Russia through the hidden eye


Nov 8, 2022
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation
Ilya Zubkov: ESG agenda and sustainable business development are still relevant

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation continues to pay increased attention to the ESG agenda and issues of sustainable business development. It is important to make this process conscious and manageable for entrepreneurs. To do this, it is necessary to form an infrastructure, a set of tools and help experts and company managers to implement them into business processes, said Ilya Zubkov, Director of the Department of Regional Development of the CCI of the Russian Federation.

Today, each region strives to create its own rating and evaluation of enterprises, promising some preferences in return. Large customers, including state-owned companies, make demands on suppliers, credit organizations check companies by ESG metrics. This is not counting the unstable economic situation, sanctions, disruption of supply chains, short-term employees and import substitution tasks that companies face today.

At the same time, the issues of sustainable development remain relevant and, in many ways, leading. But they should not become "punitive" or an additional burden. On the contrary, it should become a support and support, a reference point and a point of a single field for employees and, most importantly, managers of different levels. Our task is to make this process conscious and manageable for entrepreneurs. And to do this, we need to create an infrastructure, a set of tools and help experts and business leaders implement it into business processes.

The path of the CCI of the Russian Federation in the field of sustainable development began in October 2020 when the Council of the CCI of the Russian Federation for Sustainable Business Development, Corporate Social Responsibility and Volunteerism was established in partnership with Rosatom State Corporation and the Association of Volunteer Centers. It includes more than 50 large business enterprises, leading universities and NGOs, and the largest Russian media. The expert community consists of more than 150 people. The Board is headed by Tatiana Terentyeva, Deputy General Director for Personnel of Rosatom State Corporation. In December 2021, a meeting of the Council was held with the participation of Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation Sergey Kiriyenko. In September of this year, the composition of the Council was updated. Today it is the largest and most open industry community in the field of sustainable development in the country. The main attention of the Council is paid to the main capital of any company – people, and everyone who is in the perimeter of the company – employees and their family members, former employees, buyers, suppliers and contractors, local communities (residents of the territory of the company's presence).

In 2021, the Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation for the Development of a Closed-loop Economy was established under the chairmanship of Andrei Lugovoy, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. The Committee included representatives of business structures, the scientific community, associations of specialized enterprises. The colleagues focus not only on legislative changes, but also on solving practical issues of implementing the national project "Ecology" and promoting the creation of an industry for the disposal of waste containing useful fractions.

Thus, our focus is on the human capital and material resources of the company. Both in a crisis situation are the very potential that the organization can use to rebuild itself.

Of course, it was planned to do a little more work this year, but objective reasons shifted the focus to individual aspects, rather than the infrastructure of sustainable development. Nevertheless, it is the regional CCI that have become the drivers of the agenda in all corners of the country. Public associations have been established on the basis of the chambers. They bring together regional specialists, business representatives, and the scientific community. On the one hand, this allows colleagues to exchange experience among themselves, on the other – to form proposals for regulatory changes.

Chambers initiate or become co-organizers and together with regional authorities hold thematic forums. It is the Chambers of Commerce and Industry that have become the bridge that helps to implement the federal agenda in the regions, and regional business, effectively working with local authorities.

This is one of our tasks – the organization of a two-way road. On the one hand, it is the formation of the agenda at the federal level and its adaptation in the regions, and on the other – the identification of the best regional practices, their presentation and popularization.

The first digital microdistrict appeared in Chita

More than 500 new settlers of the Chita microdistrict "Good" became the first residents of digital apartment buildings in the Trans-Baikal Territory. Rostelecom and the Atoll construction company have implemented Rostelecom there. Key" is a digital service that includes "Smart intercom", "Smart barrier", complex video surveillance and a new service for residents of Chita "Smart meters".

In December 2020, the operator and the developer signed an agreement under which Rostelecom built optical lines and connected the residential complex to modern communication services. In the Trans—Baikal Territory, the Smart Meters service was first introduced in the Good microdistrict, so this is a unique partner project for Rostelecom and Atoll.

Nadezhda Yelchaninova, Deputy Director of the Buryat Branch of PJSC Rostelecom:
"With our Smart Meters, utility bills are a thing of the past. The data of water, heat and electricity meters of each apartment and the whole house are automatically recorded, the information is displayed in the Rostelecom personal account. The key.” The residents themselves do not take monthly readings, and the employees of the management company do not waste time collecting information to calculate household expenses. Also, smart devices provide high accuracy of data transmission. The system interface allows the HOA and the Management Company to generate reports, monitor the expenses of the whole house and keep the condition of the networks under control"
Digitalization of the neighborhood "Good" began at the stage of laying the foundation. Rostelecom has provided video surveillance at construction sites, which Atoll employees still use today.

This year, the construction of a kindergarten and three residential nine-storey houses was completed in the "Good". According to the management of the Atoll company, 35 more multi-storey buildings, as well as a shopping center, two kindergartens and a school will appear in the new Chita microdistrict within a few years.

Alexander Lomakin, Deputy General Director of the construction company SZ "Atoll" LLC:
"Comfortable and safe housing is impossible without high-quality Internet, Interactive television and Rostelecom service. The key.” CCTV cameras, smart intercoms, smart meters and smart barriers — all these smart devices are becoming mandatory attributes of the life of citizens"

All services of the Rostelecom service. Key" works on a single cloud platform, which can be managed through a mobile application. For example, from a cell phone to answer an intercom call, talk to a guest and open the entrance door, create a temporary code for a doctor. Thanks to video surveillance, playgrounds and sports grounds, parking, entrance to the territory, entrances and elevators are within sight.

Acting Director of LLC "Good Management Company":
"Video surveillance helps us to keep order in the neighborhood: whether the garbage was taken out on time and cleaning was carried out. Residents often turn to us, for example, if a thing is lost or forgotten in the yard, a car is scratched — all events can be tracked by cameras. The data is stored in the Rostelecom virtual data center, the video is available for the last seven days. It's very convenient"

In Russia, a neuroprosthesis has been created to decode speech by brain activity
According to experts, with its help they were able to train an algorithm that recognizes the words of two volunteers with an accuracy of 55% and 70%

MOSCOW, December 20. /tass/. Russian neurophysiologists have developed a speech decoding system based on brain activity, which is able to "read" a patient's thoughts using a small number of electrodes implanted in his brain. This was announced on Tuesday by the press service of the HSE.

"Such interfaces carry minimal risk for the patient. If everything works out, then the speech imagined by the user can be decoded by reading brain activity using a small number of minimally invasive electrodes that can be implanted on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia," said Alexey Osadchy, director of the Bioelectric Interfaces Center at the HSE Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience (Moscow), whose words are quoted by the press service of the university.

In recent years, scientists have created many neural interfaces, specialized devices and related algorithms that transform patients' brain activity into oral or written speech.

One of the main obstacles to the mass use of such systems, as Osadchy and his colleagues note, is that many electrodes must be implanted into the brain for their operation. This requires complex surgical procedures, as well as the electrodes themselves can cause a rejection reaction from the body.

Convenient neurointerface
Russian scientists have developed a solution to this problem within the framework of a project carried out with the support of the megagrant of the Government of the Russian Federation within the framework of the national project "Science and Universities". They managed to create an algorithm based on a machine learning system that allows reading the patient's thoughts or his imaginary speech using a small number of electrodes implanted in the cortex of the brain.

The scientists tested the operation of this algorithm during experiments involving two epileptic patients, in whose brain a set of two different types of electrodes was implanted to search for foci of epileptic activity. Komadna used only six and eight electrodes from these sets to test whether, in theory, the signals they perceived could be used to decode speech.

During the measurements, both volunteers read aloud a repeating set of six different sentences that had a different linguistic construction, but at the same time contained consonant words. Scientists tracked changes in the activity of their cerebral cortex and used this data to train an algorithm that tried to link spikes in the nervous system with specific words or episodes of rest.

The test showed that the approach correctly identified the words that both volunteers were thinking about, with 55 percent and 70 percent accuracy. This is comparable to how well more complex systems that require complex electrode implantation procedures work. Scientists hope that subsequent versions of their algorithm will solve this problem for a much larger number of words, which will open the way for its application in medical practice."


Nov 8, 2022
Ruthenium nano drive for microbots and nanowires created in Russia
It can also be used to create implantable containers and devices capable of moving independently inside human and animal body tissues for a long time

MOSCOW, December 21. /tass/. Researchers from Russia have created a long-lasting electrochemical nanomotor based on ruthenium, which can be used as a drive for autonomous micro robots and various nanodevices. This was announced on Wednesday by the press service of the Russian Science Foundation (RNF).

"The miniature engine we have created will drive autonomous microfluidic devices in medical and biological applications. In addition, it is possible to replace the membrane with a thinner one, for example, made of silicon nitride. This will make the nanoactuator even more compact," said Vitaly Svetovoy, a leading researcher at the Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow), whose words are quoted by the RNF press service.

Over the past ten years, scientists have created dozens of different molecular nanomachines, including forceps, point-to-point drug delivery systems, and even computers and "transformer" robots. Rapid progress in this field led to the fact that in 2016 the Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to Ben Feringa, Fraser Stoddart and Jean-Pierre Sauvage for the development and synthesis of molecular machines.

Their further development is complicated by the fact that the complexity of assembling large nanostructures is growing very quickly, and making changes to their device and managing their work have turned out to be even more difficult tasks. Another obstacle to the creation and use of full-fledged nanorobots is that so far researchers have not been able to create reliable and predictably working nanomotors.

Long-lasting nanomotor
Svetovoi and his colleague Ilya Uvarov, a senior researcher at the Institute of Physics and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Yaroslavl, have developed a new hydrogen nanowire, devoid of many disadvantages characteristic of existing micro-motors and nanoactuators for the most miniature robots and other microscopic devices.

This device is a miniature chamber that consists of a silicon wafer with ruthenium electrodes, a flexible membrane and a polymer shell that isolates the contents of the nanowire from the environment. Inside the device there is an electrolyte, in the thickness of which hydrogen and oxygen bubbles are constantly formed as a result of the splitting of water molecules.

As the researchers explain, bubbles play a key role in the work of the nanomotor - their accumulation inside the electrolyte leads to stretching of the membrane, and the subsequent spontaneous interaction of hydrogen and oxygen leads to a sharp compression. This causes it to oscillate with a high frequency comparable to how often hummingbird birds flap their wings.

Such propulsion systems, as scientists note, can be used as a basis for micro-pumps pumping liquids inside miniature channels on the surface of various diagnostic biochips, as well as to create implantable containers and devices capable of moving independently inside human and animal body tissues for a long time.

Russia has formed a production schedule for a Special Military Operation until 2025

For this year, it was made on a weekly basis, for 2023 — by month, for 2024 — quarterly, for 2025 — for every six months.

This was stated by Deputy Prime Minister Denis Manturov in an interview with the Vedomosti newspaper. According to him, the schedule was drawn up jointly with the Ministry of Defense, based on the needs. The Deputy Chairman of the government stressed that this year the production of products of the military-industrial complex has increased many times, according to some samples — by 10 times."
"Digital educational environment": Rostelecom has connected Wi-Fi and video surveillance in educational institutions of the Astrakhan region

Rostelecom has built a digital infrastructure in the Astrakhan Region as part of the Digital Educational Environment project. In 252 schools in the region, the company's specialists deployed a Wi-Fi network and installed video surveillance cameras. The aim of the project is to provide conditions for the use of distance learning technologies and e—learning.

Minister of Education and Science of the Astrakhan region Egor Ugarov:
"Stable and secure Internet access for students and teachers, convenient and modern computer equipment is today's reality. New technologies will help, among other things, simplify the work of teachers and administrative workers. That is why, for several years, schools in the region have been equipped with equipment and software. The digital environment will perfectly complement the basic educational process."

Rostelecom in the region started implementing the project in 2021. In 252 Astrakhan schools, the company's specialists have completely updated the network equipment, installed about one and a half thousand video surveillance cameras on the entrance areas and organized more than five thousand Wi-Fi access points. The built infrastructure will allow the use of various online services and digital solutions in the educational process, as well as increase the security of school institutions. After the installation of the equipment is completed, Rostelecom will provide its operation, technical support and warranty service.

Sergey Ovsyannikov, Director of the Astrakhan branch of Rostelecom PJSC:
"The digital educational environment is a strategically important and socially significant project that is directly related to the digitalization of the region as a whole. It comprehensively meets the digital needs of educational institutions of the Astrakhan region and contributes to the digital transformation of the education system. We hope that these solutions will reduce the burden on teachers, make the learning process more effective and interesting for students."

Astrakhan Region is among the 16 pilot regions that the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation has chosen for the introduction of a digital educational environment. The project was also implemented in the Altai Territory, Kaliningrad Region, Kaluga Region, Kemerovo Region, Moscow Region, Nizhny Novgorod Region, Novgorod Region, Novosibirsk Region, Omsk Region, Perm Region, Sakhalin Region, Tula Region, Tyumen Region, Chelyabinsk Region and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug."
3) "Neuroeducation"

In this case, we mean an education system based on patterns and the use of neurocognitive mechanisms for acquiring new knowledge, learning and memory, as well as data on individual human predispositions and brain plasticity, the use of neurocomputer interfaces, elements of virtual and augmented reality, hybrid intelligence.

Currently, the products and services of the market Neuroeducation is developing in such segments as distance learning
, lifelong learning, mass open online courses, blended learning, as well as innovative models of additional education.

The priorities are the creation of educational and laboratory places for schoolchildren and students based on neurotechnologies of enhanced perception, optimized memorization and enhancement of cognitive functions, and by 2035 - the full use of integrated systems of natural and artificial intelligence.


Nov 8, 2022
The number of high-tech university business projects in Russia exceeded the plan by 40%
At the moment, about 10.5 thousand university business projects and startups are being implemented

MOSCOW, December 21. /tass/. About 10,5 thousand university business projects or startups are implemented to varying degrees with the help of the acceleration programs of the ANO "NTI Platform" (National Technological Initiative), launched this year as part of the federal project "Platform of University Technological Entrepreneurship" (FPTP). This is almost 40% more than planned, the head of the center for network acceleration programs Stanislav Triers told TASS.

"It was expected that a pool of 7.5 thousand projects would be formed within the framework of the AFP. As a result, we have 10.5 thousand. Of these, approximately 2,700 projects already have a prototype solution or a working product. At the same time, several hundred projects from accelerators received grants from the Innovation Promotion Fund. There are also projects that have passed the examination for obtaining the status of a resident of the Skolkovo Foundation, or that are interested in industrial partners," Triers said.

About 15% of university projects relate to the field of artificial intelligence (neural networks, decision-making systems, electronic analytics). There are a lot of new production technologies: everything that can be automated in factories, "digital factories" and so on. Virtual reality and "augmented reality" technologies are in third place. They are followed by big data analysis technologies, and the Internet of Things technology closes the top five.

UV counters and virtual triathlon
Among the successful projects, Triers singled out, in particular, solar radiation sensors for the prevention of skin cancer and sunburn, developed at Kuban State University. They signal how long a person has been in the sun, how much ultraviolet light he has received, and that he needs to take a break.

A project of a non-invasive screening system for diagnosing the psychophysical state of drivers using machine vision technology has been put forward at the St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University of LETI. An infrared camera is installed in the cab, the driver's behavior, his breathing in the infrared range, for ethanol, and the driver's emotions are analyzed.

In addition, at the Witte Moscow University, young entrepreneurs have developed virtual games for triathlon fans (running-cycling-swimming). During these classes, an amateur athlete also earns virtual currency and buys virtual goods at first.

About platforms for aspiring entrepreneurs
Currently, according to Triers, 151 acceleration programs have been launched and are being implemented across the country in 122 universities. In addition, there are 60 "entrepreneurial boiling points" on the basis of universities under the leadership of the center led by him, and more than 70 thousand people have already participated in their events. "Boiling point" is the very first site that it makes sense for a student who dreams of starting his own business, but does not know where to start, explained the head of the center.

The second stage for aspiring entrepreneurs usually becomes an acceleration program. There, according to Triers, young people get the opportunity to "package" their idea, reach a minimally viable product that can be shown, find the first customers and attract investors. The stay of a young entrepreneur in the accelerator usually lasts two to three months, and during this time, according to the head of the center, he goes through a path that would otherwise take at least a year.

At the same time, neither in the "Boiling Points" nor in the accelerators, cash grants have yet been issued.

"For this, there is another part of the FP PUTP, the operator of which is the FSI. The Fund has issued 1 thousand grants of 1 million rubles this year. It is expected that in 2023 there will be already 1.5 thousand grants. In addition, the FSI has other programs under which it is possible for startups and teams to receive money for the project: the Start-1 and Start-2 programs with grants up to 5 million rubles," the head of the center noted.

Next year Stanislav Triers hopes to "increase the conversion into a successful business" and bring about half of the projects to the "first version of the working product" so that "strong technology entrepreneurs" appear in the country.

The operators of the OPP are the ANO "NTI Platform", the Innovation Promotion Fund, the Skolkovo Foundation, the Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs and the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. The FP is being implemented within the framework of the Decade of Science and Technology, which takes place in Russia in 2022-2031.

"On December 1, 2007, a new era of the Russian nuclear industry began. Atomprom development programs were launched. Thanks to the consolidation of assets, it was possible to form a chain of a full cycle of technologies from uranium mining to the decommissioning of nuclear facilities.

In the 15 years since the adoption of the historic decision of the President on the establishment of the Rosatom State Corporation, the nuclear industry has come a long way. Rosatom has become a national champion of the energy sector and a leader in the global nuclear technology market."

A look into the future

The entire global nuclear industry is building development plans. Of course, Rosatom has its own ambitious and well-thought-out plans. The main goal can be formulated very briefly — to be a leader in the rapidly growing and highly competitive global nuclear technology market. In nuclear power engineering, nuclear medicine, digital technologies, robotics, development and use of new materials, substances and technologies, the use of radiation technologies in industry, agriculture, science.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in its latest annual review noted the emergence of a new trend. The world is trying to move away from the use of fossil fuels, solving the problem of climate change. Many countries rely on nuclear power to increase electricity generation from reliable and environmentally friendly sources. Nuclear power is an indispensable low—carbon source of generation, direct CO2 emissions from nuclear power plants are almost zero.

According to the optimistic scenario of the IAEA, by 2050 the world's nuclear generating capacity will increase by 101% compared to 2020 and will amount to 792 gigawatts (net electric capacity).

Africa, the Middle East, Latin America and Asia will become the main driver regions for the development of nuclear energy in the future until 2050. In all these regions, Rosatom is increasing cooperation with potential partners.

By 2035, 16 new nuclear power units will be built in Russia.
By 2050, the share of nuclear generation in electricity generation in the Russian Federation should grow to 25%. By 2060, Russia intends to achieve carbon neutrality, that is, a sharp reduction in carbon dioxide emissions and compensation for the remaining emissions through carbon-negative projects.

To achieve these goals, the transition of the domestic nuclear power industry to a qualitatively new level is necessary, which is reflected in the name of the project direction implemented by Rosatom — "Breakthrough". It provides for the development, creation and industrial implementation of a closed nuclear fuel cycle (SNC) based on fast neutron reactors. The fast neutron reactor makes it possible to convert spent nuclear fuel (SNF) into new fuel for nuclear power plants. The sustainable development of Russia's nuclear energy involves the formation of a two-component nuclear power plant system with two types of reactors: thermal and fast neutrons.
Russia is one of the leading participants in the international ITER project: the construction of the world's first international experimental tokamak—type thermonuclear reactor in Provence (France). A tokamak (toroidal chamber with magnetic coils) is a reactor installation for magnetic plasma confinement in order to achieve the conditions necessary for controlled thermonuclear fusion. Scientists from 35 countries are working on the project. Russian specialists play a huge role in the development of superconducting magnets, plasma heating devices and other high-tech ITER equipment. The aim of the project is to demonstrate the scientific and technical possibility of obtaining thermonuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Controlled thermonuclear fusion in the future is considered as a method of commercial electricity production, which has a number of advantages. A thermonuclear reactor has greater radiation safety compared to a nuclear one. The reserves of the fuel used (deuterium obtained from seawater) are practically inexhaustible. In 2025, a key intermediate result should be achieved at ITER — the production of the first plasma. By 2035, the project should reach full capacity. In 2050-2060, the construction of the first thermonuclear nuclear power plants can be started, including in Russia, which is one of the key participants in the project and has access to all technologies.

Rosatom strives to become a leader of high technologies in general, outside of nuclear energy. According to the strategy of the corporation "Vision 2030", the target of total revenue by 2030 should reach 4 trillion rubles, and new businesses should bring more than 40% of revenue. And the roadmap "Technologies of new materials and substances" developed by Rosatom sets a difficult but achievable goal — by 2030 Russia should become one of the world's technological leaders in four areas: polymer composite materials, additive technologies, rare and rare earth metals, as well as new structural and functional materials and substances.
By 2030, additive technologies are expected to grow fivefold in the world. The most popular of them is 3D printing with metals. Rosatom is one of the leaders in the development of this unique direction.
Rosatom is actively involved in the digitalization of the domestic economy — it is the competence center of the Federal project "Digital Technologies" of the National Program "Digital Economy". In the strategic area, the corporation coordinates the creation in Russia in 2024 of a computer based on new physical principles, which will significantly increase the competitiveness of the state in the field of high-performance computing and security.
Rosatom also focuses on the development of digital infrastructure. In this direction, the State Corporation is expected to enter the Top 5 key players in the Russian market of data processing center (data center) services by 2025. As part of the program to create a geo-distributed disaster-resistant network of data centers and infrastructure sites, three data centers are already operating: Kalininsky data center, Xelent data center, StoreData data center. 7 more projects for the construction of new data centers with a total capacity of up to 140 MW are under development.

Rosatom is actively working to solve the task set by Russian President Vladimir Putin — to ensure the mass introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in the next 10 years. Plans for the use of AI technologies in three areas are planned for 2023-2025: in neuromorphic systems; for predictive modeling and decision support in technical, industrial, natural and social systems; for preventive medicine, psychodiagnostics and biometrics.
Speaking of the future, it is impossible not to say about the city of the future. It should become the National Center of Physics and Mathematics (NCFM) created on behalf of the President of Russia in Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod region in 2021. Its scientific and experimental base was the Russian Federal Nuclear Center — VNIIEF (RFNC-VNIIEF).

NCFM is a research and educational center, the purpose of which is to train highly qualified specialists in promising fundamental areas of physics, mathematics, computing technologies, computer science, supercomputer technologies based on the world's best scientific and educational practices.

Scientific cooperation with the NCFM consists of more than 50 leading scientific institutes, research universities and high-tech companies of the country. By 2025, a new complex of research buildings, advanced laboratories and installations of the "midi-science" class will be created on the territory of the NCFM, by 2030 - "mega—science".

As we can see, there are a lot of tasks, and their solution is expected to have a positive impact on the development of the domestic economy, will help the country achieve technological sovereignty. In addition, by developing partnerships with friendly countries, Rosatom contributes to achieving the goals of the global ESG agenda. Time will tell how effective the chosen strategy will be."

CBT became the operator of the Unified Biometric System

The functions of the GIS operator "Unified Biometric System" are assigned to JSC "Center for Biometric Technologies" (CBT), created in accordance with Presidential Decree No. 693 of 30.09.2022. The corresponding decree of the Government of the Russian Federation was signed on December 19, 2022. CBT will ensure the collection, storage, processing and verification of biometric personal data, taking into account the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The unified biometric system is an important element of the country's digital infrastructure, which allows identifying a citizen by his unique biometric characteristics and remotely receiving services. The system was launched on the initiative of the Ministry of Finance of Russia, the Bank of Russia with the participation of Rostelecom. From 2018 to 2022, Rostelecom was the operator of the system.

Vice President, Director of Digital Identity of Rostelecom Ivan Berov:
"Rostelecom has done a lot of work to create a Unified biometric system. At the end of last year, it received state status, and today, in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the system was transferred to the CBT. We are also transferring biometric services and a competent team to the company, which will be engaged in the further development of biometric technologies in the country."

CBT Company will develop identification and authentication technologies based on biometric personal data, as well as introduce services using biometrics. This will increase the level of accessibility of government and commercial services in electronic form.

General Director of CBT Vladislav Povolotsky:
"Our task as an operator of the state Unified Biometric system is to provide conditions for comfortable, affordable and safe receipt of digital services by citizens not only in public services, but also in everyday life. We will actively work on the development and expansion of mass services using biometric identification."
December 09, 2022 | GREEN FINANCE |

The Register of Green, Social and Other Targeted Bonds of Russian Issuers in the INFRAGREEN sustainable development format includes the issue of social bonds of PJSC Rostelecom in the amount of 10 billion rubles. This issue was the sixth issue of bonds in the format of sustainable development in 2022 in Russia. As a result, 39 outstanding bond issues with a total volume of about 515 billion rubles are listed in the INFRAGREEN Register.

On December 9, 2022, the placement of social bonds of PJSC Rostelecom in the amount of 10 billion rubles with registration number 4B02 was completed on the Moscow Stock Exchange-06-00124- A-001P from 11/30/2022.The bonds are included in the Segment of social bonds of the Sustainable Development Sector of the Moscow Exchange by the decision of the Chairman of the Management Board of PJSC Moscow Exchange dated 08.12.2022.

ACRA verified the compliance of projects planned for refinancing at the expense of funds raised from the issue of bonds of Rostelecom PJSC and aimed at the development of public life with internationally recognized principles and standards in the field of social financing and issued a corresponding conclusion on November 22, 2021.

On November 28, 2022, ACRA confirmed the compliance of the planned bond issue with internationally recognized principles and standards in the field of social financing (ICMA social bond principles), as well as the compliance of projects planned for refinancing at the expense of funds raised from the Bond issue and aimed at the development of public life with internationally recognized principles and standards in the field of social financing (in accordance with with the Regulation of the Bank of Russia dated 19.12.2019 No. 706-P "On Standards for the issue of securities").

Within the framework of the integrated social projects presented by Rostelecom PJSC aimed at the development of public life, expenses (in the amount of more than 10 billion rubles) were previously incurred. in two directions:

the project "Creation of infrastructure for connecting socially significant objects to the Internet";
the project "Elimination of digital inequality".
Both projects were implemented within the framework of the federal project "Information Infrastructure".

The Register of Green, Social and Other targeted bonds of Russian Issuers in the INFRAGREEN sustainable development format is a unique product that contains basic information on all green and social issues of Russian issuers, including registration number, coupon rate, date and place of placement, date of verification and verifier.

The INFRAGREEN Center has been maintaining a Registry since 2020. The Register includes issues that have passed the external verification procedure for compliance with the principles of green/social of the International Association of Capital Markets (ICMA), other target bonds in the format of sustainable development and contain a note on compliance/ non-compliance with the Bank of Russia's Emission Standards, the Moscow Exchange Listing Rules, as well as criteria for green or adaptive financial instruments in accordance with the Resolution Government of the Russian Federation No. 1587 dated 09/21/2021.

As of December 09, 2022, 39 issues with a total volume of about 514.47 billion rubles were included in the Register of Green, Social and Other Targeted Bonds of Russian Issuers in the INFRAGREEN sustainable development format..."
rus alt-media

December 20, 2022

Unfortunately, a miracle did not happen – a long–planned Government document on expanding the use of biometric identification and "draining" biometrics from all information systems into a centralized EBS was adopted in the second reading by the efforts of the United Russia digital lobbyists. Since Deputy Anton Gorelkin, whom the Shadaevites appointed as the author of the bill, clearly began to precipitate and deflated over the onslaught of popular indignation, he was replaced by a more experienced lobbyist of everything in the world (figures, first of all, once - amendments to the law on weapons, etc.) – Alexander Khinstein. Earlier, at a meeting of the profile committee, Khinstein formally settled all issues with the head of the HRC Fadeev and the representative of the ROC Legoyda, after which the expert community and part of the church officialdom, as the deputy constantly stressed, allegedly had no questions left. In fact, of course, this is a lie - Legoyda and Fadeev do not represent anyone but themselves, and are by no means authorized to speak for the entire conservative, traditional public of Russia, our entire "deep people". The allegedly cleaned-up text of the PFZ was posted on the Duma's website only late in the evening on the eve of the vote, which looks completely absurd - there are 140 pages in the Shadaevsky craft, which even experts will take one week to analyze, However, the sect of witnesses to digitization has so far proved stronger. But it's not evening yet.

It is noteworthy that the discussion of the sad PFZ on biometrics was preceded by a parliamentary hour in the Duma with a report by Maksut Shadayev, who has not yet been convicted and has not even been removed from office, about how his department perfectly fulfills the "national goal" of development called "digital transformation". Hardly any ordinary Russian citizen in his right mind will tell you that he shares such a goal, surprisingly similar to the UN SDGs and the agenda in strategic reports and materials of the World Economic Forum. Nevertheless, the task has been set, billions are regularly allocated – and Shadaev confidently broadcast how citizens are increasingly using the portal of public services – that is, they are implementing the agenda of the World Bank and the Center for Strategic Research together with RANEPA "The State as a Platform" (Anna Schwabauer, PhD, told about this in a report at the conference). And then, according to Shadaev, 5G is waiting for us in every house and full "proactivity" (that is, control of algorithms, regardless of the will of a person) in relations with the state.

