This whole thread has been just an excuse for many here to bash and slander these fellow human beings.
Tranvestigating these people is always disrespectful no matter if they are trans or not.
Some reminders for you guys:
1 - You're invading the privacy of individuals who clearly haven't disclosed the very private information of which sex they were assignted at birth
2 - You might be slandering the reputation and self-esteem of men and women who were simply born with different characteristics from what you expect
3 - You might be being racist against natural physical features of asians
4 - You might be being xenophobic against the south korean entertainment sub-culture dress code and customs
5 - You might be judging innocent people of being traps when they have no intention of confusing people about their gender whatsoever
6 - Most of these examples present gender conforming clothing and styling
7 - Androgynous, and gender non-conforming examples are an exception not the rule. And these are usually met with criticism, backlash and loss of sales
8 - You're mostly judging out of context still pictures without taking into account their behavior, voice and mannerisms which are more often than not, gender conforming, heteronormative and not confusing at all when seen in context and in motion.
You gotta work really hard and focus to see the opposite gender in these people
9 - You're consuming their content by your own volition thus you're pushing any possible agenda on yourself
10 - You're forgetting that the entertainment industry doesn't represent the whole SK country thoughts and opinions which are still quite conservative
11 - This is still just a theory with evidence available to support it but also evidence that contradicts it