
Mar 20, 2017
I've personally been victim of Djinn mind-control of some sorts.

It happened maybe some 10 years ago or something and i was using dextromethorpan from cough syrups as well as weed smoking thereafter. Must say that drugs are kind of gateways so that these things can affect you in one way or another. Thank God, i got out of it though.

The Djinns literally took over my body while i had gone with a friend to visit some Rastas. There we smoked while i was already on a dmt trip. I started thinking like ''hey, that's the life'' etc. I went on a speech spree recounting my life since the morning to the Rasta's son and nephew. I then proposed his wife that i could perhaps give her a helping hand to fold those clean laundry, which she refused politely. I then proceeded to massage the old Rasta's feet and tibia for some five minutes or something. It was after that the something came over me making me do karate moves in front of the Rasta. lol. He told my friend to bring me outside. He came with a bowl of water and had me wash my face with it. Then he asked my friend to take me away. The Djinns were still controlling my body while my friend took me near the village center where the villagers were drinking and spending the early night. They were perplexed when they saw me and i could only tell them from time to time that it was not me who was doing those awkward moves like sticking my tongue out and raving like a madman etc etc. Haha. It lasted for some 2 hours or something while they had brought a chair and made me sit in it during that time. When i calmed down, my friend took me back home on his motorcycle.which he said, was feeling like he was carrying 2 tons all the way. While riding, i was like caressing his stomach with my hands he told me, which he said felt like a ladies' hands haha. Anyway long story short, the effects subsided and i became my normal self again and since then i've quite given up on those gateway highs. thank you for reading. :oops:


Mar 15, 2017
I've personally been victim of Djinn mind-control of some sorts.

It happened maybe some 10 years ago or something and i was using dextromethorpan from cough syrups as well as weed smoking thereafter. Must say that drugs are kind of gateways so that these things can affect you in one way or another. Thank God, i got out of it though.

The Djinns literally took over my body while i had gone with a friend to visit some Rastas. There we smoked while i was already on a dmt trip. I started thinking like ''hey, that's the life'' etc. I went on a speech spree recounting my life since the morning to the Rasta's son and nephew. I then proposed his wife that i could perhaps give her a helping hand to fold those clean laundry, which she refused politely. I then proceeded to massage the old Rasta's feet and tibia for some five minutes or something. It was after that the something came over me making me do karate moves in front of the Rasta. lol. He told my friend to bring me outside. He came with a bowl of water and had me wash my face with it. Then he asked my friend to take me away. The Djinns were still controlling my body while my friend took me near the village center where the villagers were drinking and spending the early night. They were perplexed when they saw me and i could only tell them from time to time that it was not me who was doing those awkward moves like sticking my tongue out and raving like a madman etc etc. Haha. It lasted for some 2 hours or something while they had brought a chair and made me sit in it during that time. When i calmed down, my friend took me back home on his motorcycle.which he said, was feeling like he was carrying 2 tons all the way. While riding, i was like caressing his stomach with my hands he told me, which he said felt like a ladies' hands haha. Anyway long story short, the effects subsided and i became my normal self again and since then i've quite given up on those gateway highs. thank you for reading. :oops:
what is rastas
Mar 14, 2017
I've personally been victim of Djinn mind-control of some sorts.

It happened maybe some 10 years ago or something and i was using dextromethorpan from cough syrups as well as weed smoking thereafter. Must say that drugs are kind of gateways so that these things can affect you in one way or another. Thank God, i got out of it though.

The Djinns literally took over my body while i had gone with a friend to visit some Rastas. There we smoked while i was already on a dmt trip. I started thinking like ''hey, that's the life'' etc. I went on a speech spree recounting my life since the morning to the Rasta's son and nephew. I then proposed his wife that i could perhaps give her a helping hand to fold those clean laundry, which she refused politely. I then proceeded to massage the old Rasta's feet and tibia for some five minutes or something. It was after that the something came over me making me do karate moves in front of the Rasta. lol. He told my friend to bring me outside. He came with a bowl of water and had me wash my face with it. Then he asked my friend to take me away. The Djinns were still controlling my body while my friend took me near the village center where the villagers were drinking and spending the early night. They were perplexed when they saw me and i could only tell them from time to time that it was not me who was doing those awkward moves like sticking my tongue out and raving like a madman etc etc. Haha. It lasted for some 2 hours or something while they had brought a chair and made me sit in it during that time. When i calmed down, my friend took me back home on his motorcycle.which he said, was feeling like he was carrying 2 tons all the way. While riding, i was like caressing his stomach with my hands he told me, which he said felt like a ladies' hands haha. Anyway long story short, the effects subsided and i became my normal self again and since then i've quite given up on those gateway highs. thank you for reading. :oops:

come on man don't blame jinns for you going loco.


