Russia through the hidden eye


Nov 8, 2022
- digital ruble?
Bank of Russia
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Digital Ruble
The digital ruble is a digital form of the Russian national currency that the Bank of Russia plans to issue in addition to existing forms of money.

After a wide public discussion of the initiative to create a digital ruble, the Bank of Russia has prepared a concept that provides for the use of a two-tier retail model.

https ://
2. Functionality of the digital ruble
The ability to conduct offline transactions, according to 88% of respondents, should be a key feature of the digital ruble and will be important for the demand for the digital ruble by citizens and businesses, especially in remote and hard-to-reach settlements. Respondents believe that this functionality will allow combining the advantages of cash and non-cash forms of payments in a digital ruble.

Regarding the possible establishment of limits for offline transactions, respondents made suggestions on the introduction of limits not lower than those established for money transfers without identification and on considering the issue of subsequent adjustment of limits based on the results of piloting.
Regarding the time spent by digital rubles in offline mode, most respondents are inclined to the need to work out a balance between limiting time in order to counter fraud and ensuring the convenience of users of offline wallets.

Respondents paid special attention to the need to provide a mechanism for restoring digital rubles in case of loss of a mobile device.
It was also proposed to consider the use of a Unified Identification and Authentication System and a Unified biometric system when identifying a user for his registration on the digital ruble platform and opening a wallet. A number of respondents suggested using technologies that enable offline transactions between two devices (for example, NFC).
41% of respondents supported the introduction of an offline mode at the subsequent stages of the development of the digital ruble, since this would require extensive study of technological and legal issues, as well as issues of countering fraud and abuse.

The survey participants also noted the expediency of using distributed ledger technology in the implementation of the digital ruble, including to enable the use of smart contracts.
At the same time, the majority of respondents stressed that technological innovations should first of all be checked for the safety of their application.
The offline mode and smart contracts are described in section V
Participants in the discussion of the Report, supporting the initiative of the Bank of Russia to implement.
They noted the scale of the upcoming work, including the modification of a wide range of regulatory documents, the development of IT infrastructure and information security systems of the Bank of Russia and financial market participants. Respondents suggested paying increased attention to the availability of a test period and the stages of the implementation of the digital ruble implementation project.
Taking into account these proposals, it was decided to implement the Digital Ruble project in the following stages:
• October 2020 – publication of the report for public consultations "Digital
ruble", prepared for the purpose of public discussion of the main aspects of the introduction
of the digital ruble.
• April 2021 – publication of the Concept of the digital ruble, which presents
the features of the implementation of the target model of the digital ruble.
• December 2021 – creation of a prototype of the digital ruble platform.
• January 2022 – development of draft amendments to the legislation of the Russian Federation.
• The first quarter of 2022 – the launch of testing a prototype of the digital ruble platform.

It is assumed that testing of the prototype of the digital ruble platform will be conducted jointly with financial market participants during 2022. Based on the test results, a roadmap for the implementation of the digital ruble target platform will be formed.
A phased development of the digital ruble platform is planned:
• the first stage is the connection of credit institutions and the Federal Treasury, the implementation of C2C, C2B, B2C, B2B, G2B, B2G, C2G, G2C operations;
• the second stage is the connection of financial intermediaries, the introduction of an offline mode, ensuring the exchange of digital rubles for foreign currency and the possibility of opening wallets to non–resident customers.
The expediency of introducing tokenized non-cash rubles is expected to be discussed with
financial market participants.
Stages of project implementation
December 2021 — creation of a prototype of the digital ruble platform.
2022 — testing of the prototype of the digital ruble platform and development of a roadmap for implementation, taking into account the test results.
2022 — development of legislation for the introduction of the digital ruble."

15 issues of digital financial assets worth 170 million rubles took place in Russia

According to the Central Bank, the number of applicants is growing
MOSCOW, November 11. /tass/. The total volume of digital financial assets (CFAs) issued in Russia has reached a total of 170 million rubles, to date, operators have carried out 15 issues of CFAs. This was announced by the First Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia Olga Skorobogatova.

"As of today, three operators have already been registered, we have received nine applications and the number of applicants is growing. 15 issues have already been carried out, somewhere in the total amount of 170 million rubles," she said in an interview with the Rossiya-24 TV channel on the sidelines of the Finopolis forum of innovative financial technologies.

Skorobogatova emphasized the interest of the financial market participants themselves in using digital financial assets. "Banks are interested in this product. And we also see their desire to try themselves in this new niche," she added.

According to Skorobogatova, the risks associated with the introduction of the CFA are multi-layered, since any new technology or product organization carries technological risks, risks of an organizational plan and regulatory arbitration. "In general, we want to look at all types of risks, and already our next legislation that we are preparing, changes to the legislation, they will be aimed, including at minimizing risks," she concluded.
Nabiullina said that the time when banks were conservative is gone

The head of the Central Bank noted that technologies are constantly evolving and changing
MOSCOW, November 11. /tass/. The time when financial institutions were conservative is a thing of the past. This opinion was voiced by the head of the Bank of Russia Elvira Nabiullina at the Finopolis forum.

"The time when financial institutions were regarded as very conservative - albeit reliable, but very conservative - organizations, but, of course, has gone deep into the past. Financial organizations are those organizations whose competitive advantage, first of all, is people and technology," she said.

At the same time, the head of the Central Bank noted that technologies are constantly developing and changing. "Therefore, which technological horse to bet on - financiers, in principle, are pragmatic people - is a big question," Nabiullina said.
Ministry of digital development agrees to enter into a project to test the digital ruble at the suggestion of the Central Bank

Since the beginning of 2022, the Bank of Russia with a group of 15 banks has been piloting operations on a prototype of the digital ruble platform

MOSCOW, November 11. /tass/. Ministry of digital development of the Russian Federation agrees to enter into the pilot project of the Bank of Russia on the digital ruble for the development of services with payment in digital currency. The consent was given by the Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation Maksut Shadaev during the plenary session of the forum of innovative financial technologies Finopolis.

"Maksut Igorevich, in honor of your birthday, I have a gift. I don't think you can refuse the Central Bank. We want to invite the Ministry of digital development to the digital ruble pilot, so that we can immediately provide digital services with payment in digital rubles. Do you agree?",Olga Skorobogatova, First Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia, addressed Shadaev.

"Yes," he replied.

Since the beginning of 2022, the Bank of Russia with a group of 15 banks has been piloting operations on a prototype of the digital ruble platform. From April 2023, the Central Bank plans to start testing the digital ruble with real customers.

About Digital Currency
The Central Bank of the Russian Federation presented the concept of the digital ruble in its report in mid-October 2020. It will take the form of a unique digital code that will be stored on a special electronic wallet, and the transfer of a digital ruble from one user to another will take place in the form of moving a digital code from one electronic wallet to another. The issue of the digital ruble will be carried out by the Bank of Russia. The owners of the money will be able to freely transfer rubles from one form to another."

The minister had great hesitation and almost disagreed, but in the end he changed his mind and everything ended happily for the Russian citizens, who will be able to rely on technological progress for their benefit.

Russia is in the game and with CBDCs.
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Nov 8, 2022

The day before, the head of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Mikhail Murashko "reported" to deputies in the State Duma. That's right – in quotation marks, because apart from empty words about the modernization of healthcare against the background of record rates of extinction of Russian citizens, there was nothing in his report. As there were no acute questions from the parliament, but we will correct this mistake now. We have a key question for the minister – how long will he undermine national security and work for our global geopolitical enemy, which runs the World Health Organization? It was not by chance that Murashko took the oath (together with Minister Siluanov) to the upcoming Pandemic Agreement with the leadership of WHO, and he also continues semi–secret work on the preparation of this very agreement - in the form of amendments to the International Health Regulations binding on all member countries. And this work is almost finished, the next oaths of allegiance from Governments were collected at the G20. And the technical base is already ready for the adoption by 194 states of a digital "slave immune passport" - an electronic ID with a mark on covid vaccination, as we reported back in the summer of 2020. (our third most popular material since the creation of the site).

Siluanov and Murashko were not accidentally scattered in praises of WHO and promises to amicably finance and build together with WHO and the World Bank a "global sanitary shield" on the eve of the G20 summit. The thing is that government officials from the Russian Federation are actively involved in the semi-formal preparation of the new edition of the International Health Regulations (IHR), one of the tasks of which is to create a "digital health certificate". Deep-digging TG channels and Western bloggers found the text of another such backstage meeting under the auspices of WHO on October 6, 2022:

As we can see from the report, Russia, on behalf of the EAEU, also submitted proposals for amendments to a number of chapters of the new draft IHR to the WHO information department, as well as a large number of other states. So, for example:

"The EU member States, India, Indonesia and the member States of the Eurasian Economic Union have made proposals to amend Article 23 "Medical and sanitary measures at arrival and departure".

India and Japan have submitted proposals to amend article 28: Ships and aircraft at entry points.

Indonesia has submitted a proposal to amend article 31: Health measures concerning the entry of travelers.

The Member States of the European Union have submitted proposals to amend article 36: Certificates of vaccination or other preventive measures.

WHO member States in the African region, Indonesia and Japan have submitted proposals to amend article 45 "Processing of personal data".

And so on… But this is especially interesting (considering that we have not yet seen a working version of the MSME):

Here everything is already called by its proper names directly and frankly. The electronic international certificate of vaccination, which will give the right to travel around the world (at least), is almost agreed. The Berlin branch of the Reuters agency tells the same story on November 23 , 2022 . The news tells about WHO's global plans to put a "covid collar" on all citizens of 194 member countries.

It turns out that WHO has already signed a contract with a subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom (DTEGn.DE ) T-Systems to create software for global electronic verification of coronavirus vaccination certificates. Of course, the main confirmation will be the QR code, which gives a person and his "health" a commodity component. The software solution will also be used for other vaccines, such as polio or yellow fever, the T-Systems press service said in a statement.

Moreover, the company has already announced guarantees from WHO for the creation of national and regional verification technologies in 194 Member States. Financial details of the transaction were not disclosed. At the same time, the chief executive officer of T-Systems, Adel Al-Saleh, said: "Healthcare is a strategic growth area for T-Systems." We are most likely talking about tens of billions of US dollars. At the same time, T-Systems itself turns into one of the parts of Big Tech, the company previously worked with SAP (SAPG.DE ), developing the German Corona-Warn-App for tracking and verification and the pan-European digital vaccination verification system against covid19.
Here we just recall the words of the founder of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, about the "reference" work on creating a social rating and "covid passports" tied to it in China:

"This is a role model for many countries and proclaims a systemic transformation of the world," Schwab said on Chinese national television.

We can also recall the words of Adviser Schwab, the mad transhumanist-pederast Yuvali Harari, author of the widely advertised book "A Brief History of Mankind":

"In the near future, people will remember that it all started with the covid crisis. This is the moment of transition to full digitalization, when absolutely everything will be monitored. This is the moment of consent to total tracking not only in a totalitarian society, but also in a democratic one.

The most important moment will come when tracking a person will be not only external, but also subcutaneous. A very important process is taking place in the world right now: we "hack" people. We have the ability to "hack" a person to understand what is going on inside him. What drives you is a kind of biometric sensor.

This is the turning point of the whole game, the key to a better understanding of people even more than they understand themselves. I often give an example from my personal life: I realized that I was gay only when I was 21.

This is a decisive revolution, and covid played a critical role, he convinced people to legalize total biometric tracking
," Harari said at an international forum in Greece.
Moreover, the "fight against covid" looks like an outright profanity and a cheap excuse against this background. We all see perfectly well that the "new strains of covid" are indistinguishable from SARS in terms of symptoms and potential danger to people's lives. And the official US press, in particular, the Washington Post, is forced to admit that "the epidemic of the unvaccinated is over: currently vaccinated make up the majority of deaths from Covid-19."

According to an analysis conducted by Cynthia Cox, vice president of the Kaiser Family Foundation, 58% of deaths from coronavirus in August were vaccinated or revaccinated (based on official data from the Center for Disease Control, CDC, USA). For the first time, most Americans dying from coronavirus have received at least one dose of the "vaccine".

"This is a continuation of the alarming trend that emerged last year. As vaccination rates increase and new options become available, the proportion of deaths among vaccinated people is steadily increasing. In September 2021, vaccinated people accounted for only 23% of deaths from coronavirus in the United States. In January and February of this year, the share was 42%, and in August 2022 it reached 58%," the WP material says

Even after this forced admission, the authors of the article continue to promote "covid vaccination", calling the chief epidemiologist and covid activist Fauci "an outstanding scientific expert". Anthony Fauci himself the day before used his last briefing at the White House before retiring in December to urge Americans to get the latest authorized "boosters" specific to omicrons.

"The last message that I will convey to you from this rostrum is that, please, for your own safety and the safety of your family, make an updated vaccination against covid19 as soon as you have the right to do so," Fauci admonished the Americans.
Here is such an interesting global alignment we get, in which "our" Popov, Murashko, Golikov are no different from their Fauci, Biden, Gebreyesus, etc. I wonder if the Security Council or the President of Russia will pay attention to the openly globalist, hostile work of the adherents of the Pandemic Agreement and the "dominant role of WHO" in our country? If not, the digital immune passport of the slave – soon to the attention of each of us.


Nov 8, 2022
November 25, 2022


Over the past two days, the transhumanist bankster Herman Gref (personally) and the head of the RDIF, highlighted by Klaus Schwab as one of the young shaper leaders of the World Economic Forum, Kirill Dmitriev (behind the scenes) attracted the attention of the official media and officials with their "Journey with artificial intelligence" (AIJ-2022 forum). By tradition, the main episode of the digital sabantuy was the speech of the leader of the state Vladimir Putin. And just as traditionally, Putin read out a program speech prepared for him in advance. It was the most serious speech by the president since September, when he announced the admission of Russian territories of the former Ukraine to Russia. While the press secretary of the first person cannot really name either the date of the traditional press conference or the time of the message to the Federal Assembly, Putin had more than enough time for the digital transformers event. Moreover, this time we have heard specific, tough directives from the president to the Government and business, which will soon certainly take the form of specific decrees and instructions. In short, Gref, Shadaev and Co. tightly took Putin into circulation. And, presumably, he really liked the book "The Fourth Industrial Revolution" presented by Klaus Schwab at an audience in Moscow. Because his whole speech was an ode to machine control, proactivity, the collection of huge arrays of personal data of citizens and, of course, the transfer of all spheres of life under the control of AI. The only thing that can change the situation here is a major "digital" upheaval on a national scale, which we all would very much not like.

Many believed that the AIJ-2020 forum, where Putin, together with the leader of Kazakhstan, globalist Tokayev, under the strict guidance of sodomite and globalist Gref, reasoned when AI could replace heads of state, was the crown of transhumanism. They hoped that in the conditions of Russia's economic isolation from the "collective West", ties with the World Bank, the WEF and other structures of the global monopolar world would be severed. But it turned out that the president was seriously hooked on the topic of innovation, fully trusting in this matter the lookout from JP Morgan and other global financial plutocracy – that is, Gref, who flatly refused to work in Crimea a few years ago, and also wrote dispatches to the White House administration with assurances of loyalty and a plea to lift sanctions from Sberbank.

And this hater of exams, physical education schools, the best Soviet education in the world, an adept of the sectarian false yogin Sadhguru and the author of the "cult" phrase in the spirit of the theory about the "golden billion", which, by the way, Putin fiercely criticizes during popular speeches ("six out of seven billion should be eliminated...") felt like a king before the speech of the President of the Russian Federation. Gref gave him his "eyeliner":

"In Russia in recent years, I would say in the last two years, a serious step forward has been made, a leap has been made both at the regional level and at the Government level. The government is doing a lot to create conditions for the development of artificial intelligence in almost all areas.

Of course, the experiment that you allowed Moscow allowed it to take a huge step forward. Healthcare, social services, and work with the population have all been transferred to other tracks.. / ... / The popularity of views of our conference at the international level is growing, in two days we have more than 50 million views from more than 180 countries around the world

Of course, the Government of the digital transformer Mishustin promptly implements the precepts of Schwab, helping Gref in this. Moreover, a special legal regime in the capital helped to "put everything on a different track." Which ones, and why they "ski better", and whose "skis", Gref, of course, did not specify.
Then the President of Russia took the floor, starting with the same curtsies to AI and Gref:

"Russia's achievements in the field of AI are certainly there. In terms of some achievements in this area, we are one step ahead of some other countries, and we must definitely step up these efforts, concrete steps in this regard..."