The minister did not stutter about biometrics, which is not surprising – today this agenda was worked out by Shadaev's loyal associates.

One of them, Deputy Khinstein, stated:

"The Ministry of Finance is one of the most effective and active ministries, the driver of many processes. The Profile Committee highly appreciates our cooperation," the deputy stressed, making Shadayev's government hour very sweet. And then it became finally clear what fate awaits the PFZ about the EBS.

Hundreds of thousands of appeals from the people to the parliament, even more comments in Volodin's telegram channel, conferences of public organizations, a meeting in the Public Chamber, the patriarch's alarming appeal to the speaker, concern in the HRC - all this had no effect on the digital lobbyists. Although the Communist Party, which received the resolution of our conference "Kitezh-Grad against Babylon" and a large number of other deputies from the systemic opposition tried twice to remove the document from the agenda in order to hold preliminary hearings discussing the risks of national security from the use of biometrics. Deputy Obukhov noted that nothing was discussed with the public and independent experts, and the resonance among the people is high. His colleague Kolomeitsev pointed out that the indicated amendments to the document, with which Volodin and Khinstein tried to calm everyone down, were published only late the night before, at 23:30.

"This is a gross violation of all possible norms. I don't think that Deputy Speaker Pyotr Tolstoy himself had time to read all this. We have embarked on the path that the Duma should not enter in any way," Kolomeitsev noted.

Khinstein, in response to this, not without irritation, repeated that "everything has already been agreed with the HRC and the ROC."

"I ask you not to artificially dramatize the situation. In its current form, the law is not liked only by those who make a hype on it," concluded Hinstein.

As a result, first 116, and in the second attempt 117 deputies voted against the consideration of the PFZ, which was not enough. As a result, the document, which assumed in the first reading (we will definitely study the updated version of the text and publish the analysis separately) mandatory identification of citizens by face on a large number of objects (including strategic ones), the transfer of information to the EBS from all private/state databases without the consent of a citizen, as well as equating identification by face with a passport, the operator's ability to earn money by selling information from the EBS to private individuals, etc., was accepted "with a bang" by corrupt "people's deputies" from the party of power. Naturally, the consensus in the "EP" turned out to be more than enough here.

But the fight is not over – consideration in the Federation Council and the President is ahead. Finally, it is quite obvious that we simply will not comply with this cannibalistic law —and we will call on all our supporters to do so.

By the way, the new line of the defensive arguments of the digital lobbyists, which was taken by Volodin, Khinstein and Co., does not stand up to criticism. The EBS has been functioning for five years, and banks had a duty to transfer collected casts of citizens' voices and faces to it before. During this time, there were only 230 thousand samples of biometrics of citizens for a 150-million-strong country, but Khinstein and Shadaev broadcast to us about some 60-70 million casts that are allegedly already in the hands of private owners and sold / resold. At the same time, the possibility of selling data from the EBS to interested customers was explicitly spelled out in the text of this PFZ.

Moreover, from the decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated September 30, 2022, it directly follows that the newly established JSC "Center for Biometric Technologies", whose shares in the authorized capital are distributed as follows: 49% - from PJSC Rostelecom, 26% - from the Russian Federation (Rosimushchestvo), 25% - at the Central Bank of Russia. It is noteworthy that the state will not have a controlling stake in this joint-stock company. As there is no such package in the composition of the owners of Rostelecom, which until now has been the operator of the EBS. Rosimushchestvo has only a blocking package, but the Central Bank also has it, on whose initiative all these "innovations" are introduced in the form of digital profiles of citizens and "trafficking in persons".

So what kind of super-guaranteed protection of the state is Hinstein broadcasting to us, promoting at the state level a system for identifying all Russian citizens according to their personal body data, which were previously collected only from dangerous criminals to avoid relapses of crimes? If Volodin declares that "biometrics should belong to citizens," why create and constantly stuff this very EBS with new information at all?

No one answers these questions, but it is extremely strange that Volodin called the introduction of criminal and administrative responsibility for the forced collection and leakage of biometric PD the "next step" that needs to be taken, it seems, for our safety. That is, to push through the PFZ on biometrics without public hearings in less than a month was the most important first step, and then you can think about security – so it turns out?

And what kind of security can we talk about, in principle, if an authoritative expert, the head of Infowatch Natalia Kaspersky recently gave a large number of illustrative examples about leaks of biometric PD around the world, especially in the USA, and pointed out that this information will be 100% stolen in the future, and there is no need to create such a database it makes sense, unless of course there is a desire to merge the Russian population with the special services of "dear partners" and criminals.

The opponents of the bill, whose number will increase with each leak and with each concentration camp gesture of the authorities (which is deadly dangerous for war conditions), will definitely not accept the new reality, and will continue to fight. Despite the strict censorship, which was deployed by the moderators of the State Duma community VKontakte, Volodin's TG channel, the same Khinstein, who closed comments on his channel, etc. The struggle for our rights and freedoms, for the constitutional right to privacy continues. And in any case, it is very gratifying that there are more and more compatriots who have woken up.."
Last edited:


Nov 8, 2022
rus. alt-media

December 16, 2022

While we are giving pension and hard-earned funds to help the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, knitting socks and scarves to our brothers on the front line, sanitary and vaccine fascists in power continue to mock the people. Moreover, strictly according to WHO patterns and on the basis of an already run-in covid experiment with mandatory tests and “miracle injections” (after which each new “wave of covid” turned out to be even stronger, and today only 7% of Russians have collective immunity, according to operstab!).

Only now, when covid has already been officially recognized as indistinguishable from SARS, it has been decided to bring to the fore … the swine flu that has long existed with us and the same SARS! Yes, it was in vain that covid skeptics ironically noted that covid is equal to the flu – as if mocking us, officials really decided to fight the usual seasonal surge of infection with “anti–covid” means.

And now the Government has already decided to pay for PCR tests of citizens for influenza, and only for those hospitalized after a positive result (!), planned operations for children have been canceled in St. Petersburg (hello, the increase in child mortality), and in some regions they have already reached the ban on unvaccinated parents and children (children! – which was not even in the midst of covidism) to attend New Year’s holidays. And of course, schoolchildren are massively dropped off at a distance. In general, we are being transported back to the gloomy “pandemic” past, and if there is no resistance, they will test, stab and discriminate “to victory”.

The day before [December 14], the head of Rospotrebnadzor, Anna Popova, at a meeting with Vladimir Putin and the Government, proposed testing all people with symptoms of SARS for influenza.

Popova suggested testing everyone with symptoms of SARS for the flu

Rospotrebnadzor proposed testing for influenza in everyone with symptoms of SARS

President Vladimir Putin said that the incidence of SARS and influenza is growing by 30-35% per week

In Russia, it is necessary to start testing for influenza in all people with symptoms of acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI), said the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova at a meeting with President Vladimir Putin.

Meeting with members of the Government
The President held a videoconference meeting with members of the Government.
December 14, 2022

Naturally, she was actively supported by the “skirmisher” of QR codes from globalist structures, Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova, whose relatives are tied to Big Pharma (it’s no coincidence that she is called the main beneficiary of the “pandemic” in Russia:
The operational headquarters under the leadership of Tatiana Alekseevna Golikova decided to use the scheme that was adopted for covid, for testing for covid, for testing for influenza. We have evaluated the possibilities. There are opportunities.

There are enough stocks of domestic tests, and the laboratories are equipped with the necessary equipment. Therefore, today it is quite possible to start testing for the detection of influenza for everyone, just like for covid, who has a clinic for acute respiratory viral infections. This way we will reduce the risks for these people
,” Popova said

Yes, your eyes did not deceive you. They really have opportunities, on the covid, the scheme with tests / injections / QR codes was not run in order to forget about it later at once. And now a change of scenery…

And the same DNA sampling of people, only now it seems like with PCR tests for influenza. Here, sane people immediately have a question: why test for the flu at all? Is the flu treatment regimen at least somewhat different from that of severe acute respiratory viral infections? And with covid, given that his clinic is officially recognized as equal to the same SARS? No, absolutely no different. Will it become much easier for a person if they tell him that he has swine flu, and not another SARS? Not either. A little later we will try to answer the question about the true tasks of the lobbyists of this project.

The next logical question is for those who have swine flu tests positive – what “prevention and safety” measures will they prescribe? House arrest (quarantine), social distancing? And then certificates of those who have been ill and pricked from the flu will be issued? If we look at what is happening in the regions right now, this is exactly what is going on.

On the same day after Popova’s speech, on December 14, the Government of the Russian Federation promptly issued a corresponding decree on PCR tests of Russian citizens in hospitals and polyclinics for influenza, at the expense of the FOMS:
No. 2297 of December 14 , 2022

On amendments to Section IV of the Program of State Guarantees of Free Provision of Medical Care to Citizens for 2022 and for the planning period of 2023 and 2024

the fifty-third paragraph after the words “polymerase chain reaction method” should be supplemented with the words “and for the presence of respiratory infection viruses, including influenza virus, by any of the methods“; b) the fifty-fourth paragraph should be supplemented with the words “, respiratory viral infection, including influenza; c) paragraphs fifty-fifth and fifty-sixth after the words “new coronavirus infection (COVID-19),” add the words “respiratory viral infection, including influenza,”;

When conducting the studies specified in paragraph 53 of this section by federal medical organizations in the process of providing medical care in inpatient conditions, if the patient has signs of acute colds of unclear etiology and if symptoms appear that do not exclude the presence of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19), respiratory viral infection, including influenza, payment for medical assistance is provided by the Fund for a completed case of hospitalization for the corresponding clinical and statistical group…”

So far, these tests seem to be voluntary, but let’s pay attention to the wording. In the new PCR tests, the Government suggests looking not only for the influenza virus (although there are many strains with their own RNA sequence), but also for the genes of “respiratory viral infections”. That is, all abstract respiratory infections, you know? There can be hundreds and thousands of variants of ARVI, which of them are their PCR tests sharpened? Yes, it does not even say that they will look for exactly the RNA of the H1N1 virus (swine flu), it says about influenza viruses in general.

And here we recall the words of the late discoverer of the PCR testing method, Carey Mallis, about their uselessness for detecting the current infection. Involuntarily, a suspicion creeps in that mass tests are not needed for the speedy cure of citizens (how did we cope with the flu without DNA testing before?), but for completely different purposes.

But the most important thing is to pay attention to what honey will be paid for. organizations after inducing a coughing and snotty patient to a PCR test for ARVI (sorry, it’s ridiculous to even print this, but you have to!). They will receive money only upon hospitalization of such a patient in a hospital. Do you understand what prerequisites the Government creates in this way? That’s right, there will be plenty of positive tests and hospitalizations – doctors also want to eat and earn money. And then they will immediately tell us about the “terrible statistics of hospitalizations for influenza” – yes, in fact, the media are already dispersing this wave. That’s how subtly they work.

And the regions obediently take a salute. Thus, hospitals and polyclinics in the Saratov region will begin testing for influenza virus and other respiratory infections. The Saratov media reported on the approval of the relevant decree by the Government of the Russian Federation.
This decision was made due to the increase in cases of influenza, including in combination with coronavirus. Testing can be carried out under the CHI program if there are indications. This will allow you to quickly identify the type of infection and prescribe the necessary treatment. Studies for influenza and SARS can also be conducted simultaneously with a PCR test for COVID-19,” the local newspaper reports.

And none of the journalists even asks the question: how is it – a study for influenza (all possible strains of all types of influenza virus?) and SARS at once? Which antigen RNA should a specific test find? It’s as if the brains of many have massively turned off.

But, for example, the Minister of Health of Karelia Mikhail Okhlopkov began to disperse the wave of “infodemic”:
11 Dec at 7:00
I appeal to the heads of schools and teachers.
There is a difficult epidemiological period for influenza in Karelia right now. We have also registered H1N1 swine flu in the 2009 version, which is extremely dangerous and contagious. In the last swine flu epidemic in the world, there were many deaths among children and pregnant women. Do not discount the coronavirus, which has not gone anywhere yet.

The spread of influenza and covid always begins with children.

In children’s polyclinics, the number of calls has increased almost 3 times in the last two weeks. Three children with metapneumovirus in serious condition were hospitalized in the I.N. Grigovich Children’s Republican Hospital, one in intensive care. The disease begins as a viral one, and then a bacterial infection joins it.

As I have already written, we are expecting three waves of flu. Now the first wave is raging: mostly children are sick. Pregnant women and people over 65 are also at risk. Deaths among children and pregnant women are already being recorded in some regions.

Taking into account the fact that children’s immunity is weakened after covid due to the fact that they suffered it mainly in mild form, infection occurs rapidly.

Taking into account the fact that children’s immunity is weakened after covid due to the fact that they suffered it mainly in mild form, infection occurs rapidly.

Therefore, I ask you not to chase the progress of students now. If children are sick, then they do not need to ask homework. Children need complete rest during this period. In addition, send classes and schools to quarantine or distance learning on time.

The first wave passes relatively easily, the other two are expected like a tsunami: quickly, a lot and with terrible consequences. In addition, it is likely that the viral strain “Hong Kong” will also come. If we don’t quarantine classes and schools in time, Karelia will be on fire again.

Here, as we understand, we are talking about the total transfer of schools to the distance. And to digital educational platforms without live teachers, of course. The worst experience of the covid era for parents, against which the whole country stood up, is returning – it is necessary for foresight specialists to somehow move the DSP, FGIS “My School” and other personal trajectories with machine algorithms…

The Tyumen Region and its chief medical officer Galina Sharukho have especially distinguished themselves in the ARVI dictatorship today. In her ruling , Sharuho ordered:

To strengthen anti-epidemic measures during mass New Year holidays. Do not allow persons with signs of SARS and who do not have information about vaccination against influenza to participate.”
Without vaccination, they will not be allowed to attend events. Restrictions have been introduced in the Tyumen region — the statement of the authorities
All because of the increase in the number of cases of influenza and SARS
December 14, 2022

From the comments below the article:
Have you come all the way with your vaccines? Will they be forced to get vaccinated against the flu now?

damn it.

There is no longer confidence in vaccination, nor in the CPS.Let them experiment on themselves first and then advise others.

For thousands of years, people have been sick with SARS and flu and somehow have withstood them, and here the CPS has gone completely crazy with vaccination. What is the attitude of the CPS, which checks stores for delays, suddenly began to understand medicine?

And for the consequences of vaccination with an experimental” vaccine ” against covid affecting DNA and RNA, who will be responsible now? CPS? What does this have to do with medicine and on what basis did they get the right to tell people what and how to inject into the body? Will the head of the CPS guarantee the safety of flu vaccines, which do not know where, by whom and how? Probably not.

Curses on the head of all who experiment with vaccination in Russia.

And will sandwiches, gifts and congratulations be given after vaccination?

??Again, people will be divided: with and without vaccination ??

They got caught with their vaccines. They no longer know what to do and what to do. But only to suggest anything.

yes, you hear, disrespected sharuho, you have all these recommendations, and it turns out that you and others like you have no right to limit people in anything, to fine them, to force them to get vaccinated, it’s not clear what any of this is, it’s not clear how, in general, you and those like you create lawlessness.

How can you prove you have a flu vaccine? Will they have chicken codes??

This is completely crazy! Flu vaccination has never been mandatory.
But! Whether it will still be!
Under Kovid, more laws were written in two months than in two years.
Because they realized how cool it is to make money on a commitment!
So far, this has been done from the budget.
“Tomorrow” they will say that because of the roach, there is no money, EVERYONE will have to vaccinate himself at his own expense: flu, covid, tuberculosis, etc.

And if there is no money, it will not interfere with anyone, and your desire too.
Simple, you can’t go anywhere without QR and that’s it!

Wasn’t, wasn’t, and here it is again. Many people no longer have free funds for “events”, and those who have one will arrange a holiday for themselves in a convenient place. Now “covid” is not in fashion, another bloody way was found to limit and scare the population, and then the flu surfaced.

It’s amazing that she’s still at large. Although no, this is Russia.

Everything is according to the so-called Plan. A lull in the special military operation means that we start an epidemic of restrictions, action begins in the special military operation, and the epidemic of restrictions subsides. The goal is one: the Golden billion. That, by the way, they don’t hesitate to say. Listen to Chubais ‘ speech.

In the Sverdlovsk region, a young dentist girl died after vaccination

25-year-old Katya Legostaeva studied to be a dentist in the Urals. Then she got a diploma and wanted to continue her education in residency, and in the meantime “fill her hand”. The girl went to work at the Krasnoufimsk hospital in the Sverdlovsk region.

At the place of work, the girl was told that she would not be allowed without a covid vaccination. “I had to inject.” On December 6, Katya was vaccinated, but after it the lady became ill, her health continued to deteriorate, and she died on December 9. It is claimed, the cause was a sudden heart attack.

And I’m not even going to put anything in myself. I’m not a guinea pig. I have the right to legally go wherever I want.

What a dense people in Tyumen. Inquisitors from the Middle Ages, not otherwise

Let’s write daily summaries: how many got sick, how many died.
Or was it only with Covid?

We advise Galina Sharukho to familiarize herself with the Constitution of the Russian Federation. This is discrimination in general.”

This was not the case anywhere in Russia, even in the fierce months of covidobesia [covid obscurantism]. We did not know any defeat in the rights of unvaccinated children, their non–admission to matinees before – we only punished parents who were not pricked. But Sharukho decided to go further and got to the rights and freedoms of schoolchildren, which, of course, grossly contradicts the profile 157-FZ “On Immunoprophylaxis” (and it is unacceptable to discriminate against unvaccinated parents under this Federal Law!).

Sharukho also reported that from December 15 to December 23, a distance is being introduced in all schools in Tyumen, students go home (so as not to count 20% of cases in each class, as it should be according to the standards). “Morning filters” (with mandatory thermometry) are also being introduced at enterprises, kindergartens, schools, universities and colleges, a ban on visits to social and medical institutions, an enhanced disinfection regime in shopping centers and transport. Restrictions will also apply to festive events. At the end of her appeal, the head of the Tyumen Rospotrebnadzor also recommended that Tyumen residents wear masks when visiting public places and transport.

And I would like to ask – how did we live before all the previous years without “morning filters”, without PCR tests for SARS and flu with the usual seasonal winter spikes in the incidence of colds? Did you live badly, restlessly? Well, apparently now – under the strict “sanitary” supervision of Popova and other agents of Schwab and Gates, we will be completely healthy without exception.

The Tyumen Department of Education, following Sharuho’s decree, issued a corresponding order.
Pay attention to the wording: “during the mass New Year holidays, do not allow persons with signs of acute respiratory viral infections and who do not have information about vaccination against influenza to participate” (applies to both adults and their children). And how do they distinguish SARS / flu / covid by signs – once again we modestly ask? Yes, in any way – there is just another gross violation of the rights of the unvaccinated. It’s just that the Rostec state Corporation is now monopolistically engaged in the supply of influenza vaccines to the Russian Federation, and sanctions need to be compensated somehow. Money on state contracts does not smell, as you know, like other money..
Rostec has become the sole supplier of influenza vaccines for 2022-2023
August 1, 2022

(Vademecum business magazine is addressed to professionals of the healthcare industry, as well as to everyone who is interested in this branch of the economy with a total volume of over 3 trillion rubles.)

And the infamous “covid-prevention” fighting-granny Natalia Bashketova in St. Petersburg does not doze: she returned the mandatory mask regime to the city (for now – in the organization of social services) and canceled planned operations for children.
In St. Petersburg, they introduce a mask regime in medical institutions and stop accepting children for planned hospitalization

Epidemiological restrictions have been returning to St. Petersburg since Wednesday, December 14, due to the explosive increase in the incidence of SARS and influenza. The corresponding resolution was signed by the chief sanitary doctor of the city Natalia Bashketova.

The incidence of influenza and SARS in St. Petersburg over the past week exceeded the weekly epidemic threshold by 76.7%. Of the total number of diseases, 55% occur in children. At the same time, the number of patients with severe infection requiring hospitalization has also increased.

In this regard, from December 14 in St. Petersburg, assistance to patients with acute respiratory viral infections will mainly be provided at home. Along with this, a ban is being introduced on the planned hospitalization of the children’s population in hospital-type medical organizations.

The mask mode is returned to all inpatient and outpatient medical organizations, as well as social service institutions. Visitors will be banned from coming to hospitals, except for those who provide assistance to heavy and bedridden patients.

Educational institutions will suspend the educational process for at least a week in the absence of 20% or more students with signs of SARS. At the entrance, they will begin to identify sick children and employees, after which they will be suspended from school classes.”

Educational institutions in St. Petersburg will suspend the educational process for at least a week in the absence of 20% or more students with signs of SARS. At the entrance, sick children and employees will also be identified, after which they will be suspended from classes. That is, again – total thermometry and the distance that is so beloved by digitizers, which is debilitating for schoolchildren.

What is the fault of healthy children who have a long-scheduled date of surgery on their calendar? Why should these children pay with their health for the supposed increase in SARS cases across the region/city? What kind of absurdity is this, crippling our younger generation, and even introduced by an institution allegedly related to healthcare?
In the light of such a bleak picture, we publish for those who are ready to defend their rights the instructions of the pro-family all-Russian organization “Public Commissioner for Family Protection” to combat abuse of school administration / officials during seasonal infections. Once again, we are convinced that the experts who said that without Russia’s withdrawal from the WHO and a good blow to the hands on the “sanitary healers”, medical fascism will triumph in our country, turned out to be absolutely right. All the “infection control measures” described above are obviously useless and extremely unpopular among the people.

And the saddest thoughts also come to mind: as if the authorities are not satisfied with the record excess mortality of the population of 1 million people last year!* A lot of people died just because planned operations were canceled in the regions due to the “high occupancy of covid beds”. What kind of early prevention of diseases can we talk about when the state denies citizens guaranteed medical care under 323-FZ! It is not difficult to guess that with the cancellation of children’s planned hospitalization, child mortality will sharply increase. And the authorities and the vaccine lobby, in turn, will say that all this is because of the flu and SARS, and they will tighten the vaccination stranglehold even tighter.

“And the saddest thoughts also come to mind: as if the authorities are not satisfied with the record excess mortality of the population of 1 million people last year!*”
“November 30, 2021
The death rate in Russia over the past year has become a record since the war

In the period from December 2020 to November 2021, the death rate exceeded 2.4 million people, and the population decline approached 1 million Russians

Excess mortality in December 2020 – November 2021 could exceed 622,000 people. […] This is the worst period since 1945.
The natural decline of the population, excluding migration, has crossed the mark of 990,000 people over the past year[…]The situation was more deplorable only during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. […] If we take the mortality rate of 2019 as a conditional norm, then it is higher than this norm from October 2020 to September 2021. about 607,000 people died, and from last December to November – at least 622,000 people.

The total population decline in Russia from December 2020 to November 2021 exceeds 990,000 people. Population losses (in excess of the 2019 loss) may amount to about 665,000 people.

Until 2019, the mortality rate was decreasing. For example, in 2015 it was 13.0 per 1000 people, and in 2019 it was 12.3, according to Rosstat data. This year it has already grown to 16.8 ppm.”

In the period from December 2020 to November 2021, the death rate exceeded 2.4 million people, and the population decline approached 1 million Russians”
Vaccination against Covid – 19 in Russia began on December 5, 2020 from Moscow. […]as of January 28, 2022, according to official data, approximately 83.7 million vaccinations with the first component and approximately 79.3 million complete vaccination courses were carried out in Russia; these figures include both primary and repeated vaccination. Portal on the same date, it reports smaller figures (76.4 million and 69.6 million, respectively), which do not include re-vaccinated.”


Nov 8, 2022
10. Neuronet technologies will reduce social tension and its consequences arising in connection with the pandemic in 2020.
So, in the roadmap that was approved a few days after the start of the "war":

Who are the key global actors and what is Rus ' attitude towards them?

https ://ДК%20Нейронет.pdf
[pages 3 and 4]

"1.2. Description of the main participants of the emerging market
1.2.1. Key international participants of the emerging market

Technology companies, research centers, universities, foundations, regions, universities, corporations, etc. and the strategy of interaction with them. <--- [:oops::cool:]

Lundbeck, Biogen, UCB, Merck KGaA, Sanofi, Dainippon Sumitomo, Intuitive Surgical (Da Vinci), Hocoma (Lokomat, Armeo), Ekso Bionics, Cochlear Corporation, Canon, Emotiv, Facebook, Google, Go Pro, HTC, Microsoft, NeuroSky, Samsung, Sony, Neurosky, Interaxon (Muse), Macrotellect, GreatLakeNeuroTechnologies, G.Tec (Intendix), MyndPlay, Home Of Attention, Focus Pocus, BrightHouse (USA), Olson Zaltman Associates (USA), Neurosense Limited (UK), Nielsen (USA), NeurocoLtd. (UK), Neuro Insight (Australia), Retail Branding (Australia), Lucid Systems (USA), EmSence (USA), Google, Apple, Microsoft, IBM, Facebook, Baidu, Amazon, Nuance, Intelli-response, Next IT, Creative Virtual, SRI International"

[- I don't know why they wrote Facebook, Google and Microsoft twice, ask them. Will they "interact" with them a lot, double?-]

continues, page 4:
https ://ДК%20Нейронет.pdf

"1.2.2. Key Russian participants of the emerging market

Technology companies, research centers, universities, foundations, regions, universities, corporations, etc. and the strategy of interaction with them.

NextGen LLC (hereditary neurodegenerative diseases), Avneiro (Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia), Biointegrator (multiple sclerosis), Generium Medical and Biological Center, SilverpHarm Innovative Pharmaceutical Company LLC (neuropathies and demyelinating diseases of the peripheral nervous system), Medical Computer Systems LLC, LLC "Neurobotics", LLC "Neurosoft", LLC"Medicom-LTD", LLC "Mizar", LLC "ATES-Medica", LLC "Neurocom", LLC "Exoathlet", Fibrum, LLC "Bitronics", LLC "Neuromatics", LLC "Wikium", JSC "Neurotrend", LLC "Mind Mining", Yandex, LLC "Persona, GC Newvizhin, MDT, LLC"NeuroChat", LLC "Neurotonus", LLC "AI ES JI Neuro", Innopraktika,Seldon, Association "National Champions".

1.3. Information about the global context of the emergence of a new market
1.3.1. Global technological trends and transformational changes in traditional industries caused by the introduction of end-to-end technologies that are within the scope of the implementation of the action plan ("roadmap")

Trends and transformational changes in the directions: developments related to an orderly increase in the efficiency of the basic tasks of the market with the use of end-to-end technologies, the introduction of products to the market, applications and obtaining intellectual property rights, attracting financing for startups.

The increasing digitalization of all aspects of human life leads to the emergence of an increasing number of digital platforms (super applications) for the provision of services; the development of communications via the Internet, using various wearable devices leads to the need to create new human-machine means of communication.

These features of the development of the economy and human society are reflected in the emergence of new products and services around the world, an increase in investment in research and development, an increase in mentions in the media.

1.3.2. Global political, economic, social, environmental and regulatory trends

Strengthening the role of neurotechnologies in economic models of the future requires a separate close study. It seems most promising to further reduce the costs of process logistics, increase the share of remote communication, etc.

The strengthening of the role of neurotechnologies in the task of developing society is dictated by the need to provide quality services to the end user.

1.4. Segmentation of the emerging market, assessment of competitiveness and growth rates of segments in their current form

Key market segments:

"Neuro-entertainment and sports";
"Neurocommunications and marketing";

1.5. The main directions of the implementation of the action plan ("roadmap")
1.5.1. Creation, development and promotion of advanced technologies, products and services that ensure the priority positions of Russian companies in emerging global markets.

1) "Neuromedtechnics"

The market of artificial organs, prosthetic limbs and sensory organs, as well as neurorehabilitation systems is the forerunner of the NeuroMed Technology market.
By 2035, it is planned to develop prototypes of neural interfaces integrated into exoskeletons, prostheses, wheelchairs, and a smart home;
neurorehabilitation systems for recovery after stroke, brain injuries, neurodegenerative diseases;
neuromodulation devices for the treatment of a wide range of diseases of the nervous system.

Within the NeuroMed Technology segment to By 2035 , it is planned to introduce neuroprosthetics of sensory organs and limbs exceeding biological prototypes in their parameters; to create life support systems and brain interface, including in the future during its transplantation into an artificial body.

2) "Neuropharma"

The market of drugs for the treatment of diseases of the nervous system is the predecessor of the Neuro Pharma market, as it is mainly focused on the treatment of symptomatic nature. The products of the Neuro Pharma segment can be defined as means of restoring neurocognitive functions in neurological patients and means
of enhancing cognitive abilities in healthy people.