Mar 13, 2017
I believe some drugs are demons reincarnated. Or some may be the creations of those type of supernatural beings. Because I have definitely straight up left my body before. And not in a good way. It was like watching myself fall into hell, than I was just there alone in hell. With only my imagination to draw from, because my senses were just not there.

Then I got back to my body and shit got even crazier. Imagine being in the dark chased by devil wolves and you lost your gun. Not just any old gun though, this gun would melt the demons flesh off in an instant.


Mar 26, 2017

Just a short history about myself. I used to dabbled slightly in witchcraft and new age occult belief. I've done sigils where I draw my "intent" into a symbol and enhance it by focusing on that symbol during ejaculation. My intents are mainly on getting money (not making money) and I tell you it does work mysteriously but you will pay it back with interest. I used to be a gambleholics, I will drive 3 hours to the casino 3 time a week after work then drive back in the morning to go to work. One day I put so much intent on getting 5K at the casino, all I did on the way there was focus on getting that 5K. I imaging winning at the tables and receiving the 5K at the window, that's all I did for 3 hours. It was on a Friday so I didn't have to go back to work the next day, I literally stayed in the casino for 36 hours even my nose starting to bleed from inhaling too much ciggs smokes, I was a walking dead, sound about right. I remember it was around 6 in the morning I was up around 8K but I wanted to win 10K (at this points I totally forget about that 5K I was aiming for, getting greedy). I was like a devil at that table, I buy everyone drinks and they all praising me, even the dealer wanted me to win cause I tip him so much. But of course, I couldn't win 2K more to satisfy my inner demon. I got so pissed because I went back down to $5,600. I really wanted to play some more but there was this "enlightenment moment", I realized that I came with $600 so I won exactly 5K. That's when the whole world kind of frozen and I realized what happened so I accepted and left. (I pay that back with so much more interest so I don't recommend anyone using witchcraft to get money, better yet don't use it at all).

Sorry that wasn't short at all, let me quickly go into what I did with the new age occult knowledge. I learned (not master yet) how to Astral Project and was successful. One night I smoke some coke and MJ, then lay down into a meditative state and listen to some monks chanting video clip on youtube. It's probably only took me 1-2 mins before I pop out of my body. The astral realm is way more real than this physical realm. I lifted myself up and can literally see my physical body still laying on my bed. It was really cool at that time, I didn't thought that was possible. So I go around my house, then flew out and just fly around the neighborhood, visiting my friends house, it was awesome! Eventually I leave this physical plane by keep flying higher and higher, I felt like superman xD, I even did the superman arm hahahah. Afterward I went into a totally different realm, the color there doesn't exist in this physical plane, it was so beautifully mesmerizing. Then all of sudden I came out of this beautiful astral plane and went into another realm what I would expect heaven to be like (I realized now that it is not heaven). This plane has so many beautiful cloud that I can sit and walk on. Everything was nice and lovely. Then I met this "light being" along with a bunch of what I can tell is "fairies". They are the most beautiful thing you can't even imaging. I look at them in awe and was so mesmerized. They projected so much love into me that I never felt before. They ask me to give them names which I did. At this time I thought they were "God" and "Angels" so with the name I've given them, I started to worship them in my mind. I will finish this experiences up (since it is very long), I worshipped these entities and hell started to break loose in my life, almost shot a dude in the face because he was talking trash. I be going to work and just shooting blanks with the gun while driving. Almost committed suicide, glad it's out of my hand now. Many sinful things you can think of I've done it, not bragging either.

