Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG


Mar 15, 2017
Sure, it killed lots of jews, but there are still millions more left.
That wasn’t the goal of The resistance though, they’ve stated they want to live alongside Jews. They’re against occupation and oppression, that’s what they’re resisting- a faction of Jews who unfortunately believe in a Zionist state which can only happen with the genocide and expulsion of Palestinians. (It’s funny as the west and Israel have been peddling the lie of ‘Islamic extremism’ that there’s a faction of Islam which wants to do exactly as they are doing now, reign supreme over a region…)

You’re still under the impression that they want to rid the world of Jews. That’s not the case at all; some advice? Take everything Israel attribute to Hamas or Palestinians, as an admission of something they believe, have done or plan to do.

Some claims you may have heard:

‘Hamas have burned civilians alive and targeted residential areas’
‘Hamas use human shields’
‘Hamas use schools and hospitals as military bases’
‘Hamas r*pe mercilessly and kill and r*pe kids’
‘Hamas believe in collective punishment’
‘Hamas broke international laws on Oct 7th’

Not a shred of evidence of any of the above, yet Israel have been doing exactly each of those things for decades. It’s only been widely documented now thanks to social media.


Mar 15, 2017
Also are we forgetting @Flarepath that what Hamas did wasn’t technically illegal. According to international law, an occupied entity has the right to resist occupation.

The ‘kill all Jews’ myth is being used to justify Israel’s presence as an occupier.


May 17, 2020
You realize the 7th happened because KSA had announced normalizing relations with Israel, right? If such a thing were to go through, the 2-state solution would utterly die.

Try living in an open air concentration camp surrounded by a 26 ft wall and getting shot at if you go out too far out in the ocean.
It's an open air prison in every sense of the word.

All manner of atrocities occur in Palestine before and after Oct 7th. No one in their right minds would sit there and take it. Hamas is 100% justified in trying to take their freedom, and a 75-year occupation has PROVEN there is only one path to take.

Judge a man after you've walked a mile in his shoes, not before.
He's 'Britain First' a racist and fascist group who would probably like nothing better than for the "Pakis" and Jews to annihilate one another.


May 17, 2020
Why is Israel targeting key UN agency UNRWA in Gaza? | The Listening Post

Israeli intelligence accuses a UN refugee agency of collusion with Hamas – and the media take it at face value. Israel has for years been claiming that the United Nations refugee agency (UNRWA) is in cahoots with Hamas. The latest allegations – which coincided with the International Court of Justice’s order for Israel to prevent genocide – bear the hallmarks of a distraction tactic. So far, the media have taken the bait.

Runtime 23 mins 45 seconds



Mar 15, 2017
Breaking ‼

Nicaragua taking Germany, Canada, UK, Netherlands to ICJ for genocide

Nicaragua issued a memorandum urging Germany, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and Canada to stop backing the Israeli occupation and supplying it with arms.
The Nicaraguan government started Monday proceedings to take Germany, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and Canada to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for their complicity in the genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza by providing the Israeli occupation with the weapons and means to carry out the horrendous act.



Jun 28, 2020
This is the benefit of the ICJ ruling…it’ll choke the economy of Zionist Israel. Sure, Genocide Joe and friends will continue to arm and help them but we know Joe is getting tired of Netanyahu so how long will this go on…

Ya, if nothing else it sends a statement, like Kim dot com mentioning to Musk the other day the ICJ leans towards an ongoing genocide.


Mar 15, 2017
Side note:
Despite rumours of a ceasefire agreement, nothing has yet been confirmed. According to Haaretz, Hamas want a complete ceasefire and aren’t budging. Israel are unwilling to agree to this term.

Israel is having issues with accepting Hamas’s terms. Here is an excerpt from this article :
briefly outlining what The Resistance’s proposed ceasefire agreement looks like:

Hamas is adamant any deal to halt its war with Israel must include a permanent ceasefire and full withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza but is willing to show some flexibility on a proposed detainee and hostage swap, sources briefed on the militant group’s deliberations told The National on Monday.

They said Hamas’s leadership in Gaza also wants international guarantees, including from the US, Russia and China, that Israel would not resume military operations in Gaza after it frees the 132 hostages it has been holding since October.

It also wants a timeline for the reconstruction of Gaza, which has been devastated by Israeli bombardment, and similar guarantees for its completion, they added

The main point of contention seems to be Hamas demanding a complete ceasefire and the release of 5,000 Palestinian detainees (just say prisoners, why do they have this many prisoners anyway??) in exchange for the remaining 100 odd Israeli hostages (stark difference in numbers hasn’t been reported or discussed by MM). So essentially, Netanyahu is again, refusing a deal which can bring home the hostages and end the genocide. Blood thirsty sadist!


Mar 15, 2017
Ya, if nothing else it sends a statement, like Kim dot com mentioning to Musk the other day the ICJ leans towards an ongoing genocide.
They have Musk in a chokehold now. Despite having good intentions at the start, with his Starlink promise and clear empathy for The Resistance (He mentioned he didn’t blame Hamas for retaliating on Joe Rogan’s podcast).

No idea what they have on him, but if Zionists can easily scruff the collar of a billionaire and gag him, we’re dealing with an entity that can also wriggle out of the ICJ genocide trial which will take a couple years to reach a verdict.


Jan 10, 2019
More threats of r*pe…a Zionist protester screeches like the banshee she is ‘you should be raped!!’ at a Palestinian protestor.

She appears a little "off" mentally- like a few of the trolls in this thread LOL.

Yet this is the power of war propaganda- how blatant lies can be spewed, then proven to be false- and still they can live on in the public imagination (especially for those who are desperate to cover Israel's wickedness). It's astounding there's no accountability for publishing bold-faced Israeli lies on social media etc.