Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG


Jan 10, 2019
‼ warning ‼ very graphic, watch with caution.
I've blocked Recieving A hole as they seem to post only the most graphic images of the massacre of Palestinians. I don't know if it's shown for the same reason as the other gruesome Israeli death-porn sites out there but at this point I could care less what their message is. Throughout the last 3 months Hinkle has shown a similar obsession with graphic death scenes it's a bit strange.


Jun 28, 2020
I've blocked Recieving A hole as they seem to post only the most graphic images of the massacre of Palestinians. I don't know if it's shown for the same reason as the other gruesome Israeli death-porn sites out there but at this point I could care less what their message is. Throughout the last 3 months Hinkle has shown a similar obsession with graphic death scenes it's a bit strange.
I asked RA to put notes on his links because Twitter doesn't always automatically load here for everyone. Sometimes it's only a link, sometimes it's the tweet itself embedding like it is supposed to. It looks like he ignored it.

There's a pretty big controversy going on with Hinkle the past day or so. Personally, idk which side to take. It essentially boils down to JH being pro-Palestine but anti-Uigher.

Idk, the guy is not a Muslim, so I don't expect him to agree 100% with me and propagate 100% of my views. I've even argued with other Muslims that we shouldn't throw the baby out with the bath water. Because HInkle does good work for Palestine, even if he is pro-Assad. But with every passing hour, more large Muslim names speak against JH, so I might be on the wrong side here.

What's crazy is when a known Muslim calls out JH,


A ton of "Muslims" are there to defend him against other Muslims. It's very.. psyop-ish.
It's either an incredible bias, exceeding the levels of fanboy. Or it's paid agents propping the guy up.

Could JH be on China's payroll? ... idk, God knows best.


Mar 15, 2017
Same issues in my city, they have closed so many libraries and public services. There is nothing to do anymore for youth and young kids. It creates restlessness and frustration amongst teens especially fuelling anti social behaviour and crime. They clearly want us trapped in our homes…but money is always readily available for war.


Mar 15, 2017
I asked RA to put notes on his links because Twitter doesn't always automatically load here for everyone. Sometimes it's only a link, sometimes it's the tweet itself embedding like it is supposed to. It looks like he ignored it.

There's a pretty big controversy going on with Hinkle the past day or so. Personally, idk which side to take. It essentially boils down to JH being pro-Palestine but anti-Uigher.

Idk, the guy is not a Muslim, so I don't expect him to agree 100% with me and propagate 100% of my views. I've even argued with other Muslims that we shouldn't throw the baby out with the bath water. Because HInkle does good work for Palestine, even if he is pro-Assad. But with every passing hour, more large Muslim names speak against JH, so I might be on the wrong side here.

What's crazy is when a known Muslim calls out JH,

View attachment 100141

A ton of "Muslims" are there to defend him against other Muslims. It's very.. psyop-ish.
It's either an incredible bias, exceeding the levels of fanboy. Or it's paid agents propping the guy up.

Could JH be on China's payroll? ... idk, God knows best.
If we look at how Jordan Peterson hoodwinked the Muslims, it wouldn’t be far fetched to assume Hinkle is or will do the same. JP was hosted by a ton of famous Muslims who also chose to ignore his dark side. The case with Hinkle seems similar; do we ignore his Pro Assad views in favour of his coverage of Palestine?

I don’t know Hinkle at all, he’s not well known in the UK so other than his coverage of Gaza, no idea what he stands for or why he’s famous. Whilst it’s great he’s covering the atrocities and bringing them to light, I’d be wary of his intentions. Many are profiting from this war and he could be one of them.

(profiting as in benefiting)


May 17, 2020
11 mins 25 secs

South Africa Charges Israel with Genocide | Major Actors Read the Case File | Part 1

Part 2 Causing Serious Bodily & Mental Harm

5 mins 51 secs

Part 3 Mass Expulsions from Homes & Displacement

4 mins 17 secs

Part 4 Deprivation of Food to Palestinians in Gaza

4 mins 20 secs

Part 5: Deprivation of Water

5 mins 37 secs

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May 17, 2020
I don’t know Hinkle at all, he’s not well known in the UK so other than his coverage of Gaza, no idea what he stands for or why he’s famous. Whilst it’s great he’s covering the atrocities and bringing them to light, I’d be wary of his intentions. Many are profiting from this war and he could be one of them.

