Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG


Sep 8, 2018
Satan's children is a more accurate description then Nazis.
Satan’s children encompasses all of the one world government. They are literally children of Satan in many cases.
That includes all Masonic nations.

The Khazars are only part of the lizard family. Most of them are just regular people— not related to the Elite— brainwashed like the rest of wage peons.

“ Windsors” ( evillous people)


Du Pont




Jun 28, 2020

I didn't realize there were so many. Half a million is alot. But i remember a few days ago when the media was trying to say Hamas was killing Americans in Israel i pointed out they are dual citizens showing they are Israeli firsters by living on occupied land.

Alot like the "Americans" in DC. Putting Israel above America.


Mar 15, 2017
Netanyahu has been mouthing off and promising he’ll destroy Hamas. We all know this is code for wipe out Palestinians.
Entirely my speculative conclusion but I think the delay in their move is the mass support that has come out for Palestine. They’ll need a few terror attacks in Europe (France has just had one) or America to save face. This will allow for the storyline of Hamas having insurgents in Europe/The West storyline, (reminiscent of Isis and Al Qaeda right?) and will drum up morale and support. People will be afraid and support his plans. They need to be seen has on the defence but since all we’ve been seeing online is genocide, he knows it looks bad and is trying desperately to control the narrative. They have to be seen as the liberators, the heroes and the morally superior

I suspect despite what we see that there are also factions in Israel which are against the current slaughter. I know Netanyahu is a divisive figure, he really goes in for the kill so he’s probably trying to garner more support inside his own nation too.

this tweet was quite interesting…IMG_5798.png


Mar 15, 2017

is it too crazy to believe that the Israeli gov.t ordered Hamas to attack its people?
haven’t seen anything suggesting that but judging by the article, looks like there’s trouble in Zionist paradise. A majority clearly feel let down that Netanyahu allowed Hamas to attack


Jun 28, 2020
Satan’s children encompasses all of the one world government. They are literally children of Satan in many cases.
That includes all Masonic nations.
View attachment 93348

The Khazars are only part of the lizard family. Most of them are just regular people— not related to the Elite— brainwashed like the rest of wage peons.

“ Windsors” ( evillous people)


Du Pont


View attachment 93348
I know Israel is masonic. They literally have a 1 eye pyramid on top of their supreme court. They are a product of Rothschild after all.


Their supreme court is covered in masonic imagery, VC made an article about it if memory serves on his blog some years ago.


Jun 28, 2020
haven’t seen anything suggesting that but judging by the article, looks like there’s trouble in Zionist paradise. A majority clearly feel let down that Netanyahu allowed Hamas to attack
I posted a video few pages back showing 500k Israels calling for the removal of BN.

Israel has been split this year due to BN trying to limit powers of the supreme court and claim them for himself. Which I assume was a reason for him knowing about Hamas's pending attack, but allowing it because nothing unites a people like an outside threat.
Feb 12, 2022

About the Israeli president showing a map where he apparently put Middle Eastern countries in green with whom he wants to make peace with and showing Israel in blue while annexing Gaza & West bank, almost 3 weeks prior before this all staged thing happened .
Hmm.. the plot thickens

Debunking of viral videos on propaganda side



Aug 21, 2023
The rain was last night's excuse. They said the invasion was not taking place during the weekend. No rain in Gaza right now and it's 8.25 pm. Maybe they're praying for more rain tomorrow morning. Global warming is not helping.


Sep 8, 2018
I know Israel is masonic. They literally have a 1 eye pyramid on top of their supreme court. They are a product of Rothschild after all.

View attachment 93351

Their supreme court is covered in masonic imagery, VC made an article about it if memory serves on his blog some years ago.
Israel and every nation in the realm called Earth.

They wrote our history for us and hid much of the undiscovered Earth from us— including the land we are actually from. They call it Eden in the Bible.



Jun 28, 2020
This it true. A lot of the hostages Hamas took to trade for Palestinian prisoners locked up without trial,
Israel has killed with their constant bombing.



Apr 26, 2017
This thread has examples which date prior to the events of the weekend which show Israeli soldiers openly expressing the desire to eradicate Palestinians. There is footage of old crusty soldiers laughing and rejoicing at the killing of innocent civilians. They’ve now made good on their threat and under the guise of retaliation, they are bombarding innocent civilians.
If the population of the Palestinian Territories (West Bank & Gaza Strip) is growing by approximately 250,000 people each biennium, Israel is not doing a very good job of “eradication.”

Providing the necessities required to live appears to have benefitted Palestinians enough to continue population growth. That is the opposite of what you are trying to say.


Jun 28, 2020
If the population of the Palestinian Territories (West Bank & Gaza Strip) is growing by approximately 250,000 people each biennium, Israel is not doing a very good job of “eradication.”

Providing the necessities required to live appears to have benefitted Palestinians enough to continue population growth. That is the opposite of what you are trying to say.
Imagine if i came to your house. Walked into your living room, said this is mine now. Found your money on the table. Took it, gave you a 10th of it. Then claimed i was providing for you.

While every other year, I come for those pennies you think are yours.



Jun 28, 2020
According to Israeli sources, 600.000 palestinians have fled to the south. Fake news? Also, they say Hezbollah is trying to disrupt their invasion into Gaza but they are ready to fight on two fronts.

It is hard to believe. 600,000 is alot of people.

Doesn't help those who have went south because Israel told them to have been bombed.



