Why is religion so anti-LGBTQ


Mar 15, 2017
The title alone is so indicative of how far we have strayed from God.

‘Why is religion so anti-LGBT’

More like ‘Why is LGBT so anti religion’

What came first? Religion or the alphabet movement? Are we that ignorant that we ignore the fact that buggery was illegal not so long ago in The UK? Religion and God is the one constant in history since written records began. Yes, instances of homosexuality have been recorded in the past, someone mentioned the greatest fornicaters of all time- Greeks. Does it make it right? To use such depravity and shame as a basis to your argument?

There will never be a consensus amongst those of faith and those of vice. You can’t serve two Gods.


Apr 15, 2021
Heya, @sugarprincessxox , it's been a while.

This will be a bit of a longer post so be warned. ;)

I'll attempt to answer this from the best-formulated Christian stance I've seen so far. A couple of years ago, being curious to know the answer myself, I did some research. There's a book that's been considered the vanguard of engagement between the concept of homosexuality and scripture. It's called "The Bible and Homosexual Practice" by Robert Gagnon. His book is unique because he tackles the topic head-on and dissects all major and minor arguments from an anatomical, scriptural, historical and even statistical point of view. Granted, some of the stats are outdated now but if you look into the updated information, they continue to strengthen his arguments. You can find his website, where he's replied to hundreds of emails, articles and rebuttals to his work at robgagnon.net, but he also has some videos on Youtube you can check out, like this one:

If you don't want to wade through hours of research because yes, it can be quite dense and intensive, I'll summarize it here:

1. From a scriptural/linguistic point of view, the bible is vehemently anti same-sex eroticism (note that it's not anti-gay, the noun).

2. From a physical position, it becomes obvious that the body isn't designed with same-sex encounters in mind. Long-term anal sex can lead to a myriad of issues from fissures to higher risk of prolapse, anal cancer, etc. This is true for ANYONE engaging in anal sex but if that is the sine qua non for most gay couples, and coupled with the MLM (Men-Loving-Men) community's penchant for excessive amounts of casual sexual encounters, then it becomes clear why certain medical bodies have to even separate studies designed specifically for their community.

3. From a historical perspective, it is very new to consider being gay as a noun or identity-marker. There is some literature to suggest people knew of innate, fixed desires, but nothing like we consider it today. Homosexuality was pretty ubiquitous in the ancient world across all cultures, and unlike @Lalas 's assertations, not even chiefly among Arab people. Wherever there were males, there was anal sex. And those men would still go on to procreate with women even if the majority preferred to be with men romantically/sexually. It was common but it was an ACT, not an identity. Just like they weren't technically straight either.

4. Statistically, same-sex relationships display a disconnect because there is typically no "regulation of extremes".

I'm going to try to briefly go into a bit more detail about each of these points.

1. The bible is a product of its day and culture. Back then, tied to #3, labels did not exist. All that existed were actions. This is why, in the original languages, the words themselves translated to "homosexuals" are often not that (which is why you hear progressive Christians use the argument that the Bible condones homosexuality). What those words DO describe, and very explicitly in both the Hebrew and Greek texts, is same-sex eroticism. Gay sex among men and women. As I said, in the ancient world, people didn't integrate their sexuality into the totality of their identity as a person. Pederasty was one of the most widely-acceptable forms of homosexual acts, as was homosexuality in the military but those same men of influence and soldiers were expected to go home and impregnate their wives. Look at homosexuality in prison, or in boys' schools, or in sports teams. Look at men today who identify as "heterosexual" but still engage in sex clubs with other men, whether in the context of swinging or MSM clubs. Taking that into consideration, it would seem that the vast majority of men then and now are gay. But that isn't the case because modern vernacular has screwed up the perception of what it means to be same-sex attracted and made it inextricable from someone's core identity. It should not be the sum total of who you are, but (according to plan btw), it's been made to be that way through propaganda. Very, very clever.