By 2035, a number of services will be provided in the Neuro Pharma market: early diagnosis, correction, treatment and prevention of diseases of the nervous system (such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, depressive states,schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, traumatic brain injury); strengthening
the cognitive abilities of healthy people, taking into account professional specialization and personal characteristics

3) "Neuroeducation"

In this case, we mean an education system based on patterns and the use of neurocognitive mechanisms for acquiring new knowledge, learning and memory, as well as data on individual human predispositions and brain plasticity, the use of neurocomputer interfaces, elements of virtual and augmented reality, hybrid intelligence.

Currently, the products and services of the market Neuroeducation is developing in such segments as distance learning
, lifelong learning, mass open online courses, blended learning, as well as innovative models of additional education.

The priorities are the creation of educational and laboratory places for schoolchildren and students based on neurotechnologies of enhanced perception, optimized memorization and enhancement of cognitive functions, and by 2035 - the full use of integrated systems of natural and artificial intelligence.

4) "Neuro-entertainment and sports"

The segment of neuro-entertainment and sports can be divided into the following sub-segments, which are already developing:

entertainment (games, entertainment gadgets, systems of interaction with virtual and augmented reality); biometrics (the market of wearable electronic devices);

evaluation devices and training of cognitive abilities;

devices for monitoring and tracking potentially dangerous psychoemotional states in real time;

devices for self-determination (conducting selections based on objective predisposition data based on EEG;

assistance in identifying optimal areas of effort;

analysis of the level of involvement;

a platform for the interaction of products within all segment projects, exchange, storage, analysis and provision of data;

non-invasive autonomous systems for obtaining biometric data from the nervous system and other physiological data.

The product of 2035 will be a large-scale gaming platform that constantly interacts with the user. The platform will continuously monitor functional, psycho-emotional states, assess the cognitive background of the user's current activity. Based on the data obtained, non-invasive stimulation of users will be carried out to achieve the necessary conditions. The platform will work according to the game format, the format of permanent trainings.

5) "Neurocommunications and marketing"

Today, the market of neuro-communication is in the process of formation. There are no comprehensive solutions in the world that allow for a full-fledged analysis of the process of perception by the consumer (user) of an ever-increasing information flow. At the same time, such information is needed, for example, for marketing research, the development of the film industry, political and social research, the creation of television content, independent projects (DYI), design, advertising.

By 2035 , the following products are projected to appear on the neuromarketing market:

automated systems for calculating neurometrics and systems for analyzing categories of states based on neurodata;

prototypes of cheap scalable systems for removing neurometrics (boxed solutions);

wearable devices for automatic detection of emotional status;

decision support systems;

human – pets communication systems;

neurocommunication systems "man–man", "man–machine", "man–society";

decision-making forecasting systems, social neural networks.

6) "NeuroAssistant"

The predecessor of the NeuroAssistant market is the market of the very first intelligent virtual assistants designed to understand the current needs of the user and search for solutions on the Internet, cloud services. The virtual assistant market covers the B2B and B2C sectors.

By 2035, the virtual assistant market will be a multi-level network of interacting intelligent services.

All together, electronic assistants will be part of the "global secretariat", minimizing all transaction costs for finding services, goods, personnel, coordinating the interests and personal schedules of employees and business partners. In these developing areas, there will be a tendency for a rapid increase in neuromorphic computing algorithms and

The transition from the predecessor markets to full-fledged segments of the neural network market can be carried out provided that the relevant technological barriers are overcome and the action plan is successfully implemented (section VI). The existing competitive advantages (scientific and technological background and experience of companies), as well as the experience of developing the IT market in Russia, indicate the possibility of implementing an innovative scenario for the development of the neural network market. Among the barriers facing the emerging market, it is worth noting not only scientific, technological and infrastructural, but also ethical restrictions that will be overcome if successful implementation of measures aimed, among other things, at popularizing the neural network market.
[- What are these guys talking about?! Covid "crisis"? "The climate crisis"? The financial, energy, "disinformation crisis"?! -]

1.5.2. Gradual improvement of the regulatory framework in order to eliminate barriers to the use of advanced technological solutions and create a system of incentives for their implementation

1.5.3. Improving the education system to meet the prospective staffing needs of dynamically developing companies, scientific and creative teams involved in the creation of new global markets

The main directions of the action plan ("roadmap")
1) "Improvement of the education system for directions 1)-6) of section 1.5.1"

A brief description of the direction of the action plan ("roadmap")
Improving the education system for all areas of the "roadmap". The reference segment is "Neuroeducation".

1.5.4. Development of the system of professional communities and popularization of the National Technological Initiative Title of the direction of the action plan ("roadmap")
1) "Popularization for directions 1)-6) of Section 1.5.1"

A brief description of the direction of the action plan ("roadmap")
A cross-cutting popularization event for all directions of the "roadmap"

1.5.5. Organizational, technical, expert and analytical support, information support of the National Technological Initiative

The name of the direction of the action plan ("road map")
1) "Organizational-technical and expert-analytical support, information support for directions 1)-6)
of section 1.5.1"

Brief description of the direction of the action plan
A cross-cutting event for all directions of the roadmap. Interaction with the NTI Working Group and the expert community of NTI "Neuronet"

1.5.6. Creation of acceleration mechanisms for companies of the National Technology Initiative and mechanisms for export promotion of the products being created

The name of the direction of the action plan ("roadmap")
1) "Acceleration of projects for directions 1)-6) of section 1.5.1"

A brief description of the direction of the action plan ("roadmap")
Measures to accelerate promising projects and technologies for all areas of the "roadmap" Measures to develop
cooperation with the Central Committee, CI, NSC, support for patenting.

1.6. Expected socio-economic effects from the implementation of the action plan ("roadmap") in the medium and long term


1. Increasing life expectancy through the development of innovative and import-substituting medicines for the diagnosis and treatment of the most common diseases
of the nervous system.

2. Improving the quality of life of people with disabilities and the disabled through the development of neuroprostheses of the upper extremities (bioprosthesis of the hand), locomotor-active prostheses of the lower extremities, receptors and elements of the sensory organs (cochlear implant, artificial retina) and the development of technological devices for the care and rehabilitation of patients, including a wheelchair with a control function via a neurointerface,
an exoskeleton brush for neurorehabilitation, etc.

3. Increasing the availability of medical services through the development of remote monitoring tools for patients in the treatment and rehabilitation of diseases of the nervous system in the clinic or at home.

4. Improving the quality of education through the development of new methods of early career guidance for schoolchildren and methods of "neurotraining" in educational programs.

5. Improving the quality of medical services in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system, preventing severe and irreversible changes in the brain and spinal cord in a number of pathological conditions and significantly improving the results of treatment and prevention of a number of acute and chronic brain and spinal cord injuries in high-risk groups.

6. Increasing the level of employment of the population by creating jobs in high-tech industries, expanding remote forms of joint activity, increasing the working age due to advances in the field of neural network technologies.

7. Increasing the number of highly qualified specialists in the field of neural network technologies (neurosurgery, neurobiology, diseases of the nervous system, neuroinformational technologies, materials science, robotics with neural interfaces).

8. Improving the quality of life of the population by creating software and hardware complexes for monitoring and tracking health and psycho-emotional states.

9. Digitalization of economic services using Neuronet technologies will reach at least 30% of the total quantity

10. Neuronet technologies will reduce social tension and its consequences arising in connection with the pandemic in 2020.

1.7. Measures to improve technical regulation in order to ensure the implementation of the action plan ("roadmap")

Within the framework of section 1.5.2
2. Information on strategic planning documents related to the category being developed at the federal level, according to the sectoral and territorial principle, as well as within the framework of forecasting, the provisions of which are taken into account when developing the action plan ("roadmap").

Support of the "market in exchange for innovation" directions
Support for the directions of technical transfer centers
Support for patenting, taking into account industry specifics within the segments of the Neuronet Roadmap (for example, the fight against "green patents" within the Neuropharma segment)."

this is up to Page 11; continues later....

//Meanwhile, alternative media: "Russia is fighting the globalists/bankers/global trusts/WEF/Satanists/technocrats/ transhumanists! Russia defends traditional and Christian values. Putin takes care of his people!"
:rolleyes::D //


Nov 8, 2022
February 21, 2022
Genetically edited potatoes have been created in Russia
Russian scientists, editing the genome, created non-flowering potatoes

Potato 2.0
Scientists of the genomic Center of the All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology (VNIISB) have started creating new forms of potatoes, the genome of which is being modified using the CRISPR/Cas9 editor.

"We use potato genome editing technology and are currently working with two target genes," said Vasily Taranov, Candidate of Biological Sciences, head of the laboratory at VNIISB. — This is primarily the LFY gene, a transcription factor that controls the transition of plants to flowering.

Our task was to block flowering in potatoes. We took the original variety that is actively blooming, inactivated this gene and made sure that there really is no transition to flowering."
If you block its flowering, then the energy resources of the plant, which previously went to this, can go to the formation of tubers, and, perhaps, due to this, it will be possible to achieve an increase in yield. However, this assumption will need to be checked again.
According to scientists, if the legislation changes and it is allowed to grow genetically edited plants, it will be vital to have full-cycle technologies for basic crops in the country. This is important in order to quickly edit their varieties according to the necessary genes together with domestic breeders. This will make it possible to compete powerfully with international corporations entering the domestic market.

Pending changes in legislation
Scientists have been expecting changes in legislation for more than a year and not even the first decade. Nevertheless, if this does happen and it will be possible to apply for variety testing, then you will have to test a large number of tubers for several years in different regions of the country.
In addition, there is a debatable question in the legislation: whether to equate genetically edited plants with genetically modified organisms. GMOs are not grown in our country, there is a moratorium on this. Genetically edited, most likely, will still be allowed. The essence of this new technology is that nothing is introduced there that is additionally alien, just mutations are introduced into certain genes by genetic engineering methods."

Similar processes occur naturally in nature, but this is a very long process, and in this case, scientists, knowing the structure and functions of the gene, can introduce this or that mutation and get this or that plant with the desired properties already directed.

"The GMO Law of 2016 is harmful and in some sense antiprotectionist, in fact it interferes with the cultivation of products that are developed in Russia," says Alexander Panchin, PhD, senior researcher at the Institute of Information Transmission Problems named after Harkevich RAS and a member of the RAS Commission on Combating Pseudoscience.
If some innovative varieties appear in Russia, they will not be implemented. They can be patented, studied, maybe this patent can be sold abroad, but it will not be possible to implement all this in Russia, as a result we will import food from other countries."

At the same time, Panchin is not sure whether it is worth separating "genetically edited plants" into a separate category in order not to apply harsh legislative measures against GMOs to them. Such a "rebranding" can help domestic scientists, but, according to Panchin, it does not look quite honest, it would be more honest to seek the lifting of the ban on GMOs.

"It seems to me that the bill in the form in which it was adopted turned out to be exceptionally populist, in reality it only reflects the fears of society, but the fears of society on the topic of GMOs are irrational," Panchin notes.

In the history of genetic engineering, Alexander Panchin does not find any examples of creating something dangerous for humans, while there are enough such examples in the long history of traditional breeding. For example, potato varieties created by traditional breeding, Lenape and Magnum Bonum, were distinguished by an increased content of dangerous alkaloids, which caused them to be withdrawn from the market, and these are not the only examples.

Dmitry Chernyshenko instructed to develop and approve digital transformation strategies for new regions by the end of 2023

December 22, 2022

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko held a final meeting in the Coordination Center in 2022 with the heads of digital transformation (RCT) of federal executive authorities and subjects of the Russian Federation.

Dmitry Chernyshenko noted that thanks to the comprehensive work of digital transformation managers in 2022, the indicators of the national goal "Digital Transformation" set by President Vladimir Putin, as well as the national program "Digital Economy" were achieved.

"We have built effective interaction with the leaders of digital transformation at all levels. Thank you for the work done, and I also congratulate the winners who topped the ratings. Among the FOIV is Rosgvardiya, Rosaccreditation, the third place was shared by the Ministry of Agriculture and Treasury, and among the regions – Tatarstan, Belgorod, Tula Regions and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. The Ministry of Finance was instructed to submit proposals for the rotation of digital transformation managers based on the results of work in 2022. Comprehensive import substitution of industrial software is a strategic task for the coming year, which was set before us by Prime Minister Mikhail Vladimirovich Mishustin. The Ministry of Finance will administer this work," the Deputy Prime Minister said.

The Ministry of Finance has been instructed to submit proposals for the rotation of the RCT based on the annual rating by mid-February 2023.

A new criterion has been added to the evaluation methodology in 2023 – the transfer of information systems to the GOSTECH platform.

According to the instructions of the President, from 2023 it is necessary for federal executive authorities to ensure a mandatory transition to the use of the GOSTECH platform, and for regions – from 2024. A presidential decree on the schedule and order of transfer is being prepared.

"The work is already underway. Every week we hold an operational meeting where we consider the projects of the authorities on migration to Gostech. In 2023, it is planned to transfer information systems of 11 subjects and 12 federal departments to the platform. By 2024, 85 FOIV information systems will be transferred. This will be the end of the era of "patchwork" developments and the start of construction of a radically new state IT landscape," Dmitry Chernyshenko said.

"Since January 1, 2023, we are ready to live in the mode of a state cloud operator that provides services on a platform based on distributed data centers. The platform is also ready to be expanded with the services of external suppliers. Due to the changes that we have made to the current license agreement, the software included in the architecture of the GOSTECH platform is available without restrictions to all federal government agencies, their subordinate institutions, as well as subjects. This will make the GIS transfer to the platform very fast and ensure the prompt withdrawal of new state digital services for citizens and businesses," added Vasily Slyshkin, Director of the State Technologies Federal State Institution.

Dmitry Chernyshenko instructed to develop and approve digital transformation strategies for new regions by the end of 2023.

Another topic of the meeting was the transfer of socially significant services to electronic form.

As noted in the Ministry of Finance, until December 25, the issue of a compulsory medical insurance policy on a material carrier, the selection or replacement of an insurance medical organization, as well as the issuance of a certificate of admission of vehicles for transportation should be available online. All FOIV are instructed to organize this work."


Nov 8, 2022
"Website about nanotechnology #1 in Russia"
Big Data, neurons and Psychology: what artificial intelligence technologies are being developed by Russian scientists at the National Center for Physics and Mathematics
December 16, 2022

Artificial intelligence technologies have already firmly entered our lives in the form of smart navigators, news feed selection and chatbots. All these are examples of a "weak" AI trained to perform the simplest tasks. To work with huge amounts of data, scientists are developing much more complex methods and algorithms, and with them a suitable hardware. "Naked Science" asked Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Igor Kalyaev to tell about what projects Russian AI experts are engaged in, what results have been achieved over the past year, what goals the scientists involved in these studies set for themselves, and what will be the next step in the development of AI.

Two years ago, the President of Russia ordered the creation of the National Center for Physics and Mathematics (NCFM), which is located on the open territory of Sarov in the Nizhny Novgorod region, 400 kilometers from Moscow. The city has played an important role in the development of Russian science since the middle of the XX century, when the Russian Federal Nuclear Center — VNIIEF was built in Sarov, where such great scientists as academicians Yuli Khariton, Yakov Zeldovich and Andrei Sakharov worked.

Now Sarov is entering a new stage of development. Scientists from all over Russia from the scientific cooperation of the NCFM (more than 50 institutes, universities and high-tech companies) have begun to implement a global scientific program. A large-scale experimental and computational base of the RFNC-VNIIEF is available to researchers. There will also be a complex of research buildings, advanced laboratories and installations of the midi-science and megasience class on the territory of the NCFM. There are plans to make the center a scientific "city of the future", where the best scientists from all over Russia will live, study and work. The first such future highly qualified specialists study at the educational core of the NCFM — the branch of the Lomonosov Moscow State University "MSU Sarov". Undergraduates and postgraduates study theoretical physics, computational models, as well as supercomputer, laser and optical technologies.

The scientific program of the NCFM includes ten directions. Most of them are connected with different fields of physics: from cosmology and laboratory astrophysics to gas dynamics and radiation physics. Three of them are devoted to computing and information technologies.

"And this is not accidental, since the RFNC-VNIIEF has the largest computing cluster in our country with a powerful infrastructure, a huge amount of knowledge has been accumulated. The pace of creation of the National Center of Physics and Mathematics is very high. This is a very ambitious project. It is necessary to maximize the use of the resources of the NCFM and Rosatom in order to accelerate the work on artificial intelligence in our country," commented Academician Boris Sharkov, Vice Director of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, co-chairman of the Scientific and Technical Council of the NCFM, on the selection of directions.

One of the directions of the scientific program of the NCFM is "Artificial intelligence and big data in technical, industrial, natural and social systems". Naked Science asked Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Igor Anatolyevich Kalyaev, a specialist in the field of multiprocessor computing and control systems, robotics and artificial intelligence, co-head of Section No. 9 of the Scientific and Technical Council of the NCFM "Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in technical, industrial, natural and social systems."

The image generated by the neural network in response to the request "AI helps people at the Moskvich plant"

From industry to neurons
It is noteworthy that the first major event of the NCFM was just a seminar on artificial intelligence, which took place a year ago. Scientists, postgraduates and students from institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, universities and specialized enterprises discussed which studies should first be included in the implementation of the direction of the scientific program of the NCFM on AI. From a practical point of view, artificial intelligence technologies are applicable in all areas where the analysis of large amounts of data is required. At the same time, we should not forget about the theoretical basis of AI: from machine learning methods to the problems of trust in AI and the interaction between artificial and natural intelligence.

Today, the NCFM is actively working on three major projects in this direction: "Neuroelectronics: intelligent neuromorphic and neurogibrid systems based on a new electronic component base", "Research and development of artificial intelligence technologies for predictive modeling and decision support in technical, industrial, natural and social systems" and "Research and development of technologies artificial intelligence for preventive medicine, psychodiagnostics and biometrics".

Let's understand their goals, plans and achieved results. And we also asked Academician Kalyaev about Russian supercomputers and providing projects with computing power.

Digital transformation of industry
Modern industry is changing rapidly, following the rapid increase in the complexity of both manufactured products and production technologies.

"Achieving a competitive advantage in the global market for enterprises and companies in various sectors of the economy today is not possible without digital transformation and the creation of a new generation of digital platforms," says Igor Anatolyevich Kalyaev.

Such platforms should be able to analyze huge amounts of information coming from different components of production in real time and quickly offer solutions. And not only at the level of general management of production and technological processes, but also at the level of logistics, resources and relationships with customers and suppliers.

The traditional rigid vertical management system of such enterprises is gradually disappearing. Instead, a network of production clusters is formed, which are sometimes located on a large territory. Such a network requires a management system and computing infrastructure that will be resistant to the threats of an unstable external environment. Processing of large production data should be carried out in a safe and stable environment. It is the creation of such information systems that NCFM specialists are engaged in within the framework of the project "Research and development of artificial intelligence technologies for predictive modeling and decision support in technical, industrial, natural and social systems".

Their plans are to develop a platform that will allow the use of AI technologies in decision—making for technical, industrial and hybrid sociotechnical systems. This platform will be based on models, methods and technologies of artificial intelligence, predictive analytics and proactive management. Technical vision and geometric modeling are used to analyze and control production processes.

First of all, of course, we are talking about theoretical studies of the work of such algorithms and machine learning programs adapted to specific tasks. For example, the possibilities of computer representation of a multidimensional geometric environment with many active components are being studied. In other words, how to transfer the plant plan to a computer and teach the system to coordinate the interconnected work of people, machines, robots for an effective overall production task.

Among the theoretical subprojects, it is planned to develop methods for predictive modeling of the life cycle of complex technical products and production processes. This will allow you to assess the remaining resource and predict the occurrence of potential malfunctions and failures.

The image generated by the neural network in response to the query "AI as a scientist"

According to the results of these theoretical studies, working prototypes will appear. In particular, a prototype of a complex system capable of analyzing data from sensors of robotic complexes and planning their work, both autonomous and group. As well as a prototype of a digital stand for modeling and generating emergency situations and a prototype of a development environment for neural network elements of control systems adapted to Russian microelectronic technologies.

"The introduction of these technologies and the corresponding software systems of predictive modeling and decision support will significantly reduce the risks of unacceptable states of complex technical, industrial and social systems, increase the efficiency of automated parrying of such states," adds Igor Kalyaev.

Computer — brain, brain — computer
Many people associate the concept of artificial intelligence with the idea of creating a full-fledged copy of human thinking. Some scientific groups are really trying to create a digital copy of a person, but in most cases we are talking about creating powerful analytical systems. And the most powerful of such systems known to us is our brain. Therefore, within the framework of AI projects, the development and design of microprocessors is often carried out, which at the basic hardware level will accelerate the work of neural networks. They are called neural processes or AI accelerators. Scientists of the NCFM project "Neuroelectronics: Intelligent neuromorphic and neurogibrid systems based on a new electronic component base" are engaged in the creation of such processors and algorithms attached to them.

At the most basic level, the computer "speaks" the language of zeros and ones. The neurons of our brain are much more flexible and their "language" is more complex. In a car, such properties can be implemented with the help of memristors — elements whose resistance depends on the charge or voltage. Thanks to this, as Igor Kalyaev explains, they "allow you to implement calculations in memory, which means that not only in form, but in essence reproduce brain-like principles of processing and storing information." With the help of such memristors, it is possible to store and process information not in binary, but in a multi-level system, that is, to increase the available volume and computing power several times.

Thus, within the framework of the NCFM project, it is planned to investigate methods for building systems based on memristors and algorithms for training neural networks based on such an architecture. And then introduce them into the Russian industrial technological process. And this will not be the only practical result.

"The hardware implementation of neural network algorithms can be used to transition to hybrid intelligence — based on real—time recording and processing of signals from a living brain," explains Igor Kalyaev.

"In the future, this will open the way to the implementation of compact and energy—efficient adaptive systems for the replacement and restoration of lost functions of the brain and nervous system," he adds.

Elon Musk's Neuralink immediately comes to mind.

"Our project does not compete with the American one, but solves related tasks — the development of systems that can process information directly on the border with living brain systems, that is, as part of modern sensory systems," the expert answers.

What can be the practical result in this case? NCFM scientists want to organize mass production of such hardware, as well as develop a multicore neuroprocessor and a neurogibrid chip, on the basis of which, among other things, it will be possible to create a compact sensor of electrophysiological activity, that is, brain activity

Digital Health Profile
Our body is a complex system that generates a huge stream of data. The slightest changes may mean nothing, but may signal long-term problems. And this applies to both physical and psychological health. And nothing is better able to work with large amounts of data than neural networks. Moreover, they can be used to analyze both the health of one person and the entire population.

"One of the main causes of high mortality in Russia is the high prevalence (68.5%) of risk factors for chronic non—communicable diseases, most of which are related to people's lifestyle," explains Igor Kalyaev. "This fact determines the relevance and importance of creating health—saving recommendation systems, with the help of which it will be possible to form comprehensive strategies to reduce the risks of developing chronic diseases, as well as the occurrence of mental and physiological abnormalities in individuals, as well as their communities."

Therefore, within the framework of the NCFM project "Research and development of artificial intelligence technologies for preventive medicine, psychodiagnostics and biometrics", scientists are studying methods of collecting, storing and analyzing heterogeneous information about the health and lifestyle of citizens of the country. And based on the collected data, it is planned to create digital health profiles, as well as recommendation systems that allow you to form personal recommendations on health care.

At the same time, methods of dynamic analysis of such a profile are being developed in order to identify signs of physiological and psycho-emotional deviations and algorithms for the formation of recommendations.

An image generated by a neural network in response to the query "AI that does MRI"
Modern social networks make it possible to create a psychoemotional portrait of a person: personality traits, a tendency to depression, adherence to healthy lifestyle, reaction to events and persons, and so on. All this can be assessed through lexical, syntactic and semantic analysis of the posts of the user himself and the communities to which he subscribes.

Over the past year, the project experts have developed methods for collecting, integrating and analyzing heterogeneous information about health and lifestyle. According to Igor Kalyaev, the main difference between the new methods is that information is collected from different sources: electronic medical cards, gadgets, social networks, questionnaires and contactless information retrieval devices
Supercomputer capabilities

The Lomonosov supercomputer is the first hybrid supercomputer of this scale in Russia and Eastern Europe.

All these projects require huge computing power both for testing and for subsequent use of the developed methods and algorithms. But the very development of such supercomputers is the task of another direction of the NCFM, the "National Center for the Study of Supercomputer Architectures". However, the directions work in close contact.
"Ideally, it is advisable to combine all supercomputers operating in Russia into a single infrastructure so that user tasks can be solved on those devices that are best suited for their solution," Academician Kalyaev notes. At the same time, the user does not even need to know on which of the supercomputers his calculations were performed, this is determined by the dispatcher.

"Of course, such a dispatcher must have "artificial intelligence". And such a project is now being successfully implemented by the MSU and SFU teams within the first direction of the NCFM," adds Igor Kalyaev.

By the way, the development of programming methods for supercomputers is already engaged in the second direction of the NCFM — "Mathematical modeling on supercomputers of ex- and zettaflops performance".

Will we create artificial intelligence, as it is shown in films?
Igor Kalyaev is very skeptical about this prospect: "It is unlikely that in the near future it is possible to create a "strong" AI, that is, an AI that will be comparable to natural human intelligence."

In many ways, the reason is that we still have little idea how our brain works, so we cannot embody it "in hardware".

But this does not mean that it is not necessary to strive for this, Igor Kalyaev believes. The further development of artificial intelligence technologies and the transition to the "next step" on the way to a "strong" AI are connected, apparently, both with the creation of more "advanced" intelligent systems capable of solving increasingly complex "intellectual" tasks, and with the creation of systems that more or less simulate the processes taking place in the human brain.

"It is at the junction of these two approaches that the main research and development will be conducted within the framework of the ninth direction of the scientific program of the NCFM, on AI," Igor Anatolyevich Kalyaev sums up.

Igor Anatolyevich Kalyaev — Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Co-head of Section No. 9 of the Scientific and Technical Council of the National Center for Physics and Mathematics (NCFM) "Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in Technical, Industrial, Natural and Social systems", Chairman of the Council for the priority direction of the SNTR "Transition to digital production technologies, robotic systems, new materials and methods their design, creation of big data processing systems, machine learning and artificial intelligence", scientific director of the SFU direction."

February 14, 2022
Edited wheat appeared in Russia for the first time
Russian scientists, editing the genome, have created new lines of improved wheat

Wheat 2.0

Scientists of the Genomic Center of the All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology (VNIISB), members of the Kurchatov Genomic Center consortium, have begun creating special wheat lines, the genome of which is being modified with the help of the CRISPR/Cas9 editor.

"For the first time in Russia, we have created a separate direction — a laboratory for digital phenotyping of edited plants as part of the development of the genomic center," says Mikhail Divashuk, Candidate of Biological Sciences, head of the genomic center — VNIISB. — The most interesting thing we do is probably the creation and study of full—fledged edited plants. And most of all we are interested in the main food crop of Russia — wheat."

At the heart of all this is the CRISPR/Cas9 technology used for targeted genome editing, but the Russian technology is much broader than just CRISPR/Cas9. After all, students in laboratory classes can just rearrange some pieces of genomes in a test tube now.
"Our institute, in collaboration with colleagues from two other Russian institutes (IBH and ICiG), received genetically edited wheat for the first time in Russia," says academician Gennady Karlov, director of the All—Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology. — And for the first time in the world, we edited several genes...."

patent for genetic editing
Grey area
However, scientists admit that it is still far from sowing edited wheat in the fields, this is seriously hindered by the imperfection of Russian legislation, and so far genomic editing of crops remains "in the gray zone".

"I think we will wait until our varieties can be registered," says academician Gennady Karlov. — Creating a variety is a very long process, it takes about 10-20 years. But we hope to go this way faster."

In Russia, in 2016, a law was passed prohibiting the cultivation and breeding of genetically engineered plants and animals in Russia, with the exception of scientific work.

However, plants that have undergone genetic editing using CRISPR/Cas9 technology are not considered "classic" GMOs by a number of scientific schools. After all, the "own" genes of the organism are edited, and after editing, no foreign genetic information remains inside the genome, these are much more predictable and controlled changes.

Scientists pin their hopes on the adoption of amendments to the law on GMOs.

"It is planned that genetically modified and genetically edited plants will be separated," says Gennady Karlov. — The ban on genetically modified plants is likely to remain, although there is still a tendency in the world to allow these plants. But for our part, we really hope that the genetically edited ones will still be allowed."

Scientists have already received two patents for new editing technologies. Two more patent applications are under consideration for the genetically edited lines themselves.

"It is not rational to be afraid of genetically modified organisms, they are no worse than new breeding varieties, and in some ways even better from the point of view of safety if we try to take into account some unknown risks," says Alexander Panchin, Candidate of Biological Sciences, senior researcher at the Harkevich Institute of Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences and a member of the RAS Commission on Combating Pseudoscience. — Therefore, the attitude to them from the point of view of the law should be the same as the attitude to ordinary breeding varieties. It seems to me that if such laws were adopted, it would give a big boost to domestic genetic engineering. We have a lot of specialists who have all the necessary qualifications and skills to do this, to create it. The only thing that stops them is the understanding that there is no point in doing this in Russia, and there is a brain drain, a drain of competent personnel, there is a feeling of hopelessness when scientists cannot do what they would like to do, benefiting humanity."

