Me, myself, and I?


Aug 20, 2023
Is it about the "m"?
Is it about the "e"?
Is it about them both?

Isn't it rather about Him Being Satisfied with how I am leading my life?


Aug 20, 2023
I have worked twice this week.
This gives 2 days in 1 week.
Today is day 3, the 6th of December, Wednesday.

Is Monday the first weekday?
Some say it's Sunday, or so I am trying to recall.
@Mohammed_123 , thoughts?

Weekdays and weekend days.
I guess it's indeed Monday that's weekday number 1 then, at least in my case.
Days of the week versus days of the weekend.

Let us get back to where we started.

Workdays for current week = 2
Pauseday/Restday for current week, today = 1
Only God Does Not Rest, Never Did, Never Will, The Unfatiguable!

Today is Wednesday, 3rd Weekday.
3 days are passing by, slowly.
Bottom line,


Aug 20, 2023
Work is a pair for Rest.
2 days of accumulated fatigue can be rested in 1 day.
If He So Wills, every thing becomes easy.

Allahu Akbar!
He Is Constantly Greater than every thing!!!


Aug 20, 2023
(After some google searches), and I did not craft any star, but the quote I was looking for was, "Finally", from a Terran unit called Ghost.
People also ask

What is the meaning of Cymatics?

1. physics. the study of wave phenomena, esp sound, and their visual representations.

2. a therapy in which sound waves are directed at the body with the aim of promoting health.

elsbet's cat ^. .^

Mar 18, 2023
(After some google searches), and I did not craft any star, but the quote I was looking for was, "Finally", from a Terran unit called Ghost.
People also ask

What is the meaning of Cymatics?

1. physics. the study of wave phenomena, esp sound, and their visual representations.

2. a therapy in which sound waves are directed at the body with the aim of promoting health.
Physics... yes, exactly. :)

Cymatics are remarkable.
But sound in general, and the effect it has on all living things is remarkable.

Remember the Rice Experiment?
It's a great illustration of the effect we have on one another-- for good or for evil.


* The title is a bit misleading... it is not about any "new age" rot. :D

. . .


Aug 20, 2023
I agree I'm not wasting the cash regardless
There is never any wasting if it is well spent, that is, to promote a good cause, whether for knowledge, food, or any other worthwhile goodness.


Jun 28, 2020
I saw this thread and thought it said

"Me & my 3 wives"

I know people frown on polygamy in the west. But that's because they can't see the benefits.

For example the more wives you have, the more shade there is.


Our family of 5 has recently been reduced to 4, initially speaking.

Although he left 4 kids behind and his wife, now part of the family, my younger brother of 36 just left for the world of the grave around 1 month ago.
Sorry to hear this, I guess I missed it when you first posted it.

May the Almighty forgive your brother and elevate his ranks.


Aug 20, 2023
I saw this thread and thought it said

"Me & my 3 wives"

I know people frown on polygamy in the west. But that's because they can't see the benefits.

For example the more wives you have, the more shade there is.

View attachment 99370

Sorry to hear this, I guess I missed it when you first posted it.

May the Almighty forgive your brother and elevate his ranks.
Āmīn, shukran! :D

In Shā Allāh, Āmīn, concerning even one wife to start with, and if not during this life, then in Jannah. :)


Aug 20, 2023
My three selves are

1. The self that is wicked, an nafsul ammārah. Hopefully, may it always remain tamed.

2. The self that blames itself more than it blames others, an nafsul lawwāmah. May I always be blessed with reproaching myself more.

3. The self that is excellently bent towards virtue, an nafsul mutmainnah. May everybody be forever blessed with its awakening.

Me, I aim to be the relinquisher...

But also the punisher in an illusory way after I die.


Meanwhile, I am that cat at around 40 seconds into the vid down below about to eat that yummy chicken while the punisher is punishing the others.....



Aug 20, 2023
I once thought I had five senses of perceiving the world and all that it entails.