2. I really don't want to go into detail here, but this is still a point that can be made today. I believe it was in 2021, the majority of new HIV cases (as in over 70%) consisted of men who have sex with men. This is both because of anatomy (the anus wasn't designed for penetration and so is way more susceptible to damage and the introduction of harmful bacteria which is a breeding ground for disease), and lifestyle (if you know anything about mainstream gay culture, it's been a staple throughout history for the gay community to relish in clandestine, casual sexual encounters, usually with strangers and usually with the inclusion of drugs and alcohol). The number, statistically speaking, of gay men especially who go on to marry and settle with one partner in a closed, long-term, monogamous relationship is shockingly rare. As in under 5% rare.

3. This one is pretty straightforward. Historically and today, most men fuck anything with a hole and don't particularly think about what that labels them. For the bible to speak vehemently against acts is not the bible speaking vehemently against people. At the time, people weren't identified by their impulses, which to be honest is actually incredibly dehumanizing, to be so represented by your sexuality (gay or straight), that someone mentioning anything tangentially negative about the ACT is considered deeply offensive and an attack on your humanity.

4. While lesbians experience the least amount of physical complications surrounding their ability to be intimate, the strain of the relationship is witnessed elsewhere. They have even poorer stats in terms of long-term relationships than male same-sex couples and heterosexuals, and are more prone to emotional and verbal/mental abuse. Robert Gagnon illustrates these as examples of these relationships not being able to "regulate" the extremes. While men and women aren't monoliths with the same behaviors, there are general patterns in the way the sexes approach intimacy and ideally, in an opposite-sex relationship, the man and woman each temper each other but where that stop isn't available, the result is chaotic and often harmful.

Labels like straight, gay, bi etc are very much a modern Marxist creation for the express purpose of normalizing artificial categories of humans just so the depraved can slip in to push the boundaries of sexual integrity. The average gay/lesbian/bi person is not a degenerate. But there is something different about same-sex eroticism, just look at how dark occultism has made use of male anal sex (Aleister Crowley referred to it as his starting point of enlightenment or something like that). There's a reason the industry is so hellbent on promoting it, why porn is rarely without anal play or sex even in lesbian categories, mind you. But this is why it's important to separate action from individual. People are NOT their impulses and they aren't their sexual orientations.

Lastly, I say all this to say that I believe God has genuine reasons for outlawing homosexual acts. I think there's a spiritual dimension to this that manifests in the physical, emotional and even statistical observations of these relationships. That however does not at all give any straight religious person the right to place themselves above a "gay" person. Heterosexuality has also been blighted by abuse, r*pe, pain, brokenness, and so much other shit that a lot of religious people like to sweep under the rug and pretend doesn't happen. Religious institutions can be especially guilty of this. This is a very nuanced topic but I thought I'd try and offer a more detailed response instead of just "God said NO so it's NO because he is God". For some, that may be a satisfying answer, but I don't believe the being intelligent enough to design life would put seemingly arbitrary restrictions in place especially if technically, it "doesn't hurt anyone". I think it does, it just hurts the practicing individuals. Many Christians are obsessed with the effect of homosexuality on the family and culture while completely ignoring the people who are hurt the most are the ones partaking.

1 Corinthians 6:18 -"Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body."

Christians in general have done a piss poor job of balancing righteousness and empathy.

My thing is, there actually ARE plenty of genuine Christians who are same-sex attracted and will have those impulses until they die but still choose not to act on them despite resigning themselves to a lifetime of celibacy and not even the potential for romantic relationships. It should be inspiring, that someone has found something so much bigger than themselves in their faith, in Christ, something so precious and worth guarding against sin that they're willing to put to death one of the most base human impulses each and every day just to stay within God's grace and not spit on the sacrifice of his Son. It's a lesson MANY heterosexual Christians could use.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Leviticus 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it [homosexuality] [is] abomination.

Leviticus 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them.

The reason that our Creator created a zero tolerance policy against homosexuality is to protect us from that EVIL. If someone is so stupid and so demon-possessed that they cannot figure out what their equipment is for or where to put it, then what hope do they have of forming any rational thought?