Such technologies certainly need to be developed at least in case of any force majeure. It is enough to recall the story of COVID-19 in this regard, scientists believe. When it appeared, Russia was the first to create a vaccine. This happened because the N.F. Gamalei Research and Development Center has been studying and developing technologies for creating vaccines based on adenovirus for many years."
“November 30, 2021
The death rate in Russia over the past year has become a record since the war

In the period from December 2020 to November 2021, the death rate exceeded 2.4 million people, and the population decline approached 1 million Russians

Excess mortality in December 2020 – November 2021 could exceed 622,000 people. […] This is the worst period since 1945.
The natural decline of the population, excluding migration, has crossed the mark of 990,000 people over the past year[…]The situation was more deplorable only during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. […] If we take the mortality rate of 2019 as a conditional norm, then it is higher than this norm from October 2020 to September 2021. about 607,000 people died, and from last December to November – at least 622,000 people.

The total population decline in Russia from December 2020 to November 2021 exceeds 990,000 people. Population losses (in excess of the 2019 loss) may amount to about 665,000 people.

Until 2019, the mortality rate was decreasing. For example, in 2015 it was 13.0 per 1000 people, and in 2019 it was 12.3, according to Rosstat data. This year it has already grown to 16.8 ppm.”

In the period from December 2020 to November 2021, the death rate exceeded 2.4 million people, and the population decline approached 1 million Russians”
Vaccination against Covid – 19 in Russia began on December 5, 2020 from Moscow. […]as of January 28, 2022, according to official data, approximately 83.7 million vaccinations with the first component and approximately 79.3 million complete vaccination courses were carried out in Russia; these figures include both primary and repeated vaccination. Portal on the same date, it reports smaller figures (76.4 million and 69.6 million, respectively), which do not include re-vaccinated.”
"And in agriculture, no one is immune from the appearance of a new harmful disease that will break through any protection of the current varieties. And the editing tool will be the most optimal for solving this problem together with breeders and phytopathologists.

So work is in full swing at VNIISB. At the moment, edited wheat has been created within the genomic center. This was done in close cooperation with a group headed by Sergey Dolgov from IBH RAS and Elena Salina from ICIG SB RAS.

In Russia, this is the first successful experience of obtaining edited wheat."


Nov 8, 2022
Dmitry Chernyshenko: Special attention will be paid to the President's instructions on youth sports policy when drawing up the program of the forum "Russia - a sports power"
December 23, 2022

"As part of a working trip to Perm Krai, Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, Curator of the Volga Federal District Dmitry Chernyshenko held a meeting of the organizing committee for the preparation and holding of the XI International Forum "Russia - a Sports power". By decree of President Vladimir Putin, it will be held in Perm in 2023.
He instructed the organizing committee of the forum to pay special attention to the instructions in the field of youth sports policy given by President Vladimir Putin at a meeting of the State Council when drawing up the program.

"It is important not to stand aside and be part of the modern agenda when drawing up the program. I propose to involve both domestic and international sports representatives from the SCO, BRICS, and CIS countries in various sports events, as well as harmoniously combine digital technologies and skills with familiar physical competitions. ...", Dmitry Chernyshenko said.

The Deputy Prime Minister recalled that a new format tournament is planned to be held in Kazan in 2024 – the first in the history of the Games of the Future, and suggested that preparations for this event be discussed within the framework of the forum. ..."

https ://
Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation

Bella Cherkesova and Maxim Parshin will take part in the UN Forum on Internet Governance

Addis Ababa, November 28, 2022 – The XVII UN Internet Governance Forum (IGF-2022) began in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia). It will last until December 2.

The main theme of this year's event is a sustainable Internet for everyone. The main issues for discussion:

Equal access to the Internet for all and protection of human rights
Internet without fragmentation
Privacy and data management
Advanced technologies and artificial intelligence

The Russian delegation will take part in the forum on November 29: Deputy Head of the Ministry of Finance Bella Cherkesova — in the session "Digital Trust and security" (in online format), Deputy Head of the Ministry of Finance Maxim Parshin - in a number of bilateral meetings."

https ://

Cooperation with international organizations

European Conference of Postal and Telecommunication Administrations (SEPT)

United Nations Commission on Science and Technology for Development (UN CSTD)

International media events and forums

Russia-EU Information Society Dialogue

Cooperation within the framework of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Forum

World Trade Organization (WTO)

Interaction with the Internet Corporation for the Distribution of ICANN addresses and numbers

International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications (RSS)

Universal Postal Union (UPU)

International Space Communications Organization "Intersputnik"

Cooperation within the framework of the Union State of Belarus and Russia

BRICS is an interstate association of the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Russian Federation, the Republic of India, the People's Republic of China and (since December 2010) the Republic of South Africa

Forum of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS Forum)"
Matvienko: In 2022, Russia not only stood up for its interests and security, but also led the movement for a more just and equitable world

December 23, 2022.
The Chairman of the Federation Council spoke at the closing session of the autumn session.
The Speaker of the Federation Council stressed that the country, despite the harsh pressure from the West, continues to develop. This concerns the construction of infrastructure, technological development, and social policy. "Which once again shows both the scale of the state and the strength of Russia, which has always been and will be a country with a sense of self-worth, living by its own mind."

Valentina Matvienko paid special attention to the consolidation of society, the cohesion of Russian citizens this year. "People are aware that the question of the very existence of our Fatherland as a sovereign state, as a community of peoples, as a unique civilization is at stake."

The country, despite the harsh pressure from the West, continues to develop

At the same time, the fulfillment of the tasks set during the speech at the meeting of the Council for Strategic Development and National Projects by the President of the Russian Federation will ensure that the country reaches a qualitatively new level of economic development, ensuring technological sovereignty, and the welfare of citizens, the head of the SF is convinced. "The Federation Council has developments and proposals in each direction. We will work on their basis in the coming year."

The Chairman of the Federation Council noted that in 2022 Russia not only stood up for the protection of national interests, its own security, the rights of compatriots to their language, history, culture, but also led the movement for a more just, equitable and secure world.

Valentina Matvienko expressed her deepest gratitude and appreciation to all participants of the special military operation and the families of servicemen. "Our soldiers deserve special care from both the state and society. A number of support measures have been adopted, including tax, credit benefits, and labor guarantees. It is important that all laws work effectively so that there is not a single failure."
The Chairman of the Federation Council also noted the active inter-parliamentary activity: cooperation with the countries of Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America is expanding. "We have seen that the transition to a multipolar world order is gaining momentum. In this new world order, no country or group of countries will be able to dictate their rules to the majority of the world's population anymore. It is obvious that Russia has a special role in the new global architecture of international relations."

Local authorities will be able to actively implement information technologies in the interests of residents
December 23, 2022.

The authors of the legislative initiative are senators of the Russian Federation A. Turchak, I. Rukavishnikova, K. Dolgov, A. Sinitsyn and deputies of the State Duma.

Amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation regarding the regulation of issues related to the development of artificial intelligence and information technologies through the conclusion of concession agreements, public-private and municipal-private partnership agreements have been approved.
At the SF meeting, the issue was presented by Konstantin Dolgov, Deputy Chairman of the SF Committee on Economic Policy.

According to him, a clear legal environment is being created for the implementation of partner projects by local authorities with the participation of business. This applies, for example, to the creation of a system of "smart" stops of urban transport, co-financing and distribution of income from advertising activities, modern security systems, updating land records using satellite images, a system of "smart" traffic lights and city lighting.

"As a result, citizens in their localities will get a comfortable living environment, and IT workers will get new jobs and additional funds for the development of high-tech entrepreneurship," Konstantin Dolgov stressed.

"Together with senators and deputies of the State Duma, they proposed to eliminate existing restrictions on the possibility of concluding municipal-private partnership agreements and concession agreements at the municipal level in relation to information technology facilities. This will make it possible to implement using PPP mechanisms, including projects to create Smart City systems, including automation of regulation of intra—city traffic flows, lighting and photo-video fixation, as well as create conditions for increasing the level of digitalization at the municipal level, reducing the financial burden on local budgets," the first noted, commenting on the decision. Deputy Minister of Economic Development of Russia Ilya Torosov."
Russian Alliance in the field of artificial intelligence
https ://
The Federation Council adopted a bill on the regulation of PPP and concession agreements in the field of artificial intelligence implementation, developed with the participation of the AI Alliance

On December 23, the Federation Council adopted a bill on amendments to the Federal Laws "On Concession Agreements" and "On Public-Private Partnership, Municipal-Private Partnership in the Russian Federation and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation."

The draft law improves the regulation of public- and municipal-private partnership agreements, as well as concession agreements on issues related to the development and implementation of artificial intelligence. The amendments eliminate barriers that hinder the implementation of IT projects, including projects to create "smart cities".

In particular, the draft law allows municipalities to conclude agreements on MES in relation to IT facilities, clarifies the procedure for sending an initiative proposal to conclude a concession agreement for IT projects, and also clarifies the rules for the use of intellectual property and IT facilities in connection with concession projects.

By the second reading in the State Duma, held on December 20, deputies supplemented the bill with amendments concerning the procedure for concluding a concession agreement, considering a proposal to conclude an agreement and making appropriate decisions.

The bill was actively discussed with the expert community. In particular, the position of the Alliance in the field of artificial intelligence was taken into account when preparing the bill.

The Alliance noted that the bill contributes to the implementation of the tasks outlined in the "Concept for the Development of regulation of relations in the field of artificial Intelligence and robotics technologies until 2024" and allows removing a number of restrictions that make it difficult to implement artificial intelligence.

The Alliance in the field of artificial intelligence unites leading technology companies to jointly develop their competencies and accelerate the introduction of AI in education, research and business practice."

Tatiana Golikova and Andrey Fursenko held a meeting of the Council for the Implementation of the Federal Scientific and Technical Program for the Development of Genetic Technologies

October 22, 2022
Medical technologies, science, innovations

The Government Coordination Center hosted a meeting of the Council for the Implementation of the Federal Scientific and Technical Program for the Development of Genetic Technologies under the leadership of Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova and Presidential Aide Andrei Fursenko.

"Taking into account the current global situation, it is important to focus on the scientific challenges facing the country during the implementation of the program, as well as on accelerating the implementation of the tasks set by the genetic program and are of priority importance right now. The President of the country has been instructed to extend the FNTP until 2030, and, of course, this extension should take into account the challenges we face," Tatyana Golikova said, addressing the audience.

The meeting participants discussed the extension of the Federal Scientific and Technical Program for the Development of Genetic Technologies until 2030, including clarification of its goals, objectives and results, programs of world-class genetic centers, as well as the program implementation plan for 2022-2024.
The program defines four areas: biosafety and ensuring technological independence; genetic technologies for the development of agriculture and industry; genetic technologies for medicine; genetic technologies for microbiology. Since 2019, three world-class genomic research centers have been established and are functioning within the framework of the program: the Kurchatov Genomic Center, the Center for High-Precision Editing and Genetic Technologies for Biomedicine, and the World-class Center for Genomic Research to Ensure Biological safety and Technological Independence."


Nov 8, 2022
Russia will develop technologies for the safe use of artificial intelligence
They are planned to be created on the basis of a Research Center for trusted artificial intelligence

MOSCOW, December 26, 2022 /TASS/. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) at critical infrastructure facilities is very risky due to the emergence of potentially new threats, therefore, control systems for its implementation will be developed in Russia, Director of the Institute of System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISP RAS), Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Harutyun Avetisyan told TASS.

"I think the main thing that needs to be understood now is that there are serious risks associated with AI. This must be remembered - in particular, if you use AI in critical infrastructure. Fundamentally new threats are emerging. Special tools are needed to combat such threats. And they don't exist yet. To solve this problem, our Trusted AI Research Center has been created. Without appropriate trusted technologies, the implementation of AI will be limited. This applies to Russia and the whole world as a whole," he said.

The academician noted that AI technologies are not associated with algorithmic description in the form of code, but with solving problems by analogy.

"There is data, we train the model, it tries to deduce some patterns from this data, and then tries to find these patterns in new data that it has not seen before. For example, you can change the input data a little, and it will seem to a person that it is the same thing, but for an automatic system it will be different. If the system embedded in an unmanned vehicle sees a sign that is dirty or has some marks on it, then for the car it may already be another sign or the absence of a sign, which, obviously, can lead to an accident," the scientist explained.

The Research Center for Trusted Artificial Intelligence has been operating since 2021 on the basis of the ISP RAS. The center's specialists have created so-called trusted versions of the popular TensorFlow and PyTorch machine learning frameworks. The Center is actively developing the development of trusted AI technologies.

According to the "Ethics Guide for Reliable AI" of the high-level group of experts on artificial intelligence of the European Commission, a trusted, that is, trustworthy AI must comply with legislation, ethical principles and values, be reliable from a technical point of view and developed taking into account the current social context."

Russia has created the world's largest database on quantum chemistry
It will speed up the creation of artificial intelligence systems for the development of new materials and medicines

MOSCOW, December 22, 2022. /tass/. Researchers from Russia have prepared and made publicly available the world's largest database on quantum chemistry, which will speed up the creation of artificial intelligence systems for the development of new materials and medicines. This was announced on Thursday by the press service of the AI Institute of Artificial Intelligence.

"To make the use of AI methods in quantum chemistry ubiquitous, the scientific community needs more specialized data. In order to solve this problem, scientists at the AIRI Institute, with the support of colleagues from Skoltech and the Academy of Sciences, collected data on the quantum properties and three-dimensional arrangement of atoms in more than a million molecules similar in structure to drugs," the report says.

Quantum chemical calculations are one of the most difficult tasks for classical computers. In recent years, mathematicians and physicists have been trying to work around these problems using two different approaches. Within the framework of one of them, such calculations are planned to be carried out using quantum computers, and within the framework of the second - with the help of neural networks.

A group of Russian researchers led by Artur Kadurin, head of the scientific group "Deep Learning in Life Sciences" at the AIRI Institute, drew attention to the fact that all existing machine learning systems capable of solving quantum chemistry problems are trained and calculate the properties of a small set of molecules, which greatly limits their practical applicability.

Specialists from the AIRI Institute, Skoltech and the St. Petersburg Branch of the Steklov Mathematical Institute (PMI) of the Russian Academy of Sciences have developed the world's largest database, which includes information on the quantum properties and three-dimensional arrangement of atoms in more than 1,004 million medicinal molecules and their analogues.

Data on more than 5 million spatial variations of these molecules, as well as their properties, are published in open access on the DataHub platform, specializing in the storage of raw materials for machine learning. In addition to the database itself, Russian scientists have included in their prepared set four different approaches that allow predicting the distribution of atoms in molecules, as well as two neural network models for quantum chemical calculations.

Neural Network Quantum Chemistry
The complexity of quantum chemical calculations is due to the fact that existing algorithms for such calculations allow us to calculate the behavior of only the simplest substances, since the complexity of these calculations increases exponentially with the addition of each new electron involved in chemical reactions.

These problems were recently solved by specialists of the British company DeepMind and their colleagues-physicists from the USA. They managed to create a DM21 neural network capable of calculating the properties and shape of some simple and complex molecules. At the same time, some Russian and foreign scientists today doubt that DM21 "understands" the laws of quantum mechanics and will be able to correctly solve more complex problems of quantum chemistry."

The Federation Council adopted a law on the creation of a national database of genetic information in the Russian Federation
The document also proposes to prescribe the concept of "genetic information"

MOSCOW, December 23. /tass/. The Federation Council approved at a plenary session on Friday a law aimed at creating a unified database of genetic information in the Russian Federation.

The document establishes the procedure for creating a state information system in the field of genetic information ("National Database of Genetic Information"). It is noted that the state information system is being created "in order to ensure national security, protect the life and health of citizens." It is designed to guarantee sovereignty in the field of storage and use of genetic data, as well as the exchange of information between government agencies and holders of genetic data.

The law also proposes to prescribe the concept of "genetic information". It means information about the genetic information of various biological objects, presented in a form suitable for the collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification, use, dissemination and destruction of such information. As the head of the SF Committee on Science, Education and Culture Lilia Gumerova noted, the creation of a national database of genetic data "will ensure a high level of security, independence, competitiveness of domestic developments in the field of genetics."

According to the law, the owner of the information contained in the system will be the Russian Federation. The rights to the results of intellectual activity, information about which is provided to the information system, are proposed to be regulated by the civil legislation of the Russian Federation. The functions of the customer will be performed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the operator of the information system will be the federal state budgetary institution "National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute".

The information system includes information provided by legal entities or citizens, as well as subjects of the Russian Federation and municipalities that independently created genetic data or received the right to allow or restrict access to certain genetic data.

At the same time, it will be mandatory to provide information to the database for persons engaged in genetic engineering activities, the production or supply of genetically engineered organisms or the production of such products, as well as for state institutions, legal entities and sole proprietors who conduct molecular genetic analyses. Other holders of genetic information can provide their data on a voluntary basis. The information contained in the system will be provided free of charge at the request of the relevant persons. The law will come into force on September 1, 2024."


Nov 8, 2022
HSE has created an algorithm that tracks brain malfunctions during decision-making
The development can be used to assess violations of the decision-making process and motor functions in patients with diseases of the nervous system

(the photo from the article)

MOSCOW, December 27. /tass/. Neurophysiologists from Russia have created an algorithm that allows you to track brain disorders at different stages of the decision-making process and assess how much time the nervous system spends on planning actions. This approach will accelerate the study of brain malfunctions, the HSE press service reported on Tuesday.

"The algorithm can be used to assess violations of the decision-making process and motor functions in patients with various diseases. Currently, a study is being prepared to translate the developed methodology into clinical experimental practice on the basis of the Laboratory of Medical Neurointerfaces and Artificial Intelligence of the Center for Brain and Neurotechnology of the FMBA of Russia," the report says.

The reaction of the nervous system to a stimulus and the adoption of a decision based on it is the basis for all key neurophysiological processes occurring in the brain of humans and other multicellular living beings. Disturbances in the work of this process that occur with the development of schizophrenia, Parkinson's disease, anxiety states and strokes, lead to severe failures in the work of the entire nervous system as a whole.

A group of Russian neurophysiologists led by Alexey Tumyalis, a leading researcher at the HSE Center for Bioelectric Interfaces, has developed an approach that allows you to track how the decision-making process proceeds at all its three key stages - stimulus analysis, decision-making about the nature of the response and the execution of the action.

Decision-making test
As part of the approach developed by Tumyalis and his colleagues, the subjects should look at a computer display, on which a hint in the form of a set of geometric shapes was displayed for a while. It indicated which button on the keyboard the volunteer had to quickly press after a green circle appeared in the center of the screen and then disappeared. The evidence of the clues, as well as the time allocated for making a decision, constantly varied.

As the researchers explain, such small differences in the formulation of the problem make it possible to track how each of the three phases of the decision-making process proceeds in the brain, as well as to identify violations in each of them. In particular, they can be detected by how much the speed of the nervous system's response to complex or light prompts differs, as well as how the length of the period before the immediate execution of the action affects the behavior of the subject.

To test the work of this approach, Tumyalis and his colleagues assembled a group of 67 healthy volunteers, each of whom went through a set of 120 test tasks prepared for them, some of which were adjusted in real time by a special algorithm. He analyzed the past responses of the participants in the experiment and changed subsequent tasks in such a way that it allowed scientists to identify violations in the decision-making process as quickly and reliably as possible. This distinguishes the approach of Russian scientists from other observation methods based on fixed and unchangeable test tasks that are the same for all patients.

The experiment showed that when making an instant decision, complex prompts slowed down the reaction of volunteers, which did not happen if the pause between the prompt and the signal to perform the action lasted more than a second. The information collected during these experiments, as well as the algorithm itself, can be used to assess violations of the decision-making process and motor functions in patients with diseases of the nervous system, neurophysiologists summed up."

"The purpose of the RSF is financial and organizational support for fundamental scientific research and exploratory scientific research, training of scientific personnel, development of research teams that occupy leading positions in a particular field of science.
The RSF provides financial and organizational support for fundamental scientific research and exploratory scientific research through funding of competitive selection of scientific, scientific and technical programs and projects."

December 23, 2022
A hydrogen-fueled nanowire will allow you to control micro devices for drug delivery and laboratories on a chip

Source: RSF Press Service

Russian scientists have presented an electrochemical nanoactuator — a device that acts as an engine for autonomous microscopic devices. It works by burning a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen in tiny bubbles that are generated by electrodes. In similar devices, the electrodes quickly become unusable due to the heavy load, however, the authors chose ruthenium as the material for them - a well—conducting current, but at the same time a durable metal. The results of the work supported by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (RSF) and published in the journal Scientific Reports
,will allow the creation of microscopic engines for autonomous micro devices in biology and medicine.

On the left is a photo of the device, an actuator is located in a black rectangle. On the top right is an actuator with concentric electrodes, on the bottom right is the basic device of the working chamber.

The mechanism of acceleration of chemical reactions at the water-air interface, also called catalysis on the water surface, is not yet fully understood. At the same time, this process is already considered to be quite effective for solving various problems of ecology, biology and medicine. For example, reactions on air bubbles in water can help in purifying water from toxins, neutralizing reactive oxygen species dangerous to cells, or, on the contrary, obtaining them to destroy a cancerous tumor.

Researchers from the Yaroslavl branch of the K.A. Valiev Institute of Physics and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Yaroslavl) and the A. N. Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) proposed using one of these reactions, namely spontaneous combustion of a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen in nanobubbles, in the operation of a nanoactuator, or a nanoprivod engine, with which microscopic devices can be controlled. The latter can be, for example, laboratories on a chip or implantable containers that periodically release the drug into the human body.

The nanoprive is a small, slightly larger than the thickness of a hair, working chamber: electrodes are applied to the silicon plate, the side walls of the chamber are made of photosensitive polymer, and the upper wall is made in the form of an elastic membrane. The chamber is filled with an electrolyte — a solution containing many ions and therefore capable of conducting current. A high—frequency alternating voltage is applied to the electrodes, as a result of which water splits into oxygen and hydrogen and nanobubbles containing these gases are formed - in fact, hydrogen fuel is obtained. The bubbles lift the membrane, which is capable, for example, of pushing liquid through microchannels or performing other mechanical work. Then the membrane returns to its original position due to a spontaneous reaction between hydrogen and oxygen nanobubbles. The full cycle of lifting the membrane and returning to its initial state takes only 100 milliseconds — almost the same time it takes a hummingbird for one wing flap — which means that it will be possible to control fairly fast micromachines.

The big problem of such a system was the too rapid wear of the electrodes due to high mechanical stresses caused by nano-explosions near the surface of the electrodes. The authors solved this problem by coating aluminum electrodes with a layer of ruthenium metal — still conducting current well, but strong enough to withstand the load from explosions. As a result, the device worked for at least five hours without reducing the current strength and signs of electrode destruction (other electrodes, for example, made of gold, copper or platinum, were destroyed after a minute).

"As a rule, the combustion of a hydrogen-oxygen mixture is impossible in volumes less than a few microliters, because in this case the heat required for the reaction goes away too quickly. In our installation, this turned out to be possible thanks to the spontaneous combustion of gases in nanobubbles," says Ilya Uvarov, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Senior Researcher at the Institute of Physics and Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Gorenje, the head of the project supported by the grant of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

"It is also very important that we have shown the fundamental possibility of constructing an actuator operating on "water catalysis", igniting a reaction between gases in nanoscale volumes. Such a miniature engine will drive autonomous microfluidic devices in medical and biological applications. In addition, it is possible to replace the membrane with a thinner one, for example, made of silicon nitride, and thereby make the nanoactuator even more compact," adds co—author Vitaly Svetovoy, Doctor of Physico-Mathematical Sciences, a leading researcher at the IFHE RAS.

If you want to become the hero of the publication and tell about your research, fill out the form on the RSF website."
FGBNU "Directorate of scientific and technical progress" Ministry of education and Science of Russia
Genetic technologies are the basis of personalized medicine

As part of the II Congress of Young Scientists, held in early December as part of the Decade of Science and Technology, a session "Genetics in the palm of your hand: technologies in our lives" was held, dedicated to the practical application of molecular genetic technologies in medicine, the results and prospects for further development.

Modern technologies in medicine make it possible to make an early diagnosis of the occurrence of pathogenic and hereditary diseases and contribute to the formulation of more accurate and early diagnoses, which makes it possible to carry out therapy on the principle of "the right medicine — the right person — at the right time" and significantly improve the favorable prognosis. Early detection of diseases and targeted therapy are the basis for solving a number of social tasks facing society: improving the quality of life and accessibility of information about their health, increasing demographic indicators related to the reproductive health of citizens.

"The development of genetic technologies allows us to make great strides in fundamental research, in understanding the pathogenesis, etiopathogenesis of not only frequent, but also very, very rare diseases. The understanding of doctors and clinical specialists about the contribution of hereditary diseases to the structure of non-hereditary diseases is changing now. Disclosure of the chains of realization of genetic information on the way from the gene to the appearance of symptoms is the basic information for the development of therapeutic approaches to influence certain pathogenetic mechanisms of disease development, which significantly reduces the path from diagnosis to treatment," said the geneticist of the Medical and Genetic Research Center. academician N.P. Bochkova Natalia Semenova.

The effectiveness of a multidisciplinary approach in the development of gene therapy tools, the implementation of non—invasive gene testing programs for the presence of pathogens both at the stage of pregnancy planning and in the perinatal period, the features and experience of developing gene drugs for the treatment of orphan or incurable diseases, including oncology, the problems of diagnosis and treatment of polygenic diseases - these and other issues were discussed by experts and clinicians together with the session moderator — member of the Presidium of the All-Russian Public Organization "Russian Association for the Promotion of Science" Maria Vorontsova.

"Today, genetic technologies accompany a person from birth, even earlier, even at the stage of pregnancy planning. Thanks to these technologies, families can make an informed informed decision about their future and the future of their children. In the near future, for the next generations, knowing your genome and your genetics will be a routine part of our life," Maria Vorontsova, a member of the presidium of the All—Russian Public Organization "Russian Association for the Promotion of Science", is sure.

"Until recently, a geneticist was a rare specialty, and today almost every clinician turns to such a specialist for help to confirm the preliminary diagnosis that he made according to the phenotype. We are just starting genetic certification today, this is our "tomorrow" in order to anticipate the development of genetic diseases in the future," Tatyana Semenova, Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation, said in her closing speech.

More detailed:
The organizers of the Congress of Young Scientists in 2022 are the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, the Coordinating Council for Youth Affairs in the Scientific and Educational Spheres of the Presidential Council for Science and Education and the Roscongress Foundation. The operator of the Decade of Science and Technology is the ANO "National Priorities". The Congress is being held with the support of the title partner — the Federal project "Platform of University Technological Entrepreneurship", the title partner — the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom, the strategic partner — PJSC ROSSETI, the official partner — the State Development Corporation VEB.Russia", the official partner — Sberbank PJSC."
Last edited:


Nov 8, 2022

"Frequency: 4 times a year. Published since 1992 .
The editor-in-chief is V.N. Bobkov, Doctor of Economics, Professor.
Indexed by: RSCI, included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission
Publisher: FNSC RAS
Review: Double blind
Open Access Journal

The journal "Standard of Living of the population of the regions of Russia" publishes the results of scientific research and practical developments, analytical materials of leading specialists in Russia, Near and Far Abroad.

The main objectives of the magazine "Standard of living of the population of the regions of Russia" are:

information exchange and dissemination of scientific results and achievements and other innovations in the field of research on the level and quality of life, as well as related fields;

substantiation, development and dissemination of the concept of improving the level and quality of life as an integral idea of innovative development of society;

expanding opportunities for indexing scientific publications in key Russian and international citation databases.

The journal, as part of the Russian and international scientific information system, participates in solving the following tasks:

reflection of the results of research, scientific, practical and experimental activities of specialists, postgraduates and applicants dealing with current problems of the level and quality of life;

formation of the scientific component of the university environment and dissemination of the main achievements of science in the field of the level and quality of life;

identification of scientific potential for the introduction of advanced scientific achievements to improve the level and quality of life in Russia and in other countries of the world;

organization of open scientific polemics, contributing to the improvement of the quality of dissertation research, the effectiveness of the examination of scientific papers;

ensuring transparency and openness in the reflection of scientific issues of international research teams in the field of research of problems of the level and quality of life.

