Project Bluebeam Initiated?


Mar 18, 2017
There seem to be different opinions on the subject of Project Blue Beam. The only real reference to this project seems to be from a talk by Serge Monast in 1994 and information on this is available here.

There are some who say this is a hoax. I remain with some measure of skepticism because there does not seem to be support for this project from any declassified documents.

However, considering the fact that this talk took place in 1994 before we were all able to share these things through social media and the targeted individual community has been saying similar things for approximately as long. It is reasonable to assume that they were not able to influence each other to promote the same idea since this is idea is not directly referenced by Monast, and there wasn't the same vehicle for rapid communication that there is now. It is reasonable to assume that these are independently generated reports of the same phenomenon.

For example, "The advancement of techniques propel us toward the third step in the Blue Beam Project that goes along with the telepathic and electronically augmented two-way communication where ELF, VLF and LF waves will reach each person from within his or her own mind, convincing each of them that their own god is speaking to them from the very depths of their own soul. Such rays from satellites are fed from the memories of computers that have stored massive data about every human on earth, and their languages. The rays will then interlace with their natural thinking to form what we call diffuse artificial thought."

In the targeted individual community, this is called remote neural monitoring and it is something that cannot be proven with information on the present technologies available. If I remember correctly, this has something to do with the distance that is required. The long range that is suggested for remote neural monitoring and what project blue beam are suggesting is not possible with present technologies.

The other thing that sticks out for me from this talk is the mention of archaeological discoveries. I have for a long time said that the secret vault in the Catholic church is probably the house for many things that they could pull out at any minute to make people believe that a significant discovery has been made. I strongly oppose classifying anything within the context of a claim to be a Christian when the New Testament teaches so much about transparency and blamelessness. There should be nothing to hide.

I have previously considered the possibility that the dead sea scrolls were never a real "discovery," but were documents that were planted to make the appearance of a discovery. In that respect, I would consider the concepts of project blue beam to have existed for a long time. The only thing that something like project blue beam would demonstrate is that this effort had been able to successfully take over a government institution in order to act with a greater degree of authority in the process of implementing this vision.

Therefore, I am inclined to believe that this cannot be considered a hoax entirely, but it definitely needs more research to support it.

@Cahrue Good job finding the video in the opening post and making the connection to this without the influence of the article. I do think this article further supports the idea that this cannot be considered a hoax as well, because no one in the article is suggesting that this video supports the presentation of project Blue Beam. They are literally going along with it as though it were representing an actual appearance of Jesus or some sort of prophetic sign like Monast said project Blue Beam intended to create.


Oct 2, 2017
I remember reading on Project Blue Beam since 1998 and a lot have been speculating often that it would happen soon after a massive "terrorist" attack, so 2001 was thought to be the year but no it did not happen. Project Blue Beam is multi-faceted, it includes a bunch of possibilities such as a fake alien invasion, some kind of mass paranormal "ghost" takeover such as displayed in the Ghostbuster movie, or a fake second coming of Christ.

Carol Rosin, a lady who worked with Wernher Von Braun repeatedly said something interesting on the fake alien invasion:

The enemy at first he said, the enemy against whom we’re going to build a space based weapons system . . . First the Russians are going to be considered the enemy . . . then terrorists would be identified and that was soon to follow . . . then we were going to identify third world crazies, we now call them nations of concern. . . . The next enemy was asteroids . . . [and] against asteroids we’re going to build space based weapons.

And the funniest one of all, was against what he called aliens, extraterrestrials, that would be the final card. And over, and over, and over during the four years that I knew him and was giving his speeches for him, he would bring up that last card.

‘And remember Carol, the last card is the alien card. We’re going to have to build space based weapons against aliens,’ and all of it, he said, is a lie.

And all the push for Augmented Reality software might be part of this...when we reach a point where we don't know what is real and what is not anymore. They could stampede the population into believing whatever they want.


Mar 18, 2017
I remember reading on Project Blue Beam since 1998 and a lot have been speculating often that it would happen soon after a massive "terrorist" attack, so 2001 was thought to be the year but no it did not happen. Project Blue Beam is multi-faceted, it includes a bunch of possibilities such as a fake alien invasion, some kind of mass paranormal "ghost" takeover such as displayed in the Ghostbuster movie, or a fake second coming of Christ.

Carol Rosin, a lady who worked with Wernher Von Braun repeatedly said something interesting on the fake alien invasion:

The enemy at first he said, the enemy against whom we’re going to build a space based weapons system . . . First the Russians are going to be considered the enemy . . . then terrorists would be identified and that was soon to follow . . . then we were going to identify third world crazies, we now call them nations of concern. . . . The next enemy was asteroids . . . [and] against asteroids we’re going to build space based weapons.

And the funniest one of all, was against what he called aliens, extraterrestrials, that would be the final card. And over, and over, and over during the four years that I knew him and was giving his speeches for him, he would bring up that last card.