I would like to appeal to the president (more precisely, to the authors of his paper, which he read). What exactly are we ahead of? How exactly has the life of Russian citizens become more prosperous and happier thanks to the introduction of AI? After all, it is declared that the country needs digital transformation like air. So where is at least one concrete and illustrative example of the positive effect of it?

"I will probably say things that are obvious to everyone: the importance of breakthroughs in the field of artificial intelligence is enormous, the rivalry between states is fierce. Russia's place in the world, our sovereignty, security and solvency of our country, our ability to solve problems of economic, industrial, social development at a qualitatively new level, create broad conditions for self-realization of citizens, for launching public initiatives depend on what results we achieve."

A familiar story about the promotion of the agenda of globalism-transhumanism under the guise of "the struggle for technological sovereignty". In the direction of this mantra, for example, the founder of ASI and several foresights (based on the same Western strategies for the development of the world until 2030), now the chief digitizer under the president Dmitry Peskov, quickly changed his shoes.

"I would also like to thank not only our creators, developers, but also those colleagues who promote the technological agenda and set such an important vector for the future of the country. This is BEAC, which has assumed the main responsibility for coordinating the development of artificial intelligence; this, of course, – I can't say about my colleagues in the Government – these are the ministries of digital and Economic Development."

Here the compilers of the speech, which Putin read exclusively from a piece of paper, did not fail to stroke the main curators of all this action in Russia – that is, Mishustin, Shadaev, Gref, Reshetnikov, etc.

"I would like to note that Russia, according to international experts, is one of the global leaders in the field of digitalization of public services, is among the top ten in the world. As far as I understand, 198 countries are evaluated. The top three are South Korea, Brazil, and Saudi Arabia. All of these are our good partners, and some of them we can call our closest partners."

Finally, the numbers are called, and that's good. Russia is a global leader in the digitalization and development of AI, is in the TOP 10 countries of the world. Excellent. And what is the standard of living of our citizens, in comparison with the "partners", what is our real place here?

Since our officials and financiers are so fond of international ratings and are equal to evaluating themselves according to the data of "partners" ... Let's turn to the rating of the standard of living of countries in 2022, which includes such factors as wages, quality of medicine and education, freedom to conduct business, the level of security, ecology, the level of corruption, personal freedom and a number of other factors. It was compiled by the Legatum Institute (one of the most authoritative analytical centers in the UK), which identified the best countries to live in in 2022. and countries where people's lives are on the verge of survival. Russia is in... 90th place here, behind many African states, which we like to pejoratively call "banana republics".

And here is the report of the main office of the UN globalists, whose sustainable development goals we are so diligently fulfilling that we even wrote their priority into the Presidential Decrees. We are looking at the report on the Human Development Index in different countries of the world from January 2021. It is published annually and always arouses great interest all over the world. Of course, we are interested in Russia's place in this ranking.

The Human Development Index is "an integral indicator calculated annually for cross–country comparison and measurement of the standard of living, literacy, education and longevity as the main characteristics of the human potential of the study area." The higher the index, the better the quality of life in the country. And then Russia found itself in ... 52nd place, losing even to Kazakhstan and the former Baltic Soviet republics. These are our international indicators, alas. Finally, in terms of GDP per capita (a key indicator of the well-being of an individual in the country), according to the World Bank, Russia was in 55th place in 2021. Well, how is AI there, does it help a lot, as does our "global technological leadership"?

Then the program part of Putin's speech began, which contained direct instructions to the Government and the largest companies:

"The task of a new stage in the horizon of the current decade is to ensure the mass introduction of artificial intelligence. It should cover all sectors of the economy, the social sphere and the public administration system. Herman Oskarovich [Gref] and I, when he was still working in the Government, talked all the time, this was Herman Oskarovich's hobby when he talked about the need to move to a new stage of management in general.

What we are doing now and what we are going to do, including with the support and experience of Sberbank, it seems to me, should convince us that we are on the right track. We must be able to form a genuine technological, digital and, to a considerable extent, cultural, educational, value sovereignty of Russia and our entire society

Machine, algorithmized, automatic (proactive, as the Swabians like to say) management of the entire economy, the social sphere and the state, ultimately. What is this new stage of management, to which "we need to move on"? What is this "right way", where does it lead, what is the purpose of all this and most importantly, who needs it? There are no answers yet. But much becomes clear from Putin's orders:

"In this regard, I ask the Government and the State Council, as part of the work on digital transformation, to prepare and then implement the transition of the entire system of state power at the federal and regional levels to a data-based management model using a platform approach.

It should be added that it is necessary to achieve this task in all authorities and in all key industries. And I really ask you, dear colleagues, – I am now addressing the alliance members once again – to provide the Russian Government, your colleagues with whom you are in constant contact, with the necessary advisory support

The state as a platform, as a set of ecosystems... does it resemble anything? Of course, this is a direct reflection of the blue dream of Gref and his Western masters – "the state is in your pocket," as Oskarovich himself aptly put it. And Nikita Sergeyevich Mikhalkov made a brilliant analytical program – "Who has the state in their pocket?". It's better to see it once – and everything becomes obvious. A state without subjectivity in management, everything is based on machine algorithms... how can computer algorithms, robots control living people in general? How can they replace officials who, whatever one may say, have a human nature and are capable, if they want to, of course, enter into the situation of another person.

"I will also note what Herman Oskarovich has already said in relation to Moscow. I would like to note that Moscow – and today I will refer to its experience more than once – has made a cardinal step forward in the field of digital transformation of many areas of urban economy.

In turn, the Moscow Region is on the verge of implementing a landmark project. We are talking about implementing a full-scale change in the management system with the widespread end-to-end introduction of artificial intelligence technologies. Maybe the governor – I see he is in the hall – will also say this a little later.

I ask both the Mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin, and the Governor of the Moscow Region, Andrei Vorobyov, to use the platform of the State Council to spread their experience of using the latest technologies to the whole country – as we do with you, dear colleagues, in some other areas
," Putin continued.

That is, Sobyanin and Vorobyov, who turned citizens into bio-objects with concentration camp QR codes, stuffed the regions with a system of total biometric surveillance, transferring payments, allowances, enrollments in kindergartens and colleges and other public services exclusively and without alternative into a figure, are examples for us to follow.

"... The third is access to depersonalized data. Now, too, at the exhibition in relation to medicine, a colleague talked about this, and about her work, and about what is supposed to be done in the near future, talked about the need for access to this information. I agree with that, absolutely. I ask the Parliament to speed up work on the relevant draft law, it should be adopted as soon as possible. As far as I understand, it has already passed its first reading somewhere else in 2021 - it needs to be finalized.

There are, of course, issues related to the need to protect personal information, but as far as I understood a colleague who reported on the first floor at the exhibition, we are talking about depersonalized data. And this, of course, will help to improve the efficiency of medical care.

I understand well the concerns that arise here both from the state and from business. It is necessary to take into account all the concerns of citizens and entrepreneurs regarding access to massive amounts of information, create strong legislative guarantees for the protection of rights and freedoms here and definitely move forward. It is absolutely necessary to move forward, to establish all technological processes of formation, depersonalization, storage, and provision of access to data

Talking about security here is more for reassurance, because no one can give any guarantees for the protection of PD transmitted on the American Internet and under constant threat of the human factor. Over the past year, officially (with the confessions of those who leaked), all possible PD has already leaked – both from large banks, and from Internet portals, and from food and clothing ordering services, and from the portal of Public Services and <url>, etc. The responsibility for this, by the way, is still purely symbolic.

Well, as for the allegedly depersonalized PD, many IT experts rightly point out that their depersonality is nothing more than an illusion, and any sane computer scientist will easily restore their identity when it is needed. It is necessary to legalize their widespread use for large-scale feeding of their AI so that it "trains on cats" in its template actions.

"We need to continue to follow the path of forming modern, globally competitive legislative frameworks for industry regulation for the use of artificial intelligence and data management.

We have repeatedly talked with business colleagues about this. We understand that these restrictions are essential for business development, and we will analyze the situation together with you and make decisions. It is important that they are taken, of course, in a timely manner. I fully share your approach to these issues.

Of course, it is necessary to work closely to remove the so-called regulatory barriers that still remain. In this regard, I ask the Government, together with the alliance, developers, and real sector companies, to submit proposals to change specific regulatory requirements, technological standards, regulations, and other industry norms that prevent the introduction of artificial intelligence, and this should be done in the context of each industry. We need to specify everything as much as possible, then the work will be effective
," the president said.

"Globally competitive legislative bases of regulation ..." is how drearily formulated, but the essence is simple: it is proposed to change Russian legislation according to the manuals of globalists-digital transformers, to become a tracing paper for their "innovative" laws and regulations. This is the first thing that the participants of various summits, from the G20 to the WEF, swear to: clean up their national legislation in order to give the green light to any experiments on people. And the AI Alliance will work on these changes together with the Government, of course – that is, the same BEAC, VKontakte, MTS, Yandex and RDIF. Is this why the world government intends to send the unsinkable Alexei Kudrin to Yandex, who has proved his loyalty to supranational structures with his long-term service to the IMF and other globalist structures?

"Further, I propose to establish on a systematic basis, when providing budget subsidies to companies, requirements for improving efficiency and mandatory use of modern technologies, including artificial intelligence. The point is not only to encourage entrepreneurs to progress, but also to achieve through innovation the growth of the most important indicators, including labor productivity, so that we respond to this feedback in the course of working together with business."

What if companies don't want to implement AI, but at the same time they are valuable to the country and also apply for subsidies? They won't get them. Are there any signs of discrimination here?

"In this regard, I believe that every national project, state program should contain specific measures aimed at introducing artificial intelligence technologies in the industries."

The game is big: there is no sphere without AI, including the national projects "Education", "Demography" ... Apparently, the population will now also count AI ... in a new way, "objectively", instead of Rosstat. And we will have an eternal increase every day.

"On the basis of digital currency technologies and distributed registries, it is possible to create a new system of international payments, and much more convenient, but at the same time completely safe for participants and, importantly, independent of banks and interference from third countries. I am sure that something like this will certainly develop, because nobody likes the dictate of monopolists and causes real damage to everyone - by the way, to the monopolists themselves."

And this is hello, digital ruble, with the gradual displacement of cash and linking an electronic wallet to a person's ID. The same thing was recently broadcast by the Vice President of the Central Bank Skorobogatova at Finopolis-2022 – and also declaring our alleged independence. That is, all the central banks of the world are actively introducing national digital currencies at the same time for the sake of independence? It is hard to believe from the word "absolutely", especially since it is such "money" in Schwab's dreams that should walk in the world of the future. And no others.

"Starting from next year, 2023, we will monitor the results of the use of artificial intelligence in economic and social sectors. To do this, I propose to create a special tool – the maturity index of industries and regions, but in such a way that it is more important, we can say "intellectual maturity index", because we are talking about the introduction of artificial intelligence, and on its basis to evaluate the practical results of the work of each subject of the Federation, ministries, departments for the introduction of artificial intelligence

It is absolutely necessary to especially encourage those who move forward faster, who create and bring the future closer

What kind of future is approaching in this way? What kind of changes do digital sectarians require? They do not give a direct answer to these questions. But another whip mechanism and discrimination tool is being laid for the regions and their authorities, who are not in a hurry to digitize themselves. However, everything has been clear with their future for a long time – it is perfectly described in the books of Schwab and his pederast adviser Yuval Harari.

We will not understand the president's speech any more, we will just summarize one of his final phrases:

"But that's why we gathered today, Herman Oskarovich, and gathered everyone in order to see what needs to be done in the near future in one direction or another, including in the field of artificial intelligence."

And this is already a reason to think about the real situation and the powers of the authorities at the very top. That is, Vladimir Putin agreed to come and read out a speech prepared for him in advance, and Herman Oskarovich "gathered him and everyone else here" to determine what should be urgently done in the country for a complete "digital transformation". The level of Gref's trust and willingness to carry out all his "insights" is amazing. What else should this unsinkable character do to the state so that they begin to react to him as a clear threat to national security?

It remains only to put this state "in your pocket".

with Herman Gref

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Nov 8, 2022
The concept of artificial intelligence and legal responsibility for its work
(V.A. Laptev, Associate Professor of the Department of Business and Corporate Law of the O.E. Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MGUA), Doctor of Law; journal "Law. Journal of the Higher School of Economics", N 2, April-June 2019)

"Neurotechnologies and Neuronet are close in essence to artificial intelligence, but they have different nature and application. Neurotechnologies allow us to use the full potential of the human brain, in fact, participating in human mental activity and increasing its productivity. Neuronet is a system of human-machine communications and information exchange through neurocomputer interfaces based on hybrid digital-analog architectures. The neural network is considered the next generation of the Internet (Web 4.0) and the basis for creating hybrid human-machine intelligence. This creates prerequisites for the development of bio-cyberphysical organisms.

In Russian legislation, the concept of a neural electronic computing machine is enshrined in Presidential Decrees No. 1268 of 26.08.1996 and No. 1661 of 17.12.2011. Thus, a neural computer is a computing device designed or modified to simulate the behavior of a neuron or a set of neurons, for example, a computing device characterized by the ability of the equipment to modulate the weight and number of mutual connections of a set of computing components based on previous information. A set of computers or processors with artificial intelligence form a neural network similar to the structure of neurons in the human cerebral cortex, where a neuron is an electrically excitable cell that processes, stores and transmits information using electrical and chemical signals [Williams R., Herrup K., 1988: 423-453].

The development of the Neuronet in Russia is facilitated by the recently approved roadmap for improving legislation and removing administrative barriers in order to implement the National Technological Initiative in the direction of "Neuronet", which ensures the participation of Russian companies in the emerging global markets of products and services in the field of means human-machine communications. The roadmap contains the following segments of the application of the Neuronet: neuromed technology, neuro pharma, neuroeducation, neuro communication, neuro entertainment and neurosport, neuro assistants and artificial intelligence, other related technologies (virtual and augmented reality, medical robotics, big data collection and processing).

Russian statistics show the active pace of the introduction of artificial intelligence in the industry. In particular, by 2019, it was predicted to connect about 1.9 million units of equipment to the industrial Internet, of which 1.3 million. — in mechanical engineering and 0.6 million — in process production. The volume of use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in monetary terms in 2017 amounted to 700 million rubles and will grow to 28 billion rubles by 20208.

Taking into account the provisions of Federal Law No. 488-FZ of December 31, 2014 "On Industrial Policy in the Russian Federation",9 such areas of artificial intelligence application as machine and shipbuilding, metallurgy, electric power, petrochemical, light and medical industries are promising. The introduction of artificial intelligence into business education, including virtual schools and universities, electronic libraries, will also be effective.

Among the applied use of artificial intelligence (in electronic form) can be defined: smart contracts (smart contracts), cybersecurity (protection of electronic databases, anti-hacking system), smart home, etc. At the same time, the spread of artificial intelligence has a serious drawback — jobs are disappearing, a number of professions will soon lose relevance.
The article attempts to reveal the concept of artificial intelligence as a legal category, its authentication, and also identifies possible ways of developing domestic legislation in terms of legal responsibility for its work. The period of studying artificial intelligence and scientific modeling of its way of thinking began only in the middle of the twentieth century. Industrial robots were only the third stage (Industry 3.0), while artificial intelligence and cyber-physical systems became the fourth stage of the industrial revolution (Industry 4.0).

The relevance of this study is due to the course chosen by the leadership of Russia and other countries of the Eurasian Economic Union for the development of the digital economy, including using artificial intelligence (decision of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council No. 12 dated 11.10.2017 "On the Main directions of the implementation of the digital Agenda of the Eurasian Economic Union until 2025", Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 642 dated 1.12.2016 "On the Strategy of Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation"1, Government Orders No. 482-p2 of 23.03.2018 and No. 1632-p3 of 28.07.2017 etc.). A lot of questions on this issue
are discussed on specialized websites on the Internet and at international congresses. ..."

https :// www
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 552-r of March 30, 2018 On the Approval of the Action Plan (Roadmap) to Improve Legislation and Eliminate Administrative Barriers in Order to Ensure the Implementation of the National Technological Initiative in the direction of "Neuronet"

Document overview

An action plan ("roadmap") has been approved to improve legislation and eliminate administrative barriers in order to ensure the implementation of the National Technological Initiative in the direction of "Neuronet".

