Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG


Mar 15, 2017
A US Court concludes that Israel is committing ‘plausible genocide’ but it doesn’t (of course) have the jurisdiction to stop military support from being sent to Israel.

There are rare cases in which the preferred outcome is inaccessible to the court. This is one of those cases,” the US district court in the northern district of California ruled. “The court is bound by precedent and the division of our coordinate branches of government to abstain from exercising jurisdiction in this matter.
More than one-third of Americans believe Israel is committing genocide, poll shows
“Yet, as the ICJ [the international court of justice] has found, it is plausible that Israel’s conduct amounts to genocide,” the judge in the case, Jeffrey White, said in his ruling, in a case brought by Palestinian human rights groups and individual Palestinians against President Joe Biden, Antony Blinken, the secretary of state, and Lloyd Austin, the defence secretary.



Mar 15, 2017
It seems that Americans are being distracted with border control issues so the masses could be ignorant of the fact that Genocide Joe has declared and started war with Syria and Iraq.

Oddly enough, The UK is also being hammered with news stories about asylum seekers and the fate of refugees who arrive here. Resident Britain First Minister @Flarepath will have probably littered the forum with his disdain for immigrants. However, it’s important to note, the atrocities that our nations are committing in the Middle East are illegal, immoral and all for that illegitimate occupier- Israel. Do not be fooled or hooked into domestic politics and bogeyman narratives, keep up with what your country is doing to further the genocide in Gaza, in an attempt to force the complete establishment of a Zionist state. It is your money they’re wasting on aiding these sadists…

Those in the UK are probably aware that we have been distracted with Sunak’s Rwanda policy and of recent, in an attempt to distract and cause further division in our country, the horrific acid attack that occurred in London:

I mention this because straight away, the discussion turned into the legitimacy of this man’s status in The UK and how he was granted entry and permission to stay despite committing a sexual offence in 2018. The UK will have a general election likely this autumn; this story is just another way of distracting us from the UK’s complicity in Gaza’s demise and is a cheap way of the Tories to gain votes from ignorant people. Why is the race, legal status or faith of a non-native person ever relevant? It’s to make you think your issues are the due to the entry of that one foreigner; not the government squandering your taxes overseas. Funding for wars but not for public services; that’s why we’re stretched and facing all types of austerity and hardship…

Don’t fall for the distraction and the divisive tactics and keep up with what’s really afoot is my message to all on here.


Jan 10, 2019

Dang what a punch to the gut:

Despite the war on Gaza, Turkish exports grew from 319.5 million dollars in November 2023 to 430.6 million dollars in December — higher even than the 408.3 million dollars exported in July, prior to the 7 October Al-Aqsa Flood operation.

Exports to Israel from the UAE, Jordan, Egypt, and Morocco are hardly surprising: these are the Arab states most vested in championing regional policies that serve the interests of the occupation state. The more surprising connection, however, is the trade relations — however minimal — between Algeria and Israel.

To understand the true positions of states means to skip over the official rhetoric and examine the economic ties that politics often conceals.


May 20, 2017
Palestinian/Canadian Mansour Shouman was kidnapped by Israelis. His mom is asking the Canadian government to find out where he is and to obtain his release. Israel plays by no rules and breaks all the rules. May the Creator free Palestinians from the tyranny of the Israelis. Ameen!

Live from Gaza: Lauren Booth with Mansour Shouman

February 2nd 2024: Message from Mansour's Mum

@CTVNews interview with Mansour's mum #bringmansourhome

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Sep 4, 2023
Why is the race, legal status or faith of a non-native person ever relevant?
If a maniac is on the loose in London throwing acid in people's faces, his description is very relevant regardless of whether he's black, brown or yellow so we can cross the street to avoid him..:)



May 17, 2020
"Taking morality lessons from you is like taking lessons from Quasimodo on how to sit straight."
Right. Because Im the party on here cussing up a storm, promoting mass p***philia, an illegal military operation and unleashing my homosexual fantasies regarding other posters onto the forum boards here. Oh wait...
No one in this thread is "promoting p***philia", mass or otherwise. But since you seem to care for the children can you point me in the direction of your outrage at the killing of Palestinian children?

What do you mean by "promoting an illegal military operation"?

There is no promoting or "unleashing of homosexual fantasies" in this thread.

I left this to last. "Because Im the party on here cussing up a storm". Someone (me) uses shit sandwich and you get all upset (even more fake moral outrage) but here we have you who has just made ludicrous allegations (to drum up drama) and who has come into this thread and called people "inbred" and "subhuman". That's the type of words we have been seeing from the zionazis as they go about their genocide.

So to sum up. You faked moral outrage. You lied. You made slurs of the most obnoxious kind. You are a drama queen and you talk zionist.


May 20, 2017
Despite the war on Gaza, Turkish exports grew from 319.5 million dollars in November 2023 to 430.6 million dollars in December — higher even than the 408.3 million dollars exported in July, prior to the 7 October Al-Aqsa Flood operation.
Looks like the state is going to step in and change things. I wanted to post this before but did not get around to doing so. Like I said different factions are wrestling for control in Turkeyi,
Ibrahim Karagul
"Israel/Jerusalem Post;

Turkey is preparing economic sanctions against Israel.

Israel will be removed from Turkey's list of export countries.

Turkish business owners who trade with Israel will not receive state aid."
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May 20, 2017

"This Is A Middle East CRISIS" | EverydaySpy Podcast Ep. 32
These folks believe a strong Israel is good for the US but are providing their perspective on how it is going.
Their recommendations for where to obtain daily news, towards the end of the video should be taken with a grain of salt.
Oh and they used to work for The CIA, Crooks in Action.

