Flat Earth Info

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
@A Freeman i respect Your opinions and theories
unfortunately being I'm in Canada I cannot visit
any locations Ya have for examples to be honest
I have left my home town in my life a total of 3 times
and they were not long times away,last time would
be 2 decades ago so yeah lol

I did say I don't Know what the Truth is
could the global model that's spoken of
not be including the heavens above Us
and the belows under Us?

no matter what the shape it does seem We are
in a closed system which We cannot leave so
whether flat,round,oval or square does it matter
really the shape when tptb lie about the rest enough
it should make Us at least question what We're being told
about leaving and colonizing other planets or about
space in general

the only pictures We can say come from above earth
that are not cgi or artists renditions and even then I'm
not sure about how far above before they change to the real
to cgi/goog etc.. are Our so called satellite images and goog
maps/earth etc...

the posts I make are more to point out We should have
questions and that tptb lie to Us whenever they want or
the need to do so arises

it's also to show the beauty as in the one I posted above
of the sun dogs no matter what the lies/Truth is We wont
Know for certain until We are no longer on this plane probably
by then We will not care anymore

lets all just enjoy the beauty that Our Creator has given all
around Us and try to unite together more than allowing tptb
to divide Us with their petty lies
Thank-you. It's appreciated and remembered that you've said you don't know. The post wasn't meant to be personally directed at you; it was to offer an opportunity to anyone seeking a simple answer to this question to point out they should be able to see thousands of miles, including across oceans (e.g. the Atlantic or Pacific) if the Earth was really flat.

Agreed that we absolutely should question everything that comes from those in positions of power and their propaganda mouthpieces in the mainstream media and learn to seek truth from its one and only source: our Creator. And likewise agreed that despite the way we treat it and each other, it is a beautiful world.

Peace be upon you.


Sep 21, 2021
Interesting that you’ve noticed that. I certainly did not.
The earth is flat, people.
There is zero evidence that it is not. The whole idea of a global universe was invented to keep the sheople open to the idea of human insignificance. How teeny are YHWHs children, when there are zillions of planets with the possibility of many life forms?
Furthermore, how appropriate that the Antichrist will perform “amazing miracles.” Possibly by arriving from “space?”
There is a lot more to say about the destroyed planets that we can see, at another time.
I have been unable to find a better theory for the Antichrist to come, other than from “space.”
Obviously, this is a plan that has been in motion for hundreds of years. satan(the opposition) has been planning our demise since the beginning. You all know that.
The opposition hates us, and is more jealous of us than your own emotions have ever experienced of jealousy or hatred.
I really enjoy watching “ancient aliens.” I am able to hear of things that I would not hear about otherwise. As 1 example, the statues from South America that have very strange tubular eyes.
Well, I came to see that some owl breeds have chicks with these extraordinary tubular eyes.
If you are aware of the reason for “the flood,” then you know that the fallen angels were genetically mixing people with animals.
Are you aware of the “god leaders” with elongated skulls and unexplainable skull sutures?
These were genetic remnants that randomly occurred from recessive genes from Noah’s 3 sons’ wives. Genesis says that only Noah and his wife were perfect in their generations. That means, they were 100% human. How disturbing is that!?!?!
I made a conscious decision to follow as many Old Testament laws as possible, and I have not eaten dirty animals or pork for a very long time. I truly believe that pork has human DNA.They use pig parts for human transplantation for goodness sake!
There is NOTHING new under the sun, and the sun is stuck to the firmament.
I understand that it is SO SO SO hard to get rid of our brainwashing. Once you begin to look into all the ridiculousness of a global universe, you will see for yourselves how contradictory everything that NASA has ever said…truly is freaking stupid. All the way from “oh, we can’t cross the Van Allen Belt,” to how EVERY single picture of the earth is an oil painting or a CGI pic. Even Neil Degrasse Tyson says the earth is pear shaped. I mean really? WTF.
This satans world depends on you being dumb, and not asking questions. For every 1000 people, I’m guessing there are only a couple of true born leaders. Make those couple of people seem ridiculous, and control of thought is easy.

The Creator made us on purpose as His children. We are of UTMOST importance to HIM!
YOU are of EXTREME value!!!

