Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG


May 17, 2020
From Al Jazeera live updates

Israeli bank set to block UNRWA’s account: Report

Israeli newspaper Haaretz is reporting that an Israeli bank has notified UNRWA that it is blocking the agency’s bank account due to “tangible suspicions it is transferring funds to terror groups in Gaza”.
The bank, which was not named in the report, said it had received information of unusual activity including untraceable transfers in the UNRWA’s account, and issued multiple alerts.
Fifteen donor countries withdrew their funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) after a leaked Israeli intelligence assessment claimed a dozen of the agency’s staff were involved in the October 7 attacks.
Earlier today, UNRWA’s commissioner-general said his agency had not yet been shown any evidence to corroborate these claims.
British newspaper the Financial Times also reported that it had looked at the assessment and it did not provide evidence for the claims.



Apr 26, 2017
A US Court concludes that Israel is committing ‘plausible genocide’ but it doesn’t (of course) have the jurisdiction to stop military support from being sent to Israel.
Currently, the USA is going through a trend where courts are being weaponized to push leftist ideology (“the genocide of Palestinians” has always been part of that crowd’s activism).

Dubbed ‘lawfare,’ activist Marxist judges are complicit in aiding other activists in attempting to side-step the Constitution of the United States—using subversion to undermine enemies of their ideology.

They’re a bunch of F-ing Commies.


Apr 26, 2017
It seems that Americans are being distracted with border control issues so the masses could be ignorant of the fact that Genocide Joe has declared and started war with Syria and Iraq.

Oddly enough, The UK is also being hammered with news stories about asylum seekers and the fate of refugees who arrive here. Resident Britain First Minister @Flarepath will have probably littered the forum with his disdain for immigrants. However, it’s important to note, the atrocities that our nations are committing in the Middle East are illegal, immoral and all for that illegitimate occupier- Israel. Do not be fooled or hooked into domestic politics and bogeyman narratives, keep up with what your country is doing to further the genocide in Gaza, in an attempt to force the complete establishment of a Zionist state. It is your money they’re wasting on aiding these sadists…

Those in the UK are probably aware that we have been distracted with Sunak’s Rwanda policy and of recent, in an attempt to distract and cause further division in our country, the horrific acid attack that occurred in London:

I mention this because straight away, the discussion turned into the legitimacy of this man’s status in The UK and how he was granted entry and permission to stay despite committing a sexual offence in 2018. The UK will have a general election likely this autumn; this story is just another way of distracting us from the UK’s complicity in Gaza’s demise and is a cheap way of the Tories to gain votes from ignorant people. Why is the race, legal status or faith of a non-native person ever relevant? It’s to make you think your issues are the due to the entry of that one foreigner; not the government squandering your taxes overseas. Funding for wars but not for public services; that’s why we’re stretched and facing all types of austerity and hardship…

Don’t fall for the distraction and the divisive tactics and keep up with what’s really afoot is my message to all on here.
(Where to start with this one…)

So you must be completely unaware of what has been going on at the US border with Mexico since 2021.

Conservative estimates put the number of illegal immigrants that entered the USA since Biden took over at 15 Million +. The US Government is running up a bill on the American taxpayers that is obscene. And considering after the next election is stolen (again), and illegal immigrants will be given the right to vote, Americans have reason to worry.

“Immigration is war.”

The Roman Empire was taken apart from the inside due to immigration (too many immigrants united against the state, outnumbering Romans).


Jun 28, 2020

Israel had about 9 million people before Oct 7th. I wonder what their population will be when this war ends?

A lot have already left, especially in the northern settlements, where Hezbollah has been firing off 3-5 missiles a day just to keep them scared.

Colonizers are lucky, they have somewhere to go when the bombs fall because all are dual citizens. Gazan's don't have such luxuries.


Jan 10, 2019
I finally read Hamas' document "Our Narrative... Operation Al-Aqsa Flood". Literally every word is backed up by evidence and the proof of history:

5. We stress that resisting the occupation with all means including the armed resistance is a legitimized right by all norms, divine religions, the international laws including the Geneva Conventions and its first additional protocol and the related UN resolutions e.g. The UN General Assembly Resolution 3236, adopted by the 29th session of the General Assembly on Nov. 22, 1974 which affirmed the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people in Palestine, including the right to self-determination and the right to return to “their homes and property from where they were expelled, displaced and uprooted.”


