Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Aug 23, 2022
This is the actual line up / ranking of eyez won and no one ever talks about it...

1 yung only got 9th place and that was with angel editing yet everyone still acts like she won the whole show fair and square

ga 3un was supposed to debut but nahh we can't have an actual adult in kpop! they're too hard to manipulate! plus we need every member to appeal to the pedos in the audience

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Mar 8, 2022
im actually curious why this keeps happening in kpop? like it's not a coincidence anymore at this point (and i don't think these people are simply ignorant or "didn't know" like kpoop stans love to say. like get real it's 2023 and these people know exactly what they are doing :rolleyes:)

and apparently i read she owns the shirt herself and it's a difficult shirt to get. like it's really rare and costs over $200... so not one you would find at your local thrift store.
Energy harvesting and promo. They know exactly what they are doing. Get people upset use their energy. Get people upset Get them to talk, cause chaos online, more eyes on the group and their latest release.

Rinse wash repeat.

Something like this will happen again very soon like clockwork.


Jun 26, 2022
This is the actual line up / ranking of eyez won and no one ever talks about it...

1 yung only got 9th place and that was with angel editing yet everyone still acts like she won the whole show fair and square

ga 3un was supposed to debut but nahh we can't have an actual adult in kpop! they're too hard to manipulate! plus we need every member to appeal to the pedos in the audience

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You mean iz*one line up?that looks kinda fishy
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Feb 20, 2020
soyoon ft rm - smoke sprite
symbolism & analysis
part 1

smoke spirit = darkness(the gloominess in the music videos suggests it) that’s why they are showing the sun in such way = darkness. also black sun symbolism but when the colors are inverted we get purple sky and white sun/moon.
smoke = shadow/silhouette/grey/vapor/smoke of a big furnace = opening of the pit/abyss & setting free of demonic entities, your worst nightmares.
they are singing about meeting one another in a dream and one of the things it signals is dream sprites/spirits = illusion, deception, lie. it also has to do with different dimensions /parallel universes/astral world call it however you want.

upside down triangle is the alchemical symbol for water.
she is running in an ice valley = frozen/solid water=frozen energy= time travel/stargates/portals
she is laying in a water altar table = sacrifice, sleeping giant on an ice cold bed who is about to awaken. the altar scene reminded me of spring summer marine serre collection 2021
winter = decay, death, spiritual winter = persecution
"i understand your body and soul" indicates what we have been talking about here physical and spirtual world

she’s running in an icey place yet she’s burned from the sun and the top she’s wearing doesn’t match the sun burn
another way to show the physical and spiritual (unseen but felt and the colliding of both worlds).

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let’s jump in norse “mythology” because it has a lot to do with what we are shown here. the land of niflheim is a land of ice/cold/death. “come to the low low” = fall/collapse to the ground. also come to the lower realm.
mind you this song has everything to do with the spiritual realm.
she is shown moving/running in the spiritual realm
on the mkultra layer there is such mind control programming where scripts of what goes on in norse “mytholgoy” are used and ragnarok/end of the world/ apocalypse programming are tightly connected to it. and of course demonic entities the spirits of them ancient gods are called into the victim and serve as guardians/gatekeepers of programmings. this is high level demonology/satanism.

Just give me your best level, that space level.jpgUntitled.jpg
there is sex magick going on in the lyrics
“give me your best level space level”
best=beast=beast level=beast system
it’t not a coincidence there are lyrics like “take on like a beast” taking the power/dominion over the earth

we have also the tunnel of death shown both as a building and as a tunnel(optical illusion again an illusion, a deception).
it’s also a portal.
the building goes high reaching the sky = second heaven where a group of the fallen reside. meanwhile the tunnel goes from one dimension to another and is shown going thru hell symbolic to a tree reaching the sky with its roots in the underworld/hell (this is the gnostic crap of carl jung). the upside down, as above so below.
in order for a person to travel thru dimensions they must go thru hades first and then they will be allowed to travel thru the realms. for example shamanism:

“Shamanism has been described as a worldwide magico-spiritual system in which the tribal psychic or shaman – also known as the witchdoctor, medicine man, priest, magician, sorcerer, diviner and sage – enters an altered state of consciousness, or trance state, and travels to ‘non-material’ worlds by journeying into himself . There he gains knowledge of divination and healing through his interaction with what he believes to be the spirits of the dead and other supernatural creatures and intelligences.
In the course of his inner journey the shaman travels through the higher realms. However, these can only be reached by first passing through the Underworld, the land of the dead, known to the ancient Sumerians as Abzu, to the ancient Egyptians as Duat and to the Greeks as Hades.“

Stuck with you in your dreams.jpg

cars turned upside down = chaos
one of the layers of cars is that they are a reference to humans. if you have super car the code behind it would be super human. so cars being turned upside down is symbolic to people dying.
car morgue = cars (humans) death.


