
Jul 12, 2022
Here we go.. sorry to anyone that won't like this message, but I don't really give a crap anymore. People won't like this, but oh well, they don't have to.
To anyone that I've witnessed since starting on this site that makes posts and shows a chauvinistic point of view of women on here, why do it? Why make it harder for us? I don't understand why people have to generalize women into a small mold. Why are we depicted as objects of desire instead of just being people with personalities and souls?
I'm sorry to the people on here that actually think women were only put on this planet to meet their dirty and sexual needs, but that's not how reality should work!
The same people that will go against the elites and their disgusting agenda to corrupt and kill the people in this world will also needlessly objectify and stereotype women in a degrading and highly upsetting way.
I've seen posts on here that are links to twitter or other social media platforms with women dressing in a risque way and being shown as overly pretty.
When will this nonsense stop?
And if I say something about this, just please realize that I believe being a woman is the ultimate slavery, and I didn't get a choice to be born a man, okay? It's not like I was able to say to God the day I was born, "I want to be a man, it would be easier."
I also want to point out I love God and will always follow Him, this isn't a dig on our Lord Almighty. This is a dig at the atrocious and poor excuse of life that is being a woman, especially in this day in age with the darn feminism nonsense and how these idiots feel that walking around half naked and dressing their little girls like prostitots is actually empowering.
No, I don't believe every man wants to chain women up to the kitchen and wants a Stepford wife, but alot of them want women to be amazingly beautiful with no flaws and won't complain if a little girl is being depicted as an adult, cause let's face it, kids are having their innocence robbed from them, along with their childhoods, whether they are a boy in drag, or a girl being forced to wear something that's too old for them.
As people should know, I have many issues. I posted about being autistic a while back. I expressed that I got affected by MK ultra mind control from Disney movies. I've also been abused by a parental figure for years. And we should know, that many who are on the spectrum will take in this information more and fixate on it extensively. So this shows why I care about this stuff so much and why I post about it, and get upset when people are just not hearing me out.
I've been silenced most of my life. My life is like a small cage, and it only gets smaller with age.
And when idiots or people who are just not thinking properly want to make it even smaller, I'm gonna say something about it, and I don't care how much people hate it or even me on here at this point. How would you feel if no one listened and just continuously believed women should just be sexed up decorations and there was no escape from it?
Just think about this for a second and realize who you are hurting.
And NO I'm not some butthurt snowflake, I actually have a reason to feel this way.
Peace out.
Jul 12, 2022
A good point of advice, don't poke the bear. Don't make this worse than it already is.
Try at least listening for once instead of constantly correcting me. You will be responsible for my downfall.
Jul 12, 2022
I'm not one to choose sides, but yes, sadly, I've realized that some on the right can have all these rules on how women should act, while the other side is very wild. I wish there were more of a middle ground.
What irks me is when people say that women are trans if they aren't a certain mold of bone structure that a woman should be, apparently.

And yeah @Lizard King I guess it's already pretty damn bad LOL


Nov 8, 2022
This is because the women in vigilantcitizenforums have received too much liberal treatment in the past from the men here and have forgotten their God-given place, namely: in the kitchen, to cook for men. There would not be such an unprecedented crisis in gender relations today if men were fed. At least bake something.


May 10, 2022
Honestly, you have to stop letting people get in your head. Im not being condescending. It can be difficult to engage with others, especially online, and not let their words effect you. But at the end of the day words are just words... Unless you give them power over you. It can be difficult to accept the fact that changing another person's perspectives or opinions is almost impossible. Just as you passionately defend your beliefs, they do the same. So, if you want to engage with others you have to be prepared to defend your viewpoint. You have to be prepared to hear criticism. Not to mention, many people I've encountered online appear to be there purely with the intention of arguing and being nasty to others. They have the safety of anonymity, so they are emboldened to be as vitriolic as they can be. So don't give them the satisfaction of living in your head rent-free. You believe in God so lean on Him. Confide in Him and he will comfort you. At the end of the day it is only His opinion that matters.