The implementation of the roadmap is aimed at ensuring the priority positions of Russian companies in the emerging global markets of products and services in the field of human-machine communications.

The key areas are the development and promotion, including to these emerging global markets, of products based on advanced developments in neurotechnologies and increasing the productivity of human-machine systems, the productivity of mental and thought processes, the planned segments of "Neuronet". The latter include "Neuromedicine", "Neuropharma", "Neuroeducation", "Neuro-communication", "Neuro-entertainment and Neurosport", "Neuroassistents and Artificial Intelligence". We are also talking about related technologies - virtual and augmented reality, medical robotics, big data collection and processing."'
Last edited:


Nov 8, 2022
The concept of artificial intelligence and legal responsibility for its work
(V.A. Laptev, Associate Professor of the Department of Business and Corporate Law of the O.E. Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MGUA), Doctor of Law; journal "Law. Journal of the Higher School of Economics", N 2, April-June 2019)

"Neurotechnologies and Neuronet are close in essence to artificial intelligence, but they have different nature and application. Neurotechnologies allow us to use the full potential of the human brain, in fact, participating in human mental activity and increasing its productivity. Neuronet is a system of human-machine communications and information exchange through neurocomputer interfaces based on hybrid digital-analog architectures. The neural network is considered the next generation of the Internet (Web 4.0) and the basis for creating hybrid human-machine intelligence. This creates prerequisites for the development of bio-cyberphysical organisms.

In Russian legislation, the concept of a neural electronic computing machine is enshrined in Presidential Decrees No. 1268 of 26.08.1996 and No. 1661 of 17.12.2011. Thus, a neural computer is a computing device designed or modified to simulate the behavior of a neuron or a set of neurons, for example, a computing device characterized by the ability of the equipment to modulate the weight and number of mutual connections of a set of computing components based on previous information. A set of computers or processors with artificial intelligence form a neural network similar to the structure of neurons in the human cerebral cortex, where a neuron is an electrically excitable cell that processes, stores and transmits information using electrical and chemical signals [Williams R., Herrup K., 1988: 423-453].

The development of the Neural network in Russia is facilitated by the recently approved roadmap for improving legislation and removing administrative barriers in order to implement the National Technological Initiative in the direction of "Neural Network", which ensures the participation of Russian companies in the emerging global markets of products and services in the field of means human-machine communications. The roadmap contains the following segments of the application of the Neural Network: neuromed technology, neuro pharma, neuroeducation, neuro communication, neuro entertainment and neurosport, neuro assistants and artificial intelligence, other related technologies (virtual and augmented reality, medical robotics, big data collection and processing).

Russian statistics show the active pace of the introduction of artificial intelligence in the industry. In particular, by 2019, it was predicted to connect about 1.9 million units of equipment to the industrial Internet, of which 1.3 million. — in mechanical engineering and 0.6 million — in process production. The volume of use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in monetary terms in 2017 amounted to 700 million rubles and will grow to 28 billion rubles by 20208.

Taking into account the provisions of Federal Law No. 488-FZ of December 31, 2014 "On Industrial Policy in the Russian Federation",9 such areas of artificial intelligence application as machine and shipbuilding, metallurgy, electric power, petrochemical, light and medical industries are promising. The introduction of artificial intelligence into business education, including virtual schools and universities, electronic libraries, will also be effective.

Among the applied use of artificial intelligence (in electronic form) can be defined: smart contracts (smart contracts), cybersecurity (protection of electronic databases, anti-hacking system), smart home, etc. At the same time, the spread of artificial intelligence has a serious drawback — jobs are disappearing, a number of professions will soon lose relevance.
The article attempts to reveal the concept of artificial intelligence as a legal category, its authentication, and also identifies possible ways of developing domestic legislation in terms of legal responsibility for its work. The period of studying artificial intelligence and scientific modeling of its way of thinking began only in the middle of the twentieth century. Industrial robots were only the third stage (Industry 3.0), while artificial intelligence and cyber-physical systems became the fourth stage of the industrial revolution (Industry 4.0).

The relevance of this study is due to the course chosen by the leadership of Russia and other countries of the Eurasian Economic Union for the development of the digital economy, including using artificial intelligence (decision of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council No. 12 dated 11.10.2017 "On the Main directions of the implementation of the digital Agenda of the Eurasian Economic Union until 2025", Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 642 dated 1.12.2016 "On the Strategy of Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation"1, Government Orders No. 482-p2 of 23.03.2018 and No. 1632-p3 of 28.07.2017 etc.). A lot of questions on this issue
are discussed on specialized websites on the Internet and at international congresses. ..."

https :// www
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 552-r of March 30, 2018 On the Approval of the Action Plan (Roadmap) to Improve Legislation and Eliminate Administrative Barriers in Order to Ensure the Implementation of the National Technological Initiative in the direction of "Neuronet"

Document overview

An action plan ("roadmap") has been approved to improve legislation and eliminate administrative barriers in order to ensure the implementation of the National Technological Initiative in the direction of "Neuronet".

The implementation of the roadmap is aimed at ensuring the priority positions of Russian companies in the emerging global markets of products and services in the field of human-machine communications.

The key areas are the development and promotion, including to these emerging global markets, of products based on advanced developments in neurotechnologies and increasing the productivity of human-machine systems, the productivity of mental and thought processes, the planned segments of "Neuronet". The latter include "Neuromedicine", "Neuropharma", "Neuroeducation", "Neuro-communication", "Neuro-entertainment and Neurosport", "Neuroassistents and Artificial Intelligence". We are also talking about related technologies - virtual and augmented reality, medical robotics, big data collection and processing."'
https : //

Project registry
Maintaining a register of STI projects in order to implement action plans ("road maps") The National Technological Initiative (hereinafter referred to as the DC, NTI, respectively) is carried out by the NTI project office in accordance with paragraph 6 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the implementation of the National Technological Initiative" dated April 18, 2016 No. 317, in accordance with the information set out in the description of the projects.

The NTI project is a complex of interrelated activities aimed at creating a unique product or service necessary to achieve the goals of the project and the NTI roadmaps, in conditions of time and resource constraints.

Project stage:
Initiation – development of the project model, consideration of the project by the project committee

Development – development of the project description, consideration at the meeting of the working group

Selection – consideration of the project at a meeting of the interdepartmental working group on the development and implementation of the National Technology Initiative under the Presidium of the Presidential Council for Economic Modernization and Innovative Development of Russia (IWG)

Implementation − creation of products and services in accordance with the scope, cost and timing of the NTI project.

Completion − analysis of the success of the NTI project, preparation of a report on the results of the "Implementation" stage, decision-making at the meeting of the IWG on the closure of the NTI project and archiving of materials on the NTI project.

Support measures:
Development institutes – support of project activities by development institutes (ASI, RVC, Skolkovo, FSI, VEB, etc.)

Subsidizing – financial support of STI projects in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 317 dated April 18, 2016 "On the implementation of the National Technology Initiative"

The NTI Development Contest is a competition for grant support of NTI projects implemented by the Innovation Promotion Fund.

The purpose of the competition is to support R&D in order to implement action plans ("road maps") National Technology Initiative.

Technology competitions – financial support for the winning projects of the UpGreat technology competition

Register of STI projects approved by the 317th Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation (NTI Foundation)

https :// nti2035 .ru/upload/project_register_31.10.2022.pdf

Projects that received support in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 18, 2016 No. 317 "On the implementation of the National Technology Initiative"


Software and hardware platform for creating voice and text smart assistants with open source SOVA.AI
Virtual Assistants LLC
01.09.2019 - 31.12.2022
- -

Creation of an international network of gaming attractions and a database of computer games with
neuro-management, distributed infrastructure for automated collection, quality analysis and storage of large neurodata about the brain and physiological activity of users in the process of solving various gaming and educational tasks based on the created network. And in the future - conducting research aimed at analyzing the received neuro data and developing algorithms to optimize human performance
Neiri LLC 21.09.2020 - 28.02.2023 Implementation - -
- -
Living breath

A new method of drug delivery using modern information and telecommunication technologies based on a technological platform for combating socially significant and systemic diseases
NP IVC LLC 26.09.2017 - 11.01.2023

Health Heuristics Platform
An intelligent decision-making platform based on artificial intelligence for analyzing heterogeneous human data and developing individual solutions to increase health reserves, improve quality of life, prolong longevity and reduce mortality from non-communicable diseases
SOYUZ SPORT AND LLC HEALTH 21.09.2020 - 29.10.2024
Integrated energy supply platform "Topaz"

Development of scientific and technical reserves and development of technologies that ensure overcoming technological barriers and advancing the development of end-to-end technology "New and mobile energy sources"
Inenergy LLC 01.01.2019 - 15.06.2024 Implementation
Neuronet Neuro Ear
Recognition of sound events and scenes (speech or sounds of emergency situations), decoding
"speech cocktail" — highly noisy audio signals recorded under conditions of overlapping voices. The project "Neuro-ear" is based on machine hearing technologies
MDG-Innovations LLC 02.04.2018 - 31.07.2021 Completion

Creation of a platform and technologies for network biobanks of tissues and cellular products Creation of a platform and technologies for network biobanks of tissues and cellular products in 5 regions of the Russian Federation on the example of a complex service product National BioService Without support 09/14/2018 - 03/31/2022 Completion

Development of a software and hardware complex for predicting consumer behavior based on neurocognitive measurements, combining solutions for oculography, EEG (electroencephalogram), electrodermal activity, ECG (electrocardiogram), plethysmogram and evaluation of nonverbal facial expressions, with the possibility of automatic calculation of integral metrics
JSC Neurotrend 01.12.2017 - 21.09.2020
Post-project monitoring

iPavlov is a conversational artificial intelligence system capable of replacing a Call Center operator
MIPT 15.03.2017 - 21.01.2021
Post-project monitoring


Development and application of digital production technologies in the production
of superconductors

An integrated technological chain of production of customized HTSP wire - a key product for the markets of new energy, advanced electric propulsion systems, medicine, high–energy physics and high—tech industries - created using advanced technologies for collecting and digitally analyzing large amounts of data, self-learning, artificial intelligence and the industrial Internet of Things
S-INNOVATIONS LLC 29.11.2019 07.10.2021
Post-project monitoring
Healbe Healthnet is a device that allows you to automatically track the number of calories a person receives from food and spent on physical activity, as well as the level of hydration and stress
Hilby LLC 08.01.2018 - 15.10.2021
Post-project monitoring
- -
Architecture IoEN

Creation of a full-scale model of the implementation of the reference architecture of the "Internet of Energy" (IoEN – Internet of Energy). At the same time, the IoEN reference architecture should be aimed at creating a scalable network of self-optimizing clusters of energy exchange between active consumers (prosumers), local energy suppliers and a centralized power system that ensures the fulfillment of differentiated consumer requirements for the availability, reliability and quality of energy supply at a minimum reduced cost
of electricity

The Foundation of the CSR North-West; FGBOU IN NIU MEI
01.01.2018 - 07.10.2021
Post-project monitoring

https : //


"Road Map" "Neuronet" was approved by Protocol No. 1 of 02/28/12 by absentee voting of members of the Presidium of the Government Commission for Economic Modernization and Innovative Development of Russia.

The market of human-machine communication tools based on advanced developments in neurotechnologies and increasing the productivity of human-machine systems, the productivity of mental and mental processes.

The predecessor market is the market of wearable devices that transmit information via the Internet. New technologies, products and services of Neuronet will be developed based on the results of intensive study of the human brain and nervous system.

The next technological revolution will be associated with neurotechnologies and a radical increase in the productivity of mental labor due to the integration of the human brain and computing machines. The rapid development of this direction will begin after the decoding (mapping) of the brain is completed, by analogy with the biotechnological revolution that started after the decoding of the human genome.

The neural network will be the next stage in the development of the current Internet (Web 4.0), in which the interaction of participants (human— human, human—machine) will be carried out using new neurocomputer interfaces
, in addition to traditional methods, and the computers themselves will become neuromorphic (similar to the brain) based on hybrid digital-analog architectures. The emergence of social neural networks and full-fledged hybrid human-machine intelligence is predicted.

The use of neurotechnologies in the field of education will dramatically increase the volume and speed of assimilation of new knowledge, while the development of technologies such as neurofitness and memory modulation will lead to the possibility of multiple enhancement of cognitive abilities.

In the field of medicine, there will be technologies that allow the use of artificial limbs and additional sensory organs, which by 2035 will develop into accessible to the mass consumer neurocontrol of household space. At the same time, effective targeted biomarkers and drugs that can treat various age-related dementias, including Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease, are expected to appear in the ten-year future. And in twenty years, the discovery of gene and cellular technologies for brain correction is possible.

In the XXI century, the world is faced with global problems common to all countries [o_O:D]:

- population ageing;
- the increasing complexity of the technosphere;
- an increase in the number of man-made disasters;
- increasing the information load.

The answer to this is the emergence of various solutions based on neurotechnologies, including hybrid human-machine intelligence, which will significantly expand the resources of the human brain and increase its productivity through integration with the technosphere.

Neuronet Industry Union - http ://

The main goal of the Neuronet roadmap is to form a globally competitive Russian segment of the Neuronet market, ensuring the emergence of at least 10 national champion companies by 2035 (champion companies are companies that occupy a place in the top three in the B2C market segment or prominent positions in the B2B market segment with a total capitalization of about 70 billion rubles and more).

Creation of new market segments in the field of Neural network technology, including the main factors of demand, key market niches and possible types of products and services that will fill these niches;

Identification of key technologies that will be used to create products and services of the Neural Network;

To extend these decisions within the framework of intergovernmental agreements and the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to the entire world market, including taking into account decisions in the EU.

Ensuring the coordination of actions of public authorities at various levels, development institutions, investors and professional communities for the development of Neural networks;

Creating a conceptual framework for public-private partnership on the development of the Neural Network;

Definition of a strategic vector for the development and adjustment of the regulatory framework in matters related to the Neural Network, including training and retraining of personnel, the creation of new educational standards.


Development of natural language understanding technology, deep machine learning, personal electronic assistants.

Development of neurointerfaces and virtual and augmented reality technologies in teaching; educational programs and devices on neurotechnologies, devices for strengthening memory and analyzing the use of brain resources.

Development of neuroprosthetics of sensory organs; development of technical means of rehabilitation for the disabled with the use of neurotechnologies; means of robotherapy with biofeedback; multimodal, interactive, adaptive neural interfaces for the mass consumer with an increase in the volume of transmitted information.

Neuro-entertainment and sports
Development of brain fitness, games using neurogajets, neurodeveloping games.

Neuro-communications and marketing
Development of neuromarketing technologies, prediction of mass and individual behavioral effects based on neuro- and biometric data; decision support systems; technologies for identifying the nearest emotionally colored locations for the formation of resource states; technologies for optimizing body processes during collective activity.

Development of gene and cell therapy and correction; early diagnosis, treatment and prevention of neurodegenerative diseases; enhancement of cognitive abilities of healthy people.

"Roadmaps" are strategic planning documents containing a set of measures that are interconnected by tasks, deadlines, performers and resources. The main categories of roadmaps activities are the creation, development and promotion of technologies, products and services that ensure the priority positions of Russian companies in emerging markets.