Fast forward, last year my older sister(Buddhist) was literally possessed by demon. This has happened to her before, my family flew her to Canada, left her in the temple for the monks to do their chanting witchcraft work for 3 days, she shaved her head, gave her life to Buddha and got better. Going back to last year, she was really in bad health since she became a vegan. She is very strict in her religious ritual. Pray and eat every day at the right time, take her medication at the right time. One day she was triggered, stop eating for ~20 days and having trouble sleeping. She told me while she is in her praying room during this time, demon flying around that room, even Buddha show up. There are blood all over the wall (of course not literally). Then they told her a ball stuck in her throat and ask to get the monk's beads to fish it out. She try to fish it out but didn't work so she stuck her whole hand into her throat trying to get it out resulted in damaging the throat. She was scared and drove to my parent house with her mouth wide open, asking my parent to take her to this lady's house. This lady is a psychic reader that she went to 10 years ago and made a tons of money from her. My sister is really afraid of this lady, when she got there, this monster lady ask for $560 to get this "ball" out of her mouth. She got my sister's mouth to closed since it was opened for hours, my sister literally bow down worshipping her in fear.

Since her throat was damaged, we had to take her to the hospital, this is when I was notified. I stayed with her(or rather a demon) for 48 hours. This is when the "veil is lifted" for me. When I first came into the room, I felt evil presence all over the room and it was so cold, I had goose bumps all over my body. My sister always love me a lot, she told me to get out the room because she don't want these entity possessing me. I wanted to help her and at the same time very curious of this phenomenon (I thought she just has mental illness). She told me Buddha was standing around her bed laughing at her, didn't bother to help her. All her senses are activated, she can feel electricity floating in the equipment, even cell phone signal can affected her. She can see through wall, at least that's what she told me. Actually the veil is lifted for her I'm only a witness. She always see these smokes things swirling around and they would enter her through the right eye if I remember correctly. Every time these smoke monster show up, the physical manifestation occurred. I've seen way too much and it's actually became a bit normal by the 30th hours. Some symptoms of the manifestation I witness are: hissing instead of breathing, she can move her jaw far left and right, seem like she can twist her arm 360 degree, she crack her neck louder than I can (and I'm pretty good at it), always stretching her body, she write in different language (similar to Hebrew but probably not), talk in demonic tongues and laughing.

From midnight forward was probably the most craziest event I ever witness in my life. I couldn't sleep because the demon was pretty much having a party there. The veil was probably wide opened at this time. She can astral project, went to hell and bring demons back. It even tell me "I'm not your sister" and laugh. It was really creepy every time she look at me and laugh. One time she astral project, went to hell and did the "as above, so below" sign with 2 finger up and down. At this points, I was astonished because I recognized that hand sign. I was like woahhh, is this forreal? She did the baphomet hand signal. When this happen, I reacted right away, I snapped her out of it and she stared deadly at me for interrupting. The evil in her eyes make me shiver. Seconds later she came back to her self and told me they took her to hell and she saw many people suffering. It was so hot that her body was sweating. Later, this demon trying to convince me that she is going to ascended as Buddha so stop interrupting her. I called his bluff and stayed up the whole night making sure they don't take her. I understand a bit how they can do it, they somehow can increase her heart rate by making her body tensed up. One time she made 4 nurses cry their heart out, she told them that she is in so much pain and ask them to kill her by injection. At this point the devil was pretty pissed at me for interrupting their plans of killing her and take her to hell. It told me that it's coming for me and kill all my family, this message was delivered directly from my sister's mouth.

So after 30-40ish hours, I needed to go home and rest. I ask for advices in this forum, Muslims tell me to pray to the Almighty God on my face(I did) and the Christians told me to use Jesus's name to cast these devil out. I went home, took a shower then pretty much knocked out. Around 3am, I had this "light" switching on and off around my forehead area. So I woke up, this is when I get to experiences what it felt like being possessed. I felt this "force" or "energy" came in behind my head, travel down to my toe, then went back up to my forehead, this could be the Kundalini energy line they were talking about. Wherever this "force" travelled to it disabled that part of body's function. So, I was pretty much disabled from head to toe, felt like a python strangling me. But this light switches woke me up. Man, I was fighting for my soul at this point, I don't care about my life but my soul feel like it's being ripped apart. I begin saying "in Jesus name, get out" for a good 5 mins(I had no idea what I was doing). Then I can feel it starting to exit my body bit by bit. I started to feel my face, neck, chest, stomach, arm, leg and toe. It came out like a snake slithering slowly. Forget about going back to sleep. I had the bible around my bed the whole night(got it from the hospital). They attempted a few more time, I was afraid of going to sleep every night. I even look up sleep position to prevent demon attack, it didn't work. Every time they come at me, I ask for Jesus's help. I wasn't even religious or Christians at this time. Jesus was the only resort worked for me.