they are showing joon in a whole other dimension/realm than her.
look at how it enters into the realm thru the circle (portal) right after this scene we are shown rm upside down and it rotates on 180 degrees like a spiral
Feb 20, 2020
soyoon ft rm - smoke sprite
symbolism & analysis
part 2

Show your dance tonight so could kill you alright.png

dance = to leap, to flow, run, hurry. leap = jump = quantum jump.
Greek hallesthai "to leap," Middle Irish saltraim "I trample," Middle Welsh sathar "trampling").
no wonder he sings “i could kill u alright” after ‘dance’.
the way it focuses on namjoon after it goes thru the portals is also a turning a reel and thats another meaning to the word dance to tumble.
Middle Low German tummelen "to turn, dance," Dutch tuimelen "to tumble," Old High German tumon, German taumeln "to turn, reel."
swear to god you don't need to be mine just hit you right.png
“i swear to god u dont need to be mine just hit u right” double meaning even triple hit = strike = judgment


the way he sings about next next level and goes then space level
clearly shows us the connection to the astral world.
next level is related to a spiritual level. another level another dimension “higher” dimension. remember the aespas song next level? repeated pattern and if you put the puzzle pieces together you will get the full message. all about the next level of the plan the full implementation of the beast system the one world currency, religion, leader etc. the world in false unity under the antichrist not only of the world but also of beings coming from different dimensions to live with humanity. new world order for short.

the black sun is shown and arrows begin to fly.
sun = apollo
god of archery = apollo.
apollyon = angel of the bottomless pit/abyss. “And they had as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, but in Greek he has the name Apollyon.” - (Revelation 9:11)
we also have war signaled.
arrows = missiles.

arrows = spears of the fallen = return of the fallen
we have light coming out of both of them while they are surrounded by darkness = light(false light) beings. also black out/lights out.

as i have mentioned already the sun is also the moon she is symbolic to artemis/diana goddess of the half moon (holding the bow and arrow in half black and white).
also to hecate underworld/dark side of the moon (all black) which has to do with concealed/hidden things.
yin & yang, good & evil, hot & cold.
hot & cold we can see on her skin while she is running thru the ice cold valley in another dimension.

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in the end she is shown with platinum blonde hair wearing light metal top:
  • flesh + machine (clay + iron)
  • full moon goddess luna/selene (we have the triple goddess shown all the way from the beginning to the end with the focus being on the dot = moon&sun in the sky. expect anomalies in the sky)
  • back to the lyrics “take you to the best level the space level” all about man and his attempts of become a god thru enlightenment of consciousness and what not occult crap and lie of the enemy.
  • she is literally sitting on the top of the building (higher dimension) while wearing a metallic gold top (gold etc signals invincibility the flesh of the gods”).


Jun 9, 2022
not kpop,i think he's a thai singer , really creepy :

This man acted in Thai bl's. His recent hit is kinn porch in fact all actors were super famous that they did a mini world tour and did very sensual dance. Before this series was filmed they thought of doing it in low budget. But after a year gap they thaught of doing it in big scale and suddenly all the actors were doing triangle symbols


Jun 26, 2022
This man acted in Thai bl's. His recent hit is kinn porch in fact all actors were super famous that they did a mini world tour and did very sensual dance. Before this series was filmed they thought of doing it in low budget. But after a year gap they thaught of doing it in big scale and suddenly all the actors were doing triangle symbols
Yes i heard of that serie. They promoting the gay agenda really hard


Sep 21, 2021
What "panda eyes ritual" mean...

Image result for pudendal nerve

Image result for pudendal nerve

Image result for pudendal nerve

Image result for pudendal nerve
Image result for pudendal nerve
Image result for pudendal nerve
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What is the pudendal nerve? The pudendal nerve is a major nerve in your pelvic region. This nerve sends movement (motor) and sensation information from your genital area. The pudendal nerve runs through . your pelvic floor muscles that support organs and ends at your external genitalia.

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Feb 7, 2022
What "panda eyes ritual" mean...

Image result for pudendal nerve

Image result for pudendal nerve

Image result for pudendal nerve

View attachment 85540
View attachment 85538
View attachment 85539
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What is the pudendal nerve? The pudendal nerve is a major nerve in your pelvic region. This nerve sends movement (motor) and sensation information from your genital area. The pudendal nerve runs through . your pelvic floor muscles that support organs and ends at your external genitalia.

This is Soobin from T*T in "panda" face paint. When I came across it the other it made me absolutely sick.


Aug 22, 2020
not kpop,i think he's a thai singer , really creepy :

This guy became famous aftr his bl drama kinnporsche. Literally everyone who acted in the drama had a career hike right now and it's sus.

I was shocked seeing these Bl drama stuffs are becoming famous here in India also(around world). Now they're trying to build Gl concepts.

All these kinda bl/gl/lgbtq stuffs remembers me the destruction of sodom and gomorrah !