So.. September 23.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Yeah I do.
2 Corinthians 5 discusses reconciliation. I guess we each draw our conclusions as to the meaning.

"17Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.18And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; 19To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.

20Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God. 21For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him."

To me there are two parts to the process of reconciliation, Gods part and our own.
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Mar 13, 2017
The hurricanes recently hitting america are man made, the elite are suddenly rushing all of a sudden, even in my industry people are acting weird. Something is going to happen large scale.

Agreed, @Valerian
Weatherwar101 on YT does a great discussion on the man made hurricanes.
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Mar 13, 2017
I don't know how the discussion here turned about hurricane and islam... LOL
Folks, 09/23 it's only about an astronomical sign which will start the beginning of the end (according to John's prophecy), that's it.
There will be no rapture, there will be no Nibiru, but probably, there will be the opening of dimensional portals by CERN.


Mar 13, 2017
I don't know how the discussion here turned about hurricane and islam... LOL
Folks, 09/23 it's only about an astronomical sign which will start the beginning of the end (according to John's prophecy), that's it.
There will be no rapture, there will be no Nibiru, but probably, there will be the opening of dimensional portals by CERN.
Many of us suspect the timing of these hurricanes and the upcoming date of Sept. 23 is not coincidental. Those of faith are looking for blessed hope of a rapture and are watching the signs in the heavens as recommended by God.
Here are a few verses that Christians bear in mind, most notably at this time are those found in Revelations 12.


Mar 13, 2017
Yes, I dont think this hurricanes aren't coincidental either. But I think that it has to do with solar eclipse...
Sept. 23 will be the beginning of the end, things will will get worse.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
@Raquel and @Valerian - you both have interesting perspectives, and truthfully, I don't think anyone 'knows' what (if anything) might happen. Some, all or none of the above are distinct possibilities ;-)

As a kid on car journeys, I would regularly ask "are we nearly there yet?!". My dad always had the same answer...

"Not long now"


Mar 16, 2017
Has anyone noticed how threads are increasingly becoming religious? Did we all forget the thread about keeping religion in the religion section and that people have been banned already for doing this?

For anyone that missed this thread, subjects that require explanations using religious texts should be in the religion section. There are a lot of them that are becoming filled with scriptures from the Bible throughout the board.

We should be able to be just as respectful to discuss our religion in the religion section as anyone else, if not more so.

It doesn't matter how strongly you believe in anything, if people are asking that you not include religious discussion in other threads, and they are allowing a place for you to discuss religion, this should be respected. No one is saying that anyone can't talk about religion.

Even when it comes to news and events. If we need to include the Bible in order to participate in the discussion, we can create a thread in the religion section to discuss this. It doesn't have to be in the News and Events sections just because it is a news article.

If you want to discuss this article from a Biblical perspective, it should be in the religion section.

The whole issue in this thread seems to have begun because Vixy is actually paraphrasing from the Bible in this post.

She also doesn't post all that much and probably didn't intend to break a rule, but it should be perfectly acceptable to present a kind reminder to not bring the Bible into the News and Current Events. Then, much of the derailment could have been avoided and this would not tempt other people to start bringing in responses that include prophecies found in the Bible.

So, as a result, whether you are participating in this thread at this point or not, we should all stop making this a religious discussion. If there is some way to break a new thread off to continue this, it should be moved to the religion forum.

It is not fair to people who have been banned for this same thing to see people doing the same thing without the same consequences.
I didnt know that we weren't allowed to talk religion in any thread. I see why now. I'm really sorry, you're right. However how is one to avoid bringing up religion in a subject that is already religious? Sept. 23 is a biblic prophecy.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
I didnt know that we weren't allowed to talk religion in any thread. I see why now. I'm really sorry, you're right. However how is one to avoid bringing up religion in a subject that is already religious? Sept. 23 is a biblic prophecy.
Tricky ;-)


Mar 18, 2017
I didnt know that we weren't allowed to talk religion in any thread. I see why now. I'm really sorry, you're right. However how is one to avoid bringing up religion in a subject that is already religious? Sept. 23 is a biblic prophecy.
Your right, I see the opening post actually brought up bringing in beliefs on the subject. I had only seen a few of Valerian's post talking about the hurricane and making it seem like he didn't intend for it to go this way, and I am not following sep 23 from a prophecy perspective. Don't even really know anything about it at all because I don't really like date setting prophecies, personally.

So it seems the whole thing should have been in the religion secion, but @Valerian probably didn't notice this either. So, I don't think it is really a big deal, but it was added to the forum rules too. So just a reminder for everyone. :)


Mar 16, 2017
Not guided to anyone specific and totally OffTopicbut it feels like the big asian mama came in and said:

--You nooo talk religion! *waving finger*



Jul 27, 2017
Yes, I dont think this hurricanes aren't coincidental either. But I think that it has to do with solar eclipse...
Sept. 23 will be the beginning of the end, things will will get worse.
The eclipse did something. The hurricanes, the earth quake in Mexico.

So September 23rd?
The US has tensions with NK and to top that off nearly half of the US population has leaked information thanks to equifax


Jun 3, 2017
The eclipse did something. The hurricanes, the earth quake in Mexico.

So September 23rd?
The US has tensions with NK and to top that off nearly half of the US population has leaked information thanks to equifax
The US doesnt have tensions with North Korea. It's a distraction.

If the us really had an issue, they wouldve invaded them a long time ago.