"The standard of living of the population of the regions of Russia" is included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission in the following thematic areas: "Economics and management of the national economy", "Social structure, social institutions and processes", "Social philosophy". The publication supports scientific research and discussions on various economic, sociological and philosophical problems of the level and quality of life of the population.
Publisher: Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science
Federal Research Sociological Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FNSC RAS)"


Modeling scenarios for overcoming absolute monetary poverty in Russia based on the concept of unconditional basic income

Received: 14.04.2021
Published: 31.05.2021

Vyacheslav Nikolaevich Bobkov
ISP FNSC RAS; Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation

Valery Ivanovich Antipov
IPU RAS named after V.A. Trapeznikov, Moscow, Russian Federation

Igor Borisovich Kolmakov
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation

Ekaterina Alekseevna Chernykh
ISEPN FNSC RAS, Moscow, Russian Federation

The article is devoted to modeling the possibilities of overcoming absolute monetary poverty in Russia based on the concept of unconditional basic income (BBD). It is shown that due to the ambiguity of the consequences of the impact of the introduction of BBD payments on various aspects of the life of modern societies, due to the impossibility of making payments in full compliance with the basic principles of BBD, such as universality and unconditionality due to political, economic and other restrictions, simulation modeling is widely used in the world to assess its possible effects. The review of approaches to simulation modeling in the EU countries, international research and financial organizations (OECD, World Bank, International Monetary Fund), as well as the Russian experience of modeling the effects of the introduction of transitional forms of BBD. The task of introducing the BBD to overcome absolute monetary poverty has been formulated. It is shown that in order to solve this problem, it is advisable to consider BBD as an additional social payment (conditional basic income for overcoming poverty (UBDB)), which allows increasing the per capita income of poor households to a guaranteed minimum per capita income (GMD) equal to the regional subsistence minimum (PMr). It is proposed to increase the actual incomes of low-income households before the PMr to pay them, after providing standard targeted social support, an additional differentiated regional social payment (poverty allowance). Algorithms for determining UBDB have been developed. The substantiation of the possibility and expediency of modeling the effects of UBDB according to the domestic model of the tempo-deflator type is carried out. The results of predictive calculations based on this model are presented. It is shown that the additional revenues of the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation not only compensate for the initial expenses for the implementation of the program for the introduction of UBDB, but also annually exceed the initial costs by about 1.35 times. The country's leadership was proposed to combine the current system of targeted social support for the poor with UBDB payments in order to more consistently solve the problem of absolute monetary poverty

absolute monetary poverty, unconditional basic income, conditional basic income for overcoming absolute monetary poverty (UBDB), regional subsistence minimum, additional social payment, simulation modeling, simulation models for testing transitional forms of BDB based on EUROMOD, simulation model of tempo-deflator type P1-4

Vyacheslav Nikolaevich Bobkov, ISEPN FNISTC RAS; Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Head of the Laboratory of problems of the Level and quality of Life of ISEPN FNISTC RAS; Director of the Scientific Center of Labor Economics of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Valery Ivanovich Antipov, IPU RAS named after V.A. Trapeznikov, Moscow, Russian Federation
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Senior Researcher

Igor Borisovich Kolmakov, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation
Doctor of Economics, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor

Ekaterina Alekseevna Chernykh, ISEPN FNSC RAS, Moscow, Russian Federation
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of Problems of the Level and Quality of Life

1. Antipov V.I. Model of reproduction of Russia's GDP P1-4-0(2020-1) / V.I. Antipov, N.A. Mitin, F.F. Pashchenko. M.: IPU RAS, 2020. 114 p. ISBN 978-5-91450-247-5.

2. Antipov V.I., Kolmakov I.B. Program for calculating the multiplier of target household costs. Certificate of registration of the computer program RU 2016616984, 06/22/2016. Application No. 2016614237 dated 22.04.2016.

3. Antipov V.I., Mitin N.I., Pashchenko F.F. "The modified macroeconomic simulation model of Russia's development // Preprints of IPM named after M.V. Keldysh. 2018 No.272. 36 p.

4. Bobkov V.N. Increasing the targeting of social support for low-income families with children: Vologda pilot project // Population. Volume 22. No.1. 2019. pp. 106-121. DOI: 10.26653/1561-7785-2019-22-1-08

5. Bobkov V.N., Gulyugina A.A., Odintsovo E.V. Methodological approaches to strengthening the targeting of social support for low-income families with children // Standard of living of the population of the regions of Russia. No. 1 (211) 2019. pp. 9-19. DOI: 10.24411/1999-9836-2019-10049

6. Bobkov V.N., Dolgushkin N.K., Odintsova E.V. Unconditional basic income: reflections on the possible impact on improving the level and quality of life and sustainability of society // Standard of living of the population of the regions of Russia. 2019. No. 3(213). pp. 8-26. DOI: 10.24411/1999-9836-2019-10069

7. Bobkov V.N., Kolmakov I.B., Antipov V.I., Pavlova V.V. Transitional forms of unconditional basic income and options for testing tools in Russia: on the example of the unemployed // Bulletin of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics 2020. Volume 17. No. 5(113) pp. 69-84. DOI: 10.21686/2413-2829-2020-5-69-84

8. Bobkov V. N., Odintsova E. V. Russian experts on unconditional basic income: estimates 2020 // Standard of living of the population of the regions of Russia. 2021. Volume 17. No. 1. pp. 67-86. DOI: 10.19181/lsprr.2021.17.1.6

9. Bobkov V.N., Chernykh E.A., Zolotov S.A., Pavlova V.V. Unconditional basic income: criteria bases, transitional forms and experience of experiments on implementation // Sociological research. 2020. No. 10. pp. 84-94. DOI: 10.31857/S013216250009313-7

10. Kolmakov I.B. Methodology of measuring inequality of monetary incomes of the population: analysis and forecast of indicators of differentiation and polarization // Audit and financial analysis. 2016. No. 6. pp. 409-424.

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14. Chernykh E.A. The current state of research on the content, forms, tools and mechanisms of the introduction of unconditional basic income // Standard of living of the population of the regions of Russia 2020. Volume 16. No. 2 (115). pp. 61-75. DOI: 10.19181/lsprr/2020.16.2.6

15. Atkinson A. B., Leventi C., Nolan B., Sutherland H., Tasseva I. Reducing poverty and inequality through tax-benefit reform and the minimum wage: the UK as a case-study. EUROMOD Working Paper EM 13/17. Colchester: Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex. 2017. Accessed 19.03.2021. URL:

16. Browne J., and Immervoll H. Mechanics of Replacing Benefit Systems with a Basic Income: Comparative Results from a Microsimulation Approach // Journal of Economic Inequality. 2017. Vol.15. No.4. P. 325–44. DOI: 10.1007/s10888-017-9366-6

17. Coady D., Prady D. Universal Basic Income in Developing Countries: Issues, Options and an Illustration for India. IMF Working Paper 18/174. International Monetary Fund, Washington, DC. 2018. Accessed 19.03.2021. URL: India-46079

18. Gentilini U., Grosh, M., Rigolini J., Yemtsov R. Exploring Universal Basic Income: A Guide to Navigating Concepts, Evidence, and Practices. Washington, DC: World Bank. 2020. Accessed 19.03.2021. URL:

19. Hanna R., Olken В.А. Universal Basic Incomes versus Targeted Transfers: Anti-Poverty Programs in Developing Countries // Journal of Economic Perspectives. 2018. Vol. 32. No. 4. P. 201– 26. DOI: 10.1257/jep.32.4.201

20. Hoynes H.W., Rothstein J. Universal Basic Income in the US and Advanced Countries. NBER Working Paper 25538. National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA. 2019. Accessed 19.03.2021. URL: research/pdf/Hoynes-Rothstein-UBI-081518.pdf

21. IMF Fiscal Monitor: Tackling Inequality. Washington, DC: IMF. 2017. Accessed 19.03.2021. URL: ISBN: 978-1-48431-248-3

22. Lansley S., Reed H. Basic Income for all: From desirability to feasibility. London: Compass. 2019. Accessed 19.03.2021. URL:

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24. Martinelli L. A Basic Income Trilemma: Affordability, Adequacy, and the Advantages of Radically Simplified Welfare. Journal of Social Policy. Vol. 49. No.3. P.461-482. DOI: 10.1017/S0047279419000424

25. Martinelli L. Exploring the distributional and work incentive effects of plausible illustrative Basic Income schemes. IPR Working Paper. Bath: Institute for Policy Research, University of Bath. 2017. Accessed 19.03.2021. URL: Web.pdf

26. Martinelli L., O'Neill K. A comparison of the fiscal and distributional effects of alternative basic income implementation modes across the EU28 EUROMOD Working Paper Series EM14/19- July 25, 2019

27. Stirling A., Arnold S. Nothing Personal: Replacing the Personal Tax Allowance with a Weekly National Allowance: How we can change the tax system to be more progressive while increasing the breadth, depth and generosity of the UK’s income safety net. London: New Economics Foundation. 2019.

28. Torry M. Static microsimulation research on Citizen’s Basic Income for the UK: a personal summary and further reflections EUROMOD Working Paper Series EM13/19. 2019. Accessed 19.03.2021. URL:

29. Torry M. Two feasible ways to implement a revenue neutral Citizen’s Income scheme. EUROMOD Working Paper EM6/15. Colchester: Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex. 2015. Accessed 19.03.2021. URL:

30. Torry M. A variety of indicators evaluated for two implementation methods for a Citizen’s Basic Income EUROMOD Working Paper Series EM12/17. 2017. Accessed 19.03.2021. URL:’s-basic-income



Nov 8, 2022

"To mark the 30th anniversary of the HSE [National Research University Higher School of Economics], the RT international television network has created a documentary film "The World 2052. See the future." It is dedicated to a part of HSE's scientific developments, research and projects that will change the world in the coming decades, transform the state, society and business, and change people's daily lives. The premiere of the film will take place on December 14 on the RTD documentary channel.

The RT film is a creative hypothesis of a team of authors, an attempt to see the future through the eyes of scientists and with their help. It tells about the consequences that in 30 years will lead to the transformation of the structure of the economy and society, climate change, research in neuroscience, the use of artificial intelligence, the widespread introduction of digital technologies, including in the humanities and law. The experts of the film were 15 leading scientists and researchers of the Higher School of Economics.

"The partnership with RT in the work on the film allows us to tell the mass audience about some of the unique research and development that our scientists are conducting, in the language of cinema. Of course, the film does not pretend to be a complete representation of the HSE scientific agenda," said Andrey Lavrov, Senior Director of Communications at the HSE. "It was shot in a popular science format and is intended for millions of RT viewers around the world to get acquainted with the technologies, opportunities and problems that our university is working on today, and experience a sense of pride in Russian science."

"Science fiction writers enthusiastically described in their books the most incredible scenarios of the future. But with the development of science, what seemed like a fairy tale becomes part of real life. Neural networks draw abstract canvases, and machines learn more from our eyes than we know about ourselves. But will there be a place for people in this technological world?

Scientists from the Higher School of Economics, one of the largest universities in Russia, are confident that the future will bring discoveries and new difficulties, but a person will be able to adequately respond to any challenge.

In the movie "The World 2052. See the Future", dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the HSE, you will learn what language our brain speaks, how to find a criminal by the genes of his relatives and why 80 is the new 20


The World in 2052 /December 19, 2011/
"Humanity has made immense progress over the last decades. The starting point for setting a future’s agenda can be anchored in a healthier, better educated, more prosperous, and better informed and connected world than ever.

Humanity finds itself at an evolutionary crossroad. The choice is between a perfect storm of progressively deepening crises and expanding perspectives of unprecedented opportunities.

Viewed from the perspective of the past, the current crises predict a gloomy future. Viewed as an evolutionary opportunity to break with outmoded ideas, values and institutions, they provide the essential conditions for the rapid transition to a more peaceful, prosperous, equitable and sustainable future.

The recent failure of collective action to address international financial instability, climate change, unemployment and food insecurity seem to justify pessimism. But this failure has been the result of a piecemeal, fragmentary approach to both understanding and addressing the issues.

The root causes of the crises we are witnessing rest on outmoded theoretical concepts, values and institutions. The remedy lies in the formulation of a new theory appropriate to the radically different conditions of the 21st century, commitment to progressive values that integrate individual freedom and equitable cooperation to maximize the welfare and well-being of all, and establishment of more effective national and global institutions.

There is a growing understanding and an increasing consensus of the kind of world we want to live in. A global society which has moved beyond hunger and suppression, a world that manages to live off the resources which the finite planet and the infinite human ingenuity provide, an equitable society which lives sustainably and is a lot better off and happier than today. The vision of the Club of Rome is one of an enlightened world guided by values of cooperation.

The world in 2052 can be a much safer and resilient place than it is today. Humanity has the opportunities, the tools, the science, technology and the insight to overcome the systemic crisis and to move into a better world. Whether we manage to do so will depend on each one of us
The World in 2052 "

The link to the club now says "No Results Found. The page you requested could not be found. Try refining your search, or use the navigation above to locate the post"

This website is a supplement to the book ’2052-A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years’, written by Jørgen Randers.

In ‘2052 – A Global Forecast for the next 40 years’, Randers draws on his own experience in the sustainability area, global forecasting tools, and the predictions – included in the book – of more than thirty leading scientists, economists, futurists, and other thinkers to guide us through the future he feels is most likely to emerge.

This site contains the quantitative basis for the 2052 book i.e. the spread sheet, a number of papers by Jørgen Randers that summarise or describe the contents of the 2052 book in various ways, a number of external reviews of the 2052 book, organised by language, and presentations of the book, in the form of slide sets and speaking notes.

The book has now appeared in 6 languages



Nov 8, 2022
Scientists of the Russian Federation and Belarus will create a weather forecast system based on artificial intelligence
The results of the developments are planned to be used in the institutions of Roshydromet

ST. PETERSBURG, January 5, 2023. Specialists of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AANI) together with their Belarusian colleagues will develop a new system for long-term forecasting of climate change based on artificial intelligence. This was reported to TASS by a research associate of AANIA, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Sergey Soldatenko.

"Applying artificial intelligence methods to the analysis of the results of observations of the past and present state of the climate system, we propose to build a self-learning system for modeling the Earth system and apply this system for long-term weather forecasting and climate forecasting," Soldatenko told the agency.

[...] will focus on climate modeling in the territory of the two countries over a time horizon of 20 years. The results of the developments are planned to be used in the institutions of Roshydromet.
The project implementation period is three years. At the same time, he lays the foundations of a new interdisciplinary scientific direction - forecasting the state of the Earth system using artificial intelligence technologies and big data in the presence of uncertainties in them. It is climate big data containing arrays of retrospective weather information that will form the basis of the system and the forecasts created by it

BA (Hons) in Economics, Stanford University; MBA (Hons), Baker Scholar, Harvard Business School. Began career at Goldman Sachs and McKinsey & Company. Formerly, managed large private equity funds and completed a series of landmark transactions for Russia. Since 2011, Chief Executive Officer, RDIF. Member: BRICS and APEC Business Councils; Supervisory Board, ALROSA; Boards of Directors, Transneft, Rostelecom, Gazprombank, Mother and ChildMDMG and Russian Railways; Board of Trustees, Mariinsky Theatre, and Moscow State University, Russian Institute of Theatre Arts GITIS and National History Fund. Vice-President, Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. Young Global Leader, World Economic Forum (2009). Recipient of honours and awards, including: named among “100 most influential private equity professionals of the decade”, Private Equity International (2011); Order of Alexander Nevsky and the Order of Honour for valuable contribution to international investment projects and the socio-economic development of Russia; Knight of the National Order of the Legion of Honor for paramount contribution to strengthening cooperation between Russia and France; King Abdulaziz Second-Class Order of Merit for contribution to strengthening cooperation between Russia and Saudi Arabia; Commander of the Order of the Star of Italy for special achievements in the development of friendly relations and cooperation between Italy and Russia; Order of Friendship for special achievements in the development of friendly relations and cooperation between Kazakhstan and Russia.

Students in Kazan will teach a neural network to recognize dangerous objects in public places
The verification will take place automatically

KAZAN, January 10. /tass/. Students of Kazan State Energy University (KSEU) presented a startup for recognizing potentially dangerous objects in public places using a neural network, the project was reported to TASS by the university's press service.

"The basis of the proposed intelligent system is software compatible with various types of scanners. This software uses neural networks to identify objects that potentially threaten security," the press service quotes the words of the project manager, associate professor of the Department of Engineering Cybernetics, Candidate of Economic Sciences Olga Kovrizhnykh.

According to the project manager, the main difficulty in the implementation of the project is that in order for the system to work in each institution, it will be necessary to install special equipment - an introscope, and already in it, the software being developed is installed on top of the existing one.

"When entering an institution, a person's belongings must be scanned through an introscope, then the resulting image is transmitted to the system, and software based on trained neural networks analyzes it, determines a possible source of threat and transmits information to the operator, who directs the person to the additional verification zone," Kovrizhnykh said.

It is noted that checking things happens automatically, this significantly speeds up the procedure itself and eliminates verification errors related to the human factor. Thus, the system will work effectively in any institution with high traffic.

The idea of the project originated at the Department of Engineering Cybernetics of KSEU. Students have created a startup within the framework of the acceleration program "Platforms of University technological entrepreneurship". At the moment, the work is at the software design stage

1990, diploma in Jurisprudence, Faculty of Law, Omsk State Univ. 1997-98, Vice-Governor and Chairman, City Property Committee, Mayor's Office, St Petersburg. 1998-2000, First Deputy Minister, Ministry of State Property of Russia. 2000-07, Minister for Economic Development and Trade of Russia. Since 2007, Chief Executive Officer, Chairman of the Executive Board, Sberbank. Member, boards and supervisory boards of joint stock corporations and companies. Member of the Board of Trustees, World Economic Forum. Awards and honours: Citation and Certificate of Honour from the Russian President; Order for Distinguished Service, Grade IV; Stolypin Medal; Officer of the Legion of Honour.


Nov 8, 2022
Forum.Digital/2 Dec 2020
35.5 million jobs in Russia can be replaced by machines: Results of the Forum.Digital Industry November 27, 2020

How is the process of industrial transformation going on? What measures are there to support business from the state during the pandemic? Online Forum Forum.Digital Industry on Industry Transformation was held on November 27, 2020, organized by the Digital Economy Development Fund with the support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation, together with the MediaMetrics TV channel and radio.

The event was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the GISP of the Industrial Development Fund, the Moscow Innovation Cluster, the Department of Digital Transformation of JSC "NIC", experts of the Digital Economy Development Fund, representatives of "", technical committee 194 "RVC" and many others.

What is new in the transformation of industry?

According to Vladimir Dozhdev, Director of the Digital Technology Department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the demand for technology shows the relevance of digital solutions. For example, the transition of employees to a new work format. There is a shift in demand towards data collection and processing, remote control of production processes. Russian developers provide a full range of solutions. All support programs of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Digital Development will be continued.

Vladimir Dozhdev, Director of the Department of Digital Technologies of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, delivered a welcoming speech and an address to the participants at the second forum on digitalization of industry on November 27 Forum.Digital Industry 2020.

Measures to support digital innovations by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia differ in their variability. These include subsidizing the development and implementation of domestic technologies and platform solutions from both the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia and the Industrial Development Fund. In addition, developers have the opportunity to take advantage of grants from our partners, including the Skolkovo Foundation. The negative impact of the pandemic on the IT industry is undeniable, but the transformation in accordance with the new realities will help the market to return to its former course.

In accordance with the new Decree "On the National Development Goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030", digital transformation has become one of the priority goals of the country's development. In this regard, as well as the national program "Digital Economy", the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia has developed a methodology for assessing the level of maturity of industrial enterprises and has already tested it on leading representatives of various industries. The company, evaluating itself by this method, gets the opportunity to see the "unclosed" links of the internal architecture. The Ministry, in turn, will be able to offer the necessary software to solve specific tasks. The company chooses its partners by itself, but we try to help - it is important for us to receive feedback
The RF CCI [the Chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation] informs the regions about the emergence of new technologies and explains the reason for their introduction into production. We hope that at the Forum we will be able to connect entrepreneurs and specialists who could really help them. The task of the TTP of the Russian Federation is to convey specific and clear recommendations to entrepreneurs. The digital solutions store is important, because now conditions are necessary for the survival of enterprises. For businessmen who are currently on the wave, the crisis is an impetus for prosperity.
German Klimenko, Co-Chairman of the Council of the CCI of the Russian Federation for the Development of Information Technology and Digital Economy, Head of the Council of the Digital Economy Development Fund
Digitalization is not a trend, from the point of view of Marina Zagorodnaya (Head of the Segment Marketing Department Bilain), but a forced necessity. So, according to Beeline, 50% of revenue comes from digital or technology-enhanced products. 54% of companies switched to remote work in the spring, and 35.5 million jobs in Russia can be replaced by machines (every 2nd employee).

Marina Zagorodnaya - the smiling blonde, the third from left to right on picture

Currently, equipment monitoring pilots are being conducted in the technological networks of our customers – this is the monitoring of small-scale mechanization facilities. We are talking about systems that allow you to monitor equipment, machinery, and its movement
Alexander Isakov, Head of the Beeline Business System Integration Department

We now see a large number of grants being implemented by the Ministry of Finance, and the state monitors labor productivity. Companies cannot identify themselves in the market. It would be right for the state to issue a large grant if there is a digital strategy. When banks consider a project, they request business plans, so companies should carefully prepare documents. There are several criteria that require special attention, for example, a digital transformation strategy, compensation for the costs of developing a digital transformation Strategy, digital architects, digital mentors, Digital Transformation Competence Centers, a State "Digital Curator of Digital Transformation", continuous self–education, visualization of cases to achieve AS IS - TO BE.

Most small companies cannot pass the Valley of Death, only a few can adapt to modern conditions.
Yulia Alferova, General Director of the ANO "National Agency for Entrepreneurship Development", Head of the Competence Center "Digital Transformation of Business" of the Digital Economy Development Fund

Within the framework of the Forum, the speakers discussed:

· Smart Manufacturing standards
· Integration of regional information resources in the field of industry with GIS
· Training of personnel for the digital transformation of industry
· Support measures within the framework of the departmental project "Digital Industry"
· Financing and subsidizing the digital transformation of industrial enterprises
· Monitoring of regional and sectoral projects on digital transformation of industry
· Export growth potential due to digital transformation.
· Industrial robots for enterprises
· ERP and CRM systems
· Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) technology
· VR/AR technologies for personnel retraining
· Artificial intelligence for managing production processes.""

November 25, 2022
About 80% of large Russian companies integrate sustainable development issues into their strategies

About 80% of Russian companies from the quotation lists are already somehow introducing sustainable development issues into strategic planning, said Andrey Yakushin, Head of the Corporate Relations Development Department of the Corporate Relations Department of the Bank of Russia.

So he commented on the analysis of the statements of 69 public joint stock companies, which was carried out in the Central Bank.

"This is evidence that our companies are quite mature in their approach to the sustainable development agenda," he believes.

At the same time, less than half of the companies carry out more or less balanced disclosure of ESG on all three components: environment, social issues, corporate governance.

"The spread of the combination of information disclosure in reports on various factors is quite significant," he said, noting that the disclosure of corporate governance data is leading, which is not surprising, since the Corporate Governance Code has been in force in Russia for many years.

Yakushin drew attention to the fact that in 2022 companies began to include information about sustainable development in their annual reports more often. At the same time, as a rule, more detailed data are contained in separate reports on sustainable development.

In July 2021, the Central Bank published recommendations for PJSC, in which it advised companies to disclose information about ESG factors (Environmental, Social, Governance - environmental and social factors, as well as corporate governance factors) and conduct an independent assessment of it.

According to Yakushin, about 30% of companies noted that they have read the recommendations of the Bank of Russia on disclosure of non-financial information and to some extent take them into account.
The analysis data on the disclosure of ESG factors will be included in the annual review of corporate governance practices compiled by the Bank of Russia

Smaller Russian companies don't like ESG very much...


Nov 8, 2022
A new subvariant of the kraken coronavirus has not yet been detected in Russia

Moscow. January 11th. INTERFAX.EN - A new subvariant of the omicron strain of coronavirus XB.1.5, called "kraken" and characterized by greater contagiousness, has not been detected in Russia, said Marina Sharabashkina Yulia, head of the Department of Epidemiological Welfare of the population of Rospotrebnadzor

A new subvariant of the omicron strain COVID-19 "kraken" has been identified in the Russian Federation

Moscow. January 12. INTERFAX.EN - The first case of a new omicron subvariant, the XBB coronavirus strain, has been registered in Russia.1.5, dubbed "kraken" and characterized by greater contagiousness, the patient was identified in the Penza region, Rospotrebnadzor reported.

January 13
Ginzburg called the deadline for the development of an updated vaccine against "kraken"
Ginzburg: updating the vaccine against the omicron subspecies kraken will take up to three months

Development of an updated vaccine that can protect against a new type of omicron-the kraken coronavirus strain (XBB.1.5), will take from two to three months. This was told by Alexander Ginzburg, Director of the N.F. Gamalei National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology, on the air of the Rossiya 24 TV channel.

Prior to that, he said that the center's specialists had already begun work on a new vaccine.

"The time it takes to create, update a new antigenic variant [of the vaccine], here I can give a less clear answer, from two to three months should take to resolve this issue. Maybe faster," Ginzburg said, adding that clinical trials of the new vaccine will take most of the time. ..

Alexander Ginzburg

Kraken coronavirus: symptoms, consequences and treatment of a new strain
A new strain of the kraken coronavirus has been spreading in the world since the fall of 2022. In January 2023, it was discovered in Russia. We understand what his symptoms are, what is dangerous and how to treat
Updated 13.01.2023

the picture of article

Bali Declaration of the Leaders of the Group of Twenty
As a result of the G20 meeting in Indonesia, the Bali Declaration of G20 leaders was adopted.

November 16, 2022, 13:15

22. We recognize that a broad immunization campaign against COVID-19 is a global public good, and will continue efforts to ensure timely, equitable and universal access to safe, affordable, high-quality and effective vaccines, therapeutic and diagnostic tools (VTD). Confirming the adoption of the Ministerial Declaration on the WTO Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic and Preparedness for Future Pandemics and the Ministerial Decision on the TRIPS Agreement at the 12th WTO Ministerial Conference (CM‑12), we note that no later than six months from the date of the Ministerial Decision on the TRIPS Agreement, WTO members will decide to expand Its scope is to cover the production and supply of diagnostic and therapeutic agents for COVID-19. We remain committed to implementing a cross-sectoral “One Health” approach and strengthening the global surveillance system, including genomic surveillance, in order to identify pathogens and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) that may pose a threat to human health. To ensure global surveillance of pathogens, as part of our commitment to the IHR (2005), we encourage the timely exchange of pathogen data through shared trusted sites in collaboration with WHO. We call for the sharing of benefits arising from the use of pathogens, in accordance with applicable national legislation.

23. We recognize the need to strengthen local and regional health product manufacturing capacity and cooperation in this area, as well as sustainable global and regional research and development networks to facilitate access to VTD worldwide, especially in developing countries, and emphasize the importance of public-private partnerships, technology transfer and exchange knowledge on voluntary and mutually agreed terms. We support the work of the WHO Technology Transfer Center for the Production of mRNA-based Vaccines, as well as all recipients in all regions of the world, in order to exchange technologies and technical practical knowledge on voluntary and mutually agreed terms. We welcome joint research and joint production of vaccines, including increased cooperation among developing countries. We reaffirm the importance of uniform technical standards and verification methods within the framework of the IHR (2005) to facilitate unhindered international travel, interoperability and recognition of digital and non-digital means, including confirmation of vaccination. We support ongoing international dialogue and cooperation to create reputable global digital health networks as part of efforts to strengthen prevention and response measures against future pandemics, which should use and build on the success of existing standards and digital certificates for COVID-19. ..."
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Nov 8, 2022

A digital copy of the driver's license has appeared in the "State Services of Auto"

13th of January. The electronic version of the driver's license appeared in the application "Public Services Auto", the Ministry of Finance said in its telegram channel on Friday.

There is also a digital copy of the vehicle registration certificate (STS) - the second main document that car inspectors require from drivers.

To present electronic documents, you need to select a driver's license or the necessary STS in the application and click "Show documents", after which the traffic police inspector considers the QR code that appears through a special program, and the data will be automatically downloaded from the State Traffic Inspectorate database.
In addition, the application provides: registration of the Euro protocol online, payment and appeal of fines, car inspection service and registration for car registration and driver's license replacement.

At the same time, it is possible to present a driver's license and a vehicle registration certificate in electronic form using the application even without Internet access.
"This became possible thanks to the joint work of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The very mobile application "Gosuslugi Avto" has been working since 2021. Now it is used by more than 2.5 million drivers," the Ministry of Finance said

What is the "happiness index" of the residential environment of the future and why is it needed
Experts of the Research Institute for Sustainable Development in Construction have calculated the "happiness index" of the residential environment of the future. We tell you what it consists of and why it is needed

In order to calculate the "happiness index" and create a guide for creating a residential environment of the future in Russia, experts from the Research Institute for Sustainable Development in Construction (NIIURS) investigated trends in the development of the residential environment, communicated with developers, studied the history of housing construction and urbanization.

In April 2020, a working group was organized at the research center, which, based on the data accumulated during the study, formulated the basic principles for creating a living environment of the future. From autumn 2020 to spring 2022, these ideas were tested in the applied field.

