Jun 26, 2022
I didn't know he molested hundreds of girls but how did he get away with it so long? You would think after ten or twenty of them someone would take notice . Perhaps the parents are to blame too for not paying attention.
I agree that parents need to be ever-vigilant with their kids. And also not blindly trust "authority" or "experts" (the guy was a doctor).

I read that some of the assaults occured while the parents where there in the room. How awful!
Oct 20, 2021
Sad thing is that the podesta brothers are still on the loose and one of them has a high ranking job in the lying dog pony soldiers cabinet not to mention Rachel Levine and all the drag queen story hour criminal cartel. So while I am glad they nabbed these guys I still maintain they are low hanging fruit with no connections to people in power. Also the Washington Post and Rolling Stone and many other MSM lackeys are claiming that the documentary The Sound of Freedom is some kind of qanon conspiracy theory. Just more evidence we are living in not only a dictatorship but a Satanic country as well.


Jan 10, 2019
America: The First True Global Talmudic Empire

...Rothschild Zionists currently run the US Anglo-Zionist empire, not just as behind-the-scenes financiers as was common in the past, but as “hands on the wheel” / “in full public view” managers. As a result, the empire’s metaphysical mass messaging uses the “mind-speak” of international Jewry. The Talmud encourages theft, chicanery, duplicity, financial exploitation, torture, murder, slavery, and Jewish supremacism, making these traits the ideological glue that holds America together. Talmudic ideology combined with high-tech policing, greedy corporations, a ravenous military machine, and an all-powerful international banking cartel turned the US into the first true global Talmudic empire.

...While the Jewish mafia banking families seized control of the US financial system in 1913, I don’t think America officially became a full-spectrum Talmudic empire until 9/11. By then, organized Jewry had taken control of the domestic and international policy-making apparatus, along with media, finance, military, intelligence agencies, technology, education, healthcare, policing, prisons, industry, societal narratives, and pretty much everything else.


Mar 18, 2017
America: The First True Global Talmudic Empire

...Rothschild Zionists currently run the US Anglo-Zionist empire, not just as behind-the-scenes financiers as was common in the past, but as “hands on the wheel” / “in full public view” managers. As a result, the empire’s metaphysical mass messaging uses the “mind-speak” of international Jewry. The Talmud encourages theft, chicanery, duplicity, financial exploitation, torture, murder, slavery, and Jewish supremacism, making these traits the ideological glue that holds America together. Talmudic ideology combined with high-tech policing, greedy corporations, a ravenous military machine, and an all-powerful international banking cartel turned the US into the first true global Talmudic empire.

...While the Jewish mafia banking families seized control of the US financial system in 1913, I don’t think America officially became a full-spectrum Talmudic empire until 9/11. By then, organized Jewry had taken control of the domestic and international policy-making apparatus, along with media, finance, military, intelligence agencies, technology, education, healthcare, policing, prisons, industry, societal narratives, and pretty much everything else.
Longtime ex-JINSA director's comments that the American military is a zionist institution aren't so outrageous in context of your article.
Fighting Israel’s Wars: How the U.S. military and government have become Zionized

"Shoshana Bryen, former executive director of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) and currently affiliated with the Jewish Policy Center, who has been involved in hosting the indoctrination of U.S. national security personnel, recently described it this way: “I have taken more than 400 American security professionals – primarily retired American Admirals and Generals – to Israel in more than 30 trips. And at the other end of their careers, I have sent more than 500 cadets and midshipmen of our service academies to Israel before they received their commissions. And I can say that they all understood the fundamental and profound principles that guide both the United States and Israel. They don’t always agree with Israel’s politics – or Israel’s defense choices – or any other single aspect of Israeli political, military and social life, but I never found one that didn’t believe in the relationship between Jews and the land of Israel. The United States military, then, is a Zionist institution.”
....Colonel Pat Lang, former special ops officer and head of the Defense Humint Service, considered Bryen’s assertion, writing “It’s an open question but I think the answer is probably yes. The U.S. military now seems to be totally focused on Israeli policy goals in Iran, Syria and Iraq… Israel wants Iran neutered and eliminated as a power rival in the Middle East. The putative Iranian nuclear weapons program is just one target of Israeli policy toward Iran. To reach the goal of Morgenthau-style comfort with regard to Iran, Israel wants to destroy Syria and Hizbullah as allies of Iran… The process of conditioning American officers to make them Zionists has been ongoing for a long time."


