Truth is free.


Apr 26, 2024
I came across this man's website a while back, I do believe that some of you will get a kick out of his works.

It's a shame he's just vanished.

Anyway, enjoy!


Jun 28, 2020
Ironically it's not. I can site numerous examples here. How about Assange? Man's been "held" in prison for 5 years now without charge. His crime? He spoke the truth.

"In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act " -Orwell


Apr 26, 2024
Ironically it's not. I can site numerous examples here. How about Assange? Man's been "held" in prison for 5 years now without charge. His crime? He spoke the truth.

"In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act " -Orwell
Sorry mate but assange is just another puppet playing his role, actors is all you see.
Selling you an ideology.

Same with that stain Orwell, just another story teller telling you his world view, apart from it's not his opinion.

I mean truth doesn't revolve, it doesn't go around in circles it's linear it cannot be deviated from.

Only a dickhead craves revolution, so he can do it all again. Hahaha


Jun 28, 2020
Sorry mate but assange is just another puppet playing his role, actors is all you see.
Selling you an ideology.

Same with that stain Orwell, just another story teller telling you his world view, apart from it's not his opinion.

I mean truth doesn't revolve, it doesn't go around in circles it's linear it cannot be deviated from.

Only a dickhead craves revolution, so he can do it all again. Hahaha
I think it's muddy around Assange. When they first cracked down on him years ago, co-intel was all saying, "but he never mentions Israel". I believed this for a long time and thought he was an agent. Today I know this is why they brought him down. Because of his exposure of Israel and the MIC.

I don't think he's a puppet. Just an example of how we literally have zero rights. Cross the wrong person and end up in solitary confinement for the rest of your life.

It is somewhat uncanny how Orwell's story reads like a guide book today. Somewhat like the black mirror episodes. The Gooberment read / watched it and took notes.


Apr 26, 2024
I think it's muddy around Assange. When they first cracked down on him years ago, co-intel was all saying, "but he never mentions Israel". I believed this for a long time and thought he was an agent. Today I know this is why they brought him down. Because of his exposure of Israel and the MIC.

I don't think he's a puppet. Just an example of how we literally have zero rights. Cross the wrong person and end up in solitary confinement for the rest of your life.

It is somewhat uncanny how Orwell's story reads like a guide book today. Somewhat like the black mirror episodes. The Gooberment read / watched it and took notes.
Mate, that's the point I'm making. You are right the fucker is showing us how little rights we have, playing his role. While we see what we are shown, what are we not shown is the route to take.
Two sides to everything, I always err to the unpopular opinion. It's depressing as fuck, but it's better than the alternative, I'm not an ostrich my head isn't made to be buried in sand.
So that's why it's muddy water, keep it that way so the clarity doesn't show.
A Jew will fuck over another Jew for Zion, he hasn't got your back. One you are a Muslim, you are on your own, they hate your people.

So I'd use tactics like shilling for Israel or Palestine which ever one, two cheeks same arse. Doesn't matter at the end of the day, they can sell their "war".

As for Orwell he's just another intelligence asset, he wrote fuck all, they just put his name to it, another snake oil salesman.
Same with that Charlie Brooker twat, just vessels to pour insecurity to the people.


Sep 4, 2023
I can't figger Assange out, he holed up in the Ecuador Embassy in London for 7 years instead of simply disguising himself and slipping out.


Apr 26, 2024
I can't figger Assange out, he holed up in the Ecuador Embassy in London for 7 years instead of simply disguising himself and slipping out.
Because you can't figure it out, that's why you know it's bullshit.
If the story isn't linear and doesn't stick to one path, then that's an indicator of a lie being born.

It doesn't make sense to be "held up" in an embassy, go knock on one and ask for a drink. See if you stay for more than 5 mins let alone 5 years.

The man is an asset, nothing more, nothing less
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Sep 4, 2023
Because you can't figure it out, that's why you know it's bullshit..
I like this Buddha quote-
"Believe nothing, no matter who said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense"..:)
I also like this quote by Sergeant Bob about what "reality" is in todays crazy world-



Apr 26, 2024
I like this Buddha quote-
"Believe nothing, no matter who said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense"..:)
I also like this quote by Sergeant Bob about what "reality" is in todays crazy world-

Can't disagree with that fat lazy wankers words there!

But it is that, if there's no logical explanation or evidence, your only sane option is too look insane and deny it!

"If 100 people say your crazy, chances are you are the sane one"
Do you know who said that?

Me, that's who! Hahaha
Oct 20, 2021
Truth is free however the price for saying it is very expensive and deadly. There is little money made telling the truth and that is the reason the Synagogue of Satan specializes in lying and Usery. The father of lies has taught his children well.