Eye on Israel...(...and The Spiritual Battle Behind The War...)


Aug 20, 2023
It's not hard for me. Little children that die go to heaven as they haven't reached the "age of accountability" yet. Compare that to them growing up in modern society to be the future terrorists or social justice warriors and it's nothing but a good thing. Everything that happens works out for good. What if those "poor children in gaza" would've chosen to be satanic and go to hell? God just spared them eternal torment. Most of the people in this thread cannot comprehend the GOOD that comes from tragedy and then they judge Christians for seeing the good in it. I recommend not speaking about God or Christianity until you've read the entire Bible AND have a proper understanding of the text through hermeneutics.

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The point is to condemn evil.

You simply don't hurt others no matter what. It's easy to judge Israel.


Sep 4, 2023

Sure, some mushbrained so-called christians think Israel has a "right to exist" because they were once "God's chosen people", but then they went and murdered Jesus, so if they're still his chosen people I'm Mary Poppins..:)
Fact is, most of us Christians don't give a-

rats ass.jpg

about Israel..:)

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Excerpt below from: https://theintercept.com/2023/11/21/al-shifa-hospital-hamas-israel/

Al-Shifa Hospital, Hamas’s Tunnels, and Israeli Propaganda

As Israel wages its propaganda war over Al-Shifa, it is simultaneously laying siege to yet another medical facility.

Jeremy Scahill
November 21 2023, 7:22 a.m.

As the death toll in Gaza surpasses 13,000 Palestinians, including more than 5,500 children, the Israel Defense Forces propaganda machine has sought to use Al-Shifa Hospital as its main exhibit in justifying the unjustifiable. It is clear that the Israeli strategy centers on a belief that if the IDF can convince the world that Hamas used the hospital as a base of military operations, all of the carpet bombing — the attacks on refugee camps, schools, and hospitals — will retroactively be viewed as just acts of war against a terrorist enemy.

Both Israel and the White House, including President Joe Biden personally, have staked their credibility on the claim that there is a massive smoking gun lying below Al-Shifa Hospital. The U.S. said publicly it was not relying exclusively on Israel to back up its own assertions. Leaving aside the fact that both the U.S. and Israel have track records as long as the Gaza Strip of lying about the alleged crimes of their adversaries, the key question is not whether a tunnel or rooms exist under Al-Shifa, but whether they were being used for a clear military or combat purpose by Hamas, as the U.S. and Israel have alleged.

Since the October 7 raids led by Hamas in Israel that resulted in the deaths of more than 845 Israeli civilians, along with some 350 soldiers and police, and saw more than 240 people taken as hostages, the IDF has placed an intense focus on Hamas’s underground infrastructure. Israel’s allegation that Hamas’s main headquarters was housed in or under the sprawling Al-Shifa Hospital compound is not new. But the zealous focus on it is an indication that Israel wants to make it the central issue in its case to push back against critics of its indiscriminate campaign of civilian death and destruction in Gaza. Israel has sought to make Al-Shifa a Rorschach test in its narrative war, and Israel has accused journalists, the United Nations, doctors, and nurses of being part of the conspiracy to hide Hamas’s use of the hospital as a military command center from the world.

To date, this propaganda campaign has not gone well.

After initially claiming that Al-Shifa Hospital was effectively Hamas’s Pentagon — a narrative publicly bolstered by the Biden administration — the IDF released its first round of purported evidence, which more or less consisted of a smattering of automatic rifles, some nestled behind an MRI machine, and a conveniently placed combat vest with a Hamas logo on it. With the exception of Israel’s most die-hard supporters, this effort appeared to convince almost no one of the sweeping assertions about Al-Shifa’s importance to Hamas’s current operations. After all, the IDF had already shown the public a slick 3D video model purporting to be a depiction of an advanced underground command and control lair used by Hamas. So Israel’s first effort at selling the case fell flat.

Aric Toler


The IDF posted a few videos of their tour through the hospital. No tunnels, command centers, etc. to be found in any of these clips or pictures. Instead, focus is on "grab bags" of some guns and body armor scattered around, and a laptop next to CD-Rs.