Mar 23, 2021
Heres even more breaking news ITS EVERY NATION and who gives that power atm in time hint its the entity that was in the desert with CHRIST

Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; 9And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. 1
Oct 20, 2021
I saw somewhere that a Pfizer factory was hit by lightning and destroyed and also a monument to George Floyd was also hit by lightning and destroyed. Now that we are entering the last days of whatever this is we must plead with God to unleash more miracles. We must fight fire with fire. Here is just a couple of possibilities: lightning hits Congress while it is in session and the whole building with everyone in it is totally destroyed. Israel while planning a nuclear strike against the rest of the world accidentally blows themselves up and is wiped off the face of the earth.
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May 15, 2017
If this isn't a sign of the hour idk what is. Imagine these kids in a few years when they hit puberty?

that's absolutely disgusting and saddening at the
same time

Peoples that are allowing,teaching their Children
this type of behaviour shouldn't have Children and
should be investigated


Jun 28, 2020
that's absolutely disgusting and saddening at the
same time

Peoples that are allowing,teaching their Children
this type of behaviour shouldn't have Children and
should be investigated
This is what the no father culture leads to. Most homes in America, especially lower income, have no man in the house.

For decades the US government made it more profitable for a woman to have multiple kids, then throw the man out.

This is just the fruit of their labor.


Mar 23, 2021
This is what the no father culture leads to. Most homes in America, especially lower income, have no man in the house.

For decades the US government made it more profitable for a woman to have multiple kids, then throw the man out.

This is just the fruit of their labor.
Problem is being married is a stigma now days. Seems if you have a divorce or two your the norm. I don't like the norm. BTW its not just lower income why generalize so. I would say its across all incomes if your fatherless then... you are going to have a harder go. Tptb have been pushing this agenda for a looong time already. Destroy the family doesn't matter income group heck middle isn't even really middle income anymore is it. But i digress if you kill the family you can then get to the kids alot easier.


May 15, 2017
I wouldn't say it's always a fatherless household either
Ya can find the same sicknesses being taught even in
homes where the father is present

it is True it's easier to get to the Children without fathers
being present but I Know plenty who were abused with
fathers actively in their lives,I've Know some who were
abused by their fathers

what We need the most is parents willing to be a parent
get involved with what Your Child is doing online/offline
who they're interacting with,what they're watching and
listening to

Your Child doesn't need Ya to be a friend they need a
Loving parent that will Help them become morally sound
productive members of society

the more tptb normalize the sickness in Our World the
worse this is gonna become


Mar 23, 2021
I wouldn't say it's always a fatherless household either
Ya can find the same sicknesses being taught even in
homes where the father is present

it is True it's easier to get to the Children without fathers
being present but I Know plenty who were abused with
fathers actively in their lives,I've Know some who were
abused by their fathers

what We need the most is parents willing to be a parent
get involved with what Your Child is doing online/offline
who they're interacting with,what they're watching and
listening to

Your Child doesn't need Ya to be a friend they need a
Loving parent that will Help them become morally sound
productive members of society

the more tptb normalize the sickness in Our World the
worse this is gonna become
couldn't agree more

specially this:

Your Child doesn't need Ya to be a friend they need a
Loving parent that will Help them become morally sound
productive members of society

Because as @Daze showed us in post #69 that's what happens when parents are trying to be friends instead of an actual parent ugh so deviant. When did the norm change to be "friends with your kid"
Oct 20, 2021
I wanted to add the fact that the USA which is satanic country is now waging war against Russia which is Christian country. USA supporting drag queen Zelensky. USA destroying all of our lives with Ukraine war.


Jan 10, 2019
Every time i see this topic i think of that NASA meme.

View attachment 89209
Sorry I keep referring to the same author Matt Ehret but he has many interesting arguments in favor of republican government. While imperfect the American system of economy and political organization was a revolutionary movement against European oligarchic power. From the perspective of Universal History we could say there's always been conflicting human forces of good against bad, and the US is no different. Some years ago I felt the US was evil and satanic but realize now why our constitution has become a celebrated model copied by most of the world.

The majority of his writings are on the theme of the American System but I was just looking at this one:

...Although City of London-affiliated traitors in America like Aaron Burr established the speculative Bank of Manhattan which started Wall Street, killed Alexander Hamilton in 1804, and derailed many of Hamilton’s grand designs, the system was never completely destroyed despite the decades of attempts to do so. In 1824, the great German economist Frederick List came to America with the last surviving leader of 1776 Marquis Lafayette as part of an international effort to revive the sabotaged plans to create a world of sovereign republics modelled on the American experience of 1776.