Experts called the key principle in creating a residential environment "focus on
human needs". The infrastructure must simultaneously be accessible, environmentally friendly and conducive to the development of human potential. As noted by the director of NIIURS and the author of the guide "The living environment of the future. Happiness Index" Vera Burtseva, within 30-40 years, these ideas will form the basis for the construction of most of the housing — and affordable to the average Russian.

Currently, developers are guided by the requirements of the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation". Energy and water efficiency, environmental friendliness, ergonomics and comfort are not included in the regulatory framework, and how much housing will meet these parameters depends on the developer himself.

NIIURS offers developers to evaluate the "happiness index" before starting construction. According to experts, it should be based on seven main principles and scores on them. For example, it is recommended to lay down certain values, increase the autonomy of the living space, observe architectural harmony, develop economic sustainability and eco-principles.

After calculating the total amount, the developer will be able to estimate the cost of creating a residential environment and the cost per square meter.

The maximum number of points that an object can score according to these principles is 66. The desire to score more points, that is, to comply with a greater number of principles of the living environment of the future and make such an environment accessible, forms the "happiness index"
. ...""

the guide "The living environment of the future. Happiness Index"

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation
Russia 1. Vesti. Primakov Readings opened in Moscow
Primakov Readings opened in Moscow. The International Scientific and Expert Forum has been held for the 8th time. The main topic of cooperation is security in Eurasia in the context of the transformation of the world order. In his greeting to the forum participants, Vladimir Putin noted that Primakov's idea of the future world order is in demand today more than ever. It is Eurasia that has become the engine of global economic development, multilateral cooperation, and a multipolar world order...
The Eurasian space plays a system-forming role in geopolitics and has already become the center of the modern world. This was stated by the assistant to the President of Russia Yuri Ushakov, opening the international forum "Primakov readings". According to the official, the future belongs to such organizations as the SCO, the EAEU and ASEAN. Despite the poetic name, Primakov Readings is not about literature: the forum is dedicated to the problems of international relations and unites politicians, diplomats and scientists under its banners. The current "summit" is already the eighth in a row: this unique platform was born in 2015, and since then the meetings have acquired an annual character.

The topic for the two-day event was chosen to be highly relevant - "Transformation of the world order: the Eurasian dimension".[...]
Finally, the head of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation Sergey Katyrin noted that in modern realities, regional integration has acquired special importance, a vivid example of which is the EAEU. He recalled that the idea of multipolarity was actively promoted by Yevgeny Primakov, an outstanding statesman of Russia, whose name the forum is named after. Primakov, when he was Foreign Minister, outlined the strategic triangle "Russia - China- India", which was destined to turn into BRICS over time

(Scientific, educational and informational Internet portal It operates under the auspices of the Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov)

An international non-governmental public organization, established in 1968 on the initiative of a major businessman, later a well-known public figure Aurelio Peccei, in order to study the global problems of our time and attract the attention of the world community to them.[...]
Our compatriots have participated and are participating in the work of the Club of Rome. At various times, the full members of the club were academicians D.M. Gvishiani, E.K. Fedorov, E.M. Primakov, A.A. Logunov, S.P. Kapitsa, Ch. Aitmatov, V.A. Sadovnichy.


Nov 8, 2022
Bali Declaration of the Leaders of the Group of Twenty
As a result of the G20 meeting in Indonesia, the Bali Declaration of G20 leaders was adopted.
November 16, 2022, 13:15
24. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the transformation of the digital ecosystem and the digital economy. We recognize the importance of digital transformation for achieving the SDGs. We are aware that affordable and high-quality digital communication is key to ensuring the accessibility of digital technologies and digital transformation, and a stable, secure and reliable online environment is necessary to increase confidence and trust in the digital economy. We recognize the importance of policies to create a supportive, inclusive, open, fair and non-discriminatory digital economy that promotes the use of new technologies, creates conditions for companies and entrepreneurs to thrive and provides additional opportunities and protection for consumers, while simultaneously solving problems related to the digital divide, privacy, data protection, intellectual property rights and Internet security. We recognize the importance of combating disinformation campaigns, cyber threats, abuse on the Internet and ensuring the security of communications infrastructure. We remain committed to further ensuring the free flow of data based on trust and facilitating cross-border data flows. We will promote a more inclusive, human-centered, empowering and sustainable digital transformation. We also reaffirm the role of data for development, economic growth and social well-being. ..."
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation
A well-known scientist, Professor Tatyana Chernigovskaya spoke at the CCI of the Russian Federation

In the Congress Center of the CCI of the Russian Federation, within the framework of the meeting of the Council of Heads of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, a lecture was held on the topic "Man and the brain in the era of turbulence" by the famous scientist, Doctor of Biological and Philological Sciences, Professor of St. Petersburg State University Tatyana Chernigovskaya.

Maxim Fateev, Vice President of the CCI of the Russian Federation, introduced the leading specialist in the field of psycholinguistics, neuropsychology and neurophysiology. According to him, the participants of the Council had a unique opportunity to broaden their horizons, learn about the secrets of the brain, behavior and capabilities of modern man in our unstable, complex, and sometimes tough world. "We are increasingly having to ask ourselves how to survive or live at the present time[...]" Maxim Fateev said

Tatyana Chernigovskaya step by step, revealed the picture of the modern world, which greatly affects a person, his behavior, emotions, brain function and most importantly – decision-making in life. "We actually moved to another planet, but there are no rules of life on it. They need to be created," the scientist stressed.

The main conclusion that Tatyana Chernigovskaya makes is that the world will continue to become more complicated and change rapidly. The main task of humanity at the present stage is the formation of the ability to live in the digital world and preserve humanity.

At the end of the lecture, Tatyana Chernigovskaya answered numerous questions from the participants of the meeting of the Council of Heads of Chambers of Commerce and Industry.

Press Service of the RF CCI

The Government signed cooperation agreements on "road maps" of high-tech areas

December 29, 2022 12:30

First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov and Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko took part in the signing ceremony of agreements on cooperation between business and the state on the "road maps" of high-tech areas (VTN). In order to implement these roadmaps, updated agreements of intent were signed between the Government and interested organizations.

On behalf of the President of Russia, with the active participation of state corporations, state-owned companies and commercial organizations, work has been carried out on the formation of updated "road maps" for the development of certain high-tech areas.

"A rapid technological revolution is taking place now: both markets and the production sector are in motion at the same time, new demand segments are being formed, management technologies are changing. And all this is happening under the influence of those technological solutions that have matured over the past 10 years. We see how the contour of what we used to call the reproductive sphere is changing before our eyes. This also applies to digital technologies, primarily artificial intelligence, quantum computing and quantum communications, the production of new materials, so-called heavy software and microelectronics, which change production processes in the real sector of the economy. It is safe to say that in 10-15 years the world leadership will be based on end-to-end technologies. Russia is responding to this challenge, a strategic challenge. And we are laying the foundation, the framework for this leadership today. The signing of agreements on the implementation of roadmaps is an obligation of digital companies and the state to bring competitive high–tech products to the market by certain time points, which are based on end–to-end technologies," Andrei Belousov stressed.

Dmitry Chernyshenko noted
: "Our country has already made serious progress in a number of areas of the roadmaps. In the field of quantum computing, Russia is among the top 5 leading countries. We have our own operating systems and technologically independent DBMS, messengers, antivirus software and information security software. These solutions have a high export potential. From 2023, we will begin to receive the first results of the implementation of the “road maps”, which will have a positive effect on the breakthrough development of high-tech areas. We also expect the emergence of new professions and jobs – in a few years specialists in the field of quantum communications, engineers of communication networks of new generations, developers of quantum encryption systems and others will be in demand. In January, the Ministry of Economic Development will approve a methodology for monitoring the implementation of agreements. ANO "Digital Economy" will coordinate the interaction of all dorkart participants."

Agreements were signed on five VTN roadmaps. According to the roadmap "Modern and promising mobile Communication networks", Rostec State Corporation became one of the signatories.

"The development and production of domestic equipment for mobile communications is a comprehensive project on a national scale. Its implementation requires the consolidation of all industry participants. To this end, the composition of the parties to the agreement is expanding and new developers are involved in the process of implementing the roadmap. As part of the production process, communication equipment for cellular operators will be located in the area of responsibility of KNS Group, and communication equipment for departmental and private networks will be located in the area of responsibility of Rostec. The partnership approach will accelerate the implementation of the roadmap measures and help solve the tasks set by the state," said Sergey Chemezov, General Director of Rostec State Corporation.

According to the "New Industrial Software" roadmap, Rosatom State Corporation became one of the signatory companies.

"The development of new industrial software as one of the priority high–tech areas is a matter of ensuring the technological independence of the country and at the same time the issue of increasing the competitiveness of Russian solutions in the field of engineering software and industrial enterprises in the future. That is why, as part of the implementation of the agreement of intent signed with the Government of the Russian Federation, we will focus not only on the current import substitution of digital technologies, but also on coordinating the efforts of IT developers with industrial customers in the interests of strategic industrial development. In this work, Rosatom intends to realize all the advantages of the partnership approach. The level of interaction we have already achieved with the participants of the Russian market of mathematical modeling systems confirms that the association of like–minded people opens up unique opportunities for solving the most difficult tasks for the development of priority classes of Russian industrial software," said Alexey Likhachev, General Director of Rosatom State Corporation.

ANO "Digital Economy" will take over the functions of the project office for the implementation of "road maps" of high-tech areas.

Sergey Plugotarenko, CEO of ANO Digital Economy, noted: "It is gratifying that business and the state, being in close cooperation, apply their best practices and competencies for the development of high-tech areas. It is especially important for ANO Digital Economy to be an active participant in the process, in fact, to fulfill the role of a project office and a consolidator of business expertise, to keep abreast of the pulse, advising and helping companies and the state in the development of digital services and legislative initiatives."

Following the signing, agreements were concluded on five "road maps". According to Dmitry Chernyshenko, the first results of their implementation will be received already in 2023.

"Modern and promising mobile communication networks"

In 2023, planned work on import substitution of fourth-generation communication networks will begin. Technological sovereignty will be ensured, but at the same time, work on research and development of equipment, on promising communication generations will continue. The fifth generation is work on equipment, the sixth is research work.

"New industrial software"

In 2023, 26 projects will be implemented in the areas of CAD, SPDM, DSS. The implementation of 74 projects will be completed in 2024. Also, by 2024, it is planned to significantly increase the functionality of heavy industrial software and its implementation at leading Russian enterprises.

"Quantum communications"

In order to achieve the main target of the roadmap for the length of quantum networks, more than 2.5 thousand km of the network will be created in 2023 and more than 7 thousand km in 2024.

"Quantum computing"

More than 5 thousand works will be performed on the cloud platform in 2023 with an increase to 7 thousand by 2025.

"New system-wide software"

In 2023, 14 projects will be implemented in such areas as: communication services, multimedia software, office software, operating systems, database management systems, information security tools and IT infrastructure management.

The signing ceremony was attended by the heads of companies: Sergey Chemezov, General Director of Rostec State Corporation, Mikhail Oseevsky, President of Rostelecom Public Joint Stock Company, Alexey Shelobkov, Executive Director of KNS Group Limited Liability Company (part of X Holding), Alexey Likhachev, General Director of Rosatom State Corporation, General Director – Chairman of the Management Board of the Open Joint Stock Company "Russian Railways" Oleg Belozerov, Director of the limited public company "1C" Boris Nuraliev, General Director of the limited public company "VK Company" Vladimir Kiriyenko.""

Dmitry Chernyshenko and Berge Brende signed a memorandum on the establishment of a Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Russia

October 13, 2021 16:30 Moscow

National Program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation"

The Government of the Russian Federation and the World Economic Forum signed a memorandum on the establishment of a Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Russia. The event was held in the Coordination Center.

On the Russian side, on behalf of Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, the memorandum was signed by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko, on the part of the WEF - President of the forum Berge Brende.

Dmitry Chernyshenko and Berge Brende. Photo:

The Center will help in the implementation of global WEF projects in Russia, as well as in the adaptation of the world's best practices for Russian digital business. The leaders of the global IT industry, industry, science and business, as well as leading Russian companies and government agencies will unite on one platform to study and implement the latest IT developments in Russia.

Dmitry Chernyshenko noted that the Government, together with the regions and business, has already done a lot of work on digital transformation, designated by President Vladimir Putin as one of the national goals. This is, for example, the transfer of public services to online or the introduction of electronic document management, which simplifies the lives of both citizens and businesses. Also, on behalf of the head of state, the Government is developing Russian software and working to increase demand for microelectronics.

"Today, Russia is in an active phase of the formation of the digital economy, which affects all industries, the social sphere and public administration. We are now witnessing a breakthrough development that has no similar analogues before. The main purpose of the creation of the Russian Center of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is to increase the recognition of Russia in the world expert community and the opportunity to exchange with the WEF and its partners around the world the accumulated experience and expertise. Next year, together with the WEF, it is planned to launch projects in the field of application of experimental legal regimes, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things. The first of them will be launched before the end of this year in the field of unmanned transport, medicine and data processing. Russia, by the way, has been actively implementing artificial intelligence technologies over the past few years. To date, there are more than 800 such solutions in the country, and some of them are already visible on international markets. In general, cooperation with the WEF will be carried out in various areas: data policy, urban mobility, export support and promotion of Russian IT technologies in foreign markets," Dmitry Chernyshenko said.

"The rapid development of technology is destroying the former economic and social systems. Coordinated joint actions are needed to manage these changes," Berge Brende said. – The new Center of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Moscow will become an important part of the global network of the forum. It is important to leave borders behind for the benefit of joint work, forming a global technological future."

Dmitry Chernyshenko added that the center will be created on the basis of the ANO "Digital Economy". A corresponding agreement has also been signed between the autonomous non-profit organization and the WEF.

"We are pleased to join the global network of centers of the fourth industrial revolution. Our organization unites the leading digital companies in Russia. Together with their leaders, we will study and adapt the best international practices in the field of artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, data regulation and other promising areas of digital economy development, as well as promote Russian practices to other countries," commented Evgeny Kovnir, CEO of ANO Digital Economy.

The Center of the Fourth Industrial Revolution will allow building systematic collaboration and constructive dialogue between Russian IT companies, state and international structures, as well as expert communities from around the world.

The Deputy Prime Minister also noted that the center will begin its work on October 15. Its key tasks for the next two months will be the formation of the executive committee and the preparation of a work plan for 2022.

The Global Network of the Fourth Industrial Revolution was launched in 2018 by the World Economic Forum and is an international platform for cooperation focused on the management of new technologies and digital transformation."
Dmitry Chernyshenko: A billion Internet of Things devices by 2025 is a key goal of the ANO Digital Economy strategy

October 14, 2021 10:30

Deputy Chairman of the Government of Russia, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the ANO "Digital Economy" Dmitry Chernyshenko held a meeting of the Supervisory Board of the ANO "Digital Economy" in the Coordination Center. It approved the strategy of the organization's activities until 2024.

The members of the Supervisory Board also agreed on the principles of joint work and identified priority projects for implementation – communications, the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and other areas.

The meeting was attended by Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Maksut Shadaev, Minister of Economic Development Maxim Reshetnikov, CEO of ANO "Digital Economy" Evgeny Kovnir, President of PJSC Rostelecom Mikhail Oseevsky, CEO of JSC "Russian Post" Maxim Akimov, First Deputy Chairman, Member of the Board of VEB.Russian Federation" Nikolay Tsekhomsky, Deputy General Director of Rostec State Corporation Alexander Nazarov, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of Sberbank PJSC Stanislav Kuznetsov, as well as other representatives of the largest IT companies and the business community.

According to the draft of the new strategy, the work of ANO "Digital Economy" will be carried out in five main areas: "Digital transformation of industries and companies", "Safe open infrastructure", "Personnel for the digital economy", "Effective regulation" and "WEF and international cooperation".

"The result of the joint activity of the founders, partners and the state at the organization's site will be the promotion of the formation of up to 50 Russian platforms using artificial intelligence in significant sectors of the economy. The joint efforts of business and government to develop the Internet of Things and 5G digital infrastructure, broadband access, data centers will become our advantage on a global scale. To do this, it is necessary to form a real plan for the advanced development of a secure open infrastructure. At the same time, we propose to define a billion Internet of Things devices as a target for our country by 2025. This will allow us to exceed the global average penetration rates of Internet of Things devices in four years and saturate platforms with the data necessary for the successful digital transformation of important industries such as transport, agriculture and healthcare," Dmitry Chernyshenko said.

The mechanism of experimental legal regimes, including self-driving cars and other promising experimental projects, will also be deployed, including assistance in scaling up their application, promoting Russian digital solutions and Russian digital leaders on the international market.

Further activities at the site of the ANO "Digital Economy" will be conducted in an open dialogue mode. All participants expressed interest in the digital transformation of industries being carried out on a competitive basis, the creation of monopolies was not allowed, further regulation was based on self-regulation initiatives, and the main criterion for decision-making was the benefit for citizens and economic efficiency.

"We are grateful to all the founders and partners of the organization, together with whom today we managed to determine the priorities of its activities for the next three years. Our process mode of operation will be supplemented by the project mode, which will create additional value for both business and the state. To date, the organization's mission is not limited to the dialogue built over the years: today we have managed to develop parameters by which it will be possible to measure the specific result of the organization's activities. The updated strategy of ANO "Digital Economy" for 2022-2024 takes into account all the key indicators and principles of work on this site, which the organization will implement in the next three years," added Evgeny Kovnir.


Nov 8, 2022
The government said that it will rise in price as a result of the fight against global warming

MOSCOW, October 11, 2021, FederalPress. The forecast of price growth for basic goods with the introduction of carbon emissions charges is contained in the draft prepared by the Ministry of Economic Development "Low-carbon Development Strategy".

"Most of all, with the introduction of a "carbon price" of 700 rubles per 1 ton of carbon equivalent, heat will rise in price – from today's 1,390 rubles to 1,607 rubles per 1 Gcal (+15.6%)," the project says.
The second place is occupied by nitrogen fertilizers, in the production of which a lot of gas is used. Their price will increase from 14,310 rubles per ton to 15,550 rubles per ton (+8.7%). Cement closes the top three, which will "get heavier" from 3,970 per ton to 4,222 per ton (+6.3%).

In addition, electricity (+4.9%) coal (+3.9%), steel (+3.7%), natural gas (+2.1%) will significantly rise in price. Oil (+0.3%) and gasoline (+0.4%) will suffer the least.

The document also notes that the introduction of border control of carbon monitoring, which is being prepared by the European Union, contradicts the rules of the World Trade Organization. In this regard, Russia calls for the rejection of unilateral actions and the development of "coordinated international approaches to decarbonization measures."

The State Duma did not support the project on the payment of 10 thousand rubles per child by the beginning of the school year

The initiative was submitted to the Chamber by deputies from the LDPR faction

MOSCOW, January 17. /tass/. The State Duma at the plenary session on Tuesday did not support the bill on the annual payment by the beginning of the school year in the amount of 10 thousand rubles per child.

The initiative was submitted to the Chamber by deputies from the LDPR faction on April 23, 2021. According to the bill, the right to payment arises from the parents or guardians of children who master the educational programs of primary general, basic general or secondary general education. The payment is based on each child in the family. "The annual payment in connection with the beginning of the academic year is set at 10,000 rubles, subject to indexation once a year from February 1 of this year based on the consumer price growth index for the previous year," the text says.

The bill affects only children - citizens of the Russian Federation. It was proposed to finance the implementation of the initiative at the expense of the federal budget. "According to the conducted research, it has become much more expensive to get a child to school in Russia. For example, the budget for collecting a first-grader to school can reach 20 thousand rubles," the deputies noted in the explanatory materials.

The financial and economic justification indicates that the number of schoolchildren in 2021 will be 16.5 million. If all eligible parents apply for an annual cash payment, "then additional federal budget expenditures may amount to 165 billion rubles a year." The National Welfare Fund is indicated as the source of financing.

Opinion of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation
The Russian government did not support the bill. The official recall of the Cabinet of Ministers states that the document "does not define any requirements for recipients of monetary payments, except for the need to reside on the territory of the Russian Federation." The list of necessary documents for submitting an application for payment is not specified. "The authors propose to finance the expenses related to the implementation of the draft law at the expense of the National Welfare Fund, which does not correspond to the goals of creating this fund," the government stated.

SBER and the Government of the Russian Federation signed an agreement for the development of artificial intelligence technologies

The Government of the Russian Federation signed an updated agreement of intent between the Government of the Russian Federation, Sberbank, JSC "RDIF Management Company" and ANO "NTI Platform" in order to develop the high-tech direction "Artificial Intelligence".

The document was signed by Dmitry Chernyshenko*, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, German Gref*, President and Chairman of the Management Board of Sberbank, Kirill Dmitriev*, General Director of JSC RDIF Management Company, Dmitry Peskov*, General Director of ANO Platform NTI.

Recall that on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation, with the active participation of state corporations, state-owned companies and commercial organizations, work was carried out on the formation of updated "road maps" for the development of certain high-tech areas.

Herman Gref, President, Chairman of the Management Board of Sberbank:
"SBER has been actively involved in the development of artificial intelligence for several years, not only in the bank's processes, but also nationwide. We actively participate in the implementation of the national strategy for the development of artificial intelligence until 2030, introduce artificial intelligence technologies into all our business processes, develop a community of data scientists and much more. And, of course, we are ready to share our best practices and experience with government agencies and industry companies. The signing of this agreement strengthens our cooperation with the government and sets the parameters of our joint efforts, the end result of which should be the massive introduction of artificial intelligence in key industries and obtaining appropriate economic effects."

Dmitry Chernyshenko, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation:
"Today, more than 52% of the country's large organizations are implementing artificial intelligence in their activities. According to the developers of the roadmap, the contribution of this sphere to Russia's GDP by 2025 could be up to 2%. Within the framework of the roadmap, it is planned to create more than 60 promising technological solutions. Their effectiveness will be assessed by increasing the volume of the Russian AI technology market - by 2030 it should be at least 20 billion rubles, that is, it will increase at least twice. In November last year, the President instructed to ensure the mass introduction of artificial intelligence as soon as possible. I am sure that the roadmap will become a key tool for truly partnership work between the Government and market leaders on the large-scale implementation of AI technologies."

The implementation of the roadmap measures will ensure the achievement of national technological sovereignty and technological leadership of the Russian Federation in the field of artificial intelligence in global technology markets in the medium term. The updated agreement and the roadmap launch a new round of artificial intelligence development in Russia — the mass introduction of AI in the industry.

ANO "Digital Economy" will take over the functions of the project office for the implementation of the "roadmap".
"The document was signed by
Dmitry Chernyshenko*, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation
Bali Declaration of the Leaders of the Group of Twenty

As a result of the G20 meeting in Indonesia, the Bali Declaration of G20 leaders was adopted.
November 16, 2022, 13:15
24. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the transformation of the digital ecosystem and the digital economy. We recognize the importance of digital transformation for achieving the SDGs. We are aware that affordable and high-quality digital communication is key to ensuring the accessibility of digital technologies and digital transformation, and a stable, secure and reliable online environment is necessary to increase confidence and trust in the digital economy. We recognize the importance of policies to create a supportive, inclusive, open, fair and non-discriminatory digital economy that promotes the use of new technologies, creates conditions for companies and entrepreneurs to thrive and provides additional opportunities and protection for consumers, while simultaneously solving problems related to the digital divide, privacy, data protection, intellectual property rights and Internet security. We recognize the importance of combating disinformation campaigns, cyber threats, abuse on the Internet and ensuring the security of communications infrastructure. We remain committed to further ensuring the free flow of data based on trust and facilitating cross-border data flows. We will promote a more inclusive, human-centered, empowering and sustainable digital transformation. We also reaffirm the role of data for development, economic growth and social well-being. ..."
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation
A well-known scientist, Professor Tatyana Chernigovskaya spoke at the CCI of the Russian Federation

In the Congress Center of the CCI of the Russian Federation, within the framework of the meeting of the Council of Heads of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, a lecture was held on the topic "Man and the brain in the era of turbulence" by the famous scientist, Doctor of Biological and Philological Sciences, Professor of St. Petersburg State University Tatyana Chernigovskaya.

Maxim Fateev, Vice President of the CCI of the Russian Federation, introduced the leading specialist in the field of psycholinguistics, neuropsychology and neurophysiology. According to him, the participants of the Council had a unique opportunity to broaden their horizons, learn about the secrets of the brain, behavior and capabilities of modern man in our unstable, complex, and sometimes tough world. "We are increasingly having to ask ourselves how to survive or live at the present time[...]" Maxim Fateev said

Tatyana Chernigovskaya step by step, revealed the picture of the modern world, which greatly affects a person, his behavior, emotions, brain function and most importantly – decision-making in life. "We actually moved to another planet, but there are no rules of life on it. They need to be created," the scientist stressed.

The main conclusion that Tatyana Chernigovskaya makes is that the world will continue to become more complicated and change rapidly. The main task of humanity at the present stage is the formation of the ability to live in the digital world and preserve humanity.

At the end of the lecture, Tatyana Chernigovskaya answered numerous questions from the participants of the meeting of the Council of Heads of Chambers of Commerce and Industry.

Press Service of the RF CCI

The Government signed cooperation agreements on "road maps" of high-tech areas

December 29, 2022 12:30

First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov and Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko took part in the signing ceremony of agreements on cooperation between business and the state on the "road maps" of high-tech areas (VTN). In order to implement these roadmaps, updated agreements of intent were signed between the Government and interested organizations.

On behalf of the President of Russia, with the active participation of state corporations, state-owned companies and commercial organizations, work has been carried out on the formation of updated "road maps" for the development of certain high-tech areas.

"A rapid technological revolution is taking place now: both markets and the production sector are in motion at the same time, new demand segments are being formed, management technologies are changing. And all this is happening under the influence of those technological solutions that have matured over the past 10 years. We see how the contour of what we used to call the reproductive sphere is changing before our eyes. This also applies to digital technologies, primarily artificial intelligence, quantum computing and quantum communications, the production of new materials, so-called heavy software and microelectronics, which change production processes in the real sector of the economy. It is safe to say that in 10-15 years the world leadership will be based on end-to-end technologies. Russia is responding to this challenge, a strategic challenge. And we are laying the foundation, the framework for this leadership today. The signing of agreements on the implementation of roadmaps is an obligation of digital companies and the state to bring competitive high–tech products to the market by certain time points, which are based on end–to-end technologies," Andrei Belousov stressed.

Dmitry Chernyshenko noted
: "Our country has already made serious progress in a number of areas of the roadmaps. In the field of quantum computing, Russia is among the top 5 leading countries. We have our own operating systems and technologically independent DBMS, messengers, antivirus software and information security software. These solutions have a high export potential. From 2023, we will begin to receive the first results of the implementation of the “road maps”, which will have a positive effect on the breakthrough development of high-tech areas. We also expect the emergence of new professions and jobs – in a few years specialists in the field of quantum communications, engineers of communication networks of new generations, developers of quantum encryption systems and others will be in demand. In January, the Ministry of Economic Development will approve a methodology for monitoring the implementation of agreements. ANO "Digital Economy" will coordinate the interaction of all dorkart participants."

Agreements were signed on five VTN roadmaps. According to the roadmap "Modern and promising mobile Communication networks", Rostec State Corporation became one of the signatories.

"The development and production of domestic equipment for mobile communications is a comprehensive project on a national scale. Its implementation requires the consolidation of all industry participants. To this end, the composition of the parties to the agreement is expanding and new developers are involved in the process of implementing the roadmap. As part of the production process, communication equipment for cellular operators will be located in the area of responsibility of KNS Group, and communication equipment for departmental and private networks will be located in the area of responsibility of Rostec. The partnership approach will accelerate the implementation of the roadmap measures and help solve the tasks set by the state," said Sergey Chemezov, General Director of Rostec State Corporation.

According to the "New Industrial Software" roadmap, Rosatom State Corporation became one of the signatory companies.

"The development of new industrial software as one of the priority high–tech areas is a matter of ensuring the technological independence of the country and at the same time the issue of increasing the competitiveness of Russian solutions in the field of engineering software and industrial enterprises in the future. That is why, as part of the implementation of the agreement of intent signed with the Government of the Russian Federation, we will focus not only on the current import substitution of digital technologies, but also on coordinating the efforts of IT developers with industrial customers in the interests of strategic industrial development. In this work, Rosatom intends to realize all the advantages of the partnership approach. The level of interaction we have already achieved with the participants of the Russian market of mathematical modeling systems confirms that the association of like–minded people opens up unique opportunities for solving the most difficult tasks for the development of priority classes of Russian industrial software," said Alexey Likhachev, General Director of Rosatom State Corporation.

ANO "Digital Economy" will take over the functions of the project office for the implementation of "road maps" of high-tech areas.

