Annoying Trends

Jun 26, 2022
I'm VERY hesitant to say this, because y'all might accuse me of being some kind of disinformationist or bot, but im gonna go ahead and say it anyway...

I don't know what we at my household are doing wrong (right?) but i havent seen any signs of the tech spying on me and giving me relevant ads. In general the ads i get are completely random and not relevant at all. My husband says the same for the most part.

Some things we do that may be the possible reason:

-on my cell phone i am not signed on to a google account, and i dont have any downloaded aps. I dont have an email linked to the phone.

- we dont have a smart tv or smart anything in our home (except the phones unfortunately). Our tvs are not actual tvs, but a "digital display" the kind they use in stores to advertise menus and stuff, supposedly those dont come with the spy equipment

- i never use google to search anything, i do use youtube search, dont follow any channels or like any videos

-never had a facebook or twitter account

- never used zoom

But other than that i don't cover the camera of my phone or anything.

Im curious if all of the above apply to anyone and youre still getting targeted ads.


Mar 15, 2017
This morning I went into my greenhouse to check on my tomato seedlings. I did not have my mobile phone or tablet with me. I have not done any recent searches on tomatoes. I did a while back on my laptop but I always cookie clean it regularly.
Afterwards I opened my tablet's browser and suggested topic for reading was on growing tomatoes.
It does make me wonder what is going on....


Jul 24, 2022
When I was laid up for a year or so (broken hip two years ago) I got very acquainted with the massive telefrauds that at one point were ringing the phone (I only have land line) literally several times an hour. Constant. Everything from "can I buy your house??" to policeman's ball to fireman retirement scam to Nigerian money princess scam.

I got a kick out of trying various "countermeasures"--my favorite became the Biblethumper routine. When the phone rang and the TV display showed it to be the ever "unavailable" ID (which indicates scammer caller) I would answer with a sweet "Hello?" (which triggers their auto-dialer to a live operator to work their scam) and then when THEY finally arrived on the line, i would enthusiastically interrupt their spiel with a heartfelt "Thank you for calling Biblephone Ministries! How may we pray for you today????!!!!!!"

But the legislation that was passed a few months ago that put the Big Goof out of business (the guy that was masterminding 90% of spam calls, I forget his name) put an end to my soul saving business of Biblephone and now my phone rarely gets a spam call. When it does, I now answer with an enthusiastic "BUENO!!!!" which seems to trigger automatic hang up (they have trouble speaking Spanish, it seems) or I just waste their phone line time by triggering their autodialer and just waiting for them to exhaust their patience and they eventually hang up.

Then I go back to watching the Fatties on TV or playing the Chess cheater machine.


Apr 25, 2021

Eye in the sky > Sparton Cosmic Eye TV Show Piece of your home. One of the first TV ad line is "an eye in the sky" - "show piece(s) of your home" . They also said they were black magic and a passport to an enchant evening. Here is a thread I made about it.

Interesting paper. Yeah, we kind of forgot how actually incredible television was of an invention because of all the news other stuff electronics wise we’ve been pampered down upon.


Jul 24, 2022
Giggling idiots.

These seem to be prominent on these "tik tok" videos, and are usually cackling uncontrollably at the misfortunes of others (who they have "caught" unawares on their video devices) ... not just people, but animals. Cat misses its jump and lands awkwardly? BY ALL MEANS laugh like a lunatic!!!

The people who call themselves "frauditors" seem to also be fond of the idiot giggle: usually when they sense a "GOTCHA!!" moment set up by one of their inane questions (usually when a policeman looks at them, puzzled by their behavior.) The eccentrics known as "Sovereign Citizens" sometimes have their idiot giggle, but I've noticed those are more prone to the "quondam lawyer" righteousness.

The handheld televisions that double as telephones have reduced the populace' IQ by a good 30 or more points, it seems.
Jun 26, 2022
Children being allowed/encouraged/forced? by their parents to wear s*xualized clothing.

My sister in law seriously gave us a miniskirt for our preschool aged daughter, i wish i was kidding. I knew she has no common sense due to her disney obsession, but this is a new low. Of course i'm not going to put that on my daughter, but what on earth would make her think this is ok?!

And why are miniskirts for toddlers even openly sold?!
Jul 12, 2022
Children being allowed/encouraged/forced? by their parents to wear s*xualized clothing.

