Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG


Dec 14, 2018
If this is true, if Israel is being attacked from all sides, then maybe their reign of tyranny is coming to an end.

View attachment 95104
In the 60s all arab countries attacked Isr ael over Palestine in the 6 day war and failed. There is a reason Satanyahu is obsessed with Iran and never seems to give a a second thought to @rab countries. I saw a video about how IDF soldiers are entering Gaza through Egypt. Maybe they want that debt paid off after all. That being said Hez bollah is an Iranian guerilla made up of lebanese soldiers. They too have failed so far.
Is raeli warfare tech is far superior and they have uncoditional support from u$a. Now if the other countries in the greater middle east were united it would be a different story. Unfortunately they are not.
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Jun 28, 2020
the shia are faking. ppl need to stop being duped by them. Iran is run by freemasons just like US.
Much of what we see from Muslim leaders is nothing more than the barking of dogs.
Can't really debate this.

I think the entire situation is pretty muddy and hard to know what the truth is.

While Iran is a Shia strong hold, it's not 100% Shia.


Of the available 4% lets say 2% in Iran are Sunni.


This is about 1,788,000 Sunnis.

Even if only 10% of them could handle combat (180k), it's more than enough to match any army on the planet today.

This information aside, what makes you think Shia's won't come to Sunni's aid?

I really don't expect much from any Muslim leader, to be honest. But in the end of the day, the power lies with the people.
And many of them are knocking at the borders.


Aug 8, 2023
It's not good for his narrative when he essentially doesn't allow anyone to question it.

View attachment 95183

We need to question everything. It is as @DavidSon highlighted pages ago.

"The truth is fragile, so we must guard it with an army of lies"
it doesn't matter whether he allows comments or not, it isn't his narrative, a lot of ppl have been saying this for years


Jun 28, 2020
In the 60s all arab countries attacked Isr ael over Palestine in the 6 day war and failed. There is a reason Satanyahu is obsessed with Iran and never seems to give a a second thought to @rab countries. I saw a video about how IDF soldiers are entering Gaza through Egypt. Maybe they want that debt paid off after all. That being said Hez bollah is just an Iranian guerilla made up of lebanese soldiers. They too have failed so far.
Is raeli warfare tech is far superior and they have uncoditional support from u$a.
I am not sold on the narrative that Israel and Iran are enemies.
Also, hard to know what happened 60 years ago unless we were there. If time has proven anything, it's that his-story is mostly lies.

Egypt has a ZOG, so does Jordan. No surprise to see Israelis crossing their borders freely.

If Israel tech is far superior, then how did Hamas get past it and wreck the country? Think they reported 1400 deaths the first day?

Sounds like you are watching too much MSM, but reality is neither of us have 100% truth, not with liars on both sides feeding a narrative.
Bots, infiltration.. end of the day everything is left muddy.

What Israel doesn't have, is God. ..and that makes all the difference.

"Allah does not love the oppressor" (3:140 Qur'an)

“Beware of the supplication of the oppressed, for there is no barrier between it and Allah.” [Sahih al Bukhari]


Mar 15, 2017
A lot of actors paying lip service to Palestine that’s for sure but really can’t make any concrete conclusions as to the claims of Iran aiding them in their plight.

Like Daze said, the people do have the power and I think they’re ultimately winning the information war online right now. Israel have struggled with the ground invasion and have had many casualties and deaths but this is not being reported on. They’re going ham with the air strikes because their ground attempts have been pathetic.
We only have the evidence that’s being recorded in real time by the Palestinians themselves and trusted commentators (I have always followed Low-key regarding this issue as he has been researching and campaigning for over a decade in the UK).

We need to remember too that the people in The West in particular are at such a heightened level of anti-establishment. There’s a lot of distrust and anger at the handling of the Plandemic and Vaccine programmes. You guys have Biden and we’re on our 3rd unelected prime minister. Energy bills and cost of living, housing…all these things fuel the people to rebel against their leaders and add Palestine into the mix, you have an immense number of people globally ready to support them.

Don’t underestimate the people. That’s why the US are now sending more ‘aid’ to Israel to help fund not only the war but the propaganda machine.


Mar 15, 2017
Personally I haven’t seen sectarian tensions being at an all time low until now. It’s not relevant who is a Shia or a Sunni at this moment in time. I’ve never really entertained it as unless someone is doing something or propagating something which nullifies their faith, I don’t care for squabbles. There’s a Sufi mosque nearby where they have said odd duas after the congregational prayers, I haven’t returned. There’s an Ahmediya mosque where nobody frequents and there’s a Shia mosque where they pray funny. If something is clearly off, you avoid it and continue on the straight path and find common ground where possible.

all this division is just Iblees and his dogs trying to weaken the ummah. Stay clear from it and just follow the sunnah.