Im not writing this because it makes me feel good. I actually really dislike this subject, as it is an extremely difficult Truth to discuss. I do it because I enjoy my service to YHWH, and without working for my Father, there really is nothing in life of any value!
Of course Family and my life as a small farm owner is beautiful, but without YHWH, there is nothing here.
It's interesting what the pilots say about the earth being flat...


May 15, 2017
It's interesting what the pilots say about the earth being flat...
definitely since they would be one of the few who get to
See it from a place of view better than most Peoples can
most planes are higher than mountains that may offer Us
normal Peoples a view from high up that We cannot get
anywhere else eh

doesn't make sense either that all the testing tptb conducted
for this by the alphabet angencies experiments,were done so
on a flat earth model rather than what Our model "truly"is,a "round
ball/globe"shaped model

makes no sense considering it's a test of something that tptb is
wanting to get answers so they can then implement w/e it is
they're doing all these tests/testing for

doing that on different model than the one Your actually
living on would not result in the most accurate results which
then no matter the testing that would be,none of the information
to do w/e testing/implementation will yield accurate results

which really is just a waste of time/money/Peoples and parts
to conduct said flawed testing,that then makes it impossible
to implement the idea from the testing since the results will
not align with the results from testing to Our real world place/thing
of implementation

I Believe by telling Us it's a globe and space exists is all for
tptb's agendas of making Us believe there is other planets
for Us to go to and colonize there is not

that when nrec is bringing w/e evil entities through the doors/
portals w/e they are trying to open/have opened can then be sold
off on Us as being aliens,most Peoples would be more willing to
accept that instead of snomed as a saviour or destroyer of Our World
We have to wait and See either way

it's also to make Us feel very insignificant like ants compared to all
these other extraterrestrial life forms that are so much more advanced
than Us
Last edited:


May 15, 2017
more testimony from insider whistle
blower,believe it or don't thats up to Ya


Sep 21, 2021
"How do seasons work on flat earth...?"

Jul 12, 2022
Flat or round? Hmm what about this one: maybe it's neither and we have NO IDEA what this earth is. Just something to think about :p


Mar 30, 2023
Interesting that you’ve noticed that. I certainly did not.
The earth is flat, people.
There is zero evidence that it is not. The whole idea of a global universe was invented to keep the sheople open to the idea of human insignificance. How teeny are YHWHs children, when there are zillions of planets with the possibility of many life forms?
Furthermore, how appropriate that the Antichrist will perform “amazing miracles.” Possibly by arriving from “space?”
There is a lot more to say about the destroyed planets that we can see, at another time.
I have been unable to find a better theory for the Antichrist to come, other than from “space.”
Obviously, this is a plan that has been in motion for hundreds of years. satan(the opposition) has been planning our demise since the beginning. You all know that.
The opposition hates us, and is more jealous of us than your own emotions have ever experienced of jealousy or hatred.
I really enjoy watching “ancient aliens.” I am able to hear of things that I would not hear about otherwise. As 1 example, the statues from South America that have very strange tubular eyes.
Well, I came to see that some owl breeds have chicks with these extraordinary tubular eyes.
If you are aware of the reason for “the flood,” then you know that the fallen angels were genetically mixing people with animals.
Are you aware of the “god leaders” with elongated skulls and unexplainable skull sutures?
These were genetic remnants that randomly occurred from recessive genes from Noah’s 3 sons’ wives. Genesis says that only Noah and his wife were perfect in their generations. That means, they were 100% human. How disturbing is that!?!?!
I made a conscious decision to follow as many Old Testament laws as possible, and I have not eaten dirty animals or pork for a very long time. I truly believe that pork has human DNA.They use pig parts for human transplantation for goodness sake!
There is NOTHING new under the sun, and the sun is stuck to the firmament.
I understand that it is SO SO SO hard to get rid of our brainwashing. Once you begin to look into all the ridiculousness of a global universe, you will see for yourselves how contradictory everything that NASA has ever said…truly is freaking stupid. All the way from “oh, we can’t cross the Van Allen Belt,” to how EVERY single picture of the earth is an oil painting or a CGI pic. Even Neil Degrasse Tyson says the earth is pear shaped. I mean really? WTF.
This satans world depends on you being dumb, and not asking questions. For every 1000 people, I’m guessing there are only a couple of true born leaders. Make those couple of people seem ridiculous, and control of thought is easy.

The Creator made us on purpose as His children. We are of UTMOST importance to HIM!
YOU are of EXTREME value!!!

