Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG


Jun 28, 2020
They have a huge pornographic empire for a people so concerned with God. They’ve used it as a weapon to weaken men especially and preoccupy and corrupt the youth. Anyone honest enough to face what porn consumption does to the human mind will come to the same conclusion. I hadn’t known the extent of their empire until Rabbi Shomley spoke with Piers Morgan and you posted about the OnlyFans guy. It’s truly horrifying; the tentacles of the Zionist ideology have been firmly established and embedded in western society and people have only truly started to wake up now.
Not sure if you know, but Shomleys daughter has a shop that sells sex toys. Some rabbi, right?

This is a better version of this meme, with Musk's laughing face on the baby. But both contain Shapiro and Shomley.
Originally, it's from a Jewish ritual where they suck the blood out after a circumcision.


Sadly, it's hard to find anything on twitter because I forget who posted what and I only follow like 80 people. idk how the people that follow 100's if not 1000's keep up with anything.


Mar 15, 2017
There's nothing wrong with supporting Hamas. While there are dozens if not 100's of videos out there with Israelis saying it's good to kill kids, there are just as many with Hamas killing occupiers. I'm happy to share this content, such as the sniper who got sniped the other day.

Western media is trying to depict Hamas as a terrorist organization, and their leadership might very well be as there are signs of corruption.
But 85% of Hamas are orphans.

Hamas are the people, the people are Hamas.
Alhamdulilah you and others can make that distinction but I’m all too aware on this forum we have lurkers who just automatically think an Arab man with a bazooka or gun is a terrorist and a white man with the same artillery is a freedom fighter defending the wider western world from ‘Islamic jihad’ (the terms they coin don’t even make sense!).


Mar 15, 2017
Israel's Propaganda Is Being Amplified By Western Media

I posted this specifically as it covers the allegations of sexual violence purported by Israeli media. No evidence has come out since; Biden lied about seeing photos (included in the report below).

Run time: 22 mins



Mar 15, 2017
IDF soldier kidnapped an injured Palestinian man and strapped him to a chair. It is unclear if he was shot in the leg by the soldier or injured by shrapnel from a nearby attack. Regardless of how he got his leg injuries, he’s been held against his will, tied to a chair in the open, being humiliated at gun point.

a comment underneath the video:
This is a Christian kindergarten and school called “@GazaCollege. It is east of Rimal Neighborhood but is in fact on Jala Street near Barbari gas station.


Jun 28, 2020
Not breaking, yesterday's news. But still good for a laugh.



Like an old man, offering support, only to trip and break a leg in his front yard as he rushes to your aid.

These old multi-billion dollar ships are dinosaurs, an army of cheap drones will eat them alive. Yet somehow they are still in service.


Mar 15, 2017
Not breaking, yesterday's news. But still good for a laugh.

View attachment 101303

View attachment 101304

Like an old man, offering support, only to trip and break a leg in his front yard as he rushes to your aid.

These old multi-billion dollar ships are dinosaurs, an army of cheap drones will eat them alive. Yet somehow they are still in service.
Honestly their ‘dominion’ has faltered beyond repair, we’re seeing how God is intervening in their plans. They have been struggling so much in The Red Sea but also in their attempts at aiding Israel. It’s flop after flop…

I’m reminded of this verse:


Mar 15, 2017
I do enjoy a Galloway rant.

Here he is discussing running for local elections, his disdain for labour’s Starmer and Rayner (both which, like most of Labour, have refused to condemn Israel or comment on the ICJ ruling of plausible genocide). He goes on to speak about how Friends of Israel has and continues to infiltrate western politics and what the Palestinians really need…independence and freedom not just a ceasefire.

run time: 20 mins



Mar 18, 2017
For those interested in the background of the person who wrote the NYT piece

View attachment 101051

Seriously, what gives? When you have neocons/war hawks all singing from the same hymn sheet, it says to me that the defunding of UNRWA isn't an afterthought but the unfolding of a long-range plan. John Bolton is pretty brazen in his piece. It isn't just some crazed settler or a hard-right wing Israeli politician calling for "voluntary emigration", Bolton and his fellow travelers AND handlers will eventually get more brazen with time. Yes, that means Jewish and non-Jewish current or former US officials.....and that's when we will realize that this isn't just a Zionist thing. As i've said before, the question remains; how are TPTB going to sell the world on all this?