Action plan ("road map") Neuronet

Regulatory roadmap

In 2017, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1184 of September 29, 2017 approved the Regulation on the development and implementation of action plans ("road maps") to improve legislation and eliminate administrative barriers in order to ensure the implementation of STI. The main executor for the implementation of the NTI "regulatory roadmaps" identified working groups and the NTI infrastructure centers being created

"Regulatory roadmap" Neuronet

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Nov 8, 2022
The Neuronet Roadmap was approved by Protocol No. 1 of 02/28/2022 by absentee voting of the members of the Presidium of the Government Commission for Economic Modernization and Innovative Development of Russia.

https ://ДК%20Нейронет.pdf

to the minutes of the meeting of the Interdepartmental Working Group on Development and Implementation National Technology Initiative Under the Government Commission for Economic Modernization and Innovative Development of Russia
No. 1 dated January 21 , 2021

Action plan ("road map")
National Technology Initiative

I. Passport of the action plan ("road map")

Name of the working group
(head and (or) co-heads of the working group)

Responsible federalexecutive authority
Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

Interested federal executive authorities
Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, Ministry of Labor of Russia,
Ministry of Finance of Russia, Fund for Assistance to the Development
of Small Forms of Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere, JSC "RVC"

The objectives of the action plan (roadmap) are to form a globally competitive Russian segment of the Neural network market by 2035, ensuring the emergence of at least 10 national "champion companies"

List of target indicators of the action plan ("roadmap")

Target indicator 1. "Number of Neural networks Centers";
Target indicator 2. "Number of laboratories in Neural Network Centers";
Target 3. "Number of clubs of young neuromodelists";
Target 4. "Number of PCT foreign applications";
Target 5. "The number of small enterprises in the Neuronet market";
Target indicator 6. "The number of medium-sized enterprises in the Neuronet market";
Target indicator 7. "The volume of the Russian market";
Target 8. "Export volume Russian high-tech products for DC Neuronet".

Stages and terms of implementation of the first stage (2016-2018)
Second stage (2019-2025)
The third stage (2026-2035)

Directions of implementation of the action plan ("roadmap")
"Neuro-entertainment and sports";
"Neurocommunications and marketing";

The total amount of financial support for the main stages, including the assessment of the volume of state support implementation of measures
10.5 billion rubles

II. Targets and indicators of the action plan ("roadmap")

1. A brief description of the scope of the implementation of the action plan ("road map"), including information about the markets arising from the implementation of the action plan ("road map"), changes in the industries within the scope of the implementation of the action plan ("road map"), information about the expected socio-economic effects of the implementation of the action plan ("road map") in the medium and long term and on measures to improvement of legal and technical regulation in order to ensure the implementation of the action plan ("roadmap").

1.1.Brief description of the emerging market

The next technological revolution will be associated with Neural network technologies and a significant increase in labor productivity, including through the integration of knowledge about the functions of the human brain and its capabilities with computers and the digital technosphere as a whole.

The neural network will become the next stage of the Internet development, in which the interaction of participants ("human-human", "human-machine") will be carried out using new neurocomputer interfaces in addition to traditional ones, and computers will become neuromorphic (similar to the brain) based on hybrid digital-analog architectures.

In addition to the above trends, the emergence of social neural networks and full-fledged hybrid human-machine intelligence is predicted.

The use of Neuronet technologies in the field of education will dramatically increase the volume and speed of assimilation of new knowledge, while the development of technologies in the field of neurofitness, optimization of perception and memory processes will lead to a significant strengthening and expansion of human cognitive abilities.

Application of Neuronet technologies in the field of neuroeconomics, neuro-communications and marketing, integration of advanced scientific
developments in the field of neurocognitive sciences that determine patterns of human behavior, and data processing technologies by means of AI it will create platforms and services to support accepted business decisions of various directions, from the management of specific business processes to the management of social capital of subjects of economic and state interaction. This will increase the efficiency and competitiveness of the economy, accelerate economic growth and improve the quality of life and personal well-being of a person.

In the field of medicine, technologies will be created that allow the use of artificial limbs and expand human sensory capabilities. At the same time, effective targeted biomarkers and drugs for
the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, including schizophrenia, depression, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and other age-related dementias are expected to appear in the ten-year future.

Note: when implementing all the activities of the program, if necessary, assess the degree of impact of the trends of the Neuronet market segments on the Helsnet roadmap, and the Neuronet roadmap on the Helsnet roadmap (in terms of specialized products and technologies). ..."

[ "Helsnet" is the Russian one - but, obviously, it's not just her, it's all copied from WEF, MIT and so on - a roadmap for "healthcare" ("neuro" pills, vaxx, gene therapy, modification, etc.) ]

continues later..



Nov 8, 2022
So, in the roadmap that was approved a few days after the start of the "war":
The Neuronet Roadmap was approved by Protocol No. 1 of 02/28/2022 by absentee voting of the members of the Presidium of the Government Commission for Economic Modernization and Innovative Development of Russia.
to the minutes of the meeting of the Interdepartmental Working Group on Development and Implementation National Technology Initiative Under the Government Commission for Economic Modernization and Innovative Development of Russia
No. 1 dated January 21 , 2021
Who are the key global actors and what is Rus ' attitude towards them?

https ://ДК%20Нейронет.pdf
[pages 3 and 4]

"1.2. Description of the main participants of the emerging market
1.2.1. Key international participants of the emerging market

Technology companies, research centers, universities, foundations, regions, universities, corporations, etc. and the strategy of interaction with them. <--- [:oops::cool:]

Lundbeck, Biogen, UCB, Merck KGaA, Sanofi, Dainippon Sumitomo, Intuitive Surgical (Da Vinci), Hocoma (Lokomat, Armeo), Ekso Bionics, Cochlear Corporation, Canon, Emotiv, Facebook, Google, Go Pro, HTC, Microsoft, NeuroSky, Samsung, Sony, Neurosky, Interaxon (Muse), Macrotellect, GreatLakeNeuroTechnologies, G.Tec (Intendix), MyndPlay, Home Of Attention, Focus Pocus, BrightHouse (USA), Olson Zaltman Associates (USA), Neurosense Limited (UK), Nielsen (USA), NeurocoLtd. (UK), Neuro Insight (Australia), Retail Branding (Australia), Lucid Systems (USA), EmSence (USA), Google, Apple, Microsoft, IBM, Facebook, Baidu, Amazon, Nuance, Intelli-response, Next IT, Creative Virtual, SRI International"

[- I don't know why they wrote Facebook, Google and Microsoft twice, ask them. Will they "interact" with them a lot, double?-]

continues, page 4:
https ://ДК%20Нейронет.pdf

"1.2.2. Key Russian participants of the emerging market

Technology companies, research centers, universities, foundations, regions, universities, corporations, etc. and the strategy of interaction with them.

NextGen LLC (hereditary neurodegenerative diseases), Avneiro (Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia), Biointegrator (multiple sclerosis), Generium Medical and Biological Center, SilverpHarm Innovative Pharmaceutical Company LLC (neuropathies and demyelinating diseases of the peripheral nervous system), Medical Computer Systems LLC, LLC "Neurobotics", LLC "Neurosoft", LLC"Medicom-LTD", LLC "Mizar", LLC "ATES-Medica", LLC "Neurocom", LLC "Exoathlet", Fibrum, LLC "Bitronics", LLC "Neuromatics", LLC "Wikium", JSC "Neurotrend", LLC "Mind Mining", Yandex, LLC "Persona, GC Newvizhin, MDT, LLC"NeuroChat", LLC "Neurotonus", LLC "AI ES JI Neuro", Innopraktika,Seldon, Association "National Champions".

1.3. Information about the global context of the emergence of a new market
1.3.1. Global technological trends and transformational changes in traditional industries caused by the introduction of end-to-end technologies that are within the scope of the implementation of the action plan ("roadmap")

Trends and transformational changes in the directions: developments related to an orderly increase in the efficiency of the basic tasks of the market with the use of end-to-end technologies, the introduction of products to the market, applications and obtaining intellectual property rights, attracting financing for startups.

The increasing digitalization of all aspects of human life leads to the emergence of an increasing number of digital platforms (super applications) for the provision of services; the development of communications via the Internet, using various wearable devices leads to the need to create new human-machine means of communication.

These features of the development of the economy and human society are reflected in the emergence of new products and services around the world, an increase in investment in research and development, an increase in mentions in the media.

1.3.2. Global political, economic, social, environmental and regulatory trends

Strengthening the role of neurotechnologies in economic models of the future requires a separate close study. It seems most promising to further reduce the costs of process logistics, increase the share of remote communication, etc.

The strengthening of the role of neurotechnologies in the task of developing society is dictated by the need to provide quality services to the end user.

1.4. Segmentation of the emerging market, assessment of competitiveness and growth rates of segments in their current form

Key market segments:

"Neuro-entertainment and sports";
"Neurocommunications and marketing";

1.5. The main directions of the implementation of the action plan ("roadmap")
1.5.1. Creation, development and promotion of advanced technologies, products and services that ensure the priority positions of Russian companies in emerging global markets.

1) "Neuromedtechnics"

The market of artificial organs, prosthetic limbs and sensory organs, as well as neurorehabilitation systems is the forerunner of the NeuroMed Technology market.
By 2035, it is planned to develop prototypes of neural interfaces integrated into exoskeletons, prostheses, wheelchairs, and a smart home;
neurorehabilitation systems for recovery after stroke, brain injuries, neurodegenerative diseases;
neuromodulation devices for the treatment of a wide range of diseases of the nervous system.

Within the NeuroMed Technology segment to By 2035 , it is planned to introduce neuroprosthetics of sensory organs and limbs exceeding biological prototypes in their parameters; to create life support systems and brain interface, including in the future during its transplantation into an artificial body.

2) "Neuropharma"

The market of drugs for the treatment of diseases of the nervous system is the predecessor of the Neuro Pharma market, as it is mainly focused on the treatment of symptomatic nature. The products of the Neuro Pharma segment can be defined as means of restoring neurocognitive functions in neurological patients and means
of enhancing cognitive abilities in healthy people.

By 2035, a number of services will be provided in the Neuro Pharma market: early diagnosis, correction, treatment and prevention of diseases of the nervous system (such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, depressive states,schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, traumatic brain injury); strengthening
the cognitive abilities of healthy people, taking into account professional specialization and personal characteristics

3) "Neuroeducation"

In this case, we mean an education system based on patterns and the use of neurocognitive mechanisms for acquiring new knowledge, learning and memory, as well as data on individual human predispositions and brain plasticity, the use of neurocomputer interfaces, elements of virtual and augmented reality, hybrid intelligence.

Currently, the products and services of the market Neuroeducation is developing in such segments as distance learning
, lifelong learning, mass open online courses, blended learning, as well as innovative models of additional education.

The priorities are the creation of educational and laboratory places for schoolchildren and students based on neurotechnologies of enhanced perception, optimized memorization and enhancement of cognitive functions, and by 2035 - the full use of integrated systems of natural and artificial intelligence.

4) "Neuro-entertainment and sports"

The segment of neuro-entertainment and sports can be divided into the following sub-segments, which are already developing:

entertainment (games, entertainment gadgets, systems of interaction with virtual and augmented reality); biometrics (the market of wearable electronic devices);

evaluation devices and training of cognitive abilities;

devices for monitoring and tracking potentially dangerous psychoemotional states in real time;

devices for self-determination (conducting selections based on objective predisposition data based on EEG;

assistance in identifying optimal areas of effort;

analysis of the level of involvement;

a platform for the interaction of products within all segment projects, exchange, storage, analysis and provision of data;

non-invasive autonomous systems for obtaining biometric data from the nervous system and other physiological data.

The product of 2035 will be a large-scale gaming platform that constantly interacts with the user. The platform will continuously monitor functional, psycho-emotional states, assess the cognitive background of the user's current activity. Based on the data obtained, non-invasive stimulation of users will be carried out to achieve the necessary conditions. The platform will work according to the game format, the format of permanent trainings.

5) "Neurocommunications and marketing"

Today, the market of neuro-communication is in the process of formation. There are no comprehensive solutions in the world that allow for a full-fledged analysis of the process of perception by the consumer (user) of an ever-increasing information flow. At the same time, such information is needed, for example, for marketing research, the development of the film industry, political and social research, the creation of television content, independent projects (DYI), design, advertising.

By 2035 , the following products are projected to appear on the neuromarketing market:

automated systems for calculating neurometrics and systems for analyzing categories of states based on neurodata;

prototypes of cheap scalable systems for removing neurometrics (boxed solutions);

wearable devices for automatic detection of emotional status;

decision support systems;

human – pets communication systems;

neurocommunication systems "man–man", "man–machine", "man–society";

decision-making forecasting systems, social neural networks.

6) "NeuroAssistant"

The predecessor of the NeuroAssistant market is the market of the very first intelligent virtual assistants designed to understand the current needs of the user and search for solutions on the Internet, cloud services. The virtual assistant market covers the B2B and B2C sectors.

By 2035, the virtual assistant market will be a multi-level network of interacting intelligent services.

All together, electronic assistants will be part of the "global secretariat", minimizing all transaction costs for finding services, goods, personnel, coordinating the interests and personal schedules of employees and business partners. In these developing areas, there will be a tendency for a rapid increase in neuromorphic computing algorithms and

The transition from the predecessor markets to full-fledged segments of the neural network market can be carried out provided that the relevant technological barriers are overcome and the action plan is successfully implemented (section VI). The existing competitive advantages (scientific and technological background and experience of companies), as well as the experience of developing the IT market in Russia, indicate the possibility of implementing an innovative scenario for the development of the neural network market. Among the barriers facing the emerging market, it is worth noting not only scientific, technological and infrastructural, but also ethical restrictions that will be overcome if successful implementation of measures aimed, among other things, at popularizing the neural network market.
[- What are these guys talking about?! Covid "crisis"? "The climate crisis"? The financial, energy, "disinformation crisis"?! -]

1.5.2. Gradual improvement of the regulatory framework in order to eliminate barriers to the use of advanced technological solutions and create a system of incentives for their implementation

1.5.3. Improving the education system to meet the prospective staffing needs of dynamically developing companies, scientific and creative teams involved in the creation of new global markets

The main directions of the action plan ("roadmap")
1) "Improvement of the education system for directions 1)-6) of section 1.5.1"

A brief description of the direction of the action plan ("roadmap")
Improving the education system for all areas of the "roadmap". The reference segment is "Neuroeducation".

1.5.4. Development of the system of professional communities and popularization of the National Technological Initiative Title of the direction of the action plan ("roadmap")
1) "Popularization for directions 1)-6) of Section 1.5.1"

A brief description of the direction of the action plan ("roadmap")
A cross-cutting popularization event for all directions of the "roadmap"

1.5.5. Organizational, technical, expert and analytical support, information support of the National Technological Initiative

The name of the direction of the action plan ("road map")
1) "Organizational-technical and expert-analytical support, information support for directions 1)-6)
of section 1.5.1"

Brief description of the direction of the action plan
A cross-cutting event for all directions of the roadmap. Interaction with the NTI Working Group and the expert community of NTI "Neuronet"

1.5.6. Creation of acceleration mechanisms for companies of the National Technology Initiative and mechanisms for export promotion of the products being created

The name of the direction of the action plan ("roadmap")
1) "Acceleration of projects for directions 1)-6) of section 1.5.1"

A brief description of the direction of the action plan ("roadmap")
Measures to accelerate promising projects and technologies for all areas of the "roadmap" Measures to develop
cooperation with the Central Committee, CI, NSC, support for patenting.

1.6. Expected socio-economic effects from the implementation of the action plan ("roadmap") in the medium and long term


1. Increasing life expectancy through the development of innovative and import-substituting medicines for the diagnosis and treatment of the most common diseases
of the nervous system.

2. Improving the quality of life of people with disabilities and the disabled through the development of neuroprostheses of the upper extremities (bioprosthesis of the hand), locomotor-active prostheses of the lower extremities, receptors and elements of the sensory organs (cochlear implant, artificial retina) and the development of technological devices for the care and rehabilitation of patients, including a wheelchair with a control function via a neurointerface,
an exoskeleton brush for neurorehabilitation, etc.

3. Increasing the availability of medical services through the development of remote monitoring tools for patients in the treatment and rehabilitation of diseases of the nervous system in the clinic or at home.

4. Improving the quality of education through the development of new methods of early career guidance for schoolchildren and methods of "neurotraining" in educational programs.

5. Improving the quality of medical services in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system, preventing severe and irreversible changes in the brain and spinal cord in a number of pathological conditions and significantly improving the results of treatment and prevention of a number of acute and chronic brain and spinal cord injuries in high-risk groups.

6. Increasing the level of employment of the population by creating jobs in high-tech industries, expanding remote forms of joint activity, increasing the working age due to advances in the field of neural network technologies.