...List studied Hamilton’s system and was the first to codify it as the American System of Political Economy (1827). This was the system which List transported to Germany by
driving rail development, industrial growth, protectionism under the German Zollverein which finally blossomed under the rule of Chancellor Otto von Bismarck. List’s system was also studied, translated and applied in Russia by many “American System economists” with the greatest being the Transport Minister and Prime Minister Sergei Witte who oversaw the trans Siberian railway’s completion and envisioned a line eventually connecting the Americas to Russia via the Bering Straits.


Jun 28, 2020
Sorry I keep referring to the same author Matt Ehret but he has many interesting arguments in favor of republican government. While imperfect the American system of economy and political organization was a revolutionary movement against European oligarchic power. From the perspective of Universal History we could say there's always been conflicting human forces of good against bad, and the US is no different. Some years ago I felt the US was evil and satanic but realize now why our constitution has become a celebrated model copied by most of the world.

The majority of his writings are on the theme of the American System but I was just looking at this one:

...Although City of London-affiliated traitors in America like Aaron Burr established the speculative Bank of Manhattan which started Wall Street, killed Alexander Hamilton in 1804, and derailed many of Hamilton’s grand designs, the system was never completely destroyed despite the decades of attempts to do so. In 1824, the great German economist Frederick List came to America with the last surviving leader of 1776 Marquis Lafayette as part of an international effort to revive the sabotaged plans to create a world of sovereign republics modelled on the American experience of 1776.

...List studied Hamilton’s system and was the first to codify it as the American System of Political Economy (1827). This was the system which List transported to Germany by
driving rail development, industrial growth, protectionism under the German Zollverein which finally blossomed under the rule of Chancellor Otto von Bismarck. List’s system was also studied, translated and applied in Russia by many “American System economists” with the greatest being the Transport Minister and Prime Minister Sergei Witte who oversaw the trans Siberian railway’s completion and envisioned a line eventually connecting the Americas to Russia via the Bering Straits.
Do you think Democracy is approved by God?

It is a simple question. People would say its what the majority wants so of course it is. But i think you and i both know on some level its 2 wolves and a sheep deciding whats for dinner. With Democracy there is always a side that has no voice, a side that suffers and we can see the results of that. Look at Gitmo for example. 20 years later and we are still torturing people.

Are there good people in the system, sure. But it says alot when our number 1 export is homosexuality and gender fluidity. Imagine this being a Christian country constantly forcing satanic ideals on the globe.

We literally bring nothing to the world but occupation and theft of their resources. If they don't obey we run psyops and coups to overthrow their governments. There is a reason we have 750 military bases outside of the US and we both know its not for defense.

I think if democracy worked, the prophets would have installed them. But we know they had kings / caliphs with advisors. For example King Solomon didn't run a democracy.

The difference is kings of today like Charles compared to Solomon, is the later were God fearing. Charles literally wears stolen jewels on his crown and scepter. God save the king indeed.

Our very system is corrupt, catering to the deep pockets. But is is sold to the masses as freedom.

If we have a voice why are we always scraping the bottom of the barrel for presidents?

No, Always. 350 million people and 2 pro-Israel candidates is the best we can do?


Mar 23, 2021
Do you think Democracy is approved by God?

It is a simple question. People would say its what the majority wants so of course it is. But i think you and i both know on some level its 2 wolves and a sheep deciding whats for dinner. With Democracy there is always a side that has no voice, a side that suffers and we can see the results of that. Look at Gitmo for example. 20 years later and we are still torturing people.

Are there good people in the system, sure. But it says alot when our number 1 export is homosexuality and gender fluidity. Imagine this being a Christian country constantly forcing satanic ideals on the globe.

We literally bring nothing to the world but occupation and theft of their resources. If they don't obey we run psyops and coups to overthrow their governments. There is a reason we have 750 military bases outside of the US and we both know its not for defense.

I think if democracy worked, the prophets would have installed them. But we know they had kings / caliphs with advisors. For example King Solomon didn't run a democracy.

The difference is kings of today like Charles compared to Solomon, is the later were God fearing. Charles literally wears stolen jewels on his crown and scepter. God save the king indeed.

Our very system is corrupt, catering to the deep pockets. But is is sold to the masses as freedom.

If we have a voice why are we always scraping the bottom of the barrel for presidents?

No, Always. 350 million people and 2 pro-Israel candidates is the best we can do?
The usa is a constitutional republic. You ever say the pledge of allegiance in school? And to the republic for which it stands.....

By definition, a republic is a representative form of government that is ruled according to a charter, or constitution, and a democracy is a government that is ruled according to the will of the majority.

Problem is the represntatives listen to a minority and not the majority. But if it was the other way it would be as corrupt. All governments are in there own way. Because the hearts of men and all being swayed by the god of this world.