‘And remember Carol, the last card is the alien card. We’re going to have to build space based weapons against aliens,’ and all of it, he said, is a lie.

And all the push for Augmented Reality software might be part of this...when we reach a point where we don't know what is real and what is not anymore. They could stampede the population into believing whatever they want.
I think it would more sense, like Monast said, for Bluebeam to be activated after a world wide economic collapse because if its going to be the "rollercoaster ride through hell" that we've been promised, then it would be just the right time. We'll all be ripe for deception. An uptick in church attendance was recorded after 9/11, so imagine how vulnerable people will be after like a year of 'just scraping by',.... jobless, homeless and hungry.

You believe aliens are real but also believe what von Braun said, so how can you hold two contradictory opinions, believing both of them to be true? He clearly said the "alien card" will be based on a lie and yet all official and unofficial releases on aliens are lapped up as rooted in fact, even in the conspiracy crowd. While helming the program, why would he say something like that in the face of Aldrin's claim that they were tailed by a UFO?

I'd rather take his word because more has been said about the space program having nothing to do with aliens or docking on other planets but with terraforming the earth.

"A decade before the (Apollo 8) launch, LBJ had laid out America’s goals in the space race, and none of them had much to do with sending men to the Moon: “Control of space means control of the world.From space, the masters of infinity would have the power to control Earth’s weather, to cause drought and flood, to change the tides and raise the levels of the sea, to divert the gulf stream and change the climates …”

In light of that, i guess we'll soon be informed that the 6th military branch has been deployed to fight off an ET armada.


Mar 18, 2017
rainerann said:
In the targeted individual community, this is called remote neural monitoring and it is something that cannot be proven with information on the present technologies available. If I remember correctly, this has something to do with the distance that is required. The long range that is suggested for remote neural monitoring and what project blue beam are suggesting is not possible with present technologies. The other thing that sticks out for me from this talk is the mention of archaeological discoveries. I have for a long time said that the secret vault in the Catholic church is probably the house for many things that they could pull out at any minute to make people believe that a significant discovery has been made. I strongly oppose classifying anything within the context of a claim to be a Christian when the New Testament teaches so much about transparency and blamelessness. There should be
nothing to hide. I have previously considered the possibility that the dead sea scrolls were never a real "discovery," but were documents that were planted to make the appearance of a discovery. In that respect, I would consider the concepts of project blue beam to have existed for a long time. The only thing that something like
project blue beam would demonstrate is that this effort
had been able to successfully take over a government institution in order to act with a greater degree of authority in the process of implementing this vision. Therefore, I am inclined to believe that this cannot be considered a hoax entirely, but it definitely needs more research to support it.
Iam also very skeptical about discoveries these days. I think i learnt my lesson with Dan Brown and the Karen King parchment.

As for the neural monitoring and distance, 5G towers/Voice of God weaponry will take care of that

I consider the Marian apparition of Fatima to have been a dry-run for Bluebeam and the fact that its a cherished belief in Catholicism is actually bewildering, 100yrs on. We were talking about it here.Apparently, some priests saw flying saucers that day. We are talking 1917 here, long before the Nazis and their anti-gravity technology.

There's also this


Oct 2, 2017
I think it would more sense, like Monast said, for Bluebeam to be activated after a world wide economic collapse because if its going to be the "rollercoaster ride through hell" that we've been promised, then it would be just the right time. We'll all be ripe for deception. An uptick in church attendance was recorded after 9/11, so imagine how vulnerable people will be after like a year of 'just scraping by',.... jobless, homeless and hungry.
That would be a more likely scenario yes. Except that the economic collapse keeps being postponed all the time I am wondering how long they can hold off all of this.

You believe aliens are real but also believe what von Braun said, so how can you hold two contradictory opinions, believing both of them to be true? He clearly said the "alien card" will be based on a lie and yet all official and unofficial releases on aliens are lapped up as rooted in fact, even in the conspiracy crowd. While helming the program, why would he say something like that in the face of Aldrin's claim that they were tailed by a UFO?

I'd rather take his word because more has been said about the space program having nothing to do with aliens or docking on other planets but with terraforming the earth.
Are you talking about my own beliefs? I believe they are real but that they do not need to "invade" us in the way that is portrayed in science-fiction movies. They are apparently already in control in underground bases, so they don't need to appear in their ships in the sky. I think Von Braun meant that also when he said that it would be a "lie". I am not sure what are Rosin's beliefs about this, but I think she believes that
the aliens are all benevolent, which would go along with the beliefs of Dr. Steven Greer who has used her testimony in his Disclosure Project.


Mar 18, 2017
That would be a more likely scenario yes. Except that the economic collapse keeps being postponed all the time I am wondering how long they can hold off all of this.
I guess they don't have their crowd control apparatus fully in place yet.