7. Increasing the number of highly qualified specialists in the field of neural network technologies (neurosurgery, neurobiology, diseases of the nervous system, neuroinformational technologies, materials science, robotics with neural interfaces).

8. Improving the quality of life of the population by creating software and hardware complexes for monitoring and tracking health and psycho-emotional states.

9. Digitalization of economic services using Neuronet technologies will reach at least 30% of the total quantity

10. Neuronet technologies will reduce social tension and its consequences arising in connection with the pandemic in 2020.

1.7. Measures to improve technical regulation in order to ensure the implementation of the action plan ("roadmap")

Within the framework of section 1.5.2
2. Information on strategic planning documents related to the category being developed at the federal level, according to the sectoral and territorial principle, as well as within the framework of forecasting, the provisions of which are taken into account when developing the action plan ("roadmap").

Support of the "market in exchange for innovation" directions
Support for the directions of technical transfer centers
Support for patenting, taking into account industry specifics within the segments of the Neuronet Roadmap (for example, the fight against "green patents" within the Neuropharma segment)."

this is up to Page 11; continues later....

//Meanwhile, alternative media: "Russia is fighting the globalists/bankers/global trusts/WEF/Satanists/technocrats/ transhumanists! Russia defends traditional and Christian values. Putin takes care of his people!"
:rolleyes::D //


Nov 8, 2022
https ://ДК%20Нейронет.pdf

page 13
1. Information about the scientific and technical reserve formed in the Russian Federation for the implementation of the action plan ("roadmap").

Russian scientific organizations have a significant scientific and technological reserve and the necessary competencies to implement the roadmap of the NeuroNet market. The main part of research in the field of neurotechnology in the Russian Federation is carried out in research institutes and universities. Commercial organizations actively participate in applied developments, they account for about 20% of the volume of research and development performed.

The total budget financing of projects in the field of neuroscience and neurotechnology with competitive instruments provided by executive authorities and development institutions in 2013-2015 amounted to about 3.6 billion rubles. The largest amount of support was provided within the framework of the Federal Target Program "Development of the pharmaceutical and Medical Industry of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020 and beyond" (1.2 billion rubles), the Russian Science Foundation (1 billion rubles) and within "Research and development in priority areas of development of the scientific and technological complex of Russia for 2014-2020" (0.9 billion rubles under the current and previous programs).

An analysis of the budget financing of research at various stages shows that applied research accounts for significantly less funding (0.6 billion rubles) than basic and exploratory research (1.35 billion rubles) and R&D (1.5 billion rubles).

With the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, drugs for treatment and diagnostic tools are being developed neurodegenerative diseases, drugs for the restoration of innervation, including preclinical and clinical studies are supported. Projects are being funded to develop radiopharmaceuticals aimed at diagnosing disorders of cerebral circulation.

Significant funding has been allocated for the development of brain-computer interfaces – at the same time, more than 10 projects are being implemented to develop medical complexes for rehabilitation, exoskeletons, and prostheses.

The instruments of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia support projects aimed at the development of scientific infrastructure in the field of neurotechnology (the creation of scientific laboratories, the development of biological collections and unique scientific installations), funding in 2013-2015 amounted to about 0.6 billion rubles.

Research in the direction of basic biomorphic neural network architectures of artificial cognitive systems is carried out by a whole network of leading universities and research centers, institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Fundamental and applied research in the field of the biology of the nerve cell, synaptic connection, neuroplasticity and the biological foundations of learning and memory are conducted by: The Scientific Center of Neurology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the Department of Neuroscience of the Kurchatov Institute Research Center, the Biological Faculties of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod State University, biologo-soil Faculty of St. Petersburg State University, A.B. Kogan Research Institute of Neurocybernetics of the Southern Federal University, Center for Neurocognitive Research Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University, Academician N.N. Burdenko Research Institute of Neurosurgery Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology Russian Academy of Sciences, P.K. Anokhin Research Institute of Normal Physiology, Institute of Cytology of the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Cell Biophysics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Human Brain of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ioffe Institute of Physics and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Kazan Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Developments in the field of biological materials science (synthesis, crystallization, study of the structure and properties of biological objects) and organic systems are conducted at the A.V. Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Neural architectures of the brain the brain and nervous system as a whole are studied in the works of the Department of Neuroscience The Kurchatov Institute Research Center, the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the P.K. Anokhin Research Institute of Normal Physiology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the I.P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Human Brain Institute Russian Academy of Sciences, A.B. Kogan Research Institute of Neurocybernetics of the Southern Federal University.

The organization of sensory systems and pattern recognition by living organisms is the subject of research by the I.P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry. Academicians M.M. Shemyakin and Yu.A. Ovchinnikov of the Russian Academy of Sciences, N.M. Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics Russian Academy of Sciences. Motor systems of living organisms are the subject of the works of the I.M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as the Institute of Immunology and Physiology of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The physiology of emotions is studied at the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Neurogenetics and neurogenomics are the focus of the Scientific Center's activities Neurology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Gene Biology Russian Academy of Sciences, I.P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology Russian Academy of Sciences. The development, neurodegeneration and restoration of the nervous system are studied at the Scientific Center of Neurology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the N.K. Koltsov Institute of Developmental Biology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the I.M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Neural network models of information processing in brain structures are being created at the Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Problems of Information Transmission named after
A. A. Harkevich of the Russian Academy of Sciences, A. B. Kogan Research Institute of Neurocybernetics of the Southern Federal University. These and a number of other laboratories of a comparable level represent a reserve on which you can rely with the participation of The Russian Federation in the deployment of a network of technology centers A world-class neural network.

Relatively actively developing areas related to IT within the framework of the neural network in Russia are areas in the field of artificial intelligence development and work with big data, semantics data processing, processing of arrays of biodata. They are well represented in a number of laboratories, and are also supported by some large companies.

Fundamental research in the field of neuroscience in the Russian Federation Federations are not sufficiently developed in comparison with the leading Western countries, although separate studies are being conducted to study the work of the brain, studies of the patterns of brain disease, single work in the field of optogenetics, single work in the field of neuroprosthetics.

2. Risk assessment of the implementation of the action plan ("roadmap") and information about the tools to minimize them.

Technological risks

1. Technological lag in the areas of neural network technologies, reduced activity or lack of activities aimed at technology transfer, the use of fundamental and applied research in the interests of market segments.

page 16

The way to minimize the risk is the successful implementation of the patent–related research program.

2. Technological lag in the development of products of market segments of the NeuroNet market (Neuropharma, Neuromedicine, Neuroeducation, neuro-communication and marketing, neuro-entertainment and sports, NeuroAssistents).

The way to minimize risk is to create an investment–attractive environment for the implementation of projects, the implementation of priority projects of market segments based on overcoming technological barriers and unique scientific achievements.

Macroeconomic risks

1. A decline in business activity and a slowdown in economic growth.

The way to minimize risk is to stimulate additional demand from the state and companies with state participation and implement measures aimed at introducing and popularizing products and technologies of the NeuroNet market, as well as measures aimed at developing the export of products of the NeuroNet market and import substitution.

Other risks

1. The lack of work with regulatory legal acts in terms of the sale of products and services created in the segments of the NeuroNet market.

The way to minimize risk is the implementation of coordinated measures aimed at improving the regulatory framework.

Due to the significant presence of a large number of foreign companies in traditional markets, special attention should be paid to the formation of the fundamental documents of the industry.

2. The absence (full or partial) of measures to support the implementation plan of measures (III) may lead to non-fulfillment of the Neuronet Roadmap

Ways to minimize risk – implementation of additional measures from the number of
Performers under section III.


3. The risk of a shortage of professional staff.
The way to minimize risk is the development of a personnel training system based on the deployment of a mass movement of young neuromodelists, starting from school, creating conditions for the influx of personnel into a new industry, popularizing professions for a new technological way, creating coordination and educational centers.


Nov 8, 2022
November 25, 2022
Sberbank and the Moscow region authorities will open Russia's first AI Transformation Center in the region

Sberbank and the government of the Moscow Region will open Russia's first AI Transformation Center in the region on the basis of the Ministry of Public Administration, Information Technology and Communications of the Moscow Region.

As a result of the joint work of Sberbank and the Moscow region, pilot projects were successfully carried out in the Moscow region in terms of monitoring the state of the air, forests and a number of other socially significant areas using artificial intelligence technologies. The projects have shown their effectiveness and received high internal evaluation.

The Moscow Region, on its own and with the involvement of business, has also implemented and is implementing a number of successful projects, using AI technology in the field of working with residents' appeals, housing and communal services, control and supervisory activities, transport and healthcare.

"We have done a lot of work in close cooperation with the Moscow Region, the region occupies a leading position among the subjects of Russia in terms of introducing modern technologies to solve problems both in the field of public administration and control and supervisory activities, and in sectoral tasks performed by relevant ministries. We shared with them Sberbank's experience in creating an organizational structure for the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies into the work of departments at all levels and provide methodological support to the region both in the consulting part and in solving specific tasks. I believe that the launch of the AI Transformation Center in the Moscow Region will serve as an example for other subjects and the beginning of a large-scale implementation of AI throughout the country," said German Gref, President, Chairman of the Management Board of Sberbank.

To further analyze the effect of the introduction of AI solutions in the region, their unification and scaling on the basis of the Ministry of Public Administration, Information Technology and Communications of the Moscow Region, an AI Transformation Center of the region will be created with the consulting and analytical support of Sberbank. The Center will develop, pilot and implement AI-based solutions for solving applied and social issues in the region.

"Leadership in digital transformation is fundamentally important for the Moscow region. Smart technologies make it possible to solve people's problems faster and more efficiently, change the quality and availability of public services. We have already implemented 6 projects based on artificial intelligence, which are well known to residents, — said the governor of the Moscow region Andrey Vorobyov. — For example, the Svetlana robot will record you for a doctor's appointment without any problems, and the Dobrodel system will promptly send your request to the right performer. The robot performs processes that require a lot of time and effort from a person in seconds — this is one of the main advantages. By the end of the year, we plan to "entrust" artificial intelligence with a number of tasks: to check the condition of apartment buildings, monitor roads, read medical images, make a smart public transport schedule, ensure safety on railways and monitor the dumping of construction debris."

Sberbank as the competence center of the federal project "Artificial Intelligence" and a party to the agreement with the Government of the Russian Federation on the development of the high-tech industry "Artificial Intelligence" is actively involved in the implementation of the National Strategy for the Development of AI until 2030."


December 8, 2022 • Partner Material
Startups, state services and the IT community. How Gazprombank works with innovations

Innovation today is a vital tool for competitive superiority and growth in the market. We learned from Gazprombank about the implementation of innovative solutions and the promotion of innovative culture, as well as what benefits it brings to business.

For more than a year, Gazprombank (GPB) has had a separate division that manages innovative projects, helping to create new ones and optimize existing ones. The Center for the Development of Technological Innovations (CRTI) was created with the aim of scaling and implementing new solutions. As a rule, the work of companies with innovations consists in piloting startups and venture financing, but Gazprombank went further. So, to date, the CRTI has three major areas of activity:

launch of pilot projects for the bank's business units, search for startups and innovative ideas of employees;

support for the implementation of government digital services;

development of internal IT communities and culture of innovation, promotion of Gazprombank's innovative brand in the external environment.

Working with startups
Work in the Research and Development (R& D) direction of the CRTI includes monitoring and analysis of innovation activities inside and outside the company, search and testing of various technological and innovative solutions. The Center can put forward both independent initiatives, form initiatives based on the ideas of employees, and fulfill specific requests received from other divisions of the bank. For example, a chatbot platform with AI was introduced on the corporate portal of the bank, which allowed to reduce the number of calls to the first support line by 56%.

CRTI cooperates with promising startups, implementing their solutions and technologies in the company and embedding them in intrabank processes. Recent closed initiatives include a voice robot, an agency platform, and speech analytics.
Government digital services
In many ways, the unique direction of the CRTI's work — Government Technology (GRtech) — implies the bank's participation in digital government initiatives. "The main thing here is that the bank has become a proactive participant in the state news from the executor of state mandated projects. We are not waiting for the law to come into force and we will have to implement it, because it is necessary, and we, as an organization, participate in the formation of how this or that project will be implemented in the future, even before the adoption of any regulations," Koval emphasizes.

According to him, any innovations cannot exist outside the legal field and the CRTI is a kind of link between Gazprombank and state regulators when implementing digital projects.

In this context, it is important that part of the Center's team has a background in government agencies, in particular in the blocks that deal with digital initiatives. This means that they know exactly how such services and initiatives work in practice.

Among the key projects of the Center in the direction of GRtech are testing a prototype of the digital ruble, integration into the open API environment, development of digital mortgages, confirmation of the UNEP through the public services portal, use of the digital profile of legal entities, development of the technology of distributed registries "Masterchain" and much more. "The state in Russia is one of the key players in terms of innovation, and now we have more than 50 projects related to state initiatives," explains the head of the CRTI. Thanks to active participation in pilot projects of the state, Gazprombank has the opportunity not only to contribute to the creation of digital public infrastructure, but also to be one of the first to test the latest technologies of the state. The implementation of such solutions allows the bank to maintain a leading position, and customers (both individuals and legal entities) to receive first—class service. ..."



Nov 8, 2022
December 21, 2022
Russia's first 3D printing factory opened in Moscow

The first 3D printing factory in Russia has opened in Moscow. Deputy Mayor Natalia Sergunina announced its opening at the Strogino technopark on the official website of the mayor of the capital.

"More than 200 state-of-the-art 3D printers are involved at the site. Their capacity is sufficient not only for the production of trial batches of products, but also for mass production. Cases for electronics and other components are already being made there to replace imported analogues," the deputy mayor said.

The capabilities of the factory allow us to produce products of various sizes and shapes. On average, it takes up to five days to produce a small batch.

Earlier, Muscovites were listed relevant vacancies in the industry. Enterprises are looking for specialists for working, engineering, administrative and IT positions.

"The Moscow Transport Museum has the largest collection of historical urban equipment. The museum's collections contain more than 250 exhibits — cars and trucks, taxis, buses, trolleybuses, cars of city services, legendary "one-and-a-half" and "three-ton", bicycle and motorcycle equipment.

The quantity and quality of the collected exhibits put the collection of the Moscow Transport Museum on a par with the famous transport museums of the world in Lucerne, London, New York and Beijing.

The main themes of the Museum
We change and the space around us changes. Our task is to create an up—to-date environment for communication and informed dialogue about the future of the city in a global context.
We will talk about the key ecological role of urban transport in the future of the city and the planet, "green technologies", a reasonable attitude to the climate, to ourselves and to each other."

New space
"In the new space, the Museum will become a multifunctional cultural center, an interactive theater that immerses viewers in the history of transport and its future, a territory of cross-cultural projects and vibrant collaborations.

We will tell the story of the city and its inhabitants through the prism of legendary transport facilities. We will include visitors in a dialogue about ecology, the principles of sustainable development of society, and people-to-people communication. And this conversation will begin before the updated exhibition concept is implemented. The museum is already active at various venues in Moscow"

Oksana Bondarenko
Director of the Moscow Transport Museum




Nov 8, 2022
November 21, 2022

"The final beneficiary is a person": why Gazprombank is building an office of the future

Russian business in 2022 faced unprecedented turbulence in recent years. In the new realities, the ability to manage risks and take care of employees, which are the basis of the company's functioning, become a priority. Inc. tells how Gazprombank copes with these tasks using the concept of a sustainable office.

New business philosophy
Throughout its history, Gazprombank (GPB) has remained a bank with high social responsibility, introducing sustainable development in its company. And the consolidation of ESG principles at the management level and in internal regulatory documents for him was a logical continuation of the long-chosen path.

The country's third largest bank by assets began formalizing its actions in ESG even before the pandemic. This is because the company's management understood that for sustainable development for years and decades to come, attracting new partners, hiring talented employees and preserving their own reputation, it is necessary not only to follow the principles of responsible and transparent business conduct, environmental friendliness and social orientation, but also to actively talk about their achievements in this area.

In confirmation of the declared Sustainable Development Goals in 2021, GPB became a signatory to the UN Principles of Responsible banking.

