrity mind control" aspect on this site doesn't add up completely

    Nowhere Man. I am surprised that TV show isn't brought up in the scene a lot more (including VC) Anyone here who watched it?
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    The "celebrity mind control" aspect on this site doesn't add up completely

    Don't agree on 9/11. I think 9/11 conspiracy theories were a huge waste of time (especially now, where it reached levels like "holographic planes"). Here's why: I fully believe in the possibility that it wasn't Al-Quaeda. BUT, why coming up with ultra-complicated schemes instead of brainwashing...
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    The "celebrity mind control" aspect on this site doesn't add up completely

    Weren't they accusing each other of plagiarism?
  15. L

    The "celebrity mind control" aspect on this site doesn't add up completely

    Because I still think just paying a few millions to some twentysomething to produce illuminati music videos is far simpler running repeated MK ULTRA on them. I also want to add that I don't know, too. I just feel that there's not much discussion about this here, despite it being the focus of...
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    The "celebrity mind control" aspect on this site doesn't add up completely

    But isn't this basically a routine treatment? According to the "mythology", the celebs need to be reprocessed at certain intervalls to keep the programming. They also sometimes need emergency-reprogramming (Kanye). So you need a team stationed at that hospital just for that. And that's tricky...
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    The "celebrity mind control" aspect on this site doesn't add up completely

    The articles often mention UCLA Medical Center here (where the celebs probably get their "treatment") among other rehab sites. Having an MKULTRA site at UCLA is a huge effort I would think. Keeping it secret from other personell, having the specialists stationed there in case Kanye arrives...
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    The "celebrity mind control" aspect on this site doesn't add up completely

    I have trouble accepting that all paraphilia must be the result of prior abuse. But that's not the point: The point was that you have already a large pool of people for all kinds of things, without the need to constantly run MKULTRA on them. Yeah, and that's my biggest problem: Why the effort...
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    The "celebrity mind control" aspect on this site doesn't add up completely

    First of all, dear admin: This is a critique about a core tenet of this site. Some people may not like this, but I think we should be allowed to dissect everything here; even the contents of this site. Otherwise we turn into dogmatists, like the "skeptics" for example. The main premise about...