Aug 8, 2023
This information aside, what makes you think Shia's won't come to Sunni's aid?
well first of all, Trump/Putin/QAnon/Iran are all controlled opposition but let me put that to the side.

any idea that the Shia are our brothers- this is a modern deviation. the idea that the shia are kuffar is not some modern view, if you go back and look what the classical scholars said- the classical scholars generally saw them as kaffirs. I think some of them were a little hesistant to say every single one of them is kaffir and sort of left the door open to things like maybe an exception here and there but the general view was they are kaffirs and there wasn't the view that they are our brothers or we should unite with them.

they are being propped up as a conspiracy against sunni Islam.

anyways, I have some classical fataawa on them I will post later insha'Allah. all of the fataawa predate the first Saudi state except I think one from Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab and one from Imam Shawkani.

so that is from the classical sunni viewpoint- predating any Saudi state, "Wahhabism" or Zionism. what about from their own view?

from their view, we are kaffirs whose blood is halal. they hate our guts and they believe in using taqiyyah to lure us into being friends with them. anyone that's looked into their "religion".... obviously it is extremely evil and sinister and contemplating it should make it clear that it would be a horrible mistake to trust these people or to expect them to act as any sort of defenders of Islam.

I'm sure you've come across this guy

it's like he says- and he himself is Persian ex-shia, they don't care about Islam, they care about their fake version of Islam. and to them Sunni Palestinians would just be more "wahhabi" enemies. it makes no sense they would really be serious about freeing Palestine. also, Iran is a kaffir country with a Muslim minority. Hassan Nasrallah is a kaffir, neither he nor Khameini are Muslim leaders.
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Aug 8, 2023
Personally I haven’t seen sectarian tensions being at an all time low until now. It’s not relevant who is a Shia or a Sunni at this moment in time. I’ve never really entertained it as unless someone is doing something or propagating something which nullifies their faith, I don’t care for squabbles. There’s a Sufi mosque nearby where they have said odd duas after the congregational prayers, I haven’t returned. There’s an Ahmediya mosque where nobody frequents and there’s a Shia mosque where they pray funny. If something is clearly off, you avoid it and continue on the straight path and find common ground where possible.

all this division is just Iblees and his dogs trying to weaken the ummah. Stay clear from it and just follow the sunnah.
shi'ism is not part of Islam. many if not most or all of them are kaffir. I'm not uniting with them any more than I'm uniting with Hindus or Mormons.

Imam Bukhari

A lot of Americans say Muslims are terrorists. Have said if for years. Does that make it true?
I just wrote a whole thing of my thoughts on Iran and none of it is based on what random ppl say. and that wasn't my argument in the post u quoted. I was saying that it isn't specific to the twitter user, not saying that this was the evidence or basis for the conclusion.


Jan 22, 2018
Also, hard to know what happened 60 years ago unless we were there
So, would it be fair to assume then that it's even harder to know what happened over 2000 years ago or even 10 or 20 thousand years ago if you weren't there? Because as it stands you reckon you know exactly what happened.

Mentioning or referring to any type of book will not be a sufficient response.

Following your own logic your belief of the origins of life and the reason for life may be slightly flawed.

What ya reckon?


Jun 28, 2020
well first of all, Trump/Putin/QAnon/Iran are all controlled opposition but let me put that to the side.

any idea that the Shia are our brothers- this is a modern deviation. the idea that the shia are kuffar is not some modern view, if you go back and look what the classical scholars said- the classical scholars generally saw them as kaffirs. I think some of them were a little hesistant to say every single one of them is kaffir and sort of left the door open to things like maybe an exception here and there but the general view was they are kaffirs and there wasn't the view that they are our brothers or we should unite with them.

they are being propped up as a conspiracy against sunni Islam.

anyways, I have some classical fataawa on them I will post later insha'Allah. all of the fataawa predate the first Saudi state except I think one from Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab and one from Imam Shawkani.

so that is from the classical sunni viewpoint- predating any Saudi state, "Wahhabism" or Zionism. what about from their own view?

from their view, we are kaffirs whose blood is halal. they hate our guts and they believe in using taqiyyah to lure us into being friends with them. anyone that's looked into their "religion".... obviously it is extremely evil and sinister and contemplating it should make it clear that it would be a horrible mistake to trust these people or to expect them to act as any sort of defenders of Islam.

I'm sure you've come across this guy

it's like he says- and he himself is Persian ex-shia, they don't care about Islam, they care about their fake version of Islam. and to them Sunni Palestinians would just be more "wahhabi" enemies. it makes no sense they would really be serious about freeing Palestine. also, Iran is a kaffir country with a Muslim minority. Hassan Nasrallah is a kaffir, neither he nor Khameini or Muslim leaders.
Some things I agree with, others I don't. I don't want to cut your post up, then go back and forth because these usually turn into books.
But I'll make a few points.

Shia's are somewhat of a diverse group. Obviously, those who beat themselves or call upon Ali (ra) are upon clear deviance. But not all of them have these beliefs like the infallible 12 imams or w/e.

This goes for all the sects, Salafi, Deobandi, etc. Unless there are clear signs of kufr like Ahmadis who believe in a prophet after Muhammad (saw). How can we say they are not Muslim?

We need to be careful with takfir. If you call a Muslim a kafir, and he is not, then it comes back to you. The signs must be absolutely clear, lest you risk leaving Islam yourself.

Sorry, I don't know who the guy in your twitter link is.