Mar 15, 2017
The U
If the population of the Palestinian Territories (West Bank & Gaza Strip) is growing by approximately 250,000 people each biennium, Israel is not doing a very good job of “eradication.”

Providing the necessities required to live appears to have benefitted Palestinians enough to continue population growth. That is the opposite of what you are trying to say.
You can’t grasp what I’m saying and I’m struggling as to why you’re the only one I’ve come across on this thread who can’t understand me. I’m going to say this again one time and if you still don’t get it or intentionally represent what I’m saying then we’ll agree to disagree.

Israel do not want the Palestinian Territories to prosper and spread. They have created a dependency dynamic by withholding and monitoring basic necessities like water and power. Water is not in abundance; they have water deliveries (I remember reading twice a week I could be wrong). Anything which is destined for a Palestinian territory has to go through Israel first. They do not live independently and freely. In the past week like I’ve repeatedly said to you, their water and power has been cut off. Some places now have some limited access to power and rainfall has allowed access to water.

The goal of Zionist Israelis is to create and establish a state of Israel with No Palestinians. They cannot go and eradicate them in their entirety, we saw how this ended for Hitler, world war would ensue as too many countries like Russia and China have already declared their support for Palestine. Not to mention the Middle Eastern neighbours like Saudi who have already withdrawn their acceptance of Israel. So they have to be tactical, they have to slowly demoralise them and provoke them and when Palestinians retaliate, they can use self defence as an excuse to kill them off in chunks. Do not mistake, the basic upkeep of a nation as a good thing. Neglectful parents will feed their kids but maybe not bathe them. An abusive husband may finance his wife and kids but he’ll uppercut her after hours. You can do some basic things to upkeep the survival of someone or something and do horrendous things to them as well.

Palestinians are Middle Eastern, they have big families. They have higher birth rates, all this birth control nonsense doesn’t really apply to them (probably different now given the likes of feminism and liberalism).
Big families are seen as a blessing. A growth in population is not an example of what you’re trying to argue which is that they’re well looked after by Israel because they’re growing in numbers. Other factors come to play here. An aging population being one.

for the billionth time look at what’s been posted in this thread and stop being so deliberately dense.


Mar 15, 2017
Imagine if i came to your house. Walked into your living room, said this is mine now. Found your money on the table. Took it, gave you a 10th of it. Then claimed i was providing for you.

While every other year, I come for those pennies you think are yours.

View attachment 93360
this guy just doesn’t want hear it, I’ve been going back and forth all day. He’s Israel till he dies. He loves bibi.
Feb 12, 2022
The U

You can’t grasp what I’m saying and I’m struggling as to why you’re the only one I’ve come across on this thread who can’t understand me. I’m going to say this again one time and if you still don’t get it or intentionally represent what I’m saying then we’ll agree to disagree.

Israel do not want the Palestinian Territories to prosper and spread. They have created a dependency dynamic by withholding and monitoring basic necessities like water and power. Water is not in abundance; they have water deliveries (I remember reading twice a week I could be wrong). Anything which is destined for a Palestinian territory has to go through Israel first. They do not live independently and freely. In the past week like I’ve repeatedly said to you, their water and power has been cut off. Some places now have some limited access to power and rainfall has allowed access to water.

The goal of Zionist Israelis is to create and establish a state of Israel with No Palestinians. They cannot go and eradicate them in their entirety, we saw how this ended for Hitler, world war would ensue as too many countries like Russia and China have already declared their support for Palestine. Not to mention the Middle Eastern neighbours like Saudi who have already withdrawn their acceptance of Israel. So they have to be tactical, they have to slowly demoralise them and provoke them and when Palestinians retaliate, they can use self defence as an excuse to kill them off in chunks. Do not mistake, the basic upkeep of a nation as a good thing. Neglectful parents will feed their kids but maybe not bathe them. An abusive husband may finance his wife and kids but he’ll uppercut her after hours. You can do some basic things to upkeep the survival of someone or something and do horrendous things to them as well.

Palestinians are Middle Eastern, they have big families. They have higher birth rates, all this birth control nonsense doesn’t really apply to them (probably different now given the likes of feminism and liberalism).
Big families are seen as a blessing. A growth in population is not an example of what you’re trying to argue which is that they’re well looked after by Israel because they’re growing in numbers. Other factors come to play here. An aging population being one.

for the billionth time look at what’s been posted in this thread and stop being so deliberately dense.
50% of the population there could also indicate that they don't live long enough to reach a certain age. It doesn't always represent overpopulation. Secondly they don't have these first world problems like LGBT to hinder to procreate as they are too busy surviving so they don't identify as trans to castrate themselves.
Highlighted part is the most important part of your reply but the guy is too dense to understand. As he earlier said thing about genocide, he wants results of those jubilant Jews who are happy dancing on mass killings of babies. Sick in the head


Apr 26, 2017
You can’t grasp what I’m saying and I’m struggling as to why you’re the only one I’ve come across on this thread who can’t understand me.
Because I am outside the echo chamber.

I have a different opinion about much of the information (read: propaganda) in this thread than most who have posted.

Such as: It seems to me that genocide, or eradication, only works if a group is getting smaller, not bigger. The history of population growth in the Palestinian Territories tells a different story.

Attempting to justify the actions of Hamas terrorists with the narrative: “Israel is getting what it has coming to it for genocide of the Palestinian people, blah, blah, blah…” is propaganda that bears little resemblance to the true condition of the Palestinian people and provides cover to extremists who want to watch the world burn.