You have to remember there's a difference between doing something and doing it with malice. If something doesn't feel right/true why can't we question it?
I never said anyone can't or is not allowed to question anything.
What i have said, and will continue to say, is that other than chromosomal differences, xx vs xy, we can't know if an individual is a female or male. Genetics sometimes do some crazy things, and the people who don't fit the sterotypes don't particularly appreciate it when people make assumptions.
No waist? Could still be a woman.
Long femurs? Could still be a woman.
Large shoulders? Could be a woman.
Large behind? Could be a man.
Short legs? Could be a man.
And i'm not even talking about people taking hormones, actively trying to be alter their appearance. I'm talking about normal, if not stereotypical, gene expression.
If something doesn't pass my initial intuitions as truth why am I not allowed to question it? If a man is potentially posting as a woman and telling me he is a woman, as a woman myself I must remain silent? Yes I could be wrong but I could also be right. I didn't attack their character or called them names. I am simply trying to call out what I think is a lie.
I wasn't aware that someone is posting here pretending to be the opposite sex.
I've been accused of being a male poster by a female because i spoke out against feminism. If someone wants to believe i am a man because of what i post then that is their choice, i guess?
You are free to call out what you think is a lie, as am i. And i think it is a lie that all women meet certain physical criteria, other than the obvious of having female organs and two x chromosomes. Same goes for men.
Are there studies to conclude that transitioning is a long term success story? How do we determine what is defined as successful and what are the rates? And is it a positive one?
I sure hope not, because anyone who has read my posts can see that i am very against "transitioning". I don't care whether it is subjectively successful or not, i believe it's an abomination and needs to stop.
I also genuinely believe that perpetuating sterotypes about how the two sexes should look or behave play a part in convincing some "noncomforming" individuals that they should transition.