The LIVE CHAT thread


Jan 22, 2018

The politicians have given up on the public to stand up for their freedoms, despite the clownage that was installed to rule over us....we accepted it.

The dumbing down process went to far, that's all I can put it down to.

Time for a musical interlude.



Mar 15, 2017
Anyone want to talk about what a craphole London has become especially since Muslim Sadiq Khan was appointed mayor?
He’s deplorable. The ULEZ expansion and Pedestrian and cycle only roads have caused so much aggro. I have to drive an extra 10 minutes around the street or I’ll be fined £100 (£65 if you pay within 2 weeks) as they’ve cracked down on car journeys and restricted many routes to pedestrian and cycles.

Don’t even get me started on crime. He has done absolutely nothing to combat it. The money is there yet we’re more concerned with climate change and eco living than actual issues which affect Londoners daily.


Jun 28, 2020
what’s his faith got to do with anything?
She's an Islamphobe. She once said something like "what, are we all expected to learn Arabic?" in a conversation with Lizard and Seek who were saying something to the effect that "all Muslims here need to stay in one thread and not bother the others", because these are Christian boards!

Regardless of the level of ignorance we see here, most politicians are not Muslim. They are quick to sell their deen.

I've seen alot of people call Sadiq Khan a murtad but i forget the details on him atm. I know most American "Muslim" politicians are anything but. This is an age where "Muslim" is a skin color for many in the west.


Mar 15, 2017
Humza Yousaef, Sadiq Khan and Ilhan Omar (who is absolutely berated by her Somali community) are all sell outs.

I have a special annoyance at Sadiq Khan due to my locality and being directly affect by his nonsense.


Jun 17, 2017
He’s deplorable. The ULEZ expansion and Pedestrian and cycle only roads have caused so much aggro. I have to drive an extra 10 minutes around the street or I’ll be fined £100 (£65 if you pay within 2 weeks) as they’ve cracked down on car journeys and restricted many routes to pedestrian and cycles.
have you seen an impact by the bladerunners? we have been following them on the rallies/protests thread.


Mar 15, 2017
have you seen an impact by the bladerunners? we have been following them on the rallies/protests thread.
I actually never saw this comment polymoog, I do apologise for replying very late.

Absolutely no impact in my city. As soon as they take a camera down, another is put up within a couple of days or there are too many cameras in the are in question.

The cameras have in fact increased and we have pedestrian only roads. So some roads you cannot access during the day for a certain amount of hours.


Aug 11, 2024
How about it Rock?
"It don't matter if Clout wins, I just wanna go them 12 rounds....nobody's ever gone the distance with Clout, and if at the end of the 12th I'm still standing i'll know then i ain't just another bum from the neighbourhood"



Jan 22, 2018
LMFAO!!!..... As it's very very important to monitor who's liking who's posts around here I can't help but notice you've just liked our resident trolls post.

How desperate are you? You having trouble recruiting peeps to your gang or what?

Hysterical here.


Jan 29, 2018
LMFAO!!!..... As it's very very important to monitor who's liking who's posts around here I can't help but notice you've just liked our resident trolls post.

How desperate are you? You having trouble recruiting peeps to your gang or what?

Hysterical here.
"I cant believe you are liking a post! Oh my whithering dithering duncecaps!! Its the gotcha mo-ment we've all been waiting.... nay PRAYING for!! Didst thou all see-eth that? Why my fruity frankeburry accent can barely contain itself!! Dearest Desert Rat, did you see... WEVE FINALLY WON!! Now we can come out of the closet as the starcrossed lovers we were ment to be all along!! Our wedding can be catered by the IOC openeing ceremony committe and we shall have only the FINEST in bachi-bazi dancing boys! Now hurry and ready a couple of 6 year olds on standy, I shall convert and marry multiple wives as your precious sunna dictates!"


Jan 22, 2018
"I cant believe you are liking a post! Oh my whithering dithering duncecaps!! Its the gotcha mo-ment we've all been waiting.... nay PRAYING for!! Didst thou all see-eth that? Why my fruity frankeburry accent can barely contain itself!! Dearest Desert Rat, did you see... WEVE FINALLY WON!! Now we can come out of the closet as the starcrossed lovers we were ment to be all along!! Our wedding can be catered by the IOC openeing ceremony committe and we shall have only the FINEST in bachi-bazi dancing boys! Now hurry and ready a couple of 6 year olds on standy, I shall convert and marry multiple wives as your precious sunna dictates!"
I have advised you previously to step away from the crack pipe but ya just don't listen do ya?