At the same time, many people in the financial market and not only had difficulties understanding why it was necessary to implement ESG tools in management at all. After all, it would seem that this involves a time-consuming restructuring of internal business processes, and only the next generations will feel the effect of such investments. The pandemic has dotted the I's. She showed that during the covid, employees in all areas of business in Russia and abroad faced an unprecedented level of stress due to global uncertainty, remoteness and fear of getting sick. However, the experience of GPB has demonstrated that taking care of employees and their health within the framework of ESG initiatives helps to reduce stress levels, win their loyalty in turbulent times, as well as find promising personnel to solve new tasks for the market.

In 2022, when the Russian economy is going through difficult times, following the principles of ESG turned out to be an island of stability necessary for companies. In a political environment where large businesses and individuals are significantly dependent on external factors, the concept of sustainable development has become one of the few working opportunities to mitigate the consequences of long-term risks that have a direct impact on business. And retaining talented employees and increasing the flow of customers has become one of the difficult tasks that virtually all companies face. In order to perform this task more effectively, Gazprombank, within the framework of ESG initiatives, was the first in Russia (and possibly in the world) to implement its own concept of a "Sustainable Office", surpassing its analogues in scope and scale.

The principles that the business professes
By and large, on the world stage, you can find many examples of companies that are engaged in the development of their office space. However, usually the management tasks of large companies are limited to the principles of a "green office" — this is the introduction of environmental tools into the workspace, such as separate garbage collection, recycling of recyclables, saving water and energy resources, as well as reducing emissions into the atmosphere and working with suppliers in an ecological way.

The peculiarity of Gazprombank's concept is that it scaled up the idea of a "green office", supplementing it with other social and educational initiatives that are being prepared for launch or already existed separately in the bowels of the company.

In addition, the bank distributes this document to external spaces: client offices, forum sites. Thus, Gazprombank plans to create a comfortable and convenient environment not only for its employees, but also for external stakeholders. As a result, the trend concept of a "Sustainable Office" turned out, which, in addition to the traditional "green office", included several other important elements of modern business and caring for employees and society as a whole.

The first of these elements is a "Friendly Office". It accumulates intrabank initiatives aimed at making it physically and morally convenient for a person to work and stay in the office. This includes labor protection, increasing the transparency of personnel policy, and working on the inclusiveness of offices for both employees and clients. But "Friendly Office" is not only about work, but also about leisure and health of employees. In this part of the concept, the GPB pays attention to popularizing a healthy lifestyle among employees, as well as taking care of their mental well-being. So, the GPB Care service for providing free consultations of psychologists, lawyers and financial advisers started in the pandemic, and then was prolonged, proving its effectiveness. As a result, the program is still functioning and the company plans to expand it only.

The second important aspect of the concept of "Sustainable Office" is the education and enlightenment of employees. And not only from the point of view of improving their professional qualifications, but also from the position of encouraging their hobbies and personal interests.

"Despite the fact that the Bank conducts a significant number of training events for its clients, most educational initiatives are aimed specifically at employees. They allow you to acquire new skills that can be in demand both from the point of view of career development and from the point of view of private life," the bank explained.
In addition, the educational part of the concept includes increasing the level of knowledge of employees about sustainable development in general. The fact is that the ideas of ESG are not just the philosophy of the company, but in fact those classic basic values that most parents instilled in children from childhood (caring for nature, helping people in difficult life situations, etc.). However, now they have transformed and become more complicated, and they can not only be applied at home, but also to make part of the company's business processes. Educational programs help employees find the right point of application of forces within the organization.

Another task within the framework of the "Sustainable Office" that can be highlighted is the formation of a sustainable procurement chain. In this case, we are talking about interaction with the contractors of GPB employees who are engaged in procurement, and monitoring compliance with ethical, environmental and social norms and requirements.

Gazprombank has set quantitative goals in the stated areas, which it plans to achieve by the end of 2023, 2025 and 2030. For example, in 2030, 50% of the electricity supply to administrative offices in Moscow will have to come from "green" energy sources.

Not just a bank that stores money
However, a logical question arises: why invest in the development of a "Sustainable Office" in conditions of great uncertainty? Gazprombank is confident that now is the time to support this direction of corporate culture development. Firstly, the concept of a "Sustainable Office" allows you to increase employee loyalty and attract advanced personnel. The logic is this: if an employee is pleased to come to the office, he feels that he cares about himself, his future and the future of his children, and can also take care of colleagues himself, then this creates greater involvement in the company and responsibility for the results.

And secondly, an active generational change is taking place now. The share of young people is growing both among potential employees and among clients, in whose value system issues of ecology and social responsibility are very high. In such a situation, in order to remain attractive to new clients and job seekers, it is impossible to ignore the issues of sustainable development. "People already understand that we are not just a bank to which you can entrust your funds. We not only manage money for the benefit of customers, but at the same time we care about preserving opportunities for the development of future generations," explained Natalia Tretyak, First Vice President of Gazprombank.

Now one of Gazprombank's goals in the field of sustainable development is to transform all office spaces in Moscow for both employees and customers, as well as to achieve the established performance indicators of the program. And then extend the approach to divisions across the country so that all employees, clients and partners of GPB become familiar with the principles of sustainable development and can take advantage of modern office space.
However, as the bank noted, the concept can be transformed and scaled even more in the process. After all, this is a flexible system that, according to the idea, should be edited and adjusted to external realities — and they can change rapidly.

"There will always be circumstances that we cannot influence, but there are things that we can change. We are clearly aware of our responsibility to employees, therefore, as an employer, we continue to implement plans to implement the concept of sustainable development. The final consumer and the final beneficiary of our work is a person, and we plan to adhere to the principles of sustainable development, which have a positive impact on everyone's life," Natalia Tretyak added."
(In translation: "We start the social credit system with personal carbon credits (Environmental) and non-stop real-time monitoring for responsible behavior of clients and employees, including proper behavior on the internet (Socially Responsible Governance)..."

old news, from January 19
Digital Horizon named 7 new vectors of development of the fintech market

A team of experts from the investment company Digital Horizon named 7 fintech trends of 2022. They told how people will pay in the metaverse, what will replace big data and what is the role of fintech companies in the implementation of the ESG agenda.

"2021 was the year of a great qualitative shift in the global economy and set new vectors of development for the fintech market. We have all witnessed how the ongoing pandemic and increased social pressure have led to a significant expansion of the possibilities and applications of fintech solutions," said Alan Waxman, founder and managing Partner of Digital Horizon.

Trend 1. Democratization of the non-public assets market

Marketplaces for operations with shares of private companies, capital management tools or financing of new business models, including digital assets, are solutions that give retail investors the opportunity to earn more and make the non-public capital market more transparent.

Digital Horizon experts are convinced that the future of the sector largely depends on regulators. They can both restrict investors' access to the market of non-public assets, and find a balance between people's desire to earn more and their financial security. Regulators, instead of imposing new bans, will have to learn how to work in new realities, as more and more assets become digital and tokenized.

Trend 2. Products for the self-employed

The pandemic has accelerated the pace of implementation of the project format of cooperation between companies and independent performers. However, small and medium-sized businesses and the self-employed still face problems in obtaining financing, as many banks do not know how to work with someone who has a variable income.

Fintech companies are currently engaged in solving these tasks, creating scoring and credit solutions based on transactions on freelance platforms or tools for risk management and financial stability.

Digital Horizon is convinced that the principles of products for the self-employed will become mainstream and change approaches to scoring and decision-making on financing.

Trend 3. Fintech for Open Ecosystems

Now open ecosystems have become a new channel for distribution. They actively oppose marketplaces and other types of centralized platforms. The focus of competition has shifted towards data competition, speed and ease of alignment from individual product features. The trend is expressed in the active development of universal checkout services, embedded products for investment and a new layer of ecosystems based on fintechs.

Experts believe that independent players will continue to unite, financial market fragmentation will occur and specialization of fintech solutions will increase. Otherwise, the gap between the leaders from the number of closed ecosystems, centralized platforms and marketplaces will grow.

Trend 4. Post-big-data era

Data storage requires a lot of energy, not to mention the resources that are needed to ensure security in order to meet the requirements of regulators. At the same time, the information collected is often unrepresentative. To improve its quality, analysts of technology companies are developing a selective approach to data, Digital Horizon notes. For example, fintech solutions using synthetic data are now being developed.

In the future, either a centralized system will appear that will know everything about everyone, or specialization in data processing will increase. Then companies and consumers will buy signals that have weight in a certain scenario.

Trend 5. Tokenization of the real world

To overcome the crisis due to the pandemic, the real sectors of the world economy need additional funding. The capabilities of banks are limited by the requirements of the regulator regarding capital adequacy. Therefore, in order to attract investments from institutional and private investors, the real sector needs to restructure and tokenize its illiquid assets. At the moment, the infrastructure for digitizing rights and transactions with new asset classes is already being created.

In the future, tokenization will be deeply integrated with other business processes, Digital Horizon experts are convinced. This will lead to the creation of new financial products for solving non-standard cases.

Trend 6. Fintech for Metaverses

Consumption in the metaverse occurs in real time, and it is not limited to a single platform. To implement this, an infrastructure is needed that provides interoperability or interoperability, the foundations of which are laid by open ecosystems. Metaverses also present enhanced opportunities for personalizing interactions. In the future, there will be more financial products that line up at the user's request. The segment of reputation data management solutions will also grow.

Digital Horizon experts are convinced that in the future everything will depend on which path the creators of the metaverses will take. This can be either a completely decentralized path (with the extension of user rights in the field of data management) or a centralized path with control by developer companies.

Trend 7. "Green" fintech

Today, many companies are developing carbon neutrality programs, the industry is switching to "green" energy, and investors prefer "clean" projects and companies. The fintech industry is implementing solutions such as "carbon calculators" that calculate the user's personal carbon footprint, embeds automatic deductions for ESG purposes in payments, develops products for "green" investments and alternative b2b lending.

In the future, Digital Horizon experts believe, "green" fintech will become commonplace, but the question remains how soon this will happen. The trend will accelerate if society and regulators start demanding that ESG sustainability parameters be used in scoring and credit models and thereby influence financing decisions


Nov 8, 2022
10 banking innovations Finopolis 2022
14.11.22 22:00

This year, a whole city called Finoland has grown up at the Finopolis forum with its bank, supermarket, metro, museum, hospital and business center. A young IT specialist Dmitry agreed to take a walk with us through Finoland and test many banking services.

1. Digital Ruble
Forum visitors were the first to test the digital ruble in action. Everyone could open a digital demo wallet in the mobile application of the "almost real" Finoland Bank and carry out various operations: convert rubles from a non-cash account, transfer to other participants, replenish the wallet and, of course, pay for purchases.

It turned out to be easy to earn money in Finoland: rubles were accrued for completing simple competitive tasks, passing mini-quizzes, or even just like that, as a greeting (more on this below).

Here is a screenshot from Dmitry's wallet. Our hero purchased a real T-shirt, a notebook and a thermo cup from PSB on the demo of digital demorubles.

The real, not "demo" digital ruble will appear in 2023. And already at the forum, VTB Bank presented a prototype of a service for opening and replenishing a digital wallet, as well as transfers of digital rubles between individuals in the VTB Online mobile application.

If you still don't know what kind of digital ruble it is, read our article.

Face Id technology (face identification) is a common thing for Finoland and comes across at every step. Even at the entrance, visitors were "recognized" by biometrics and at the same time their body temperature was determined.

At the Atronic biometric terminal, having passed the Face Id, it was possible to "just like that" replenish the demo wallet for 100 digital rubles. Such terminals stood at each stand, so our hero's wallet was constantly replenished.

At the Finoland transport hub, with the help of biometric technologies, it was possible to "pass" passport control and "board" the plane.

The stand of the Moscow Credit Bank is particularly worth mentioning. At the counter with the telling name "About a person", the age and mood of the visitor were determined by biometric data. Dmitry was "considered" almost perfect – they added only one year.

5. The State Key platform.
At the stand of another credit institution – Rosselkhoznadzor – they talked about the State Key. This is the UKEP at the state level – a qualified electronic signature for making transactions. You can get it by having a biometric passport of a new sample and a phone with NFC. Download the mobile application "State Key" and form an electronic signature. This State Key can be used when concluding contracts, signing any documents with it. For example, when applying for a mortgage. Which makes mortgages probably more digital.

The state key has been using the Rosselkhoznadzor in its mortgage transactions for more than two months, and VTB announced this possibility at Finopolis. By the way, the Rosselkhoznadzor presented its housing service at its stand, where you can choose an apartment, a mortgage program and conduct a transaction just with the help of a State Key.

While Dima was being told about the State Key, Elvira Nabiullina [the head of the Central Bank of Russia, on the right with his glasses] approached the stand of the Rosselkhoznadzor. She was also interested.

6. FinTaxi. PSB
What is a city without a taxi? So Finoland has a virtual "taxi of the future". Dima, of course, tried himself as a racing taxi driver and earned the coveted digital rubles.

8. SBP in the subway. VTB
After taking a taxi and walking around Finoland on foot, Dmitry also decided to "ride" in the subway, where he encountered a new service. VTB, together with the Moscow Metro, demonstrated payment for a trip using a QR code through the SBP. To do this, you need to generate a QR code in the metro mobile application and attach the phone to the turnstile.

9 . Digital mortgage
They talked a lot about digital mortgages at Finopolis and demonstrated no less. We will note the solution from the Fintech Association using the Russian Masterchen registry distribution technology. The whole chain - choosing an apartment, insurance, obtaining a mortgage, registration with the Federal Register and mortgage registration - takes place online. Four banks are connected to the technology: Sovcombank, VTB, PSB, Gazprombank.

10. Blockchain from Fintech
We just can't help but say that. After all, Dima created his first transaction by painting over part of the picture and recorded it in the blockchain. With a start!

Finopolis is a forum of innovative financial technologies. The organizer is the Bank of Russia.
Bank of Russia
https ://
Digital Ruble
The digital ruble is a digital form of the Russian national currency that the Bank of Russia plans to issue in addition to existing forms of money.

After a wide public discussion of the initiative to create a digital ruble, the Bank of Russia has prepared a concept that provides for the use of a two-tier retail model.

https ://

It was also proposed to consider the use of a Unified Identification and Authentication System and a Unified biometric system when identifying a user for his registration on the digital ruble platform and opening a wallet. A number of respondents suggested using technologies that enable offline transactions between two devices (for example, NFC).

Taking into account these proposals, it was decided to implement the Digital Ruble project in the following stages:
• October 2020 – publication of the report for public consultations "Digital
ruble", prepared for the purpose of public discussion of the main aspects of the introduction
of the digital ruble.
• April 2021 – publication of the Concept of the digital ruble, which presents
the features of the implementation of the target model of the digital ruble.
• December 2021 – creation of a prototype of the digital ruble platform.
• January 2022 – development of draft amendments to the legislation of the Russian Federation.
• The first quarter of 2022 – the launch of testing a prototype of the digital ruble platform.

It is assumed that testing of the prototype of the digital ruble platform will be conducted jointly with financial market participants during 2022. Based on the test results, a roadmap for the implementation of the digital ruble target platform will be formed.

Stages of project implementation
December 2021 — creation of a prototype of the digital ruble platform.
2022 — testing of the prototype of the digital ruble platform and development of a roadmap for implementation, taking into account the test results.
2022 — development of legislation for the introduction of the digital ruble."

15 issues of digital financial assets worth 170 million rubles took place in Russia

According to the Central Bank, the number of applicants is growing

Nabiullina said that the time when banks were conservative is gone

The head of the Central Bank noted that technologies are constantly evolving and changing

Ministry of digital development agrees to enter into a project to test the digital ruble at the suggestion of the Central Bank

Since the beginning of 2022, the Bank of Russia with a group of 15 banks has been piloting operations on a prototype of the digital ruble platform

MOSCOW, November 11. /tass/. Ministry of digital development of the Russian Federation agrees to enter into the pilot project of the Bank of Russia on the digital ruble for the development of services with payment in digital currency. The consent was given by the Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation Maksut Shadaev during the plenary session of the forum of innovative financial technologies Finopolis.

"Maksut Igorevich, in honor of your birthday, I have a gift. I don't think you can refuse the Central Bank. We want to invite the Ministry of digital development to the digital ruble pilot, so that we can immediately provide digital services with payment in digital rubles. Do you agree?",Olga Skorobogatova, First Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia, addressed Shadaev.

