Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG


Jan 22, 2018
False flag? Now DC wants to attack Iran because a drone supposed to have killed 3 US mercenaries. Around 25000 people killed in Gaza nobody cares but 3 mercenaries from satanic country who are thieves get killed and all DC freaks out.
I think we are at the point now where the Israeli Anglo-American coalition needs a new bogeyman as the world is no longer buying into the Hamas hunting storyline.

Ominously, the new buzz words which have been used incessantly on British mainstream news over the last couple of weeks has been "Iranian backed attacks" for any retaliatory strikes against the IDF....irrespective of where they were carried out. So it's looking very likely that the western terrorists are looking to escalate things now to take peoples eyes off their primary objectives.

It didn't matter to Israel what the ICJ ruled, they were going to carry on regardless.

This shitstorm isn't going away


May 20, 2017
This is a 2 minute clip from

For the life of me I cannot find the full clip, nor can I find the full length of the talk. I think it would’ve been an interesting watch. Whilst not directly relevant to the Palestinian genocide, I thought it would be useful to listen to as the speaker, Philip Giraldi, packs an awful lot of valuable info in response to this question:

Is Israel an ally to the US?

Some will skip the clip so I’ve tried my best to condense the best bits below:

1. An American & Iranian war
- Giraldi explains that if The US ever went to war, it wouldn’t be because Tehran threatens America, rather it’ll be Israel and its powerful lobby in the US. The lobby will have succeeded in creating an essentially false narrative to mandate such an action.

2. Netanyahu’s comments about 9/11
Giraldi alludes to Netanyahu’s celebration of 9/11 and refers to when Netanyahu stated that ‘9/11 was good for Israel’. I’m sure anyone hearing this, American or not, would be appalled and angered by such a statement.

3. Israel’s overwhelming influence and power in The US
He goes on to comment on the danger of Israel’s lack of reluctance when using its enormous media influence in the US, to get successive administrations to accept and kneel to its own foreign and political views. It is at the expense of the American people.

4. Military aid
Giraldi goes on to attack the legitimacy and need for sending Israel billions of dollars of military assistance. Given the fact that Grant Smith, who investigated Friends of Israel, found that in the 1960s, they stole uranium from a Pennsylvania refinery. This is discussed in his book ‘Big Israel:
How Israel’s lobby moves America’.
Some more information about this story:

5. Arnon Milchan
An Israeli born Hollywood producer known for box office hits including Fight Club, Pretty Woman and LA Confidential, allegedly arranged for the illegal purchase of 800 nuclear triggers. Here is an interview he did with The Guardian from a decade ago, where he openly states he was once an Israeli spy and arms dealer.

6. Spying during 9/11
There was a large scale spying effort during 9/11 that has been reported to include Israeli companies in New Jersey and Florida, as well as 100s of art students nationwide. 5 Israelis from one of the companies were observed to have taken celebratory photos against the backdrop of the twin towers going down. (An eerie resemblance of how the IDF have been seen dancing and singing in front of graves and rubble in Gaza).

7. John Cole
FBI counter intelligence officer John Cole, reported many cases of Israeli espionage that were dropped under the orders from The Justice Department. Cole estimates 125 viable investigations into Israeli and American citizens.

So in sum, those backing Israel, take heed. They aren’t your friends and they aren’t your allies.
Excellent explanations! Thanks @Haich! This should go viral.


Mar 15, 2017
Israel executes 3 Palestinians sleeping in West Bank hospital

The Daily Mail

So open and brazen; they simply don’t care about who sees them as there will likely be no real repercussions.

They upped their acts prior to the last ceasefire; maybe they are trying to inflict as much carnage and damage as they can before a possible pause in fighting takes place:

Oct 20, 2021
I never apologize for something I never did. I refuse to feel guilty when I know that I am innocent. All tragedy is a sorrow to witness and pain is never pretty. But I know with certainty that I have nothing to do with all these things I read about. I never knew why or how the world became what it is and always has been. What can I do even if I wanted to? All I ask is to continue to go to the grocery store and find food I like to eat. When I was a child I learned at school that millions were starving in Africa and elsewhere. I realize people are still starving in Africa and elsewhere. There is always going to be war and people getting killed. About the best one can do is be thankful that it is still possible to avoid whatever this is. Everybody is pushing their viewpoint while others deny whatever they can. Plenty of people making money of all this misery. But I am not one of them and I haven't made one thin dime off any of it. I do know however that I am paying a lot more for gasoline especially living in California. So if USA stealing all the oil from the middle east it hasn't helped me at all. The best thing is USA get out of middle east and stop stealing from other countries. Maybe as time goes by they will appreciate this and charge us less for the oil and price of gas goes down. Unfortunately because I live in California I will always pay more than other places.


Sep 4, 2023
So far, muslim Pakistan has kept its nukes under lock and key, but it's just a matter of time before they "lose" a few which turn up in the hands of the anti-Israel groups, then it'll really hit the fan..:)
"Acquiring weapons for the defense of Muslims is a religious duty...
It would be a sin for Muslims not to try to possess the weapons that would prevent the infidels from inflicting harm on Muslims" - Osama Bin Laden, Time Magazine Dec 1998

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May 17, 2020

Israel presents
evidence of UNRWA complicity with Hamas

28 mins 55 seconds