We were sent here, to this maximum security prison planet reform school for the criminally insane to learn how to be LESS selfish, LESS arrogant and thus LESS ignorant.

Not only is the body NOT designed for the abominable sexually deviant behavior that homosexuals engage in, but it is the gateway to all of the rest of the sexually deviant behavior, including r*pe, beastiality, child molestation, and p***philia.

Just look at what has happened since we decided to take the lid off of Pandora's box, and not only tolerate the queers, but attempt to elevate them and promote their filth on every conceivable platform. And then we wonder why children are under attack today by these child predators, and by the satanic system that has spawned all of this evil. We have literally been dumbed down to the point someone allegedly cannot even look down their own britches or up their own dress to determine what gender the body they are TEMPORARILY incarnated inside of actually is.

This is total insanity, brought on by human arrogance, in believing that we know better than our Creator.

There are two genders, and two only: male and female (Gen. 1:27).

The two genders were designed to NATURALLY learn to work together, to NATURALLY build the basic building block of a civilized society: the NATURAL family unit. And in doing so, gain some wisdom about what it means to be a SPIRITUAL family, that loves and cares for one another (tender loving care, which is NOT sexual).

There is nothing "gay" nor happy about being a sexually deviant homosexual, so completely engrossed in the thought of unnatural and abominable sexual encounters that thinking straight is no longer possible (pun intended).

We are NOT here to serve the creature, thereby placing it above the Creator; we are here to learn to DO God's Will, which is to love God and one another spiritually.
Jun 26, 2022
People don't get condemned to hell for having same-sex attraction, but for choosing to act upon it or making it their identity. There is a difference between feelings and actions, a difference which many have been conditioned to not see.

Christians are called to carry their cross, for some this is same sex attraction, for others it's other sins. God hates all sin.

Same-sex attracted people are able to repent and be saved, same as anybody else. "Reprobate docrine", the notion that same-sex attraction or behavior is the ONLY unrepentable sin, is unbiblical.
Forgot to mention: the UNBIBLICAL "reprobate doctrine " does not teach that same-sex behavior MAKES someone a reprobate, but that experiencing same-sex attraction, even if unacted on, SHOWS that person is a reprobate and unsaveable.

Here's an example of a chuch teaching that in their own words

The reprobate doctrine is the belief that although every human being is born with the opportunity to be saved, someone can cross the line with God and lose their opportunity to be saved.

Today most Christians don’t agree with the reprobate doctrine. In fact, this is one of the doctrines that people just hate our church for and preach against us and say we’re hateful people. Because today people are told that God never gives up on anybody and you can get saved until your dying day. And I would say for most people that’s true. God doesn’t give up on most people and most people could get saved even up to their dying moment. But the Bible teaches that God does give up sometimes and that people can cross a line where they go too far.


People think that we’re saying that if a person does sodomy that makes them a reprobate. That’s wrong. That’s not what we believe. What we believe is that somebody can do sodomy because they are a reprobate. Somebody can go down these roads of unnatural sins because they have been given over to a reprobate mind. So, we have the deviance of a reprobate that teaches us that they deviate from that which is normal. Normal people do not desire unnatural sins. Normal people do not desire these types of things. Only a reprobate does. When we look at a situation where there are unnatural desires burning in the lust one towards another then we can walk away from that saying that person’s reprobate. Why? Because a normal man is not attracted to children. A normal man is not attracted to animals. A normal man is not attracted to other men. A normal woman is not attracted to other women.
We want to reach these people in prison with the gospel of Jesus Christ. you know the Bible says that we’re supposed to visit the prisoners and minister to them. But in my opinion, there are two types of people in prison. Those who don’t belong there because there are no prisons in the Bible. You steal something and you’re supposed to pay it back fourfold. There are corporal punishments where people get beaten for certain things or whatever. In my opinion there are two types of people in prison. Those who don’t belong there because whatever they did to get there is not worthy of prison biblically. And then there are those who deserve to die because they’re just a bunch of reprobate pedophiles or whatever and they should be put to death.