As for the way women are "supposed to be" or the way they dress themselves, who cares? I mean, yes it's gross. Yes it's shameful. The awesome thing is you don't have to participate in that lifestyle. Who cares what men expect from you? Do you feel comfortable in your skin? If not, is it because the world makes you feel you should look different, be different? Well, to heck with them. What is important is that you can look in the mirror at the end of the day and be at peace with who is looking back at you. When you encounter others who want to make you feel ashamed for how you look or dress or whatever, pray for them. These people need all the help they can get! They are to be pitied, not envied. Anyhow, I know you have a history that may make things more difficult for you emotionally. But take my advice, don't let the world get to you... That is exactly what THEY want. They want you to be depressed. Don't let them be successful in their efforts to dim the light inside you. Don't let imperfect people (all of us are flawed) get you down. Lean unto the Lord for strength and He will not let you down :)
Jul 12, 2022
Wow some people don't know how to give advice and it shows.
My, how much humanity has fallen. Yikes.
This forum is awful, people have no heart, and I would expect more from people who want to discover the truth.
@Floridafoot Who cares? Don't let it get to me so much? That's not advice, that's telling people to shove down their emotions. Maybe sometimes just listening goes a long way, instead of trying to "solve the problem". I may be missing something here in your post, but I'm sorry it didn't help. I think what you need to know is I have been fixating on this issues for 16 years now, with no way out of it, and people constantly correcting me throughout, putting me down. I'm not saying you are, but I think it's just time to stop being silenced about this kind of thing and also fight against it properly. The more nothing is done and nothing is said, the worse it will be. I mean, I definitely give a crap if I see a little girl being forced into a sexual outfit when she had no choice because her parents are stupid. If we keep saying we shouldn't care, then those girls are getting their childhoods robbed from them. Shouldn't we fight for them and for other girls/women that just want to live their lives without all the constant pressure telling them from every damn angle they have to be sexed up? I can't even walk down the street or go downtown without an image being shoved down my throat. It's all subliminal messaging. So no, I have to care, cause if I didn't, NOTHING WOULD EVER GET DONE ABOUT IT.
And @Lalas Uhm? Okay? Haha I don't even mind cooking? I don't know.. I realize that women have become more wild and not caring to be good mothers anymore, but where's the middle ground? Why are there so many rules placed on us?
We aren't put on this planet to be sexed up decorations that have so many limitations put on us...
Again, I'm not for the crazy liberal way where they can be wild and mess around, but middle ground, once again?
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Jul 12, 2022
I also think it's crazy how people think in black and white.
I'm not actually a feminist by any means. I don't even like what they stand for.
I clean on average 3 hours a day. I cool my own meals most of the time. I don't even have a job, as I'm on disability. Nothing about this screams feminist, so why the generalizations?


May 10, 2022
You're just very angry and lashing out. I'm trying to speak from a calmer mindset. I spent years of my life boiling with anger feeling the exact same way as you about the exact same issues. So I really do understand. I also acknowledged that it isn't easy to get these feelings under control. And I can only speak for myself how I coped with that. But God showed me I was investing too much negative emotion into the world, which I have no control over. I can only control me, my children (to an extent lol) my life. That is how one influences the world to change. By making a difference in your own sphere of influence which will then spread seed by seed throughout the earth.
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May 10, 2022
Wow some people don't know how to give advice and it shows.
This is not the way to receive the kind words of others. With sarcasm and the close mindedness you claim to dislike in others' posts. It is obvious my intentions were well meaning. When I say "who cares" it is me speaking for myself. I truly do not care what others think of me. Only God.


May 10, 2022
mean, I definitely give a crap if I see a little girl being forced into a sexual outfit when she had no choice because her parents are stupid. If we keep saying we shouldn't care, then those girls are getting their childhoods robbed from them. Shouldn't we fight for them and for other girls/women that just want to live their lives without all the constant pressure telling them from every damn angle they have to be sexed up? I can't even walk down the street or go downtown without an image being shoved down my throat. It's all subliminal messaging. So no, I have to care, cause if I didn't, NOTHING WOULD EVER GET DONE ABOUT IT.
Of course I care about little girls being exploited. I was speaking more to your remark about anonymous strangers on the Internet "being your downfall."
Jul 12, 2022
You're just very angry and lashing out. I'm trying to speak from a calmer mindset. I spent years of my life boiling with anger feeling the exact same way as you about the exact same issues. So I really do understand. I also acknowledged that it isn't easy to get these feelings under control. And I can only speak for myself how I coped with that. But God showed me I was investing too much negative emotion into the world, which I have no control over. I can only control me, my children (to an extent lol) my life. That is how one influences the world to change. By making a difference in your own sphere of influence which will then spread seed by seed throughout the earth.
I believe in God just as much as you do, but, no I can't just control everything. Negative emotions run my life, I just had a very bad trauma resurface, so no, I'm sorry, I'm not in control of them.
Maybe if you and others wanted to actually help me fight the problem, then that would be awesome. Maybe I would feel more backed up and realize something can actually be done.
I keep getting told by people that I should just not think about it, to just let it go. This is why it's been built up so much and also why so much is happening here and there's no control over emotions.
I also have a very unbalanced hormone situation that I'm doing everything about and nothing is working.
Sorry if I'm not like you. Sorry if I'm not in control. Maybe one day I will be, today is sadly not the day.