Im not writing this because it makes me feel good. I actually really dislike this subject, as it is an extremely difficult Truth to discuss. I do it because I enjoy my service to YHWH, and without working for my Father, there really is nothing in life of any value!
Of course Family and my life as a small farm owner is beautiful, but without YHWH, there is nothing here.

I think the main reason that they push the heliocentric model is to perpetuate the big bang+ primoradial soup lie. A flat, circular Earth with a dome (firmament) certainly didn't put itself together. The cabal is covering up the blatant design of the Earth.
Oct 20, 2021
I think I have asked this before but if the Earth is flat and we are on top what is on the bottom? And why don't we fall off the edge?
Aug 12, 2020
Would it be accurate to say that the same people who think the earth is flat are the same people who believe the single bullet theory and believe that Bidet was elected president. Also I am willing to bet flat earthers took the vaccines and all the boosters. No offense to anyone but to claim the earth is flat at this point in time seems to me to be a sign of mental illness.


Sep 21, 2021



Sep 11, 2023
Reddit CONSPIRACY THEORY SECTION silently deleted my Flat Earth Video. Reddit usually gives a reason for the delete: "inflammatory, off topic" etc. They did not. When I tried to repost it as a message to the curious OP in a private chat, IT WAS NOT SENT. Reason: It contains a banned URL.

It is impossible to tell people the truth. If a video is so good and bulletproof logic, it will disappear from all platforms. I believe the mods on almost all blogs are paid s. society members. Paid to find the truth and bury it.

Go online and get a used copy of a huge book explaining the motives, strategy and execution of the round globe, space and Nasa history. "The Greates Lie on Earth" by Edward Hendrie. There used to be a 12 hour documentary but it keeps getting taken down- edited/shortened? Try to find on bitchute or rumble. Youtube and Facebook delete. everything. https://rumble.com/v1n662e-the-lost-history-of-flat-earth-must-video.html
Message failed to send because it contains a banned URL.


Jun 28, 2020
Reddit CONSPIRACY THEORY SECTION silently deleted my Flat Earth Video. Reddit usually gives a reason for the delete: "inflammatory, off topic" etc. They did not. When I tried to repost it as a message to the curious OP in a private chat, IT WAS NOT SENT. Reason: It contains a banned URL.

It is impossible to tell people the truth. If a video is so good and bulletproof logic, it will disappear from all platforms. I believe the mods on almost all blogs are paid s. society members. Paid to find the truth and bury it.

Go online and get a used copy of a huge book explaining the motives, strategy and execution of the round globe, space and Nasa history. "The Greates Lie on Earth" by Edward Hendrie. There used to be a 12 hour documentary but it keeps getting taken down- edited/shortened? Try to find on bitchute or rumble. Youtube and Facebook delete. everything. https://rumble.com/v1n662e-the-lost-history-of-flat-earth-must-video.html
Message failed to send because it contains a banned URL.
I used to frequent Conspiracy/r. But it's been years now. It was one of the few places you could find truth on that website. It's somewhat like comedians, they are allowed to speak truth because tptb know no one will believe them. I eventually left the entire website due to bots / trolls.

Reddit is kind of a cesspool, especially today. It's woke central, and I'm old enough to know "woke" means being awake to government psy-ops. Today "woke" describes a blue haired him/her/them nut case living in perpetual victimhood. The entire word was stolen and re-identified, much like the word gay. "Happy" now describes someone who sodomizes.

To this day, Reddit is mostly bots and mods that censor anything with a hint of controversy. Do yourself a favor and leave that Zionist mouthpiece behind.

Speaking of videos with bulletproof logic, there once was a video made by Eric Dubay… you know, that guy that wears dresses...

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... who many call the father of the flat earth movement.

He once put out a video called something like "200 proofs of flat earth". Anyone who bothered to look up a single one of his claims in that video could see he didn't know what he was talking about. I remember a Christian youtuber by the name of TPS (The Paulstal Service) exposed it.

He exposed a lot of flat earth videos and the people behind them, like this one. People who advised drinking your own urine for good health.

Sadly, his channel has been decimated along with 1000's of others due to youtube censorship.

Personally, I don't argue flat earth because I see it as the epitome of retardation. But it's so easily debunked, from millions being on planes flying over the none existent "ice wall" to common sense like a solar eclipse being impossible on the flat earth model.