"Yes," he replied.

Since the beginning of 2022, the Bank of Russia with a group of 15 banks has been piloting operations on a prototype of the digital ruble platform. From April 2023, the Central Bank plans to start testing the digital ruble with real customers.

About Digital Currency
The Central Bank of the Russian Federation presented the concept of the digital ruble in its report in mid-October 2020. It will take the form of a unique digital code that will be stored on a special electronic wallet, and the transfer of a digital ruble from one user to another will take place in the form of moving a digital code from one electronic wallet to another. The issue of the digital ruble will be carried out by the Bank of Russia. The owners of the money will be able to freely transfer rubles from one form to another."

The minister had great hesitation and almost disagreed, but in the end he changed his mind and everything ended happily for the Russian citizens, who will be able to rely on technological progress for their benefit.

Russia is in the game and with CBDCs.
RSHB: Biometrics is the most secure way to store identity

Nikolay Ulyanov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Rosselkhoznadzor, speaking at the Finopolis Forum, spoke about the most effective approaches in popularizing biometrics for the provision of banking services.
Rosselkhoznadzor has its own database of more than 500 thousand biometric casts. In many cases, biometrics is used by customers for additional identification during financial transactions, for example, as an additional authentication factor for spending transactions on deposits.

"We are not aware of successful cases of attacks using biometric data. Such a cybercrime would simply become too expensive. At the same time, many other identification methods are regularly subjected to fraudulent attacks. So biometrics is already perhaps the safest way to store identity. And when switching to a vector model, the process will become even more reliable. This is one of the most important factors in promoting biometrics as a method of identification in the banking industry," Nikolay Ulyanov said.

However, for the large-scale implementation of biometrics, additional efforts need to be made. And, probably, it will be most effective to promote not biometrics itself, but the convenience and simplicity of services obtained with the help of biometrics.

"They say that many people are afraid to hand over their biometrics, but millions already have biometric passports and no one really thinks about the technical side, people just need documents. I am sure that soon there will be many services that can be easily and quickly obtained thanks to biometrics, everyone will get used to it and biometrics will become part of everyday life as it is now, for example, SMS messages. Of course, the entire professional community will need to do a lot of work. But there is already such experience, for example, the creation and successful development of the SBP or the Mir payment system," Nikolay Ulyanov added.

The Finopolis Forum, held by the Bank of Russia in partnership with IT and financial market leaders, has become the country's largest platform for discussing and analyzing trends and opportunities for the use of modern digital technologies in the financial sector.

Sberbank: Green fintech in Russia needs domestic solutions and the formation of its own carbon market
November 14, 2022

Green fintech is part of the "big fintech" and is developing rapidly: according to experts, last year the volume of investments in the world reached 210 billion dollars. With such a high global pace of development, green fintech in Russia lacks domestic solutions, which in turn are still due to insufficient market demand. This was stated by Tatiana Zavyalova, Senior Vice President for ESG of Sberbank, at the section "Digitalization and the climate agenda" of the FINOPOLIS forum. During the discussion, big data for assessing climate risks, digital solutions in the sustainable financing market and prospects for the development of green fintech in new realities were discussed.

As Tatiana Zavyalova noted, ESG parameters are gradually becoming an integral part of scoring and credit models and are beginning to directly affect the provision of financing. However, in the future, another scenario is also possible, when green fintech will focus exclusively on applied tasks, such as reducing energy costs, switching to renewable energy sources and responsible consumption.

According to the speaker, the request for ESG today comes not only from business, but also from its customers: so, in the Savings Bank, the number of ESG-oriented customers has doubled and reached almost 15 million people. According to Tatiana Zavyalova, the Savings Bank plans to offer ESG customers special products with an ESG component, for example, a green mortgage. The bank has already developed a carbon calculator that calculates a user's personal carbon footprint based on their transportation expenses. In the future, with the help of a calculator, each person will be able to independently calculate the amount of carbon that he produces due to daily activities. And the next logical step for Sber is solutions that will help customers compensate for their personal carbon footprint.

As for corporate clients, as Tatiana Zavyalova noted, stable credit products are already built into the standard credit process of the bank, green marking takes place within the framework of automated banking systems. At the same time, in her opinion, the key problem hindering the full automation of processes is the lack of non-financial data and the lack of a single format for their provision. Non-financial reporting in Russia is prepared by only about 150 companies, each providing data in its own format.

The third equally important issue is the own impact of digital technologies on the climate and the issue of energy savings in the calculation and processing of large data sets. SberBank is already developing the Green AI initiative, which allows you to train artificial intelligence models with less energy consumption. Together with the AI Institute of Artificial Intelligence, the bank has developed and made available the open-source library Eco2AI for estimating the equivalent carbon footprint depending on the electricity spent on training models.

Tatiana Zavyalova, Senior Vice President for ESG of Sberbank:

"Being a technology company, it is natural that when developing its own ESG products for our retail and corporate clients, Sberbank uses the latest technologies, including using AI. So, for example, now we are creating our own ESG showcase of legal entities' data, where more than a hundred indicators are collected in one place, including ratings, data on our environmental expertise, ESG news, scoring, obligations, fines, and so on. We will use this data in the credit process, for automated assessment and monitoring of ESG risks and the development of a portfolio of responsible financing. At the same time, the Russian green fintech still has quite a long way to go to reach the level of demand. The main issue is the creation of a market."

In conclusion, Tatiana Zavyalova told about a pilot transaction on carbon units trading on the National Commodity Exchange with the participation of one of the Sberbank Group companies. She stressed that the development of the Russian carbon market is hindered by weak domestic demand, although from the point of view of technology, such auctions are not difficult, and the Sber is ready to work with this solution further.

Alexey Miroshnichenko, First Deputy Chairman of VEB, also spoke at the session.Russian Federation; Maxim Remchukov, Director for Sustainable Development of SIBUR; Aidar Kazybayev, General Director of the Center for Green Finance of the Astana International Financial Center. The discussion was moderated by the First Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia Ksenia Yudaeva.

The Forum of Innovative Financial Technologies FINOPOLIS is held by the Bank of Russia in partnership with the leaders of the IT and financial market and has become the country's largest platform for discussing and analyzing trends and opportunities for the use of modern digital technologies in the financial sector. The mission of FINOPOLIS is to promote the introduction of innovative technologies in the financial sector of the Russian Federation.
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Nov 8, 2022
Rosbank Future Cities 2022 Festival is recognized as the "Event of the Year" of the award "Development Of Regions. The best for Russia"
21.12.22 11:16

"Rosbank Future Cities Digital Public Art Festival 2022 won in the nomination "Event of the Year" in the category "Culture and Art" of the award "Development of Regions. The best for Russia."

The mission of the Rosbank Future Cities Digital Public Art Festival is to popularize digital art and decentralize culture through digital technologies. In 2022, one of the main tasks was to support the local art scene. The festival brought together art objects and the urban environment in the metaverse and opened access to contemporary Russian art from anywhere in the world. The audience was able to get acquainted with art objects online and evaluate them live in five cities of Russia: Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Moscow, Samara and St. Petersburg. The festival drew the audience's attention to the topics of sustainable development, biodiversity, urbanism and the issues of comfortable coexistence of ecosystems in urban space.

"We are glad that Rosbank Future Cities was highly appreciated by the expert jury of the award. And it is especially valuable that this award highlights the importance of the project for the regions of Russia. Decentralization of the festival is very important for us, as we want to make digital art popular and accessible to the viewer in any corner of the country. And I can say that we have achieved some success. In total, more than 200 thousand people saw the works of artists, of which about five thousand strolled through our metaverse and studied works of art there, and almost two thousand Russians in different cities of the country attended the educational and live programs of the festival," said Elena Kozhadey, Director of the Department of Communications and Advertising of Rosbank.

The program "Development of regions. The Best for Russia" is an annual award, which is awarded for the sixth year in a row for the best practices and projects for the development of regions to companies working for the benefit of Russia. Experts are top managers of large enterprises, public and government figures."'

Strategic partner of the Rosbank Future Cities Festival
Rosbank is a universal bank. It is represented in more than 60 regions of Russia. Rosbank is included by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in the list of 13 systemically significant credit institutions, has the highest credit ratings of national rating agencies (ACRA, AAA (RU), Expert RA, GIAA).

By the end of 2021, it is in the TOP 3 among private banks in terms of mortgage portfolio and car loan portfolio. Winner of the CX World Awards 2021 for client-centric corporate culture and innovation in the customer experience. According to the results of the campaign "Green and healthy office — 2021" was recognized as "The most environmentally open company". Rosbank is among the best employers in Russia: "gold" in the Forbes rating in partnership with KPMG audit company.
Rosbank Future Cities Digital Public Art Festival is a large-scale project at the intersection of modern digital art, urbanism and sustainable development, designed to promote the decentralization of culture.

The festival is held in cooperation with cultural institutions in the cities of the project and with their help is designed to unite residents of Russian cities around digital art.

In 2022, the central part of the Festival was the metaverse, which presents five projects of young artists in digital format. Physical art objects appeared in five cities of Russia, as well as a live performance and a number of educational events were held within the framework of the Festival.

Environmental practices in digital Art

In 2022, the Festival invites artists to rethink how a modern person can harmoniously interact with the environment in order to make life in the city more environmentally friendly. The development of digital technologies has formed a new, hybrid urban fabric in which people build connections not only with each other, with space and other living beings, but also with various services and algorithms. We invite artists to think about positive scenarios for the development of this ecosystem and what specific environmental actions within artistic statements can contribute to this.

Technology has long been a new nature for humanity, and the boundaries between natural and digital environments are increasingly blurred. How does this allow you to build an environment in which all participants will be in the win-win position? Can binary code replace all the diversity of the natural world for a citizen? How will the urban flora and fauna change if one of the positive scenarios develops? And how, in a crisis situation, not to postpone caring about the environment until better times?

The future of the digital world: what do the metaverses offer us?

How can the eco-friendly coexistence of the natural and digital worlds be built? Why does humanity need copies of the real world? Is the metaverse a temporary hobby or a prospect for the development of civilization? Why invest in digital assets? What can digital technologies offer cities of the future?

Ivan Puzyrev
Expert in new and added reality technologies

Olga Makhova
Director of Innovation and Data Management at Rosbank
The reGeneration project explores the problem of pollution of water sources in megacities and offers a new way to decode data on the state of the ecosystem of cities.
The project raises the question of the need for reGeneration, that is, the renewal of the relationship between man and the environment. A person is used to looking at environmental issues from an anthropocentric perspective: distancing himself from problems or trying to solve them, but from his intellectual paradigm. In order for environmental issues to cease to seem external and insignificant, it is important to stop feeling like an outsider and come to an understanding that a person is part of an ecosystem.
A joint project of artists Maria Kuptsova and Marina Muzyka

"Being the wind for a tree" is a poetic generator that translates the physiological parameters of a tree into poetry.
The project explores the ideas of the "Internet of trees" and "smart", controlled nature: the environment becomes a place of digital data production, digital networks analyze and combine ecological processes. This makes it possible not only to interfere in the natural course of ecosystem life, but also to rethink the role of nature in the city, to re-approach the issues of how important biodiversity and healthy ecosystems are for sustainable development.

Flora Fatalica

The project is dedicated to the relationship between humans and the plant world. What kinds of people consider useful, and which ones refuse to exist? How to maintain a safe relationship with the environment?
The artist answers these questions by addressing the ecological issue of the uncontrolled spread of the plant "Sosnowski's Hogweed" ("Latin" Heracléum sosnowski).
The project also has a digital layer: the QR code next to the installation can visually assess the speed of the spread of hogweed.


In the project, the artist explores the impact of noise pollution on urban dwellers, namely insects that change their behavior due to the auditory landscape.
Artist visualize the sound Urga volleying in forme abstract insect, kotoroe zamiraet, budto B Urga eavesdropping in the surrounding environment. The texture of the object is superimposed with the help of algorithmic code, transforming the audio core into a visual Urgant. Vividly "colors" the sculptures reflects the intensity of sound pollution during the day in these places.
The project explores how the high level of urban noise transforms the habits and behavior of insects, as well as displaces them from their habitual habitat. Noise meshes the insect. Human life creates major interference in their vibrational communication channels, knocks them off their routes and disorients them in the process of hunting.
Anthropogenic sound changes the sensory environment of insects and arachnids: it oversaturates it and interferes with biotic acoustic signals that regulate important physiological, behavioral, survival and reproductive processes. Sound plays a decisive role in the formation of behaviors and physiologies of the insect.
Noise can impede the abilities of the members of the staff to live and handle the repeatings and signals. For example, noise affects the accuracy of potential victims and signal processing in the protection from predators, interactions, interactions, mating with sparring, including courtship and location of the partner, changes the signal environment and the host signal. In the results of the noise heating can be named seryesnimplementthe consequences for the reproductive success of the stretched all living insects, influence on the clever popularization of the tech or in the in the species, and in the conechome andthe change patterns of species riches and numbers. Empirically, the consequences of such changes in mogut B'napproved the irrevocable and influential of the all-the-world climber of gorodsk.
The project underlines the importance of the gorodsky community among the enclosures for the comfort of all residents, in volume number and with points of view regulated soundscape.


The video project is dedicated to interspecific communication and biomimicry. The artist imagines a utopian future where different species will live in a harmonious existence and a "hybrid assembly", and a person will use various technologies inspired by nature as efficiently as possible to improve themselves and save the environment.

Biomimicry (from Greek. bios — life and mimesis — imitation) is a relatively new scientific field, a design direction that uses natural mechanisms as a model for creating innovative solutions. Starting from the case when scientists were able to grow human heart tissue from spinach leaves, the artist explores biomimicry and the possible development of technologies for using various natural materials for biohacking and transformation of the human body and existence as a whole.

Two representatives of homo hybridus live in a location inspired by the solutions and concepts of architects Vincent Callebaugh and Zaha Hadid, which is a small floating island filled with technologies that provide its "live charging".

The characters in the video are 90% graphene, which provides their limbs with excellent elasticity and incredible strength, and the whole body with electrical conductivity. Graphene, grown by chemical deposition from the gas phase, is biocompatible and is already used in modern bioelectronics, for water purification and in the production of solar panels, and is also being actively researched in medicine. Researchers are already testing neurodevices, biosensors with graphite elements that give them special sensitivity.

Despite the fact that the image of the heroes consists, as it were, of conductors resembling our nervous system, which are connected to motor elements and also connect them directly to the brain, some familiar elements still remain from the familiar image of a person in this creation: the heart (which is created from regenerating plant tissue) and the brain. Mechanical elements and artificial intelligence have not been able to replace these organs, in the bundle of which the very metaphorical "soul" and "consciousness" of a person are hidden.

The heroes are actively experiencing "natural" upgrades, for example, copying the ability of a mollusk to self-photosynthesis, a stable exoskeleton inspired by invertebrates.

A person who once created the first mechanism and subsequently dealt a big blow to the environment, now learns from it, introduces natural forms and properties into technology, modifying himself, and strives to exist harmoniously with the natural universe. This concept of the harmony of man, nature and technology is designed to inspire you to listen and look at the world around you with special attention and care.

Kirill Contre
Digital artist whose graphics amaze with their detail, cyber-realism and recognizable own style. Author of high-profile projects for Lady Gaga, Iggy Azalea, Cream Soda, Dr. Martens, etc.

Kirill Contre

"Rosbank Future Cities Digital Public Art Festival 2022 won in the nomination "Event of the Year" in the category "Culture and Art" of the award "Development of Regions. The best for Russia."

Alt-media: Russia defends traditional values!!!

In all five participating cities, offline events will be accompanied by performances and an educational program. Experts will discuss the issues of ecological coexistence of the natural and digital worlds, the prospects for the development of the metaverse, the impact of digital technologies on the development of cities of the future, and much more. Thus, a lecture on the future of the digital world and metaverses will be held in Moscow at the branch of the MMOMA Educational Center in Ermolaevsky, and later in other participating cities.
bonus (due to the great interest in the comment):
https ://
The first Rosbank Future Cities Digital Public Art Festival was held in July 2021 in six Russian cities: Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsk, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg. Within the framework of the Festival, more than 65,000 people saw AR works by young artists and live performances at the intersection of real and virtual, learned about digital art, urbanism and ecology of modern cities within the framework of the events of the discussion program.

