I had to go take a test to be honest as i really
didn't Know what I was only what a "dr" told me
I was
I'm not sure if this is spot on but it's more me
than not
I had to answer somethings that were harder to
answer because I haven't experienced somethings
since I have a lot of ptsd,disassociation,agoraphobia
and a few other things I deal with
that's due to abuse I went through from birth til
my Children/other half have Helped me get more social
immensely(I never go out anywhere alone)
it's still a struggle if not for the internet I wouldn't
have Peoples outside of family really I socialize with
only because I don't go out anywhere to be social like
that I go out to grab groceries,rarely to quiet small restaurants
to eat for special occasions etc..
I consider many here as Friends and do Hope some would
consider me the same
I have a tendency to overshare/get ranty a lot of the times
as witnessed in this post and many of my posts
lmbo sorry for such a long answer
anyhoo my results were
Thought oriented, Reserved, Reflective, Observant
Imaginative, Future oriented, Conceptual, Abstract
(this I feel is off as I use intuition(gut/Heart pulls)
a lot in my life
Empathetic, Accepting, Warm, Values harmony
Spontaneous, Flexible, Open minded, Adventurous