That must have been before I even heard about there being a sixth sense...


For all I know, just as the majority of human beings are blessed with five senses of perceiving the world, some may be blessed with even more powers to affect the world too.

For instance, the sense sight of perception can also be our two functioning eyes but also the mind's eye through which other visions may be witnessed through God's Blessings.

Only He truly knows what more powers He can bless anybody with...


What is Inner Vision (basira)?


God Almighty says:

“Inner visions have come to you from your Lord, so whoever sees clearly, it is to the benefit of his own soul, and whoever is blind, it is to his detriment. And I am not a keeper over you.”

(Qur'ān, Sūratul Anʿam, Chapter 6, The Cattle: Verse 104).

Outwardly, these insights or inner visions (basaʾir) are demonstrations, proofs, and clarities that result from careful discernment.

Inwardly, however, insight is an inner vision (basira) that pierces through the veils of the intellect.

Inner vision (basira) perceives pure meanings (maʿani), whereas outer vision (basar) perceives receptacles (awani).

God opens the inner vision of the servant whom He loves, and a sign of that opening is the shining of the lights within the witnessing heart.

These lights continue to shine forth until they cover the bodily limbs and all directions.

Thereupon, boundaries and delimitations come to naught with respect to the servant, and he achieves pure servanthood.

The servant’s first foot upon the Path is receiving inner visions (basaʾir) and clearing away the darkness of existent things from his heart.

Thereupon the flashes (al-bawariq) and gleams (al-lawamiʿ) become manifest for him in a single flash (al-lamha).

He then becomes firmly fixed in witnessing these lights and gains firmness therein (rusukh).

That first ray of inner vision enables you to witness the proximity of the Real to you.

As such, you must observe proper courtesy during their manifestation because in that moment you are in the presence of the Generous and Noble Lord, most importantly during meditation and prayer.

Then the servant ascends to the eye of inner vision (ʿayn al-basira), which enables him to witness his own non-existence and the existence of the Real.

This eye of inner vision is directly tasted when the body of darkness passes away for you, and you subsist by the Lordly light.

Thereafter, the servant ascends from this site of witnessing to witnessing the reality of inner vision (haqq al-basira) where he comes to know the liminal reality of neither non-existence (la inʿidam) nor existence (wa-la wujud).

This is the spring source where the opposites unite and where union and separation is directly known, and where the reality of “God was and nothing is alongside Him” is directly discovered.

If the servant is able to drink from this overflowing ocean, then he stands at the podium of the very reality of inner vision (ʿayn al-basira), which is the station where he directly witnesses the existence of the Real in the presence of neither non-existence nor existence.

— Shaykh Mohamed Faouzi al-Karkari (May his secrets be sanctified)



Mar 14, 2017
@Zakat in the time of the prophet SAW. a muslim having a pot belly in itself was a sign that he lacked self control. Keep in mind that they ate natural, healthy food and they were physically active, so i'm not naive enough to project their lifestyle onto people in the modern age. I understand that condition and injuries can affect a person too.
I myself, do not claim to be a spiritual man. I have some experiences, sure...but that is subjective. As far as my physical appearance goes, when i'm not working out and start indulging in food, i get a belly. i've always had an aversion to it though.
That said, the more you gain muscle, the faster your metabolism and faster you lose it. When i was i was young, i didnt used to do much weight training. I did a a few stretches but it was never all out and dedicated.
This is important, because if you've been given the opportunities and knowledge to eat healthy and have access to training equipment,'re supposed to take that option. to have all that and to still turn out fat, means something seriously went wrong. This is okay for regular people, it is understandable esp when we're programmed from an early age, put on meds etc and turn out weak.

The reason i'm bringing this up is. No man qualifies for being a spiritual guide, if he has a belly. I look at my relationship with food as an aspect of my personal weakness and need for dopamine which is an aspect of mylimbic brain being faulty. i tend to eat bad when my mind is not in a good place.
A murshid type of person has to have conquered malakut (the mind) so how can that person even have a belly?