UNHCR worries not only about refugees’ immediate needs but also their long-term prospects, either returning to their original homes or resettlement elsewhere. This, too, is dramatically different from UNRWA’s uniform focus on the “right of return” to Israeli territory.

UNHCR believes refugees should either return to their country of origin or, if that is impossible for whatever reason, be resettled in third countries. UNHCR often looks to the “country of first asylum,” typically a country bordering the one from which the refugees fled, but there are, at times, capacity and other restraints justifying resettlement elsewhere. One thing clear to all refugee agencies and experts, except UNRWA, is that long-term subsistence in refugee camps is the least desirable alternative. In the mind-deadening camps, there is no hope for viable economic activity or long-term prospects. Yet, to promote the larger political objective of using Palestinians as a wedge against Israel’s very legitimacy, that is exactly what UNRWA does.

The truly humanitarian strategy for Palestinians is to settle them in locations with sustainable economies
. To that end, we should realize that Gaza is very different from the West Bank, and the futures of Palestinians should be separated accordingly. On the West Bank, there may well be prospects for long-term stability with the cooperation of Israel and Jordan. That possibility does not exist in Gaza. Assuming Israel and Jordan can agree on a political solution, circumstances on the West Bank are far better for long-term settlement of the existing Palestinian population than in Gaza, which is merely a high-rise, long-stay refugee camp.

In any case, Israel is physically reshaping Gaza to ensure its own security, and new Israeli buffer zones and strong points are not going away soon. All parties with a stake in the conflict must accept that the two-state solution is dead. Not only is there no viable economic future in Gaza alone, but connecting it with an archipelago of Palestinian islands on the West Bank won’t improve prospects.

Abolishing UNRWA and replacing it with UNHCR will be difficult, but UNRWA may be collapsing under its own weight. Firing all UNRWA’s roughly 40,000 employees, well over 90% of whom are Palestinians, may be impossible, but whoever is reemployed must be vetted carefully and supervised for a probationary period before receiving job security. UNRWA’s mindset must be eliminated and replaced with UNHCR’s.

There must be a dramatic shift in expectations and policy objectives for the Palestinians as a matter of humanitarian priority, no matter how wrenching and disappointing. For decades, the two-state policy has been tried and failed. It’s time for a new direction.



May 17, 2020
Biden allegedly called Netanyahu a “bad fucking guy,”

Biden himself is a different case. Like everyone in the administration and any Democrat with a pulse, he’s deeply suspicious of Benjamin Netanyahu, and privately has called the Israeli prime minister a “bad fucking guy,” according to people who’ve talked to the president. (Biden spokesperson Andrew Bates said, “the president did not say that, nor would he,” adding that the two leaders have “a decades-long relationship that is respectful in public and in private.”


Reminded me of this

1 min

Last edited:


May 17, 2020


Sep 4, 2023
The irony is that Hamas's Oct 7 raid into Israel served no useful purpose whatsoever.
Sure, it killed lots of jews, but there are still millions more left.
If I'd been the Hamas big boss I'd have refused to allow it and said "Be patient guys and wait til we get our hands on nukes supplied by Pakistan and Iran, then we'll finish the job".


Jun 28, 2020
The irony is that Hamas's Oct 7 raid into Israel served no useful purpose whatsoever.
Sure, it killed lots of jews, but there are still millions more left.
If I'd been the Hamas big boss I'd have refused to allow it and said "Be patient guys and wait til we get our hands on nukes supplied by Pakistan and Iran, then we'll finish the job".
You realize the 7th happened because KSA had announced normalizing relations with Israel, right? If such a thing were to go through, the 2-state solution would utterly die.

Try living in an open air concentration camp surrounded by a 26 ft wall and getting shot at if you go out too far out in the ocean.
It's an open air prison in every sense of the word.

All manner of atrocities occur in Palestine before and after Oct 7th. No one in their right minds would sit there and take it. Hamas is 100% justified in trying to take their freedom, and a 75-year occupation has PROVEN there is only one path to take.

Judge a man after you've walked a mile in his shoes, not before.