
Sep 21, 2021
no worries its only a temporary reversible sterilization
again all about the depop

anyone else notice that women seem to be slowly being
turned into the dominant role
tptb have been pushing that "toxic masculinity"real hard
and promoting men pretending to be women

sterilization all around all the better to bring in tptb womb
control which in reality is population control and it will be all
the easier since they can tweek the dna using crisper etc..
Ya Know "designer babies"or in other words dumbed down,weak
easy to control Peoples(cattle)

future doesnt look all that bright to me it looks dark enough
that no ones gonna need shades

Really sadly...the male population has been "under attack" for many decades now... the "supposed pillars of society..." have been "systematically weakend" via the agenda of "gender fluidity" and "feminization..."


May 15, 2017
Really sadly...the male population has been "under attack" for many decades now... the "supposed pillars of society..." have been "systematically weakend" via the agenda of "gender fluidity" and "feminization..."
it is extremely sad but when crap goes sideways
who do the Peoples think of right away to go deal
with it,men
these new feminized men ain't gonna do anything
so what then


Sep 21, 2021
Absolutely worth rewatching...




May 15, 2017
We have Seen this with all kinds of histories not
just for "black"Peoples,uggg why does it still have to
be defined that way, why can't We just say it straight

those evils in the ruling class have done this great
new narrative for everything We're allowed to Know
and the only thing We Know for certain is they lie
they lie about everything including Our histories

all shades have been treated horrifically and similarly
throughout time by the 1% since We've started this tiered

think of all the redone medias that has been put out in the
last 5yrs even
that like conyay points out when Ya now goog it only brings
back the newest thing and nothing of any actual historic or
inspiration for the media

I've said it before there have been other soft resets,and narratives
We are witnessing it right now that's why Ya See them replacing
actual reality with things going by the same names,titles is
all being done on purpose

what We have to decide now
is Our We going to stand back and allow the evils to bring about
their soft reset this time or actually stand up and take out the evil
that think they own Us and everything else in Our World


Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019


Jan 29, 2018
this is the technology they're showing Us now think of the
technology they dont show and how easy it will be for tptb
to pull off bluebeam

Fa sho. I been joking about 2-Pacs Coachella hologram for so long... but them jests were based in reality.


Jul 28, 2018
We have Seen this with all kinds of histories not
just for "black"Peoples,uggg why does it still have to
be defined that way, why can't We just say it straight

those evils in the ruling class have done this great
new narrative for everything We're allowed to Know
and the only thing We Know for certain is they lie
they lie about everything including Our histories

all shades have been treated horrifically and similarly
throughout time by the 1% since We've started this tiered

think of all the redone medias that has been put out in the
last 5yrs even
that like conyay points out when Ya now goog it only brings
back the newest thing and nothing of any actual historic or
inspiration for the media

I've said it before there have been other soft resets,and narratives
We are witnessing it right now that's why Ya See them replacing
actual reality with things going by the same names,titles is
all being done on purpose

what We have to decide now
is Our We going to stand back and allow the evils to bring about
their soft reset this time or actually stand up and take out the evil
that think they own Us and everything else in Our World

The video specifically me tioned Black Panther, and covering up "culture."
But this phenomena has been going on for a LONG time. Any particulars of culture is is part of the agenda.

I was first made aware of this doing research on MK ultra type stuff. Whatever I was reading specifically mentioned The Wizard of Oz and Disney movies that were used to help program victims. But by using these specific forms of media, the victim was deliberately prevented from identifying the object of their abuse. Because these movies/cartoons/etc were in such wide circulation, everyone would
1) assume the person was clearly delusional -- How could such a wholesome company like Disney or the producers of the Wizard of Oz be bad?
2) assume the person was confused. After all everyone has already seen these movies/media, and clearly there is NOTHING WRONG with them.

And the public would be right, about ONE part of the story.
The OTHER part, the one of which only a few had knowledge. was these flicks were Absolutely being used for abuse and programing, Deliberately, so that no one would believe the victim, nor would they suspect the sinister use of such media.

During this same "reveal" they also mentioned TPTB for all these reasons and more they will often simultaneously release media that was very similar. The purpose that one (or both, or another one that was NOT well known, but could be easily confused with the popularly known one) was being used for sinister purposes, and the popular one was the cover specifically design to to CONFUSE anyone that might have knowledge of the sinister one. The popular, obviously, would be the easiest to find, and of course looked innocuous. Only after deep research (or these days, page 5 of google) would any evidence of the sinister version appear.

After I heard about this, I immediately thought of some "strangeness" I had recently notices about movie releases, specifically the Meteor Movies (Deep Impact and Armageddon) and the Bug movies (Antz and A Bug's Life, and now that I think about it, Starship Troopers). Two (or more) completely separate movies released very close together with superficially similar plots or themes. For those movies, I've never heard about a "sinister" element, but I have always wondered what was being hiddened.