Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG


Jun 28, 2020
cool right here we have a ISRAEL sort of thread so nobody should have the need to hijack other unrelated threads with these discussions about ISRAEL.............
It's not about hijacking other threads. It's about people ignoring the suffering of babies. Take you, for example.
This thread is 3 weeks old, been near the top pretty much constantly, and this is your first visit?

I thought you were better than this?

I will continue to post in Every thread trying to bring attention to the suffering of the Palestinian people. As a Muslim, it is the MINIMUM God expects of me.

If the suffering of children irks you, put me on ignore.


Aug 22, 2021
It's not about hijacking other threads. It's about people ignoring the suffering of babies. Take you, for example.
This thread is 3 weeks old, been near the top pretty much constantly, and this is your first visit?

I thought you were better than this?

I will continue to post in Every thread trying to bring attention to the suffering of the Palestinian people. As a Muslim, it is the MINIMUM God expects of me.

If the suffering of children irks you, put me on ignore.
Daze that's not very nice of u :(
no need to be mean
First of all why are you judging me? What do you know about me "visiting" content related to this matter? What does that has anything to do with this discussion!? The fact that I don't engage in this topic in VC doesn't mean that I am not actively been pushed down my throat the SUFFERING OF BABIES IN EVERY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM, every single day and yes FYI I am aware of it since it started, I think u can get the clue that by now, anyone who has internet can't avoid the gore visuals constantly coming out of Gaza/Israel and been publicly pushed in MSM and every other social media. Seems like the PBTB adore that we are 24/7 being fed exactly what they want, coincidentally not to create awareness but to put us all in a state of distress/fear. So while I do care to make any effort i could possibly make to stop this and send daily prayers, the last thing I need to do is watch another fucking gore picture or video of a israel or gaza baby been murdered, that does NOT contribute to ANYTHING and if you need to imply that we most watch gore and snuff to be a child of God then I THOUGHT YOU WERE BETTER THAN THIS. Is perfectly fine if u wish to post in Every thread "trying to bring attention" to this but accusing people of saying things they never said or accusing them of other unrelated inappropriate stuff is NOT the way that God expects of u or is it? How old are you Daze? Because recently you have been acting like 14? are u a woman? did u took the vaccine? Daily Watching All this horrific inhumane violent content is not cute for ur mental health blaming everyone for what is happening there, we all do want to make it stop but why are you expecting us to go and burn down the capitol or something


Jun 28, 2020
Daze that's not very nice of u :(
no need to be mean
First of all why are you judging me? What do you know about me "visiting" content related to this matter? What does that has anything to do with this discussion!? The fact that I don't engage in this topic in VC doesn't mean that I am not actively been pushed down my throat the SUFFERING OF BABIES IN EVERY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM, every single day and yes FYI I am aware of it since it started, I think u can get the clue that by now, anyone who has internet can't avoid the gore visuals constantly coming out of Gaza/Israel and been publicly pushed in MSM and every other social media. Seems like the PBTB adore that we are 24/7 being fed exactly what they want, coincidentally not to create awareness but to put us all in a state of distress/fear. So while I do care to make any effort i could possibly make to stop this and send daily prayers, the last thing I need to do is watch another fucking gore picture or video of a israel or gaza baby been murdered, that does NOT contribute to ANYTHING and if you need to imply that we most watch gore and snuff to be a child of God then I THOUGHT YOU WERE BETTER THAN THIS. Is perfectly fine if u wish to post in Every thread "trying to bring attention" to this but accusing people of saying things they never said or accusing them of other unrelated inappropriate stuff is NOT the way that God expects of u or is it? How old are you Daze? Because recently you have been acting like 14? are u a woman? did u took the vaccine? Daily Watching All this horrific inhumane violent content is not cute for ur mental health blaming everyone for what is happening there, we all do want to make it stop but why are you expecting us to go and burn down the capitol or something
When the shoe is on the other foot, when it's your people dying by the 100's. While everyone..

ears 2.jpg

Then you can come and tell me to keep it into one thread.

I don't give a damn if you see it everywhere else. That doesn't mean others do. Even if they did, I still don't give a damn.

If the suffering of babies bothers you and you just wanna completely avoid it, then put me on ignore.

Maybe stop trying to be so hypocritical because if this was your family you'd be doing the EXACT same thing I am.


Aug 22, 2021
When the shoe is on the other foot, when it's your people dying by the 100's. While everyone..

View attachment 94842

Then you can come and tell me to keep it into one thread.

I don't give a damn if you see it everywhere else. That doesn't mean others do. Even if they did, I still don't give a damn.

If the suffering of babies bothers you and you just wanna completely avoid it, then put me on ignore.

Maybe stop trying to be so hypocritical because if this was your family you'd be doing the EXACT same thing I am.
Why are you being mean to me
I have never been mean to you Daze
That's not how a child of God should be towards his brothers & sisters??
and w.e u see or know does not give you the right to put blame on innocent people that's just delusional, you are equally wrong as those murdering babies
I just said is perfectly fine if u wish to post in Every thread "trying to bring attention" to this but is NOT rational to be blaming & accusing innocent people of saying things they never said or accusing them of other unrelated inappropriate stuff in random threads. The suffering of babies does bothers me, but guess what it does bother every single sane human being in the planet, who the hell is unbothered by the killing of babies!??? I am sorry that doesn't bother you, is that what you are implying? that you seem to be totally okay with that? that is insane.


Aug 22, 2021
ppl here claiming they have family there
has anyone here visited those areas?
Is there anywhere safe like where are the families with the babies going to avoid the city bombings?


Mar 15, 2017
ppl here claiming they have family there
has anyone here visited those areas?
Is there anywhere safe like where are the families with the babies going to avoid the city bombings?
hi L3M4, I haven’t seen anyone on this thread say they have family there. I don’t think there are any Palestinian posters on this thread. Unfortunately there is nowhere safe, people are hiding in hospitals and places of worship like mosques and churches but they have been bombed so it’s not the best place to be but they have no choice. Some people are hiding in schools and UN warehouses.


Mar 15, 2017
the elite and media press hate Palestinians why
& how can he be so peaceful with so many family death :(
israel wants the Palestinians to leave but they have nowhere to go. That is their land that they’ve lived in for centuries. The Israelis want to keep the whole land for themselves and since the Palestinians won’t move, they’re killing and bombing them. If they were only interested in Hamas, why are they in West Bank? Hamas don’t operate there.

thats why people are protesting and spreading awareness globally. They’re killing innocent civilians and babies for no other reason than to eradicate them from the occupied land.

it’s a very devastating and horrific situation.


Mar 15, 2017
Bethnal Green is a town in East London which has been gentrified over the past decade. It still has a lot of Bangladeshi Muslims but also has a big young middle class workforce. The* area is covered in Palestine Flags but some residents in the area aren’t happy about this. This one man (sounds Scottish) was appalled and made this video. According to reports, he’s been arrested.



Mar 15, 2017
Bethnal Green is a town in East London which has been gentrified over the past decade. It still has a lot of Bangladeshi Muslims but also has a big young middle class workforce. The* area is covered in Palestine Flags but some residents in the area aren’t happy about this. This one man (sounds Scottish) was appalled and made this video. According to reports, he’s been arrested.

this is the video of his arrest