Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG


Mar 15, 2017
Ilan Pappé is an Israeli historian and professor at the University of Exeter. Pappé is known for his outspoken views on the Israeli-Palestinian question - drawing both praise and criticism. He’s the author of several books including "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine", in which he challenges the traditional Israeli narrative over the establishment of Israel in 1948.

Pappé discusses the dangers of the Zionist ideology and its impact on Israel and Palestine, the historical context of October 7, and his vision for a one-state solution.



May 17, 2020

Palestinians killed by Israeli while waiting to collect food

6 mins 47 secs

Northern Gaza humanitarian crisis: Seven children die in Kamal Adwan hospital

7 mins 41 secs



May 17, 2020
Excuse my language but this is fucking unbelievable.

From MEE quoting Haaretz

"The Israeli army has issued a statement concerning the massacre its forces are accused of commuting in northern Gaza in which at least 77 Palestinians have been killed while they were waiting for humanitarian aid.

The Israeli army called starving Palestinians gathering for food aid around humanitarian trucks a "violent gathering" which made Israeli soldiers feel "unsafe", the Israeli daily Haaretz reported.

Israeli soldiers then proceeded to indiscriminately open fire on hungry Palestinians killing dozens and wounding hundreds."


^Some media outlets are reporting just over 80 104 dead.

UPDATE: I tracked this down from Haaretz.

Israeli army fires into Gaza crowd during food distribution, citing troops under risk of 'violent crowding'
The Israeli army issued a statement concerning the incident in the Gaza Strip, in which at least 70 people were killed in an apparent military strike on a crowd that was waiting for humanitarian aid.

According to the army, dozens of Gaza residents were injured as a result of being pushed and trampled during a what the IDF termed a "violent crowding" around humanitarian aid trucks.

An army official added that during the crowding, some Gaza residents approached the Israeli forces and risked them. The soldiers then proceeded to open fire at the Palestinians.

From Sky News:
More details are emerging around claims Israeli troops opened fire at a crowd surrounding aid trucks.

A man being treated for a gunshot wound at Shifa Hospital told the Associated Press he was among the crowd at the distribution point.

He said Israeli troops opened fire on the crowd, causing it to scatter, with some people hiding under cars.

After the shooting stopped, they went back to the trucks, and the soldiers opened fire again. He was shot in the leg and fell over, and then a truck ran over his leg as it sped off, he said.

An IDF statement read: "Early this morning, during the entry of humanitarian aid trucks into the northern Gaza Strip, Gazan residents surrounded the trucks, and looted the supplies being delivered.

"During the incident, dozens of Gazans were injured as a result of pushing and trampling. The incident is under review."

From BBC:
An Israeli military source said troops opened fire as they believed soldiers were "endangered".
An Israel Defense Forces (IDF) statement also said dozens were killed being trampled and run over by trucks.
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Mar 18, 2017
Same with WSJ

I can't find a particular link about WSJ editorial board/page so this tweet will do.

....So things like this should surprise no one...


Mar 18, 2017
At the recent, widely-reported on settler conference in Israel, Smotrich(finance minister) said: "Settlements bring security"

BUT....a boogeyman is also a necessity

“In the absence of a tangible threat to our national security, Americans naturally retreat into isolationism. As a result, they(Neocons) have engaged in a consistent pattern of threat inflation or you can call it fear mongering. For Neocons, a new Hitler is always around the corner and we must be in a permanent state of mobilization.” -- Jim Lobe

"And in any case, it’s not just in Gaza. Hamas has supporters in the West Bank. They are in Lebanon. And whether or not it’s that particular organization, that organization emerged in a vacuum, in part because of the weakening of the PLO, which was the principle Palestinian representative organization. And it was encouraged initially by Israel, who wanted and saw the PLO as the main threat to Israel and wanted to weaken it. So they allowed Muslim Brotherhood to rise and create something like Hamas. Obviously, not exactly anticipating the same outcomes. And in recent years, as the Israeli press has been full of stories, the Netanyahu government has kind of had—was happy to have Hamas—of course, not expecting the kind of attack they carried out on October 7—as something they can scare people with, as something that is a barrier to having a two-state solution, which obviously the government doesn’t want. "--- Shibley Telhami