(profiting as in benefiting)
Same here. I'd never heard of him until this thread and although he comes across as douchie, for me anyway, if he keeps covering Gaza honestly then i'm ok with that.

I get the feeling with some of these social media folk that they are A) selling a product and B) That they somehow think they are heroes for criticising Israel. But we all know, in this thread at least, who the true heroes are and they all live or work in Gaza. Here's something Craig Murray relayed. Craig, who is elderly, sat in the cold at the Hague so he could get into the public gallery on day 1. Here's what happened after he decided he couldn't sit out in the cold any longer and decided to miss day 2.....he met a true hero.

"I made up my mind – I could not do another night. I would have to explain to readers that I had done what I could. A great feeling of relief came over me, and I decided to go to bed.

That very second, out of the lift walked the eminent British lawyer Tayab Ali, with a short, unassuming bearded Arab gentleman.
“Hello Craig, how’s it going”, he asked, but they were evidently in a hurry, going somewhere: “This is Ghassan”.
We shook hands briefly and then the realisation struck me.
“Are you the surgeon?”
Ghassan looked diffident, slightly abashed.
“The surgeon from Gaza?”.
“Yes, I am Ghassan Abu SItta.”
“I am honoured, sir. Greatly honoured”.
He looked slightly embarrassed, and they dashed off to their meeting.

I felt even more embarrassed. I had just met the man who had stayed operating in Shifa hospital while Israel bombs and missiles struck it and Israeli snipers fired through the windows. He had continued to operate with no electricity, with no bandages, with no antiseptic, with no anaesthetic. He had worked 20 hours a day, amputating the limbs of children or trying to piece them back together. He stayed and stayed and stayed through weeks under fire. He did this for love: he is a top British plastic surgeon and could have been in the UK making millions.

I felt deeply ashamed. This man had endured so much, and done so much, and seen so much suffering. Here was I giving up over sore toes and lack of sleep, and over wanting to be important. I had an epiphany; I realised I can be a dreadful egoist, and I hated myself for it. Nothing stopped hurting, but I had a new surge of adrenaline and decided to get on with it. Perhaps nothing I did would help prevent genocide, but we all have to do that which is within our power to try.

I accept you may wish to scoff, but for me that encounter with Mr Abu Sitta revealed an important element of greatness – the ability to inspire others to do more that they believed they could, to transmit will. Even without actually saying anything."

For anyone who wants to read it here's Craig Murrays report from day 2. He made some good observations



May 17, 2020


Mar 15, 2017
I get the feeling with some of these social media folk that they are A) selling a product and B) That they somehow think they are heroes for criticising Israel.
It’s sickening to think with the amount of raw, graphic footage they post and consume, way more than what we’ve seen on this thread, they still manage to have ill and selfish intentions when bringing light to the plight of The Palestinians.

Hinkle is shedding social tears for Palestine but doesn’t believe in the slaughter and suffering of Ughyurs who are also being held in ‘re-education’ prison camps.


May 17, 2020
It’s sickening to think with the amount of raw, graphic footage they post and consume, way more than what we’ve seen on this thread, they still manage to have ill and selfish intentions when bringing light to the plight of The Palestinians.

Hinkle is shedding social tears for Palestine but doesn’t believe in the slaughter and suffering of Ughyurs who are also being held in ‘re-education’ prison camps.
It's consumerism. People like Hinkle know that support for the Palestinians is more 'mainstream' than support for the Uyghurs which would, in terms of social media, be more of a 'niche market'. They also know that they'll get lots of attention with their graphic footage. It's all marketing. And don't get me wrong, if i had my way i would interrupt eastenders/coronation street with some of the more graphic footage just so people who don't care would be shocked into caring. But never for personal gain like views on X, status and/or money.

Sexual abuse of Palestinian children detained without charge is a topic which has never been addressed despite reports and testimonies surfacing.

I think i've posted that report on here. Not sure where though.

Edit; The report is linked to in Owen Jones tweet...Duh!
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