Look muppet, by posting a BBC article to try and validate an argument about protecting kids you didn't just shoot yourself in the foot, you blew your own leg off. currently you only have the single leg to stand on....

....then you go on to like a post from Tidal, who, as you well know is the biggest islamophobe, bigoted, misogynistic, sexual predator troll to ever frequent these boards.

....but you can overlook all that can't you eh because you're too busy trying to prove your moral superiority over other posters.

....this type of hypocrisy has just blew your single supporting leg off.

But, knowing you as we do, you'll still come out swinging won't ya?

This is a pretty good visual depiction of your sorry efforts on this forum......Roll VT!!!.... your the dude in the black BTW

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Jan 29, 2018
I have advised you previously to step away from the crack pipe but ya just don't listen do ya?

Look muppet, by posting a BBC article to try and validate an argument about protecting kids you didn't just shoot yourself in the foot, you blew your own leg off. currently you only have the single leg to stand on....

....then you go on to like a post from Tidal, who, as you well know is the biggest islamophobe, bigoted, misogynistic, sexual predator troll to ever frequent these boards.

....but you can overlook all that can't you eh because you're too busy trying to prove your moral superiority over other posters.

....this type of hypocrisy has just blew your single supporting leg off.

But, knowing you as we do, you'll still come out swinging won't ya?

This is a pretty good visual depiction of your sorry efforts on this forum......Roll VT!!!.... your the dude in the black BTW

"Me buko, me old chap... me gov-bruv... old sausage... Ive simply cracked the code and between your one like here/my Monty Python meme, I have totally discredited you! I win. Me and my pedo-jihad-squad win. Cant you understand that? Cant you just accept that we've "won"? I mean my good man... my holly jolly, fat jowelled digitally corpulent efforts to discredit you have totally had their desired effect and NOBODY is taking note that me and my pedo-lite squad here have completely expose ourselves. Now carry on me old dilly-willy, youve got quite a chilly pickle there!"


Jan 22, 2018
"Me buko, me old chap... me gov-bruv... old sausage... Ive simply cracked the code and between your one like here/my Monty Python meme, I have totally discredited you! I win. Me and my pedo-jihad-squad win. Cant you understand that? Cant you just accept that we've "won"? I mean my good man... my holly jolly, fat jowelled digitally corpulent efforts to discredit you have totally had their desired effect and NOBODY is taking note that me and my pedo-lite squad here have completely expose ourselves. Now carry on me old dilly-willy, youve got quite a chilly pickle there!"
Have you taken a tumble down the apples and pears ol chap?

You seem to have gone a bit deranged Tommy ok?


Jan 29, 2018
Have you taken a tumble down the apples and pears ol chap?

You seem to have gone a bit deranged Tommy ok?
You should shut down your own child predator-enabling twitter fingers... before you expose even more to suggest that you aint just an enabler.


Jan 29, 2018
I ain't on Twitter, never have been, you balloon.
Its a figure of slang/speech. You woudnt know because you re so out of touch... except when it comes to working with what you self-described as the most damaged and vulnerable of youth. Then you claim to be an expert. So not only should you familiar with this process of grooming gang abuse cycles, you would know of its causes and outcomes. Its played out over a million times within one small community of perps over the past few decades alone...

So that means that you are here running more cover for those gangs, just as you would have done all along... your entire career with kids. There is absolutely NO LOGICAL explanation other than you either turned a blind eye/enabled/covered (as you show yourself willing to do here) or engaged in the abuse yourself. You shouldn't have gotten on your high horse and bragged about your efforts with children years ago if you weren't going to be able to mask your own pedo-issues later on.

Point blank there is no way someone in the position you claim to have occupied, for the time you claimed to have occupied it... could not have known of this phenomenon. And as noted above, you run cover for fake-Muslim pedo-crimes here... so at best, thats what you did in official capacity and at worst? Who freaking knows with people like you losers...