Sergey Plugotarenko, CEO of ANO Digital Economy, noted: "It is gratifying that business and the state, being in close cooperation, apply their best practices and competencies for the development of high-tech areas. It is especially important for ANO Digital Economy to be an active participant in the process, in fact, to fulfill the role of a project office and a consolidator of business expertise, to keep abreast of the pulse, advising and helping companies and the state in the development of digital services and legislative initiatives."

Following the signing, agreements were concluded on five "road maps". According to Dmitry Chernyshenko, the first results of their implementation will be received already in 2023.

"Modern and promising mobile communication networks"

In 2023, planned work on import substitution of fourth-generation communication networks will begin. Technological sovereignty will be ensured, but at the same time, work on research and development of equipment, on promising communication generations will continue. The fifth generation is work on equipment, the sixth is research work.

"New industrial software"

In 2023, 26 projects will be implemented in the areas of CAD, SPDM, DSS. The implementation of 74 projects will be completed in 2024. Also, by 2024, it is planned to significantly increase the functionality of heavy industrial software and its implementation at leading Russian enterprises.

"Quantum communications"

In order to achieve the main target of the roadmap for the length of quantum networks, more than 2.5 thousand km of the network will be created in 2023 and more than 7 thousand km in 2024.

"Quantum computing"

More than 5 thousand works will be performed on the cloud platform in 2023 with an increase to 7 thousand by 2025.

"New system-wide software"

In 2023, 14 projects will be implemented in such areas as: communication services, multimedia software, office software, operating systems, database management systems, information security tools and IT infrastructure management.

The signing ceremony was attended by the heads of companies: Sergey Chemezov, General Director of Rostec State Corporation, Mikhail Oseevsky, President of Rostelecom Public Joint Stock Company, Alexey Shelobkov, Executive Director of KNS Group Limited Liability Company (part of X Holding), Alexey Likhachev, General Director of Rosatom State Corporation, General Director – Chairman of the Management Board of the Open Joint Stock Company "Russian Railways" Oleg Belozerov, Director of the limited public company "1C" Boris Nuraliev, General Director of the limited public company "VK Company" Vladimir Kiriyenko.""

Dmitry Chernyshenko and Berge Brende signed a memorandum on the establishment of a Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Russia

October 13, 2021 16:30 Moscow

National Program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation"

The Government of the Russian Federation and the World Economic Forum signed a memorandum on the establishment of a Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Russia. The event was held in the Coordination Center.

On the Russian side, on behalf of Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, the memorandum was signed by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko, on the part of the WEF - President of the forum Berge Brende.

Dmitry Chernyshenko and Berge Brende. Photo:

The Center will help in the implementation of global WEF projects in Russia, as well as in the adaptation of the world's best practices for Russian digital business. The leaders of the global IT industry, industry, science and business, as well as leading Russian companies and government agencies will unite on one platform to study and implement the latest IT developments in Russia.

Dmitry Chernyshenko noted that the Government, together with the regions and business, has already done a lot of work on digital transformation, designated by President Vladimir Putin as one of the national goals. This is, for example, the transfer of public services to online or the introduction of electronic document management, which simplifies the lives of both citizens and businesses. Also, on behalf of the head of state, the Government is developing Russian software and working to increase demand for microelectronics.

"Today, Russia is in an active phase of the formation of the digital economy, which affects all industries, the social sphere and public administration. We are now witnessing a breakthrough development that has no similar analogues before. The main purpose of the creation of the Russian Center of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is to increase the recognition of Russia in the world expert community and the opportunity to exchange with the WEF and its partners around the world the accumulated experience and expertise. Next year, together with the WEF, it is planned to launch projects in the field of application of experimental legal regimes, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things. The first of them will be launched before the end of this year in the field of unmanned transport, medicine and data processing. Russia, by the way, has been actively implementing artificial intelligence technologies over the past few years. To date, there are more than 800 such solutions in the country, and some of them are already visible on international markets. In general, cooperation with the WEF will be carried out in various areas: data policy, urban mobility, export support and promotion of Russian IT technologies in foreign markets," Dmitry Chernyshenko said.

"The rapid development of technology is destroying the former economic and social systems. Coordinated joint actions are needed to manage these changes," Berge Brende said. – The new Center of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Moscow will become an important part of the global network of the forum. It is important to leave borders behind for the benefit of joint work, forming a global technological future."

Dmitry Chernyshenko added that the center will be created on the basis of the ANO "Digital Economy". A corresponding agreement has also been signed between the autonomous non-profit organization and the WEF.

"We are pleased to join the global network of centers of the fourth industrial revolution. Our organization unites the leading digital companies in Russia. Together with their leaders, we will study and adapt the best international practices in the field of artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, data regulation and other promising areas of digital economy development, as well as promote Russian practices to other countries," commented Evgeny Kovnir, CEO of ANO Digital Economy.

The Center of the Fourth Industrial Revolution will allow building systematic collaboration and constructive dialogue between Russian IT companies, state and international structures, as well as expert communities from around the world.

The Deputy Prime Minister also noted that the center will begin its work on October 15. Its key tasks for the next two months will be the formation of the executive committee and the preparation of a work plan for 2022.

The Global Network of the Fourth Industrial Revolution was launched in 2018 by the World Economic Forum and is an international platform for cooperation focused on the management of new technologies and digital transformation."
Dmitry Chernyshenko: A billion Internet of Things devices by 2025 is a key goal of the ANO Digital Economy strategy

October 14, 2021 10:30

Deputy Chairman of the Government of Russia, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the ANO "Digital Economy" Dmitry Chernyshenko held a meeting of the Supervisory Board of the ANO "Digital Economy" in the Coordination Center. It approved the strategy of the organization's activities until 2024.

The members of the Supervisory Board also agreed on the principles of joint work and identified priority projects for implementation – communications, the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and other areas.

The meeting was attended by Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Maksut Shadaev, Minister of Economic Development Maxim Reshetnikov, CEO of ANO "Digital Economy" Evgeny Kovnir, President of PJSC Rostelecom Mikhail Oseevsky, CEO of JSC "Russian Post" Maxim Akimov, First Deputy Chairman, Member of the Board of VEB.Russian Federation" Nikolay Tsekhomsky, Deputy General Director of Rostec State Corporation Alexander Nazarov, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of Sberbank PJSC Stanislav Kuznetsov, as well as other representatives of the largest IT companies and the business community.

According to the draft of the new strategy, the work of ANO "Digital Economy" will be carried out in five main areas: "Digital transformation of industries and companies", "Safe open infrastructure", "Personnel for the digital economy", "Effective regulation" and "WEF and international cooperation".

"The result of the joint activity of the founders, partners and the state at the organization's site will be the promotion of the formation of up to 50 Russian platforms using artificial intelligence in significant sectors of the economy. The joint efforts of business and government to develop the Internet of Things and 5G digital infrastructure, broadband access, data centers will become our advantage on a global scale. To do this, it is necessary to form a real plan for the advanced development of a secure open infrastructure. At the same time, we propose to define a billion Internet of Things devices as a target for our country by 2025. This will allow us to exceed the global average penetration rates of Internet of Things devices in four years and saturate platforms with the data necessary for the successful digital transformation of important industries such as transport, agriculture and healthcare," Dmitry Chernyshenko said.

The mechanism of experimental legal regimes, including self-driving cars and other promising experimental projects, will also be deployed, including assistance in scaling up their application, promoting Russian digital solutions and Russian digital leaders on the international market.

Further activities at the site of the ANO "Digital Economy" will be conducted in an open dialogue mode. All participants expressed interest in the digital transformation of industries being carried out on a competitive basis, the creation of monopolies was not allowed, further regulation was based on self-regulation initiatives, and the main criterion for decision-making was the benefit for citizens and economic efficiency.

"We are grateful to all the founders and partners of the organization, together with whom today we managed to determine the priorities of its activities for the next three years. Our process mode of operation will be supplemented by the project mode, which will create additional value for both business and the state. To date, the organization's mission is not limited to the dialogue built over the years: today we have managed to develop parameters by which it will be possible to measure the specific result of the organization's activities. The updated strategy of ANO "Digital Economy" for 2022-2024 takes into account all the key indicators and principles of work on this site, which the organization will implement in the next three years," added Evgeny Kovnir.
Dmitry Chernyshenko and Berge Brende signed a memorandum on the establishment of a Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Russia

October 13, 2021 16:30 Moscow

National Program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation"

The Government of the Russian Federation and the World Economic Forum signed a memorandum on the establishment of a Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Russia. The event was held in the Coordination Center.

On the Russian side, on behalf of Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, the memorandum was signed by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko, on the part of the WEF - President of the forum Berge Brende.

Dmitry Chernyshenko and Berge Brende. Photo:

The Center will help in the implementation of global WEF projects in Russia, as well as in the adaptation of the world's best practices for Russian digital business. The leaders of the global IT industry, industry, science and business, as well as leading Russian companies and government agencies will unite on one platform to study and implement the latest IT developments in Russia.

Dmitry Chernyshenko noted that the Government, together with the regions and business, has already done a lot of work on digital transformation, designated by President Vladimir Putin as one of the national goals. This is, for example, the transfer of public services to online or the introduction of electronic document management, which simplifies the lives of both citizens and businesses. Also, on behalf of the head of state, the Government is developing Russian software and working to increase demand for microelectronics.

"Today, Russia is in an active phase of the formation of the digital economy, which affects all industries, the social sphere and public administration. We are now witnessing a breakthrough development that has no similar analogues before. The main purpose of the creation of the Russian Center of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is to increase the recognition of Russia in the world expert community and the opportunity to exchange with the WEF and its partners around the world the accumulated experience and expertise. Next year, together with the WEF, it is planned to launch projects in the field of application of experimental legal regimes, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things. The first of them will be launched before the end of this year in the field of unmanned transport, medicine and data processing. Russia, by the way, has been actively implementing artificial intelligence technologies over the past few years. To date, there are more than 800 such solutions in the country, and some of them are already visible on international markets. In general, cooperation with the WEF will be carried out in various areas: data policy, urban mobility, export support and promotion of Russian IT technologies in foreign markets," Dmitry Chernyshenko said.

"The rapid development of technology is destroying the former economic and social systems. Coordinated joint actions are needed to manage these changes," Berge Brende said. – The new Center of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Moscow will become an important part of the global network of the forum. It is important to leave borders behind for the benefit of joint work, forming a global technological future."
Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, German Gref*
1990, diploma in Jurisprudence, Faculty of Law, Omsk State Univ. 1997-98, Vice-Governor and Chairman, City Property Committee, Mayor's Office, St Petersburg. 1998-2000, First Deputy Minister, Ministry of State Property of Russia. 2000-07, Minister for Economic Development and Trade of Russia. Since 2007, Chief Executive Officer, Chairman of the Executive Board, Sberbank. Member, boards and supervisory boards of joint stock corporations and companies. Member of the Board of Trustees, World Economic Forum. Awards and honours: Citation and Certificate of Honour from the Russian President; Order for Distinguished Service, Grade IV; Stolypin Medal; Officer of the Legion of Honour.
November 25, 2022


Over the past two days, the transhumanist bankster Herman Gref (personally) and the head of the RDIF, highlighted by Klaus Schwab as one of the young shaper leaders of the World Economic Forum, Kirill Dmitriev (behind the scenes) attracted the attention of the official media and officials with their "Journey with artificial intelligence" (AIJ-2022 forum). By tradition, the main episode of the digital sabantuy was the speech of the leader of the state Vladimir Putin. And just as traditionally, Putin read out a program speech prepared for him in advance. It was the most serious speech by the president since September, when he announced the admission of Russian territories of the former Ukraine to Russia. While the press secretary of the first person cannot really name either the date of the traditional press conference or the time of the message to the Federal Assembly, Putin had more than enough time for the digital transformers event. Moreover, this time we have heard specific, tough directives from the president to the Government and business, which will soon certainly take the form of specific decrees and instructions. In short, Gref, Shadaev and Co. tightly took Putin into circulation. And, presumably, he really liked the book "The Fourth Industrial Revolution" presented by Klaus Schwab at an audience in Moscow. Because his whole speech was an ode to machine control, proactivity, the collection of huge arrays of personal data of citizens and, of course, the transfer of all spheres of life under the control of AI. The only thing that can change the situation here is a major "digital" upheaval on a national scale, which we all would very much not like.

Many believed that the AIJ-2020 forum, where Putin, together with the leader of Kazakhstan, globalist Tokayev, under the strict guidance of sodomite and globalist Gref, reasoned when AI could replace heads of state, was the crown of transhumanism. They hoped that in the conditions of Russia's economic isolation from the "collective West", ties with the World Bank, the WEF and other structures of the global monopolar world would be severed. But it turned out that the president was seriously hooked on the topic of innovation, fully trusting in this matter the lookout from JP Morgan and other global financial plutocracy – that is, Gref, who flatly refused to work in Crimea a few years ago, and also wrote dispatches to the White House administration with assurances of loyalty and a plea to lift sanctions from Sberbank.

And this hater of exams, physical education schools, the best Soviet education in the world, an adept of the sectarian false yogin Sadhguru and the author of the "cult" phrase in the spirit of the theory about the "golden billion", which, by the way, Putin fiercely criticizes during popular speeches ("six out of seven billion should be eliminated...") felt like a king before the speech of the President of the Russian Federation. Gref gave him his "eyeliner":

"In Russia in recent years, I would say in the last two years, a serious step forward has been made, a leap has been made both at the regional level and at the Government level. The government is doing a lot to create conditions for the development of artificial intelligence in almost all areas.

Of course, the experiment that you allowed Moscow allowed it to take a huge step forward. Healthcare, social services, and work with the population have all been transferred to other tracks.. / ... / The popularity of views of our conference at the international level is growing, in two days we have more than 50 million views from more than 180 countries around the world

Of course, the Government of the digital transformer Mishustin promptly implements the precepts of Schwab, helping Gref in this. Moreover, a special legal regime in the capital helped to "put everything on a different track." Which ones, and why they "ski better", and whose "skis", Gref, of course, did not specify.
Then the President of Russia took the floor, starting with the same curtsies to AI and Gref:

"Russia's achievements in the field of AI are certainly there. In terms of some achievements in this area, we are one step ahead of some other countries, and we must definitely step up these efforts, concrete steps in this regard..."

I would like to appeal to the president (more precisely, to the authors of his paper, which he read). What exactly are we ahead of? How exactly has the life of Russian citizens become more prosperous and happier thanks to the introduction of AI? After all, it is declared that the country needs digital transformation like air. So where is at least one concrete and illustrative example of the positive effect of it?

"I will probably say things that are obvious to everyone: the importance of breakthroughs in the field of artificial intelligence is enormous, the rivalry between states is fierce. Russia's place in the world, our sovereignty, security and solvency of our country, our ability to solve problems of economic, industrial, social development at a qualitatively new level, create broad conditions for self-realization of citizens, for launching public initiatives depend on what results we achieve."

A familiar story about the promotion of the agenda of globalism-transhumanism under the guise of "the struggle for technological sovereignty". In the direction of this mantra, for example, the founder of ASI and several foresights (based on the same Western strategies for the development of the world until 2030), now the chief digitizer under the president Dmitry Peskov, quickly changed his shoes.

"I would also like to thank not only our creators, developers, but also those colleagues who promote the technological agenda and set such an important vector for the future of the country. This is BEAC, which has assumed the main responsibility for coordinating the development of artificial intelligence; this, of course, – I can't say about my colleagues in the Government – these are the ministries of digital and Economic Development."

Here the compilers of the speech, which Putin read exclusively from a piece of paper, did not fail to stroke the main curators of all this action in Russia – that is, Mishustin, Shadaev, Gref, Reshetnikov, etc.

"I would like to note that Russia, according to international experts, is one of the global leaders in the field of digitalization of public services, is among the top ten in the world. As far as I understand, 198 countries are evaluated. The top three are South Korea, Brazil, and Saudi Arabia. All of these are our good partners, and some of them we can call our closest partners."

Finally, the numbers are called, and that's good. Russia is a global leader in the digitalization and development of AI, is in the TOP 10 countries of the world. Excellent. And what is the standard of living of our citizens, in comparison with the "partners", what is our real place here?

Since our officials and financiers are so fond of international ratings and are equal to evaluating themselves according to the data of "partners" ... Let's turn to the rating of the standard of living of countries in 2022, which includes such factors as wages, quality of medicine and education, freedom to conduct business, the level of security, ecology, the level of corruption, personal freedom and a number of other factors. It was compiled by the Legatum Institute (one of the most authoritative analytical centers in the UK), which identified the best countries to live in in 2022. and countries where people's lives are on the verge of survival. Russia is in... 90th place here, behind many African states, which we like to pejoratively call "banana republics".

And here is the report of the main office of the UN globalists, whose sustainable development goals we are so diligently fulfilling that we even wrote their priority into the Presidential Decrees. We are looking at the report on the Human Development Index in different countries of the world from January 2021. It is published annually and always arouses great interest all over the world. Of course, we are interested in Russia's place in this ranking.

The Human Development Index is "an integral indicator calculated annually for cross–country comparison and measurement of the standard of living, literacy, education and longevity as the main characteristics of the human potential of the study area." The higher the index, the better the quality of life in the country. And then Russia found itself in ... 52nd place, losing even to Kazakhstan and the former Baltic Soviet republics. These are our international indicators, alas. Finally, in terms of GDP per capita (a key indicator of the well-being of an individual in the country), according to the World Bank, Russia was in 55th place in 2021. Well, how is AI there, does it help a lot, as does our "global technological leadership"?

Then the program part of Putin's speech began, which contained direct instructions to the Government and the largest companies:

"The task of a new stage in the horizon of the current decade is to ensure the mass introduction of artificial intelligence. It should cover all sectors of the economy, the social sphere and the public administration system. Herman Oskarovich [Gref] and I, when he was still working in the Government, talked all the time, this was Herman Oskarovich's hobby when he talked about the need to move to a new stage of management in general.

What we are doing now and what we are going to do, including with the support and experience of Sberbank, it seems to me, should convince us that we are on the right track. We must be able to form a genuine technological, digital and, to a considerable extent, cultural, educational, value sovereignty of Russia and our entire society

Machine, algorithmized, automatic (proactive, as the Swabians like to say) management of the entire economy, the social sphere and the state, ultimately. What is this new stage of management, to which "we need to move on"? What is this "right way", where does it lead, what is the purpose of all this and most importantly, who needs it? There are no answers yet. But much becomes clear from Putin's orders:

"In this regard, I ask the Government and the State Council, as part of the work on digital transformation, to prepare and then implement the transition of the entire system of state power at the federal and regional levels to a data-based management model using a platform approach.

It should be added that it is necessary to achieve this task in all authorities and in all key industries. And I really ask you, dear colleagues, – I am now addressing the alliance members once again – to provide the Russian Government, your colleagues with whom you are in constant contact, with the necessary advisory support

The state as a platform, as a set of ecosystems... does it resemble anything? Of course, this is a direct reflection of the blue dream of Gref and his Western masters – "the state is in your pocket," as Oskarovich himself aptly put it. And Nikita Sergeyevich Mikhalkov made a brilliant analytical program – "Who has the state in their pocket?". It's better to see it once – and everything becomes obvious. A state without subjectivity in management, everything is based on machine algorithms... how can computer algorithms, robots control living people in general? How can they replace officials who, whatever one may say, have a human nature and are capable, if they want to, of course, enter into the situation of another person.

"I will also note what Herman Oskarovich has already said in relation to Moscow. I would like to note that Moscow – and today I will refer to its experience more than once – has made a cardinal step forward in the field of digital transformation of many areas of urban economy.

In turn, the Moscow Region is on the verge of implementing a landmark project. We are talking about implementing a full-scale change in the management system with the widespread end-to-end introduction of artificial intelligence technologies. Maybe the governor – I see he is in the hall – will also say this a little later.

I ask both the Mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin, and the Governor of the Moscow Region, Andrei Vorobyov, to use the platform of the State Council to spread their experience of using the latest technologies to the whole country – as we do with you, dear colleagues, in some other areas
," Putin continued.

That is, Sobyanin and Vorobyov, who turned citizens into bio-objects with concentration camp QR codes, stuffed the regions with a system of total biometric surveillance, transferring payments, allowances, enrollments in kindergartens and colleges and other public services exclusively and without alternative into a figure, are examples for us to follow.

"... The third is access to depersonalized data. Now, too, at the exhibition in relation to medicine, a colleague talked about this, and about her work, and about what is supposed to be done in the near future, talked about the need for access to this information. I agree with that, absolutely. I ask the Parliament to speed up work on the relevant draft law, it should be adopted as soon as possible. As far as I understand, it has already passed its first reading somewhere else in 2021 - it needs to be finalized.

There are, of course, issues related to the need to protect personal information, but as far as I understood a colleague who reported on the first floor at the exhibition, we are talking about depersonalized data. And this, of course, will help to improve the efficiency of medical care.

I understand well the concerns that arise here both from the state and from business. It is necessary to take into account all the concerns of citizens and entrepreneurs regarding access to massive amounts of information, create strong legislative guarantees for the protection of rights and freedoms here and definitely move forward. It is absolutely necessary to move forward, to establish all technological processes of formation, depersonalization, storage, and provision of access to data

Talking about security here is more for reassurance, because no one can give any guarantees for the protection of PD transmitted on the American Internet and under constant threat of the human factor. Over the past year, officially (with the confessions of those who leaked), all possible PD has already leaked – both from large banks, and from Internet portals, and from food and clothing ordering services, and from the portal of Public Services and <url>, etc. The responsibility for this, by the way, is still purely symbolic.

Well, as for the allegedly depersonalized PD, many IT experts rightly point out that their depersonality is nothing more than an illusion, and any sane computer scientist will easily restore their identity when it is needed. It is necessary to legalize their widespread use for large-scale feeding of their AI so that it "trains on cats" in its template actions.

"We need to continue to follow the path of forming modern, globally competitive legislative frameworks for industry regulation for the use of artificial intelligence and data management.

We have repeatedly talked with business colleagues about this. We understand that these restrictions are essential for business development, and we will analyze the situation together with you and make decisions. It is important that they are taken, of course, in a timely manner. I fully share your approach to these issues.

Of course, it is necessary to work closely to remove the so-called regulatory barriers that still remain. In this regard, I ask the Government, together with the alliance, developers, and real sector companies, to submit proposals to change specific regulatory requirements, technological standards, regulations, and other industry norms that prevent the introduction of artificial intelligence, and this should be done in the context of each industry. We need to specify everything as much as possible, then the work will be effective
," the president said.

"Globally competitive legislative bases of regulation ..." is how drearily formulated, but the essence is simple: it is proposed to change Russian legislation according to the manuals of globalists-digital transformers, to become a tracing paper for their "innovative" laws and regulations. This is the first thing that the participants of various summits, from the G20 to the WEF, swear to: clean up their national legislation in order to give the green light to any experiments on people. And the AI Alliance will work on these changes together with the Government, of course – that is, the same BEAC, VKontakte, MTS, Yandex and RDIF. Is this why the world government intends to send the unsinkable Alexei Kudrin to Yandex, who has proved his loyalty to supranational structures with his long-term service to the IMF and other globalist structures?

"Further, I propose to establish on a systematic basis, when providing budget subsidies to companies, requirements for improving efficiency and mandatory use of modern technologies, including artificial intelligence. The point is not only to encourage entrepreneurs to progress, but also to achieve through innovation the growth of the most important indicators, including labor productivity, so that we respond to this feedback in the course of working together with business."

What if companies don't want to implement AI, but at the same time they are valuable to the country and also apply for subsidies? They won't get them. Are there any signs of discrimination here?

"In this regard, I believe that every national project, state program should contain specific measures aimed at introducing artificial intelligence technologies in the industries."

The game is big: there is no sphere without AI, including the national projects "Education", "Demography" ... Apparently, the population will now also count AI ... in a new way, "objectively", instead of Rosstat. And we will have an eternal increase every day.

"On the basis of digital currency technologies and distributed registries, it is possible to create a new system of international payments, and much more convenient, but at the same time completely safe for participants and, importantly, independent of banks and interference from third countries. I am sure that something like this will certainly develop, because nobody likes the dictate of monopolists and causes real damage to everyone - by the way, to the monopolists themselves."

And this is hello, digital ruble, with the gradual displacement of cash and linking an electronic wallet to a person's ID. The same thing was recently broadcast by the Vice President of the Central Bank Skorobogatova at Finopolis-2022 – and also declaring our alleged independence. That is, all the central banks of the world are actively introducing national digital currencies at the same time for the sake of independence? It is hard to believe from the word "absolutely", especially since it is such "money" in Schwab's dreams that should walk in the world of the future. And no others.

"Starting from next year, 2023, we will monitor the results of the use of artificial intelligence in economic and social sectors. To do this, I propose to create a special tool – the maturity index of industries and regions, but in such a way that it is more important, we can say "intellectual maturity index", because we are talking about the introduction of artificial intelligence, and on its basis to evaluate the practical results of the work of each subject of the Federation, ministries, departments for the introduction of artificial intelligence

It is absolutely necessary to especially encourage those who move forward faster, who create and bring the future closer

What kind of future is approaching in this way? What kind of changes do digital sectarians require? They do not give a direct answer to these questions. But another whip mechanism and discrimination tool is being laid for the regions and their authorities, who are not in a hurry to digitize themselves. However, everything has been clear with their future for a long time – it is perfectly described in the books of Schwab and his pederast adviser Yuval Harari.

We will not understand the president's speech any more, we will just summarize one of his final phrases:

"But that's why we gathered today, Herman Oskarovich, and gathered everyone in order to see what needs to be done in the near future in one direction or another, including in the field of artificial intelligence."

And this is already a reason to think about the real situation and the powers of the authorities at the very top. That is, Vladimir Putin agreed to come and read out a speech prepared for him in advance, and Herman Oskarovich "gathered him and everyone else here" to determine what should be urgently done in the country for a complete "digital transformation". The level of Gref's trust and willingness to carry out all his "insights" is amazing. What else should this unsinkable character do to the state so that they begin to react to him as a clear threat to national security?

It remains only to put this state "in your pocket".

with Herman Gref

Kirill Dmitriev*, General Director of JSC RDIF Management Company
BA (Hons) in Economics, Stanford University; MBA (Hons), Baker Scholar, Harvard Business School. Began career at Goldman Sachs and McKinsey & Company. Formerly, managed large private equity funds and completed a series of landmark transactions for Russia. Since 2011, Chief Executive Officer, RDIF. Member: BRICS and APEC Business Councils; Supervisory Board, ALROSA; Boards of Directors, Transneft, Rostelecom, Gazprombank, Mother and ChildMDMG and Russian Railways; Board of Trustees, Mariinsky Theatre, and Moscow State University, Russian Institute of Theatre Arts GITIS and National History Fund. Vice-President, Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. Young Global Leader, World Economic Forum (2009). Recipient of honours and awards, including: named among “100 most influential private equity professionals of the decade”, Private Equity International (2011); Order of Alexander Nevsky and the Order of Honour for valuable contribution to international investment projects and the socio-economic development of Russia; Knight of the National Order of the Legion of Honor for paramount contribution to strengthening cooperation between Russia and France; King Abdulaziz Second-Class Order of Merit for contribution to strengthening cooperation between Russia and Saudi Arabia; Commander of the Order of the Star of Italy for special achievements in the development of friendly relations and cooperation between Italy and Russia; Order of Friendship for special achievements in the development of friendly relations and cooperation between Kazakhstan and Russia.
Dmitry Peskov*, General Director of ANO Platform NTI.
Bali Declaration of the Leaders of the Group of Twenty

As a result of the G20 meeting in Indonesia, the Bali Declaration of G20 leaders was adopted.
November 16, 2022, 13:15
24. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the transformation of the digital ecosystem and the digital economy. We recognize the importance of digital transformation for achieving the SDGs. We are aware that affordable and high-quality digital communication is key to ensuring the accessibility of digital technologies and digital transformation, and a stable, secure and reliable online environment is necessary to increase confidence and trust in the digital economy. We recognize the importance of policies to create a supportive, inclusive, open, fair and non-discriminatory digital economy that promotes the use of new technologies, creates conditions for companies and entrepreneurs to thrive and provides additional opportunities and protection for consumers, while simultaneously solving problems related to the digital divide, privacy, data protection, intellectual property rights and Internet security. We recognize the importance of combating disinformation campaigns, cyber threats, abuse on the Internet and ensuring the security of communications infrastructure. We remain committed to further ensuring the free flow of data based on trust and facilitating cross-border data flows. We will promote a more inclusive, human-centered, empowering and sustainable digital transformation. We also reaffirm the role of data for development, economic growth and social well-being. ..."
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation
A well-known scientist, Professor Tatyana Chernigovskaya spoke at the CCI of the Russian Federation

In the Congress Center of the CCI of the Russian Federation, within the framework of the meeting of the Council of Heads of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, a lecture was held on the topic "Man and the brain in the era of turbulence" by the famous scientist, Doctor of Biological and Philological Sciences, Professor of St. Petersburg State University Tatyana Chernigovskaya.