"...That’s why the cadre of right-wingers who joined hands last week to praise Netanyahu’s decision “to keep Hamas on its feet,” as journalist Galit Distal Atbaryan put it, is no less than amazing. The fact that this group runs the gamut from Netanyahu confidants — including Distal Atbaryan herself — to the prime minister’s critics, including far-right MK Betzalel Smotrich, is a sign that keeping Hamas in power has become a central policy of the entire Israeli right.

In the eyes of the right today, every Israeli patriot must wholeheartedly support the Hamas regime in Gaza. Leftist traitors, they say, support the possibility that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who rules over the West Bank, take control of the Gaza Strip, bringing Israel closer to the “pit of the two-state solution,” as right-wing pundit and former IDF Major-General Gershon Hacohen put it.

The policy of “separating” the West Bank from Gaza isn’t new. It began in the late 1980s, with various prime ministers — from Yitzhak Rabin to Netanyahu — finding ways to make it more sophisticated it over the years. Now comes the reasoning behind the separation. No longer are we dealing solely with the question of ostensible security benefits that result in severing Gaza from the West Bank. Today, Hamas’ rule has added value, and maintaining its regime justifies Israeli civilian casualties (Palestinian lives, of course, don’t matter). In order to keep Hamas on its feet, writes Distal Abtaryan, Netanyahu is willing to pay “an almost inconceivable price — half the country paralyzed, children and parents in post-trauma, bombed houses, people killed.”

Why is Netanyahu willing to pay this price? The answer is simple: “Every home needs a balcony, and Israel is a home,” writes Distal Abtaryan, “the balcony of this home is Samaria… if Hamas crumbles, Mahmoud Abbas may rule the strip. If he rules it, voices on the left will encourage negotiations, a political settlement, and a Palestinian state in Judea and Samaria as well… this is the real reason Netanyahu doesn’t annihilate Hamas, everything else is bullshit.”

Erez Tadmor, one of the founders of the far-right Im Tirzu movement and who headed Likud’s information campaign in the last elections, struck a similar tone on Twitter. “The split between Abbas’ Judea and Samaria and Hamas’ Gaza is optimal for Israel,” he tweeted after the ceasefire was announced. “When necessary, we can strike Hamas in Gaza and not be forced to withdraw to the Auschwitz borders in Judea and Samaria,” Tadmore wrote.

Yonatana Orich, who managed Likud’s campaign alongside Tadmor and is one of Netanyahu’s closest advisors, made similar remarks. “He (Netanyahu – M.R.) succeeded in disconnecting between Gaza and Judea and Samaria, and effectively shattered the vision of a Palestinian state in these two areas. Part of the achievement is linked to the Qatari money that comes to Hamas every month,” he explained in an interview to Makor Rishon before the latest round of fighting erupted.

Netanyahu’s supporters on the right aren’t alone. Although MK Betzalel Smotrich, who may soon become a minister, expressed disappointment over the fact that Israel did not kill 700 Palestinians — in retaliation for every rocket fired from Gaza — back in 2015 he called Hamas an “asset” and Abbas a “burden.”

In an interview with right-wing news website Mida, Gershon Hacohen, known for his criticism of Netanyahu from the right, explained that by refraining from taking down Hamas, Netanyahu “prevented Abbas’ plot to establish a united Palestinian state. We need to take advantage of the situation of separation between Gaza and Ramallah. This is a top Israeli interest, and it is impossible to understand the campaign in Gaza without understanding this context.”