My sister in law seriously gave us a miniskirt for our preschool aged daughter, i wish i was kidding. I knew she has no common sense due to her disney obsession, but this is a new low. Of course i'm not going to put that on my daughter, but what on earth would make her think this is ok?!

And why are miniskirts for toddlers even openly sold?!
Seriously? What was she even thinking? It's sad how Disney can mind control people so much! I don't even understand why anyone would make those clothes for little girls, makes me so sick! They aren't meant to be put on display like pieces of meat. It's bad enough when an adult gets objectified, but this? Just not Godly!
I see these clothes sold pretty well everywhere, and it seems that so many, even in a small town, will dress their little daughters like this! If they really could, they can try finding an alternative, but they don't even bother.
They were selling pride mini shorts for little girls at Walmart! And they were skin tight. What self respecting parent would ever do this to their little girl?


May 10, 2022
Giggling idiots.

These seem to be prominent on these "tik tok" videos, and are usually cackling uncontrollably at the misfortunes of others (who they have "caught" unawares on their video devices) ... not just people, but animals. Cat misses its jump and lands awkwardly? BY ALL MEANS laugh like a lunatic!!!

The people who call themselves "frauditors" seem to also be fond of the idiot giggle: usually when they sense a "GOTCHA!!" moment set up by one of their inane questions (usually when a policeman looks at them, puzzled by their behavior.) The eccentrics known as "Sovereign Citizens" sometimes have their idiot giggle, but I've noticed those are more prone to the "quondam lawyer" righteousness.

The handheld televisions that double as telephones have reduced the populace' IQ by a good 30 or more points, it seems.
I think this is hilarious that you mention this as an annoying trend. I totally agree. Sometimes I'll catch my husband or children watching one of these. I try to be kind and humor them by watching the video too, so I can see what is so dang funny... Every single time I come away confused. The videos are rarely funny at all. Let alone funny enough to justify the barrage of braying jackass style laughter that is taking place throughout the clip. What I've also noticed is most of the time whoever is watching the video doesn't laugh at all. They're straight faced, unexpressive, as if they're watching a video on assembling a bookshelf or something. It's bizarre.


Jul 24, 2022
I noticed the trend when I first started to look at these "tik tok" things a month or so ago...I do not use that, nor do I have a handheld television a/k/a "smart" phone. I am a dinosaur. I suppose the trend began with the television show that was called "People Are Funny" (at least as best as I recall) which if I remember correctly was amusing at times, but often made physical harm to another a form of amusement.

I grew up with Candid Camera--which (again, as best I recall) never used physical harm or endangerment as a matter of amusement. Personally I don't find it humorous at all ... and it troubles me that so many people do.


May 10, 2022
I noticed the trend when I first started to look at these "tik tok" things a month or so ago...I do not use that, nor do I have a handheld television a/k/a "smart" phone. I am a dinosaur. I suppose the trend began with the television show that was called "People Are Funny" (at least as best as I recall) which if I remember correctly was amusing at times, but often made physical harm to another a form of amusement.

I grew up with Candid Camera--which (again, as best I recall) never used physical harm or endangerment as a matter of amusement. Personally I don't find it humorous at all ... and it troubles me that so many people do.
Agreed. We had America's Funniest Home Videos which definitely showed clips of people getting hurt over and over. Didn't matter who, be it children, or the elderly.. and then Jackass came out and the world was never the same.


Jul 24, 2022
America's Funniest was the one I meant. That other one was harmless, as I recall, like Candid Camera. I never watched Jackass. I haven't watched any TV to speak of in many years. Sometimes I watch the fat people getting their fat surgery from that Doctor. I like doing my own running commentary and just watch the picture. "DANG!!! Look at that Ham on 'r laig!!!" or "HOLY COW!!!! That one's got a giant pertater hangin' down!!" Oh lordy he's poking one now with his picture tool OMG wTH is that green stuff in there??? I'm gonna be sick.


May 10, 2022
I don't watch TV either (we don't even have basic cable). However, I do have a PC and a smartphone, so I do view various content including videos. I never could watch the surgery shows. No way. No "Dr pimple popper" for me.
Jul 12, 2022
I can't STAND those home videos shows either, the ones where everyone gets hurt! It's not even funny, I don't see how someone in pain could be considered so. Just another way to desensitize the population, so when someone truly gets hurt around them, they will just laugh it off like it's nothing.
I can see why you guys would be annoyed with this trend.