Mar 15, 2017
I finally read Hamas' document "Our Narrative... Operation Al-Aqsa Flood". Literally every word is backed up by evidence and the proof of history:

5. We stress that resisting the occupation with all means including the armed resistance is a legitimized right by all norms, divine religions, the international laws including the Geneva Conventions and its first additional protocol and the related UN resolutions e.g. The UN General Assembly Resolution 3236, adopted by the 29th session of the General Assembly on Nov. 22, 1974 which affirmed the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people in Palestine, including the right to self-determination and the right to return to “their homes and property from where they were expelled, displaced and uprooted.”
This thread might be of interest, the guy has taken the time to reference and debunk every rumour circulating about Hamas’ intentions, including how they want to rid Palestine/Israel of all Jews. They actually want to coexist with them and their aggression and resistance is directed solely at the Zionist entity. He does a good job of exposing what Netanyahu’s party and the Talmud promote too and it isn’t pretty…



Jun 28, 2020
Putin snubs Netanyahu

Very short video.

Edit : Looks like he's shaking Macrons hand? The French PM and Prince Charles is sitting next to him? I'm surprised so many high profile people are gathered. Seeing the ever-increasing global tyranny and the amount of armed citizens.
Last edited:


Mar 15, 2017
Jake Shields amongst other brave social media personalities are and have been constantly threatened with r*pe and sexual assault for their part in exposing and compiling evidence against the genocidal Israeli state. It’s quite horrifying to see that part of the IDF strategy is to r*pe and sexually assault Palestinians and how it’s actively encouraged by some rabbis. Couple that with the fact that many if not all mainstream porn sites and material are owned by Jewish Zionists. I think Daze posted about OnlyFans also being owned by a Zionist.

Such sadistic and twisted people, how anyone can still believe they are supposedly God’s chosen people is beyond me.

Can you imagine someone threatening to r*pe or sexually assault you in a street fight?? These people are so open with their intent yet there are still those who don’t bat an eyelid.



Jun 28, 2020
Jake Shields amongst other brave social media personalities are and have been constantly threatened with r*pe and sexual assault for their part in exposing and compiling evidence against the genocidal Israeli state. It’s quite horrifying to see that part of the IDF strategy is to r*pe and sexually assault Palestinians and how it’s actively encouraged by some rabbis. Couple that with the fact that many if not all mainstream porn sites and material are owned by Jewish Zionists. I think Daze posted about OnlyFans also being owned by a Zionist.

Such sadistic and twisted people, how anyone can still believe they are supposedly God’s chosen people is beyond me.

Can you imagine someone threatening to r*pe or sexually assault you in a street fight?? These people are so open with their intent yet there are still those who don’t bat an eyelid.

I dropped Jake a few days ago. No doubt he puts out a lot of solid info. But he's too racist. Seems like every 4th post is a "white power" post.
It's hard to follow someone who is preaching unity in one hand and division in another. Sadly, he's a victim of zionist propaganda (divide and conquer) himself.

Ya, Only fans is owned by a zionist. They pretty much own the entire porn industry. If it's profitable, expect to find a zionist at the top of the ladder these days. From Hollywood to Saudi Arabia. They have the monopoly on filth.


Mar 15, 2017
The pushback of late from The Resistance and what they’ve been able to achieve, from Abu Obeida.

Some of you might be thinking why I post about Hamas, it’s because I don’t trust the casualties and death toll or any other loss reported by the IDF. They simply lie-continuously. The Resistances’ posts allow us to get a better idea of what’s happening on the ground in actual combat. The reason I trust these sources is they’re almost always backed by videos documenting what’s been described; sometimes it can be graphic so I don’t always post these clips. It’s also quite hard to access them as they’re taken down quite quickly.



Mar 15, 2017
I dropped Jake a few days ago. No doubt he puts out a lot of solid info. But he's too racist. Seems like every 4th post is a "white power" post.
It's hard to follow someone who is preaching unity in one hand and division in another. Sadly, he's a victim of zionist propaganda (divide and conquer) himself.

Ya, Only fans is owned by a zionist. They pretty much own the entire porn industry. If it's profitable, expect to find a zionist at the top of the ladder these days. From Hollywood to Saudi Arabia. They have the monopoly on filth.
They have a huge pornographic empire for a people so concerned with God. They’ve used it as a weapon to weaken men especially and preoccupy and corrupt the youth. Anyone honest enough to face what porn consumption does to the human mind will come to the same conclusion. I hadn’t known the extent of their empire until Rabbi Shomley spoke with Piers Morgan and you posted about the OnlyFans guy. It’s truly horrifying; the tentacles of the Zionist ideology have been firmly established and embedded in western society and people have only truly started to wake up now.


Jun 28, 2020
The reason I trust these sources is they’re almost always backed by videos documenting what’s been described; sometimes it can be graphic so I don’t always post these clips.
There's nothing wrong with supporting Hamas. While there are dozens if not 100's of videos out there with Israelis saying it's good to kill kids, there are just as many with Hamas killing occupiers. I'm happy to share this content, such as the sniper who got sniped the other day.

Western media is trying to depict Hamas as a terrorist organization, and their leadership might very well be as there are signs of corruption.
But 85% of Hamas are orphans.

Hamas are the people, the people are Hamas.