Are you talking about my own beliefs? I believe they are real but that they do not need to "invade" us in the way that is portrayed in science-fiction movies. They are apparently already in control in underground bases, so they don't need to appear in their ships in the sky. I think Von Braun meant that also when he said that it would be a "lie". I am not sure what are Rosin's beliefs about this, but I think she believes that
the aliens are all benevolent, which would go along with the beliefs of Dr. Steven Greer who has used her testimony in his Disclosure Project.
An invading armada is a pretty pervasive sci-fi theme and as you are well aware, that's for a reason (predictive programming). I suppose, according to your belief, when that ^ fiction becomes fact, that'll have been the lie that von Braun was talking about.


May 15, 2017
Seemed the best place for these
I do believe that we are seeing the beginnings
of blue beam,the action in the skies have
intensified recently with a lot more seeing
all kinda different things I myself have seen the
Light orbs that split and change colours
Anyone else see anything recently

I don't believe the cities in the sky are just mirages
they are saying that it's just because
the fog/light bending in a way that it causes a mirage
of the city below however half the time I have seen them
they don't even match with the city below

This is interesting as everyone in my household have
had severe headaches all week as have alotof family/friends
it was just announced here that our city has reached a 97%
G5 coverage
which is what I first thought could be causing
all our headaches but ya sound like a crazy person
when ya say that most come back with it's probably
divoc I am sick of that's the only thing it could be
Never mind that all the symptoms are the same

I did notice that sometime in the last 3months
all our internets have now switched to the G5
with no other option available where as before
we could choose between the different Gs available
Aug 12, 2020
Seemed the best place for these
I do believe that we are seeing the beginnings
of blue beam,the action in the skies have
intensified recently with a lot more seeing
all kinda different things I myself have seen the
Light orbs that split and change colours
Anyone else see anything recently

I don't believe the cities in the sky are just mirages
they are saying that it's just because
the fog/light bending in a way that it causes a mirage
of the city below however half the time I have seen them
they don't even match with the city below

This is interesting as everyone in my household have
had severe headaches all week as have alotof family/friends
it was just announced here that our city has reached a 97%
G5 coverage
which is what I first thought could be causing
all our headaches but ya sound like a crazy person
when ya say that most come back with it's probably
divoc I am sick of that's the only thing it could be
Never mind that all the symptoms are the same

I did notice that sometime in the last 3months
all our internets have now switched to the G5
with no other option available where as before
we could choose between the different Gs available
You are seeing cities in the sky?


May 15, 2017
Lmbo no I shoulda clarified sorry
Doomsday Cult Mom
I should have said the videos I have seen
of this so called illusion did not portray
the city below


May 15, 2017
Strange things in the sky
I do believe tptb are gonna be
bringing forth an alien threat or alien saviour
soo as this crap is really amping up around the
World seems like everyday has new videos now

Where I live We have seen an reddish/orangish glow
like in this video that comes in so bright then just disappears
within minutes



Aug 24, 2017
In the era of deep fakes and deep voices, I find it baffling that people believe and take for granted aliens who will likely reveal themselves as the solution to climate change, pretending to give "peace and safety" after all the conflicts and catastrophes we're going through.

Why would John Kerry even say the following:

Personally I think that is the cue for the next part of the plan. I stumbled upon an odd article saying climate change killed aliens. I'm being cautious but they really want us to believe aliens always had been real
"Across cosmic space and time, you're going to have winners — who managed to see what was going on and figure out a path through it — and losers, who just couldn't get their act together and their civilization fell by the wayside," Frank said.

I think it begins to make sense that it all comes together at the same time. Alien reveal seems tied to the plan to establish the Antichrist religion through the green agenda.
They're building the T.O.W.E.R. of Babel, The One World Environmentalist Religion subverting all belief systems which will be made apparent once 'extraterrestrial' forces(aliens) come to reveal the final covenant explaining how to save the planet ourselves and become gods like them.

Churches turning God and the Lord's prayer non-binary, Atheist churches (yes they exist)fully on-board with the green agenda, Catholicism absorbing the cult of Pachamama and this
COP27: Will God deliver 10 Commandments for climate change?
or this

I'm speculating but it seems to lead us straight to the green androgynous (false) messiah coming from outer space stating 'I am the prophet and the queen of heavens, the prince of the universe and the mother of earth. I bring my light and my knowledge for your salvation'.
It will not claim to be father and son because the Bible says the Antichrist denies the Father and the Son.

I encourage everyone to pay close attention how often the fate of the earth is put together with the idea of alien worlds. Just look how God's patriarchy is being assaulted while concepts such as 'divine' feminine and ecological conversion are getting traction. I won't have the time for that but it would be interesting to analyze how it's all tied together with green sabbath or the metaphysics behind climate lockdowns.

To me it is the same plot, the Antichrist religion is taking form but no one really pays attention

“We ask in the name of the monotheistic god, Brahma and god known by many names in many different faiths. Amen. Awoman.”

I believe it's not for nothing that Jesus warned the deception will be so huge, everyone would fall for it if He's not coming soon after.