I just looked up Shaykh Mohamed Faouzi al-Karkariand it's the same rehersed shite

"may Allah sanctify his secret"
lol, they love to exaggerate their own self importance or their lineage, teachers etc.

"He is the sun of knowledge, the meeting of the two seas, the ocean of gnosis, the inmost heart of the spirit, the red sulphur, the inheritor of the secret of the essence, and the guide upon the Path of unveiling. He is the spiritual trainer, Shaykh Abu Abd Allah, Sidi Mohamed Faouzi b. Tayyib al-Karkari – may God sanctify his secret – of noble Prophetic descent, through Idrisi and Hasani lineage."

see this man didnt type these words himself. his devotee did and likely someone very close to him. These guys will tell their close devotees to do jobs for them, free of charge of course. 'make me a website'. i imagine he specifically posed for those images he has on.

he has a belly and an ego even bigger.

Our Shaykh’s sanctity is also visible in his progeny, and each of his children bear a prophetic mark.

stay away from these demons bro.


Aug 20, 2023
@Zakat in the time of the prophet SAW. a muslim having a pot belly in itself was a sign that he lacked self control. Keep in mind that they ate natural, healthy food and they were physically active, so i'm not naive enough to project their lifestyle onto people in the modern age. I understand that condition and injuries can affect a person too.
I myself, do not claim to be a spiritual man. I have some experiences, sure...but that is subjective. As far as my physical appearance goes, when i'm not working out and start indulging in food, i get a belly. i've always had an aversion to it though.
That said, the more you gain muscle, the faster your metabolism and faster you lose it. When i was i was young, i didnt used to do much weight training. I did a a few stretches but it was never all out and dedicated.
This is important, because if you've been given the opportunities and knowledge to eat healthy and have access to training equipment,'re supposed to take that option. to have all that and to still turn out fat, means something seriously went wrong. This is okay for regular people, it is understandable esp when we're programmed from an early age, put on meds etc and turn out weak.

The reason i'm bringing this up is. No man qualifies for being a spiritual guide, if he has a belly. I look at my relationship with food as an aspect of my personal weakness and need for dopamine which is an aspect of mylimbic brain being faulty. i tend to eat bad when my mind is not in a good place.
A murshid type of person has to have conquered malakut (the mind) so how can that person even have a belly?

I just looked up Shaykh Mohamed Faouzi al-Karkariand it's the same rehersed shite

"may Allah sanctify his secret"
lol, they love to exaggerate their own self importance or their lineage, teachers etc.

"He is the sun of knowledge, the meeting of the two seas, the ocean of gnosis, the inmost heart of the spirit, the red sulphur, the inheritor of the secret of the essence, and the guide upon the Path of unveiling. He is the spiritual trainer, Shaykh Abu Abd Allah, Sidi Mohamed Faouzi b. Tayyib al-Karkari – may God sanctify his secret – of noble Prophetic descent, through Idrisi and Hasani lineage."

see this man didnt type these words himself. his devotee did and likely someone very close to him. These guys will tell their close devotees to do jobs for them, free of charge of course. 'make me a website'. i imagine he specifically posed for those images he has on.

he has a belly and an ego even bigger.

Our Shaykh’s sanctity is also visible in his progeny, and each of his children bear a prophetic mark.

stay away from these demons bro.
Well, that certainly is a new perspective! Thanks, brother! :)



Aug 20, 2023
How to recognize Sagittarius?

According to Linda Goodman's Sun Signs in Italics.

That is only if He blesses one with inner sight.

'I should see the garden far better ... if I could get to the top of the hill:
and here's a path that leads straight to it- at least; no, it doesn't do that...
But I suppose it will at last. But how curiously it twists! ... Well then, I'll try the other way."

But what if I don't even want to see the garden?
What if I am already in my own garden?


Reminder that "Astrology" simply signifies "Study of the stars".
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