Maxim Fateev, Vice President of the CCI of the Russian Federation, introduced the leading specialist in the field of psycholinguistics, neuropsychology and neurophysiology. According to him, the participants of the Council had a unique opportunity to broaden their horizons, learn about the secrets of the brain, behavior and capabilities of modern man in our unstable, complex, and sometimes tough world. "We are increasingly having to ask ourselves how to survive or live at the present time[...]" Maxim Fateev said

Tatyana Chernigovskaya step by step, revealed the picture of the modern world, which greatly affects a person, his behavior, emotions, brain function and most importantly – decision-making in life. "We actually moved to another planet, but there are no rules of life on it. They need to be created," the scientist stressed.

The main conclusion that Tatyana Chernigovskaya makes is that the world will continue to become more complicated and change rapidly. The main task of humanity at the present stage is the formation of the ability to live in the digital world and preserve humanity.

At the end of the lecture, Tatyana Chernigovskaya answered numerous questions from the participants of the meeting of the Council of Heads of Chambers of Commerce and Industry.

Press Service of the RF CCI

The Government signed cooperation agreements on "road maps" of high-tech areas

December 29, 2022 12:30

First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov and Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko took part in the signing ceremony of agreements on cooperation between business and the state on the "road maps" of high-tech areas (VTN). In order to implement these roadmaps, updated agreements of intent were signed between the Government and interested organizations.

On behalf of the President of Russia, with the active participation of state corporations, state-owned companies and commercial organizations, work has been carried out on the formation of updated "road maps" for the development of certain high-tech areas.

"A rapid technological revolution is taking place now: both markets and the production sector are in motion at the same time, new demand segments are being formed, management technologies are changing. And all this is happening under the influence of those technological solutions that have matured over the past 10 years. We see how the contour of what we used to call the reproductive sphere is changing before our eyes. This also applies to digital technologies, primarily artificial intelligence, quantum computing and quantum communications, the production of new materials, so-called heavy software and microelectronics, which change production processes in the real sector of the economy. It is safe to say that in 10-15 years the world leadership will be based on end-to-end technologies. Russia is responding to this challenge, a strategic challenge. And we are laying the foundation, the framework for this leadership today. The signing of agreements on the implementation of roadmaps is an obligation of digital companies and the state to bring competitive high–tech products to the market by certain time points, which are based on end–to-end technologies," Andrei Belousov stressed.

Dmitry Chernyshenko noted
: "Our country has already made serious progress in a number of areas of the roadmaps. In the field of quantum computing, Russia is among the top 5 leading countries. We have our own operating systems and technologically independent DBMS, messengers, antivirus software and information security software. These solutions have a high export potential. From 2023, we will begin to receive the first results of the implementation of the “road maps”, which will have a positive effect on the breakthrough development of high-tech areas. We also expect the emergence of new professions and jobs – in a few years specialists in the field of quantum communications, engineers of communication networks of new generations, developers of quantum encryption systems and others will be in demand. In January, the Ministry of Economic Development will approve a methodology for monitoring the implementation of agreements. ANO "Digital Economy" will coordinate the interaction of all dorkart participants."

Agreements were signed on five VTN roadmaps. According to the roadmap "Modern and promising mobile Communication networks", Rostec State Corporation became one of the signatories.

"The development and production of domestic equipment for mobile communications is a comprehensive project on a national scale. Its implementation requires the consolidation of all industry participants. To this end, the composition of the parties to the agreement is expanding and new developers are involved in the process of implementing the roadmap. As part of the production process, communication equipment for cellular operators will be located in the area of responsibility of KNS Group, and communication equipment for departmental and private networks will be located in the area of responsibility of Rostec. The partnership approach will accelerate the implementation of the roadmap measures and help solve the tasks set by the state," said Sergey Chemezov, General Director of Rostec State Corporation.

According to the "New Industrial Software" roadmap, Rosatom State Corporation became one of the signatory companies.

"The development of new industrial software as one of the priority high–tech areas is a matter of ensuring the technological independence of the country and at the same time the issue of increasing the competitiveness of Russian solutions in the field of engineering software and industrial enterprises in the future. That is why, as part of the implementation of the agreement of intent signed with the Government of the Russian Federation, we will focus not only on the current import substitution of digital technologies, but also on coordinating the efforts of IT developers with industrial customers in the interests of strategic industrial development. In this work, Rosatom intends to realize all the advantages of the partnership approach. The level of interaction we have already achieved with the participants of the Russian market of mathematical modeling systems confirms that the association of like–minded people opens up unique opportunities for solving the most difficult tasks for the development of priority classes of Russian industrial software," said Alexey Likhachev, General Director of Rosatom State Corporation.

ANO "Digital Economy" will take over the functions of the project office for the implementation of "road maps" of high-tech areas.

Sergey Plugotarenko, CEO of ANO Digital Economy, noted: "It is gratifying that business and the state, being in close cooperation, apply their best practices and competencies for the development of high-tech areas. It is especially important for ANO Digital Economy to be an active participant in the process, in fact, to fulfill the role of a project office and a consolidator of business expertise, to keep abreast of the pulse, advising and helping companies and the state in the development of digital services and legislative initiatives."

Following the signing, agreements were concluded on five "road maps". According to Dmitry Chernyshenko, the first results of their implementation will be received already in 2023.

"Modern and promising mobile communication networks"

In 2023, planned work on import substitution of fourth-generation communication networks will begin. Technological sovereignty will be ensured, but at the same time, work on research and development of equipment, on promising communication generations will continue. The fifth generation is work on equipment, the sixth is research work.

"New industrial software"

In 2023, 26 projects will be implemented in the areas of CAD, SPDM, DSS. The implementation of 74 projects will be completed in 2024. Also, by 2024, it is planned to significantly increase the functionality of heavy industrial software and its implementation at leading Russian enterprises.

"Quantum communications"

In order to achieve the main target of the roadmap for the length of quantum networks, more than 2.5 thousand km of the network will be created in 2023 and more than 7 thousand km in 2024.

"Quantum computing"

More than 5 thousand works will be performed on the cloud platform in 2023 with an increase to 7 thousand by 2025.

"New system-wide software"

In 2023, 14 projects will be implemented in such areas as: communication services, multimedia software, office software, operating systems, database management systems, information security tools and IT infrastructure management.

The signing ceremony was attended by the heads of companies: Sergey Chemezov, General Director of Rostec State Corporation, Mikhail Oseevsky, President of Rostelecom Public Joint Stock Company, Alexey Shelobkov, Executive Director of KNS Group Limited Liability Company (part of X Holding), Alexey Likhachev, General Director of Rosatom State Corporation, General Director – Chairman of the Management Board of the Open Joint Stock Company "Russian Railways" Oleg Belozerov, Director of the limited public company "1C" Boris Nuraliev, General Director of the limited public company "VK Company" Vladimir Kiriyenko.""

Dmitry Chernyshenko and Berge Brende signed a memorandum on the establishment of a Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Russia

October 13, 2021 16:30 Moscow

National Program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation"

The Government of the Russian Federation and the World Economic Forum signed a memorandum on the establishment of a Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Russia. The event was held in the Coordination Center.

On the Russian side, on behalf of Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, the memorandum was signed by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko, on the part of the WEF - President of the forum Berge Brende.

Dmitry Chernyshenko and Berge Brende. Photo:

The Center will help in the implementation of global WEF projects in Russia, as well as in the adaptation of the world's best practices for Russian digital business. The leaders of the global IT industry, industry, science and business, as well as leading Russian companies and government agencies will unite on one platform to study and implement the latest IT developments in Russia.

Dmitry Chernyshenko noted that the Government, together with the regions and business, has already done a lot of work on digital transformation, designated by President Vladimir Putin as one of the national goals. This is, for example, the transfer of public services to online or the introduction of electronic document management, which simplifies the lives of both citizens and businesses. Also, on behalf of the head of state, the Government is developing Russian software and working to increase demand for microelectronics.

"Today, Russia is in an active phase of the formation of the digital economy, which affects all industries, the social sphere and public administration. We are now witnessing a breakthrough development that has no similar analogues before. The main purpose of the creation of the Russian Center of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is to increase the recognition of Russia in the world expert community and the opportunity to exchange with the WEF and its partners around the world the accumulated experience and expertise. Next year, together with the WEF, it is planned to launch projects in the field of application of experimental legal regimes, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things. The first of them will be launched before the end of this year in the field of unmanned transport, medicine and data processing. Russia, by the way, has been actively implementing artificial intelligence technologies over the past few years. To date, there are more than 800 such solutions in the country, and some of them are already visible on international markets. In general, cooperation with the WEF will be carried out in various areas: data policy, urban mobility, export support and promotion of Russian IT technologies in foreign markets," Dmitry Chernyshenko said.

"The rapid development of technology is destroying the former economic and social systems. Coordinated joint actions are needed to manage these changes," Berge Brende said. – The new Center of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Moscow will become an important part of the global network of the forum. It is important to leave borders behind for the benefit of joint work, forming a global technological future."

Dmitry Chernyshenko added that the center will be created on the basis of the ANO "Digital Economy". A corresponding agreement has also been signed between the autonomous non-profit organization and the WEF.

"We are pleased to join the global network of centers of the fourth industrial revolution. Our organization unites the leading digital companies in Russia. Together with their leaders, we will study and adapt the best international practices in the field of artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, data regulation and other promising areas of digital economy development, as well as promote Russian practices to other countries," commented Evgeny Kovnir, CEO of ANO Digital Economy.

The Center of the Fourth Industrial Revolution will allow building systematic collaboration and constructive dialogue between Russian IT companies, state and international structures, as well as expert communities from around the world.

The Deputy Prime Minister also noted that the center will begin its work on October 15. Its key tasks for the next two months will be the formation of the executive committee and the preparation of a work plan for 2022.

The Global Network of the Fourth Industrial Revolution was launched in 2018 by the World Economic Forum and is an international platform for cooperation focused on the management of new technologies and digital transformation."
Dmitry Chernyshenko: A billion Internet of Things devices by 2025 is a key goal of the ANO Digital Economy strategy

October 14, 2021 10:30

Deputy Chairman of the Government of Russia, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the ANO "Digital Economy" Dmitry Chernyshenko held a meeting of the Supervisory Board of the ANO "Digital Economy" in the Coordination Center. It approved the strategy of the organization's activities until 2024.

The members of the Supervisory Board also agreed on the principles of joint work and identified priority projects for implementation – communications, the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and other areas.

The meeting was attended by Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Maksut Shadaev, Minister of Economic Development Maxim Reshetnikov, CEO of ANO "Digital Economy" Evgeny Kovnir, President of PJSC Rostelecom Mikhail Oseevsky, CEO of JSC "Russian Post" Maxim Akimov, First Deputy Chairman, Member of the Board of VEB.Russian Federation" Nikolay Tsekhomsky, Deputy General Director of Rostec State Corporation Alexander Nazarov, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of Sberbank PJSC Stanislav Kuznetsov, as well as other representatives of the largest IT companies and the business community.

According to the draft of the new strategy, the work of ANO "Digital Economy" will be carried out in five main areas: "Digital transformation of industries and companies", "Safe open infrastructure", "Personnel for the digital economy", "Effective regulation" and "WEF and international cooperation".

"The result of the joint activity of the founders, partners and the state at the organization's site will be the promotion of the formation of up to 50 Russian platforms using artificial intelligence in significant sectors of the economy. The joint efforts of business and government to develop the Internet of Things and 5G digital infrastructure, broadband access, data centers will become our advantage on a global scale. To do this, it is necessary to form a real plan for the advanced development of a secure open infrastructure. At the same time, we propose to define a billion Internet of Things devices as a target for our country by 2025. This will allow us to exceed the global average penetration rates of Internet of Things devices in four years and saturate platforms with the data necessary for the successful digital transformation of important industries such as transport, agriculture and healthcare," Dmitry Chernyshenko said.

The mechanism of experimental legal regimes, including self-driving cars and other promising experimental projects, will also be deployed, including assistance in scaling up their application, promoting Russian digital solutions and Russian digital leaders on the international market.

Further activities at the site of the ANO "Digital Economy" will be conducted in an open dialogue mode. All participants expressed interest in the digital transformation of industries being carried out on a competitive basis, the creation of monopolies was not allowed, further regulation was based on self-regulation initiatives, and the main criterion for decision-making was the benefit for citizens and economic efficiency.

"We are grateful to all the founders and partners of the organization, together with whom today we managed to determine the priorities of its activities for the next three years. Our process mode of operation will be supplemented by the project mode, which will create additional value for both business and the state. To date, the organization's mission is not limited to the dialogue built over the years: today we have managed to develop parameters by which it will be possible to measure the specific result of the organization's activities. The updated strategy of ANO "Digital Economy" for 2022-2024 takes into account all the key indicators and principles of work on this site, which the organization will implement in the next three years," added Evgeny Kovnir.
Dmitry Chernyshenko added that the center will be created on the basis of the ANO "Digital Economy". A corresponding agreement has also been signed between the autonomous non-profit organization and the WEF.

"We are pleased to join the global network of centers of the fourth industrial revolution. Our organization unites the leading digital companies in Russia. Together with their leaders, we will study and adapt the best international practices in the field of artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, data regulation and other promising areas of digital economy development, as well as promote Russian practices to other countries," commented Evgeny Kovnir, CEO of ANO Digital Economy.

The Center of the Fourth Industrial Revolution will allow building systematic collaboration and constructive dialogue between Russian IT companies, state and international structures, as well as expert communities from around the world.

The Deputy Prime Minister also noted that the center will begin its work on October 15. Its key tasks for the next two months will be the formation of the executive committee and the preparation of a work plan for 2022.

The Global Network of the Fourth Industrial Revolution was launched in 2018 by the World Economic Forum and is an international platform for cooperation focused on the management of new technologies and digital transformation."


Nov 8, 2022
100 years of the USSR. Tasks of the Communist Party for the current political year

January 18
TASS will host a press conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the formation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the plans of the party and the Communist Party faction for 2023.

The event will be attended by Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party Gennady Zyuganov, First Deputy Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party Yuri Afonin, Deputy Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party Dmitry Novikov, member of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party Maria Drobot, Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, First Secretary of the LKSM of the Russian Federation Vladimir Isakov and Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party Alexander Yushchenko.

The event will be held in a FACE-to-FACE format. Entrance is only for media representatives with prior accreditation, if they have a passport and an editorial certificate.

Putin explained how Russia intends to fight global warming

New agricultural technologies will help to cope with the increase in temperature, the president noted (Photo:

MOSCOW, October 31, 2021, FederalPress. Russia has consistently implemented a policy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This was stated by President Vladimir Putin during a videoconference speech at the plenary session of the G20 summit held in Rome.

"We are fulfilling all our obligations under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement," the head of state said.

According to Vladimir Putin, the average annual temperature in Russia is growing 2.5 times faster than the global one. In ten years, it has increased by half a degree. Therefore, Russia actively participates in international events to combat climate change.

"We are consistently implementing a policy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, taking steps to increase the energy efficiency of the economy, modernize the electric power industry, and reduce associated gas emissions from oil production," the President said.

He added that low-carbon energy is developing well in Russia. Today, the share of energy from carbon–free sources (wind, solar, nuclear and hydroelectric power plants) exceeds 40%, and taking into account natural gas - 86%. This is one of the best indicators in the world.

"We plan to significantly improve the quality of forest management, increase reforestation areas, expand the territories of untouched nature, introduce new agricultural technologies," Vladimir Putin stressed.

Earlier, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia prepared a draft strategy for low-carbon development, in which it gave a forecast of price growth for certain groups of goods with the introduction of a fee for carbon emissions.

IT specialists are ahead of everyone in terms of salary growth

In 2022, employers in the IT sector indexed salaries by an average of 15%. And this is the highest indicator among the areas of activity considered in the SuperJob study. Market players say that the growth in the level of payment for IT specialists until the middle of 2022 was explosive, and now it has stopped a little.

According to the authors of the study, most Russian companies increased employee salaries during 2022. The SuperJob survey was attended by employers and employed representatives of the economically active population from all districts of the country and different areas of the labor market. According to SuperJob, the average market salary offers of employers are growing and above all - in the IT sector, by 15% in 2022. This is followed by construction - by 12.5%, industry - by 11.6%, HR - by 10.9%, logistics - by 10.2%, banking - by 9.9%, marketing, advertising and PR - by 8.7%


Nov 8, 2022
Rosselkhozbank and Skolkovo continue international cooperation in agrotechnology

16.01.23 Business
The second industry meeting on the development of cooperation in the international agricultural industry was held in Skolkovo with the support of the Rosselkhozbank. Representatives of the People's Republic of China shared their experience and practical tools of work.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the Trade Representative Office of Russia in China, representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia in China, the leadership of the Agro-Technological Institute of RUDN, the largest manufacturing and investment companies of China. Among the key topics were the export directions of Russian agricultural products, institutes for the development of the scientific and business community, the features of Russian agro and foodtech startups according to Chinese investors, the ecosystem for farmers "Own" from the Rosselkhozbank, as well as the possibilities of softlanding programs for Chinese startups from the Department of International Cooperation of the Skolkovo Foundation.

In particular, the parties discussed conducting specialized business missions in China this year. Russian farmers are interested both in bringing products to Chinese markets and in receiving investments from Chinese investors. Both the Skolkovo Foundation and the Rosselkhoznadzor have permanent representative offices of organizations in China. Also, the Agricultural and Technological Institute of RUDN, in cooperation with other institutes, conducts joint educational programs with Chinese universities and develops platforms for students to undergo practical training.

Elena Baturova, Director of the Center for the Development of Financial Technologies of the Rosselkhozbank:
"China is a world leader in the use of digital marketplaces: over the past 7 years, online sales in the country have been growing by 25-30% per year. In addition, China consistently occupies a leading position in terms of attracting investment in agricultural technologies. Rosselkhoznadzor has been actively developing its own ecosystem of marketplaces in the field of agriculture for more than 3 years, sensitively responding to global trends and user requests. We are confident that cooperation with representatives of China and the cross-country exchange of experience will give new ideas for the development of the Svoe ecosystem, and will also contribute to the establishment of new partnerships that will be useful for the development of innovations in the agricultural sector in both countries."

Today in China there are more than 150 specialized technology parks, a developed network of science parks, incubators and accelerators. The representative office of the Skolkovo Foundation in China promotes the mutual exchange of best practices, expertise and technological competencies, as well as provides a wide range of opportunities for promoting Russian companies to the Chinese market and finding local partners.

Natalia Chernysheva, Director of Acceleration of the cluster of Advanced production Technologies of the Skolkovo Foundation: "The turnover of agricultural products between China and Russia has grown markedly in 2022. Thus, according to the Agroanalytics Center, the volume of supplies from the Russian Federation to China for 10 months of 2022 is estimated at $4.8 billion, which is 36.3% more than in the same period of 2021, and from China to the Russian Federation - at $1.7 billion (+35.2%)."
Skolkovo, Russia's largest innovation center, plays a significant role in strengthening the foundation of the national economy. Startups developing business with the support of Skolkovo supply domestic high-tech products for industry, medicine, transport, information technology and many others. Among the residents of Skolkovo who have gained fame not only in Russia, but also abroad: ExoAtlet, Biorg, RapidBio, Motorika, , Yaklass, VisionLabs, Vocord, C-Innovations, Hepatera, MDG Innovations, Sputnix and many others. The Skolkovo ecosystem is a sum of specialized customer-oriented services for innovative industries: from acceleration and support programs for private investors and university startups to foreign patenting and customs clearance of exports/imports. The Skolkovo Technopark is the largest in Eastern Europe. The scientific heart of Skolkovo - Skoltech University - in 2021 re-entered among the best young universities in the world according to the Nature Index ranking, taking 65th place, and for the first time got to 35th place in the physics ranking.

In 2021, the revenue of Skolkovo residents increased by almost 55% compared to 2020 and amounted to 247.8 billion rubles. As of May 1, 2022, the number of Skolkovo resident startups exceeded 3,300. The number of jobs in the ecosystem is rapidly approaching 70 thousand.

JSC "Rosselkhozbank" is the basis of the national credit and financial system for servicing the agro-industrial complex of Russia. The bank was established in 2000 and today is a key lender of the country's agro-industrial complex, is among the largest and most stable banks in the country in terms of assets and capital, as well as among the leaders of the reliability rating of the largest Russian banks.

In 2022, a unique ecosystem for the development of agricultural technologies was launched on the RSHB DIGITAL platform, where startups, investors, corporations, experts and the scientific community can join forces for the comprehensive and mutually beneficial development of agricultural technologies in Russia.

In Russia, an algorithm has been created that selects the optimal thickness of shells for nanoparticles
In the future, they can be used for the point delivery of drugs into the body

MOSCOW, January 17. /tass/. Russian researchers have created an algorithm that allows to determine the optimal thickness of the silicon shell for rod-shaped gold nanoparticles, which in the future can be used for the point delivery of drugs inside the body, as well as for the diagnosis of diseases. This was reported on Tuesday by the press service of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

"Our study showed that a thin silicon shell increases the scattering of light by nanoparticles, whereas a thick one prevents this. This allowed us to determine that in the first case, the particles are easier to track, and therefore they are more promising as a drug delivery system," explained Andrey Zyubin, head of the laboratory at the Baltic Federal University named after Kant (Kaliningrad), whose words are quoted by the press service of the Ministry of Education and Science.

Over the past decade, scientists have created several fundamentally new methods of treating cancer and other diseases based on various organic or inorganic nanoparticles. In some cases, these structures act as a kind of "target" for immune cells or laser radiation.

In others, as scientists note, nanoparticles serve as a means of delivering drugs and toxins, which allows doctors to enhance the effectiveness of these substances and reduce their dose. The role of such containers for the delivery of drugs can be played by a variety of organic and inorganic structures, inside which there are significant cavities.

Accurate calculation of the properties of nanoparticles
Zyubin and his colleagues became interested in how the optical and other physical properties of gold nanoparticles coated with silica (silicon dioxide) change. This substance is often used to form coatings for nanoparticles and nanocapsules, which protects them from interaction with the environment and at the same time slows down the release of drugs after the introduction of these structures into the body.

Physicists have calculated how the appearance of a layer of silica on the surface of rod-shaped gold nanostructures will affect the electro-optical properties of nanoparticles, as well as the nature of their interactions with light particles. To obtain such information, the researchers prepared a detailed computer model that calculated how the electrical and optical properties of nanoparticles change when coatings of different sizes appear.

The calculations carried out by scientists indicated that the thickness of the coating strongly influenced the electric field strength in the vicinity of the surface of the nanoparticle, as well as its other physical properties associated with interactions with light. This makes it possible to use the algorithm created by Zyubin and his colleagues to select the optimal shell thickness for nanoparticles, which will allow them to perform their functions as efficiently as possible.

In the near future, scientists plan to study how the properties of such multilayer nanoparticles made of gold and silica change when they are applied to the surface of various metals. Understanding this will expand the practical application of hollow and coated nanostructures in medical, scientific and industrial practice

February 20, 2022
Lawyer showed strange drawings of schoolchildren after tolerance trainings

Drawing of a first-grader after a "tolerance training" in one of the schools in Liski

A lawyer from Liski (Voronezh Region), a member of the Union of Orthodox Scientists, told about the shocking consequences of the "weeks of tolerance" in Russian schools on February 19 Elena Baturina at the public hearings "Protection of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values as a factor of national security", held in Pyatigorsk.

According to the lawyer, behind the cover of an official fight against gay propaganda among minors, Russian schools educate LGBT "adepts" from children.

"Here are the slides. These are drawings of our children from the "tolerance training" conducted by a psychologist. Children were drawing, first grade. For all our children, from 1st to 11th grade, they put a "tolerance daisy" on their chest, and said that you are all adherents of ideology. My son is seven years old, has been playing hockey since he was three, a normal kid is growing up like this. He came joyfully, with this emblem on his chest and with this picture — "Mom, this is for you!"" — said Baturina.

Then, according to the lawyer, she had to explain herself to her daughter, who studies at the same school.

"She came home and said, "Mom, but you know, they gave us daisies here, but I threw them away. Because our boys said — we will not wear a gay symbol. And who are gays?"And I had to explain to my child in the 4th grade who gays are," says Baturina.

Drawing of a schoolboy and the "chamomile of tolerance"

The lawyer assumes that such activities are carried out not only consciously, but also receives regular monetary replenishment. According to Baturina, the school in Liski, where her children study, even received a "tolerance award" as the best in this "field".

"When I came to the Education Department with the question of what was actually going on — the head of education was crying, she was crying out loud. I gathered all the school principals, all the head teachers, and told them not to have a rainbow. We reached Voronezh. They hear it too, but will they do it next year?" — says the lawyer.

According to her, many parents still do not want to believe in what is happening, or do not know anything at all about such activities in schools. Parents broke into the educational institution in Liski "with a fight", and when they were inside, they found that "all the walls, corridors and boards were covered with rainbows."

"Psychologists are allowed to reach our children, but we don't know. Children can't always tell us that. At first I thought it was only our school's problem. But when I opened the Internet, and started to score every city — it's absolutely everywhere, in every school, even kindergartens! In our country, in the Central Chernozem region, Lipetsk, Belgorod, Voronezh regions. Just look, go to Yandex," says the lawyer.

According to Baturina, specially trained, savvy specialists work with children, destructive technology consciously disguises itself as "peace, friendship and kindness", under already existing, familiar symbols. For example, the "chamomile of tolerance" is introduced as a harmless seven-colored flower from the famous Soviet cartoon.

The plan of the "week of tolerance" in one of the schools of the Voronezh region

"The psychologist explains to the children — "how good it is to be friends!“ Draw, children, a couple — you, and in place of the second "can be anyone!“. And they tell us — "parents, listen, we are for the friendship of peoples, this is the acceptance of the disabled, we see the light, and you are the dirt under your feet. You are idiots.“ We say — you have violated the Constitution! I forbid you to sculpt a "daisy" on my child! And they told us, "Putin ordered it!"", — says the lawyer.

According to her, in addition to "Putin", the school administration refers to the calendar developed by the Ministry of Defense with a list of holiday dates — they say there is a "day of tolerance". The lawyer notes that destructive activity, as well as the sources of its "inspiration", are not hidden at school.

"The psychologist at the meeting tells us — "and Soros is a luminary of the world community. He has invested more money in our education than the Russians.“ We say — do you know that Soros organizations are considered undesirable in Russia as violating the constitutional order of the Russian Federation? "So what. And the fact that your daughter asked you who gays are is great, you just don't understand.“ They're not even hiding! And everyone is working," says Elena Baturina.

According to the lawyer, there are "sound teachers" in the educational institution, but all of them, like most parents, are divided and silent.

"Teachers started calling me, secretly. There was such harassment there that even to the point that my children were expelled from school. Like, I disgraced the school for the whole country. Teachers started calling — "Lena, do you know that in our 9th grade a boy walks with painted lips, painted nails, sometimes wears a skirt? He's sitting in class.“ Although we have uniforms. At the parents' meeting, they told me — if you don't like it, you can switch to home education," the lawyer says.

According to Baturina, even teaching children within the framework of family education, parents will not be able to close the younger generation from the realities of modern information space — the world has changed a lot. But "you need to explain."

"My daughter said a brilliant thing — "Mom, this is my vaccination. I will now know and see.“ We must "instill" our children morally. Explain the difference to them. Tolerance is not when you are beaten on the head with a stick, but you do not resist. For example, a person may have a burnt face. It may be unpleasant for me to look at it. But I understand and accept it. That's where tolerance is. The rich and the poor are sitting at the same table — social tolerance. Or skin color," says Baturina.

Drawing of a first grader after "tolerance training"

"What kind of children the schools will release into the world is just scary. I came here to an event in Pyatigorsk so that my parents would finally wake up and see what was happening. And united to fight it. Keep an eye on your children," the lawyer urged.

It should be noted that in August 2021, Deputy Minister of Education of Russia Alexander Bugaev approved Order No. 196 "On approval of the plan of educational work for 2021-2022 in schools of the Russian Federation". This document excluded the holding of a "week of tolerance" in Russian schools at the federal level. However, experts on the legislation of the Russian Federation remind that education in Russia is attributed to the joint jurisdiction of the federal government and the regions.

It should be noted that the public discussion "Protection of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values as a factor of national security", organized by the "Parent Committee" of the North Caucasus Federal District in Pyatigorsk, was also attended by Chairman of the Commission on combating destructive dangerous OS content at Roskomnadzor of the Russian Federation Andrey Tsyganov, member of the Union of Writers of Russia Olga Chetverikova, deputy of the Stavropol Duma Andrey Makukha, adviser The Minister of the Chechen Republic for Youth Affairs Musa Dunaev, the head of the Regional Branch of the Anti-Corruption Center in Cherkessk (KCR) Zariyat Akbayeva and other participants.

At the hearing, the ambiguous situation that has developed around the draft Decree of the President of the Russian Federation developed by the Ministry of Culture "On the approval of the Foundations of State Policy for the preservation and strengthening of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values" was considered.