The caption under the video:
The war between Israel and Hamas has officially turned into a full blown Middle East Crisis. With rockets and deaths happening from Iran to Iraq, violence has spread far beyond its original border between Gaza and Israel. It's time to have a hard conversation about the people, politics, and perceptions surrounding this growing conflict. And even more importantly, what it might mean for you, us, our families, and the future.



Jan 29, 2018
No one in this thread is "promoting p***philia", mass or otherwise. But since you seem to care for the children can you point me in the direction of your outrage at the killing of Palestinian children?

What do you mean by "promoting an illegal military operation"?

There is no promoting or "unleashing of homosexual fantasies" in this thread.

I left this to last. "Because Im the party on here cussing up a storm". Someone (me) uses shit sandwich and you get all upset (even more fake moral outrage) but here we have you who has just made ludicrous allegations (to drum up drama) and who has come into this thread and called people "inbred" and "subhuman". That's the type of words we have been seeing from the zionazis as they go about their genocide.

So to sum up. You faked moral outrage. You lied. You made slurs of the most obnoxious kind. You are a drama queen and you talk zionist.
Your entire sorrow squad here has spent years promoting mass p***philia based on their heretical notion that blasphemous hadeeths are more important than the words of Quran. They aint proved their case, but that doesn't stop their promotion...

Are you asking if I am outraged about the killing of Palestinian children? My feelings have been well documented regarding the situation for years on this site. Where is your outrage at the killing/suffering of Rohingya and Uighur children?

The October 7th military campaign undertaken by Hamas is illegal by Islamic standards of warfare. There are clear rules of engagement (especially in regards to civilians) and Hamas, with their Palestinian supporters, willfully violated those rules. So what kind of victory can they expect when they go against the God they claim to worship and serve? I already explained this to you so perhaps this time it will register in your conscious.

You guys go gay in your insults towards others in almost every thread in the forums, are you suggesting this thread is different?

If you aint a born-and-bred "Muslim" why are you taking my comments personally?

To sum it up, you are another ghoul here... gleefully cheering on a fake-military campaign which is leading to the deaths of thousands of children. None of you truly care or else you would have some sort of results to show for your efforts other than re-posting the work of others. If this means so much to yall, try actually doing something and making a difference... as opposed to just running your mouths digitally.


May 17, 2020
Your entire sorrow squad here has spent years promoting mass p***philia based on their heretical notion that blasphemous hadeeths are more important than the words of Quran. They aint proved their case, but that doesn't stop their promotion...
Well they are not my "sorrow squad" and as far as i can see the people who have consistently and loyally posted to this thread are showing their humanity by supporting a people who are going through a "plausible" genocide. Whereas you and your ilk have consistently came into this thread in an attempt to derail it.

Are you asking if I am outraged about the killing of Palestinian children? My feelings have been well documented regarding the situation for years on this site. Where is your outrage at the killing/suffering of Rohingya and Uighur children?
I asked if you could point me in the direction of your outrage at the killing of Palestinian children? The answer seems to be no. Then you add some whataboutery which e-Enoch would have been proud of. At the end of the day, this thread is about events that started, and are ongoing, in Palestine on Oct 7th. It's not about "p***philia". It's not about "homosexual fantasies" . It's not about the "Rohingya or Uighur" or any other whataboutery you can come up with.

The October 7th military campaign undertaken by Hamas is illegal by Islamic standards of warfare. There are clear rules of engagement (especially in regards to civilians) and Hamas, with their Palestinian supporters, willfully violated those rules.
Again, I'm not Muslim nor have i ever claimed to be Muslim and regardless of what Hamas and their Palestinian supporters did wrong, or not, it doesn't give Israel the right to commit genocide and if i'm reading you right you support this genocide.

You guys go gay in your insults towards others in almost every thread in the forums, are you suggesting this thread is different?
"Homosexuality" and now "gay" It seems you might have some latent homosexual issues yourself.

You guys go gay in your insults towards others in almost every thread in the forums, are you suggesting this thread is different?
Personally i haven't even been close to insulting others in almost every thread. I am however prepared to insult assholes like you who come into this thread in order to attempt to create drama and derailment. What i wont do, as you have here and in doing so proved yourself to be the very thing you are railing against, is to call people "subhuman" and "inbred". So don't try and hand out morality are in no position to do so.

If you aint a born-and-bred "Muslim" why are you taking my comments personally?
If I had to take a guess i'd say because i started this thread and maybe because you said in response to me,

"Hey and thanks to you for continuing to cuss in public/post lies and exposing EXACTLY what you putrid, inbred subhuman fake-Muslims are all about"

And yet here you are accusing others of going into other threads to hand out insults.....

To sum it up, you are another ghoul here
I'm not well versed in Ghouls. So tell me, is being a Ghoul better or worse than being "Subhuman" and "inbred"

gleefully cheering on a fake-military campaign which is leading to the deaths of thousands of children.
I didn't see anyone in this thread cheering on Oct 7 and i don't see any fake military campaign. I definitely see thousands of dead children and it appears you're happy to mention them in order to project your fake moral outrage. That is shameful on your part....SHAMEFUL!

None of you truly care or else you would have some sort of results to show for your efforts other than re-posting the work of others. If this means so much to yall, try actually doing something and making a difference... as opposed to just running your mouths digitally.
How do you know what others have done outwith this thread and why are you in this thread running your mouth off digitally?

It seems that something in this thread has touched a nerve with you...That makes me happy.