In this prison ministry we have all these sermons we send to all these prisoners. We start with the Bible’s way to heaven. We start with victorious Christian life. We start with all these things about the Christian life but right about the sixth sermon, they get “Make America Straight Again”. We don’t want to miss these people. We have about 60 people on our mailing list right now but over the last year and a half, as we’ve been doing this, there’s been two or three who asked to be removed right after that sermon. I’d say Praise the Lord. We don’t want a filthy animal as part of this. If this sermon offends you then you offend me. If the sermon offends you then I’m worried about you. If the sermon offends you then I don’t want you anywhere near me or my family or our church. The Bible says that they’re worthy of death.
Anyway, this doctrine is unbiblical, but it plays it's role as a good strawman to show that Christians are either "hateful" or "affirming" - no room for the position i've already mentioned: feelings are not sinful, actions are.

I also wanted to add that there have been success stories of those who suffered same sex attraction who have been able to leave all that behind and have a family, all thanks to God

There's more articles too

In another thread i've posted about reparative therapy, which has had a good success rate in people struggling with unwanted same sex attraction.
I had previously read that there is a connection between same sex attraction (unfortunately, the author, as most people conflates feelings and actions) and a failure to bond properly with one's parents...

He did work on something similar to "conversion therapy" type stuff, so hes not pro-degeneracy tho

This one is regarding females

It's a tragedy, but sometimes parents fail their children. And sadly, i see the problem getting worse as people growing up in an increasingly messed up society grow up and have children of their own. Not to mention the societal acceptance of it, and the lack of a "one doesn't have to give in to the feelings" narrarive.

elsbet's cat ^. .^

Mar 18, 2023
... It was like a normal thing for a young boy to be under the wing of a much much older male, to practice philosophy, sports... but,on the other hand, many historians believe that it was mostly about Eros in a spiritual level, not about practicing real sexual contact.
This is my understanding-- and no offense intended to your ancestors (or mine), I promise - I think the practice continues today in the Pagan religions for the same reason.
There is always more to the story.


Sep 4, 2023
Thread title- Why is religion so anti-LGBTQ

It's not just religion that's against it, every decent normal person is against it too because they regard it as revolting..:)
The Powers of course are trying to pretend there's nothing wrong with being perverted, by promoting sickening TV shows, films and TV adverts like these-






Dec 23, 2023
Mersi, sir.

He gave me some sources from the Qur'an. Homosexuality was condemned there. And in life muslim is almost synonymous with anal perversions, and anyone, anyone, anyone who is not bound by a defense of Muslim practices will say it immediately. This is a centuries-old practice. (Half the jokes and jokes about Muslims are about it.)

(The pope and he, asking him about the perversions with boys of Catholic priests, told me that it was disinformation and an attempt to discredit, and gave me biblical sources where this was condemned.)

It's just that the people in the group, when they are online, let them put their thumbs up to you, and so on. I am very pleased with our communication, as well as with the development of this beautiful topic. As well as from the whole forum; from the Internet, the world and life in general.

Good day sir.
(I don't know how many times we're going to say that, we've become like a joke...)
Are you butthurt (pun-intended) because members avoid your Russia thread. I don't like Putin, he is as evil as West , the things he did in Syria ..anyway what country you live in and what Muslims have you seen engage in malpractice. Identify with Islam and Sodomy, the bros and hoes both aren't Muslims. It is nasty if its man or woman, its nasty and a way of inviting STDs yukh


Nov 29, 2023
Leviticus 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it [homosexuality] [is] abomination.

Leviticus 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them.

The reason that our Creator created a zero tolerance policy against homosexuality is to protect us from that EVIL. If someone is so stupid and so demon-possessed that they cannot figure out what their equipment is for or where to put it, then what hope do they have of forming any rational thought?