As opposed to Netanyahu’s admirers, Hacohen is aware that support for Hamas is a trap for Israel. “Hamas created, with the threat of rockets, a difficult equation that cannot be denied,” he admitted. “Each day of rockets paralyzing the country carries heavy financial costs. That is why Hamas can cause us to prefer considerations of containment, because the price we pay is high.” Hacohen supports a severe response to Hamas but worries that such a response would be too successful. “To avoid a situation in which we have defeated Hamas but have fallen into the pit of a two-state solution,” he said, “we must, first of all, regulate control over Area C and stop the attempts of the PA to take over other areas under the auspices of the European Union.” First we annex, then we topple Hamas.

In the eyes of the Israeli right, the real threat to Israel is not Hamas’ violence and terrorism — the danger is a peace agreement with the PLO, Abbas, and the establishment of a Palestinian state. In the struggle against this danger, Hamas is viewed as an almost ideological partner. It, too, opposes Abbas, and has no interest in the PA ruling Gaza. That is why whatever strengthens Hamas is good for Israel, and whatever weakens it is bad for Israel. An Israel that wants to continue its occupation of the West Bank will want to continue to stand on the balcony and gaze at the Palestinians from above.


Mar 18, 2017
U.S Special Envoy to the Middle East David Satterfield said on February 16 that "Congress has made clear...that U.S funding for UNRWA will stop. It's not a suspension. It is a prohibition on providing further funding.

Expert Analysis
“There is no coming back from October 7 for UNRWA. The UN secretary-general needs to come to terms with this reality and execute a transition to the many available alternative vehicles for aid delivery.”


Mar 18, 2017
If these voices are warning that the Axis of Resistance is planning something for the month of Ramadan, then we have to assume that there might be some kind of falseflag from Israel & Co.

^^it is a "what would you do" kind of statement but it could also carry a double meaning.




Mar 15, 2017
Excuse my language but this is fucking unbelievable.

From MEE quoting Haaretz

"The Israeli army has issued a statement concerning the massacre its forces are accused of commuting in northern Gaza in which at least 77 Palestinians have been killed while they were waiting for humanitarian aid.

The Israeli army called starving Palestinians gathering for food aid around humanitarian trucks a "violent gathering" which made Israeli soldiers feel "unsafe", the Israeli daily Haaretz reported.

Israeli soldiers then proceeded to indiscriminately open fire on hungry Palestinians killing dozens and wounding hundreds."


^Some media outlets are reporting just over 80 104 dead.

UPDATE: I tracked this down from Haaretz.

Israeli army fires into Gaza crowd during food distribution, citing troops under risk of 'violent crowding'
The Israeli army issued a statement concerning the incident in the Gaza Strip, in which at least 70 people were killed in an apparent military strike on a crowd that was waiting for humanitarian aid.

According to the army, dozens of Gaza residents were injured as a result of being pushed and trampled during a what the IDF termed a "violent crowding" around humanitarian aid trucks.

An army official added that during the crowding, some Gaza residents approached the Israeli forces and risked them. The soldiers then proceeded to open fire at the Palestinians.

From Sky News:
More details are emerging around claims Israeli troops opened fire at a crowd surrounding aid trucks.

A man being treated for a gunshot wound at Shifa Hospital told the Associated Press he was among the crowd at the distribution point.

He said Israeli troops opened fire on the crowd, causing it to scatter, with some people hiding under cars.

After the shooting stopped, they went back to the trucks, and the soldiers opened fire again. He was shot in the leg and fell over, and then a truck ran over his leg as it sped off, he said.

An IDF statement read: "Early this morning, during the entry of humanitarian aid trucks into the northern Gaza Strip, Gazan residents surrounded the trucks, and looted the supplies being delivered.

"During the incident, dozens of Gazans were injured as a result of pushing and trampling. The incident is under review."

From BBC:
An Israeli military source said troops opened fire as they believed soldiers were "endangered".
An Israel Defense Forces (IDF) statement also said dozens were killed being trampled and run over by trucks.
Bisan talks about it here:

warning! Some graphic descriptions and a cropped image of a man covered in blood and flour.

I’m lost for words.