Several other efforts to produce videos of what Israel claimed to be evidence of a significant Hamas base at hospitals have been met with widespread derision and skepticism, including from Western media outlets that historically report Israeli military assertions about its operations against Palestinians as fact. The IDF videos have been mocked across social media and compared to Geraldo Rivera’s much-hyped — and utterly disastrous — live 1986 nationally televised special promising to reveal the secrets hidden in Al Capone’s underground vault.


Al-Shifa’s Tunnels Were Built by Israel

It’s also well known that there are, in fact, tunnels and rooms under Al-Shifa. We know that because Israel admits that it built them in the early 1980s. According to Israeli media reports, the underground facilities were designed by Tel Aviv architects Gershon Zippor and Benjamin Idelson. “Israel renovated and expanded the hospital complex with American assistance, in a project that also included the excavation of an underground concrete floor,” according to Zvi Elhyani, founder of the Israel Architecture Archive, writing in Israel’s Ynetnews.

The underground infrastructure was part of a modernization and expansion effort at Al-Shifa commissioned by Israel’s Public Works Department. “The Israeli civil administration in the territories constructed the hospital complex’s Building Number 2, which has a large cement basement that housed the hospital’s laundry and various administrative services,” according to a report in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. The room and tunnels under Al-Shifa were reportedly completed in 1983. Tablet magazine described the space as “a secure underground operating room and tunnel network.” Zippor’s son Barak, who began working at his father’s architecture firm in the 1990s, said that during the construction at Al-Shifa in the 1980s, the Israeli construction contractors hired Hamas to provide security guards to prevent attacks on the building site.

“You know, decades ago we were running the place, so we helped them — it was decades, many decades ago, probably four decades ago that we helped them to build these bunkers in order to enable more space for the operation of the hospital within the very limited size of this compound,” former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak told a visibly stunned CNN host Christiane Amanpour.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Excerpt below from:

Here’s why Netanyahu staged the false flag invasion by MOSSAD-controlled Hamas exactly when he did.

Was the so-called Palestinian invasion of Israel
on October 7, 2023 really a classic FALSE FLAG
OPERATION staged by MOSSAD-controlled Hamas?

The Israel Watchman
SOTN Exclusive

If there’s one reason, above all the others, why Israel meticulously engineered this war with Palestine — AT THIS SPECIFIC MOMENT IN HISTORY — it is this:

The timing of Israel’s long-planned building of the THIRD TEMPLE,
where the Al-Aqsa Mosque currently sits, reigns supreme
among the vast majority of Israelis, as well as
religious Jews living around the word.

Dome of the Rock

The real problem for Israel’s Messianic Jews is that the ultra-sacred Islamic site, known as the Dome of the Rock, is a shrine situated inside of the Al-Aqsa Mosque which are both located on the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem.

That most holy of holy mosques within the Islamic tradition was built on the same site as the first two Hebrew temples in Jerusalem.

“After the destruction of the First Temple in Jerusalem by the Babylonians in 586 BCE, the Jews of the Kingdom of Judea went into exile. In 538 BCE during the reign of Cyrus the Great, the Jews returned to Jerusalem and were able to build the Second Temple on the site of the original one that had been destroyed.”(Source: Destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE)
Now here’s the real problem…for the Messianic Jews as well as the Christian Zionists who support them.

They are operating according to a very strict timeline to get the long-prophesied Third Temple constructed. That schedule has already been set back by a number of unanticipated events which are beyond the scope of this short exposé.

Nevertheless, the dictates of the Hebrew Calendar must be adhered to, according to the most orthodox Jewish sects who completely control Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu.

Which means that PM Netanyahu had to resort to a very desperate series of black ops (and psyops) to get the job done. In fact, Bibi had to pull off something so brazen and so stunning and so reckless that those false flag attacks / terrorist operations would sufficiently shock the collective Israeli consciousness so that he could justify taking over the Al-Aqsa Mosque for reasons of “national security”.

That, right there, is the reason of the season— the coming war season, that is.

And, the following headline says it all as far as just how far the Khazarian-installed arch-Zionist Netanyahu will go to grab the Temple Mount.