This is not the way to receive the kind words of others. With sarcasm and the close mindedness you claim to dislike in others' posts. It is obvious my intentions were well meaning. When I say "who cares" it is me speaking for myself. I truly do not care what others think of me. Only God.
I'm sarcastic due to being sick and tired of all this. Not asking you to understand, just a way to describe why I'm like this.
I get it, I truly do, and understand that. I actually believe you didn't have I'll intentions but just couldn't see things through my eyes, because people generalize and don't get it.

Of course I care about little girls being exploited. I was speaking more to your remark about anonymous strangers on the Internet "being your downfall
Okay, thank you, at least you do care..most people don't. And alright I understand now.
I guess it gets frustrating when nobody bats an eye to these things.
The exploitation goes as far as showing a female hunter in a supernatural show wearing a crop top and short shorts, and the guys are all covered up and don't have to be sexy. This mindset is absolutely harmful to girls/women, and needs to be stopped at all costs. To me, it's just as bad as everything else that people talk about on here.
Maybe I wouldn't be so hostile if people just understand why I'm fighting this and why I react the way I do. This is the result of being told to shut it by everyone and everything since being a child. They are just creating a monster.
Thanks for taking the time to respond, hope this helps you understand more the reason I'm going off the handle.


May 10, 2022
Negative emotions run my life
This used to be me. I really do understand. And I am not better than you. I struggle like you. I just got tired of being angry and it took years of work to overcome it. I was a bartender for crying out loud lol! Everyday day of my life I was told about how I looked. And let me tell you, even if you're getting complimented all day every day, it can make you self conscious and neurotic. The whole world is obsessed with sex, but I don't have to be. I tell my kids this. Just because the world is fixated on this one aspect of life, you don't have to be. And they're not. My daughter dresses very conservative for a girl her age growing up in South Florida. My son is a good kid and will be a good husband and father one day. That's how we fight this sick obsession, with a clear mind and a level head. We try to make a difference with the people we have in our own lives and the effects will ripple outward. I promise, I'm not being condescending. I really do understand and you shouldn't have to live feeling the way you feel. There is a way to manage it though. That's all I'm saying.


May 10, 2022
Oh just to be clear, when I said "getting compliments all day can make one self conscious and neurotic" I don't want to sound like im talking myself up. I only say that to make the point that we are constantly getting some kind of pressure or feedback or whatever about our appearance. This happens mostly with women but men also experience it to some degree. But no matter if it's good or bad we're constantly being observed, critiqued, compared etc and it can have a negative effect on ones emotional state. That's why you have to unplug from that mentality. Unfortunately you can't change the world, but you can change how you deal with it. Not easy but doable

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Each of us here on Earth, whether we realize it or not, are imprisoned inside of these loathsome human bodies.

Further, NONE of us are human, nor have a gender, nor eat, drink, sleep, go to the bathroom, have sexual relations, etc. All of us are SPIRITUAL-BEINGS (SOULS) that are only temporarily incarnated inside the human animal bodies we see in the mirror.

Much of what you've shared in your opening post @Seekeroftruth55 is a testament to the sad state of the world we've made for ourselves. Instead of people accepting their very temporary, natural roles, and learning the lessons they were meant to learn, beginning with being honest and loving with everyone else, most instead choose to be a product of their environment, believing what they are taught to be the ever-changing "societal norms" by worldly institutions.