We were sent here, to this maximum security prison planet reform school for the criminally insane to learn how to be LESS selfish, LESS arrogant and thus LESS ignorant.

Not only is the body NOT designed for the abominable sexually deviant behavior that homosexuals engage in, but it is the gateway to all of the rest of the sexually deviant behavior, including r*pe, beastiality, child molestation, and p***philia.

Just look at what has happened since we decided to take the lid off of Pandora's box, and not only tolerate the queers, but attempt to elevate them and promote their filth on every conceivable platform. And then we wonder why children are under attack today by these child predators, and by the satanic system that has spawned all of this evil. We have literally been dumbed down to the point someone allegedly cannot even look down their own britches or up their own dress to determine what gender the body they are TEMPORARILY incarnated inside of actually is.

This is total insanity, brought on by human arrogance, in believing that we know better than our Creator.

There are two genders, and two only: male and female (Gen. 1:27).

The two genders were designed to NATURALLY learn to work together, to NATURALLY build the basic building block of a civilized society: the NATURAL family unit. And in doing so, gain some wisdom about what it means to be a SPIRITUAL family, that loves and cares for one another (tender loving care, which is NOT sexual).

There is nothing "gay" nor happy about being a sexually deviant homosexual, so completely engrossed in the thought of unnatural and abominable sexual encounters that thinking straight is no longer possible (pun intended).

We are NOT here to serve the creature, thereby placing it above the Creator; we are here to learn to DO God's Will, which is to love God and one another spiritually.
Thread title- Why is religion so anti-LGBTQ

It's not just religion that's against it, every decent normal person is against it too because they regard it as revolting..:)
The Powers of course are trying to pretend there's nothing wrong with being perverted, by promoting sickening TV shows, films and TV adverts like these-

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It's becoming increasingly obvious on a daily basis, that the media and 'press' (the narrative) are literally ramming this stuff into our brains. As you've pointed out, advertising is the main weapon of choice at the moment.


Sep 4, 2023
It's becoming increasingly obvious on a daily basis, that the media and 'press' (the narrative) are literally ramming this stuff into our brains. As you've pointed out, advertising is the main weapon of choice at the moment.

Yes but at least it's backfiring by making people sick of seeing perverts everywhere..:)



Sep 4, 2023
I'm a Christian and I don't support Islam and I don't know any other Christian who does..:)
We don't need your support buddy

Of course you do, we're all you've got..:)
"...the Lord's servant ...those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will" (Bible: 2 Tim 2:23-26)


Dec 23, 2023
He may be exaggerating but he's not lying.
I will repeat it again, what you people fantasize or what circles you move in, it has nothing to do with reality.
Of course you do, we're all you've got..:)
"...the Lord's servant ...those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will" (Bible: 2 Tim 2:23-26)
We got Allah dude, the God the Omnipotent. He is enough,will suffice us.We no idol worshippers like you. :)


Apr 15, 2021
I will repeat it again, what you people fantasize or what circles you move in, it has nothing to do with reality.

We got Allah dude, the God the Omnipotent. He is enough,will suffice us.We no idol worshippers like you. :)
Basic research lmao. Even now in the Middle East certain groups have practices that exclusively focus on sodomizing young boys. Again, he's not wrong.


Dec 23, 2023
Basic research lmao. Even now in the Middle East certain groups have practices that exclusively focus on sodomizing young boys. Again, he's not wrong.
Ohhh yeah, the research who only benefits a biased individual. If a certain part of the world has a ignorant culture, it can't be tied to my religion, keep trying and repeat it again and again . Why were you researching about it in first place makes me wonder

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Apr 15, 2021
Ohhh yeah, the research who only benefits a biased individual. If a certain part of the world has a ignorant culture, it can't be tied to my religion, keep trying and repeat it again and again . Why were you researching about it in first place makes me wonder

View attachment 99642
Didn't know the term "Arab" referenced a religion as opposed to, oh Idk, an ethnic group? Just like Greeks? So you just post things online on a forum like this without research? Interesting.