The most beautiful thing about anyone is their mind, which is the REAL you: the spiritual-Being inside. And the most beautiful characteristic any of us can aspire to is humility. Humility is the beginning of wisdom, and without wisdom (NOT worldly knowledge, which is falsely so-called), one is lost in a sea of confusion, particularly as they watch the last vestiges of goodness being swept away by the leaders in whom they've foolishly placed their trust.

There is much more to this life than the human experience. If someone truly understands that they are not human, then ALL of the deceptions of this world, which began with conning us into believing we're "only human after all", go away. Open yourself (the real you) up to the truth about the "self" and you will have taken the first step out of the cage into a much larger world (reality).
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Mar 23, 2021
Here we go.. sorry to anyone that won't like this message, but I don't really give a crap anymore. People won't like this, but oh well, they don't have to.
To anyone that I've witnessed since starting on this site that makes posts and shows a chauvinistic point of view of women on here, why do it? Why make it harder for us? I don't understand why people have to generalize women into a small mold. Why are we depicted as objects of desire instead of just being people with personalities and souls?
I'm sorry to the people on here that actually think women were only put on this planet to meet their dirty and sexual needs, but that's not how reality should work!
The same people that will go against the elites and their disgusting agenda to corrupt and kill the people in this world will also needlessly objectify and stereotype women in a degrading and highly upsetting way.
I've seen posts on here that are links to twitter or other social media platforms with women dressing in a risque way and being shown as overly pretty.
When will this nonsense stop?
And if I say something about this, just please realize that I believe being a woman is the ultimate slavery, and I didn't get a choice to be born a man, okay? It's not like I was able to say to God the day I was born, "I want to be a man, it would be easier."
I also want to point out I love God and will always follow Him, this isn't a dig on our Lord Almighty. This is a dig at the atrocious and poor excuse of life that is being a woman, especially in this day in age with the darn feminism nonsense and how these idiots feel that walking around half naked and dressing their little girls like prostitots is actually empowering.
No, I don't believe every man wants to chain women up to the kitchen and wants a Stepford wife, but alot of them want women to be amazingly beautiful with no flaws and won't complain if a little girl is being depicted as an adult, cause let's face it, kids are having their innocence robbed from them, along with their childhoods, whether they are a boy in drag, or a girl being forced to wear something that's too old for them.
As people should know, I have many issues. I posted about being autistic a while back. I expressed that I got affected by MK ultra mind control from Disney movies. I've also been abused by a parental figure for years. And we should know, that many who are on the spectrum will take in this information more and fixate on it extensively. So this shows why I care about this stuff so much and why I post about it, and get upset when people are just not hearing me out.
I've been silenced most of my life. My life is like a small cage, and it only gets smaller with age.
And when idiots or people who are just not thinking properly want to make it even smaller, I'm gonna say something about it, and I don't care how much people hate it or even me on here at this point. How would you feel if no one listened and just continuously believed women should just be sexed up decorations and there was no escape from it?
Just think about this for a second and realize who you are hurting.
And NO I'm not some butthurt snowflake, I actually have a reason to feel this way.
Peace out.
You live in a fallen world...this isn't actual reality. Just remember men are judged in the end harder then women are so you have that going for ya. And as for the silenced abuse etc can happen to either gender women aren't special in that aspect.
Again remember you live in a fallen world. Try the military mk ultra its a lot stronger then disney movies... Sometimes we just have to suck it up and take the blows knowing we are stronger then this and this again isn't actual reality its all degraded corrupt and fallen. Its the people not the gender that matters. Its your being that matters not the gender. I find humor works wonders. Most of life is satirical nothing but a big joke of stupid people doing stupid things.
Jul 12, 2022
You live in a fallen world...this isn't actual reality. Just remember men are judged in the end harder then women are so you have that going for ya. And as for the silenced abuse etc can happen to either gender women aren't special in that aspect.
Again remember you live in a fallen world. Try the military mk ultra its a lot stronger then disney movies... Sometimes we just have to suck it up and take the blows knowing we are stronger then this and this again isn't actual reality its all degraded corrupt and fallen. Its the people not the gender that matters. Its your being that matters not the gender. I find humor works wonders. Most of life is satirical nothing but a big joke of stupid people doing stupid things.
Not exactly helpful, but thanks for trying.
I guess people don't understand neurological disorders on this site.
Ah well.