At the first Festival in 2021, AR works by five young artists were presented in various locations of the participating cities of the Festival. The participants of the Festival were Kirill Makarov, Anna Tagantseva-Kobzeva, Sofia Skidan, Jan Posadsky, Digital Object Alliance (Sasha Puchkova and Anna Leonova). Bright live performances and an educational program were held at the Yeltsin Center (Yekaterinburg), the museum "Peace Square" (Krasnoyarsk), in the spaces of the Sevkabel Port (St. Petersburg), the "Headquarters" of The Village and Terminal A (Nizhny Novgorod), MMOMA and the Strelka Institute (Moscow).

The digital art public festival Rosbank was simultaneously held in 6 Russian cities in July 2021 and we were honored to be a technological partner of it.
The project has become a groundbreaking precedent in the field of technology and art in Russia owing to the unique technology and its coverage – more than 60 000 people tried it within 1 month.

The art object draws a parallel between digital data transmitted using wireless technologies and plant pollen, which transmits knowledge about the species and its population.

Digital sculpture for digital meditation and slowing down in the information-saturated urban environment. WHAT IS HIDDEN DOES NOT NEED TO BE HIDDEN


Nov 8, 2022
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1750 dated October 28, 2020 "On approval of the list of technologies used in the framework of experimental legal regimes in the field of digital innovations"

October 29, 2020

In accordance with Article 2 of the Federal Law "On Experimental Legal Regimes in the Field of Digital Innovations in the Russian Federation", the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached list of technologies used in the framework of experimental legal regimes in the field of digital innovation.

2. This resolution comes into force from the date of entry into force of the Federal Law "On Experimental Legal Regimes in the field of digital innovations in the Russian Federation".

Chairman of the Government
Of the Russian Federation M. Mishustin
BY Government Decree
Of the Russian Federation
dated October 28, 2020 N 1750

of technologies used in the framework of experimental legal regimes in the field of digital innovation

1. Neurotechnologies and artificial intelligence technologies, including technologies in the field of:

computer vision;

natural language processing;

speech recognition and synthesis;

machine recommendations and decision support;


neural interfaces;


2. Technologies for working with big data, including in the field of:

data traceability and interoperability;

software-defined data warehouses;

processing, data utilization using machine learning;

data enrichment;

business analysis;

descriptive, prescriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics;

collection, storage and processing of data, including decentralized.

3. Quantum technologies, including in the field of:

quantum computing;

quantum communications;

quantum sensors and metrology.

4. Production technologies, including in the field of:

digital design, mathematical, information modeling and life cycle management of a product or products of a production or service system;

"smart" production;

additive manufacturing;

manipulators and manipulations;

design, modeling, creation and use of new materials and structures;

production management;

platform technologies for design, engineering, production, monitoring and logistics.

5. Robotics and sensor technologies, including in the field of:

instrumentation and digital components of robotics for human-machine interaction;


sensorimotor coordination and spatial positioning;

sensors and sensory information processing;

sensors and information acquisition and processing systems for the effective functioning of robotic systems;

intelligent control systems for robotic systems;

control automation systems.

6. Technologies of distributed registry systems, including in the field of:

data organization and synchronization;

ensuring data integrity and consistency;

creation and execution of decentralized applications and smart contracts.

7. Wireless communication technologies, including in the field of:

wireless data transmission networks, including WAN (global network), LPWAN (communication technologies within the industrial Internet), WLAN (wireless LAN), PAN (wireless personal communication), MAN (urban computer network), BAN (computer network of the body), satellite communications and 5G, 6G network technologies;

secure telecommunications.

8. Virtual and augmented reality technologies, including in the field of:

VR/AR content development tools and user experience improvement (UX) technologies on the part of the developer;

platform solutions for users (content creation editors and their distribution);

motion capture in VR/AR and photogrammetry;

feedback interfaces and sensors for VR/AR;

graphical output;

optimization of data transmission.

9. Industrial Internet technologies (Internet of Things), including in the field of:

autonomous decision-making;

component and machine communication networks;

industrial internet platforms;

software and computer systems for industrial Internet.

10. Industry-specific digital technologies, including technologies:

aimed at digital transformation of economic sectors, including technological transformation of processes involved in the creation of products (services), as well as technologies for interaction with counterparties;

data analysis.

Document overview
The Government of the Russian Federation has defined a list of technologies used in the framework of experimental legal regimes in the field of digital innovation. These are, in particular, neurotechnologies and artificial intelligence technologies, technologies of distributed registry systems, quantum and production technologies.

The Resolution comes into force on January 28 , 2021.



Nov 8, 2022
I'll be back in Rostelecom after a little detour. A small part of Putin's speech on the signing of the treaties on the accession of the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republic and the Zaporozhian and Kherson regions to Russia on September 30. (Which drove the majority of the alt-right audience outside Russia, not just in the Western world, mad with delight.)

I repeat, the dictatorship of Western elites is directed against all societies, including the peoples of the Western countries themselves. It’s a challenge to everyone. Such a complete denial of man, the overthrow of faith and traditional values, the suppression of freedom acquires the features of “reverse religion” – outright Satanism. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus Christ, denouncing false prophets, says: “By their fruits you will know them.” And these poisonous fruits are already obvious to people – not only in our country, in all countries, including for many people in the West itself.

The world has entered a period of revolutionary transformations, they are fundamental. New development centers are being formed, they represent the majority – the majority! – the international community and are ready not only to declare their interests, but also to defend them, and in multipolarity they see an opportunity to strengthen their sovereignty, which means to gain true freedom, historical perspective, their right to independent, creative, original development, to a harmonious process

3 days after the speech; in the Russian Alt-Press:


On the day of the Russian President’s uplifting speech on the occasion of the official reunification of the Russian lands, the light saw not only a document signed by Vladimir Putin and the heads of the regions of the former Ukraine. The President also signed Decree No. 693 “On the definition of an organization that ensures the development of digital identification and authentication technologies.”

We are talking about the creation of JSC “Center for Biometric Technologies”, which will receive the functions of the operator of the unified information system (UIS) of biometric personal data of citizens. And not only biometric, but in general all personal data that can be used to digitally identify a person, sign legally significant digital documents. At the same time, the JSC will be responsible for the creation and development of commercial identification services (!) and will receive exclusive rights (!) to the results of intellectual activity (that is, to use the EIS), which until now belonged to the Russian Federation (!!!).

All this seems to be a clear step towards the alienation of state functions in favor of a non–state digital platform (“the state is in your pocket” (c) – German Gref), as well as the continuation of the approval of an electronic biometric concentration camp on the territory of Russia according to the patterns of globalists. With such a political doublethink at the top of power, it will be very difficult for us to protect state sovereignty, and it was about this key task that Putin spoke on September 30…

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 693 dated 30.09.2022 “On the definition of an organization that ensures the development of digital identification and authentication technologies”

It follows from the presidential decree of September 30 that it is vital to rapidly develop digital identification and authentication technologies in Russia, primarily biometrics. And also sign all documents and conclude transactions through a digit. In order for all this to develop very quickly, it is necessary to establish JSC “Center for Biometric Technologies”, the shares in the authorized capital of which are distributed as follows: 49% – from PJSC Rostelecom, 26% – from the Russian Federation (Rosimushchestvo), 25% – from the Central Bank of Russia. It is noteworthy that the state will not have a controlling stake in this joint-stock company. As there is no such package in the composition of the owners of Rostelecom, which until now has been the operator of a Single biometric system. Rosimushchestvo has only a blocking package, but the Central Bank also has it, on whose initiative all these “innovations” are introduced in the form of digital profiles of citizens and “trafficking in personalities”.

Some might say that the president’s document simply clarifies the newly created structure that will be responsible for the processing of citizens ‘ biometric data instead of Rostelecom’S. But in fact everything is not so, there are very serious changes in the algorithms for the processing of key personal data of Russian citizens. A private Joint-Stock Company is established, whose competence includes the creation and development, among other things, of a system of commercial services based on a platform for biometric identification of citizens of the Russian Federation.

In addition, the government, with the participation of the Central Bank, has been instructed to form a kind of Coordination Council for the development of digital technologies to identify a person by biometric PD, whose tasks will include ensuring "non-discriminatory access to the UIS services". It is not clear what constitutes “discrimination”. – the lack of biometric data of a citizen in the UIS (therefore, they will try to drag him there with all their might), or, on the contrary, an ultimatum to register in the system under the threat of deprivation of fundamental rights of those who have not passed biometrics? Or we’re talking about providing access to the services of the EIS, including non-state, commercial structures. There is also a big question here, as all these services are built on the processing of biometric personal data of citizens that require the highest level of protection.

It is also worrisome that the government should ensure the conclusion of a joint-stock agreement that provides for the transfer of exclusive rights over the results of intellectual activity to the newly created ad ( which until recently belonged to the state). If earlier it was a single biometric system, now it is even broader-a single Information System, with a huge amount of valuable personal data of citizens by which they can be identified. The procedure for budget financing of the “Center for biometric technologies”will also be determined. All this in the next three months.

From a regulatory point of view, we see that this presidential decree is another brick in the wall of the concept of the fourth centers of industrial revolution of WEF – plans for the “digital transformation” of humanity in the model of Klaus Schwab and the company. In fact, biometric data and other services for identifying citizens are provided in private hands under the supervision of the Central Bank, which is not subordinate to the Government of the Russian Federation. All this huge unified information system with the PD of the population will be in the hands of JSC, despite the fact that algorithms for the collection of biometric data become voluntary-mandatory. We is constantly talking about these steps of the authorities in the form of the possibility of collecting biometric ambiguities from various public and private structures without the consent of the citizens , the introduction of Fan ID for football fans, exams in biometrics in universities , in cities Transport, etc.

The same Rostelecom is actively involved in international projects to create cross-border data networks, in which it invests half a billion dollars.

And what is the current situation in our relations with the collective West, Vladimir Putin said very clear on September 30 – the hot stage of the war for Russia’s future and sovereignty. In such circumstances, to give a gift to an enemy who today can easily identify the right person with the smart city’s biometric cameras is to undermine national security.

And when the president spoke of Russia’s original, peculiar cultural, spiritual and moral path, he certainly did not mean a totalitarian electronic biometric concentration camp with a personal social rating instead of traditional laws?!? I very much wish that this globalist Swabian vector, incompatible with the true sovereignty of the state, would finally evaporate. Otherwise, the struggle for our freedom will be very painful."
December 09, 2022 | GREEN FINANCE |

The Register of Green, Social and Other Targeted Bonds of Russian Issuers in the INFRAGREEN sustainable development format includes the issue of social bonds of PJSC Rostelecom in the amount of 10 billion rubles. This issue was the sixth issue of bonds in the format of sustainable development in 2022 in Russia. As a result, 39 outstanding bond issues with a total volume of about 515 billion rubles are listed in the INFRAGREEN Register.

On December 9, 2022, the placement of social bonds of PJSC Rostelecom in the amount of 10 billion rubles with registration number 4B02 was completed on the Moscow Stock Exchange-06-00124- A-001P from 11/30/2022.The bonds are included in the Segment of social bonds of the Sustainable Development Sector of the Moscow Exchange by the decision of the Chairman of the Management Board of PJSC Moscow Exchange dated 08.12.2022.

ACRA verified the compliance of projects planned for refinancing at the expense of funds raised from the issue of bonds of Rostelecom PJSC and aimed at the development of public life with internationally recognized principles and standards in the field of social financing and issued a corresponding conclusion on November 22, 2021.

On November 28, 2022, ACRA confirmed the compliance of the planned bond issue with internationally recognized principles and standards in the field of social financing (ICMA social bond principles), as well as the compliance of projects planned for refinancing at the expense of funds raised from the Bond issue and aimed at the development of public life with internationally recognized principles and standards in the field of social financing (in accordance with with the Regulation of the Bank of Russia dated 19.12.2019 No. 706-P "On Standards for the issue of securities").

Within the framework of the integrated social projects presented by Rostelecom PJSC aimed at the development of public life, expenses (in the amount of more than 10 billion rubles) were previously incurred. in two directions:

the project "Creation of infrastructure for connecting socially significant objects to the Internet";
the project "Elimination of digital inequality".
Both projects were implemented within the framework of the federal project "Information Infrastructure".

The Register of Green, Social and Other targeted bonds of Russian Issuers in the INFRAGREEN sustainable development format is a unique product that contains basic information on all green and social issues of Russian issuers, including registration number, coupon rate, date and place of placement, date of verification and verifier.

The INFRAGREEN Center has been maintaining a Registry since 2020. The Register includes issues that have passed the external verification procedure for compliance with the principles of green/social of the International Association of Capital Markets (ICMA), other target bonds in the format of sustainable development and contain a note on compliance/ non-compliance with the Bank of Russia's Emission Standards, the Moscow Exchange Listing Rules, as well as criteria for green or adaptive financial instruments in accordance with the Resolution Government of the Russian Federation No. 1587 dated 09/21/2021.

As of December 09, 2022, 39 issues with a total volume of about 514.47 billion rubles were included in the Register of Green, Social and Other Targeted Bonds of Russian Issuers in the INFRAGREEN sustainable development format..."
rus alt-media

December 20, 2022

Unfortunately, a miracle did not happen – a long–planned Government document on expanding the use of biometric identification and "draining" biometrics from all information systems into a centralized EBS was adopted in the second reading by the efforts of the United Russia digital lobbyists. Since Deputy Anton Gorelkin, whom the Shadaevites appointed as the author of the bill, clearly began to precipitate and deflated over the onslaught of popular indignation, he was replaced by a more experienced lobbyist of everything in the world (figures, first of all, once - amendments to the law on weapons, etc.) – Alexander Khinstein. Earlier, at a meeting of the profile committee, Khinstein formally settled all issues with the head of the HRC Fadeev and the representative of the ROC Legoyda, after which the expert community and part of the church officialdom, as the deputy constantly stressed, allegedly had no questions left. In fact, of course, this is a lie - Legoyda and Fadeev do not represent anyone but themselves, and are by no means authorized to speak for the entire conservative, traditional public of Russia, our entire "deep people". The allegedly cleaned-up text of the PFZ was posted on the Duma's website only late in the evening on the eve of the vote, which looks completely absurd - there are 140 pages in the Shadaevsky craft, which even experts will take one week to analyze, However, the sect of witnesses to digitization has so far proved stronger. But it's not evening yet.

It is noteworthy that the discussion of the sad PFZ on biometrics was preceded by a parliamentary hour in the Duma with a report by Maksut Shadayev, who has not yet been convicted and has not even been removed from office, about how his department perfectly fulfills the "national goal" of development called "digital transformation". Hardly any ordinary Russian citizen in his right mind will tell you that he shares such a goal, surprisingly similar to the UN SDGs and the agenda in strategic reports and materials of the World Economic Forum. Nevertheless, the task has been set, billions are regularly allocated – and Shadaev confidently broadcast how citizens are increasingly using the portal of public services – that is, they are implementing the agenda of the World Bank and the Center for Strategic Research together with RANEPA "The State as a Platform" (Anna Schwabauer, PhD, told about this in a report at the conference). And then, according to Shadaev, 5G is waiting for us in every house and full "proactivity" (that is, control of algorithms, regardless of the will of a person) in relations with the state.

The minister did not stutter about biometrics, which is not surprising – today this agenda was worked out by Shadaev's loyal associates.

One of them, Deputy Khinstein, stated:

"The Ministry of Finance is one of the most effective and active ministries, the driver of many processes. The Profile Committee highly appreciates our cooperation," the deputy stressed, making Shadayev's government hour very sweet. And then it became finally clear what fate awaits the PFZ about the EBS.

Hundreds of thousands of appeals from the people to the parliament, even more comments in Volodin's telegram channel, conferences of public organizations, a meeting in the Public Chamber, the patriarch's alarming appeal to the speaker, concern in the HRC - all this had no effect on the digital lobbyists. Although the Communist Party, which received the resolution of our conference "Kitezh-Grad against Babylon" and a large number of other deputies from the systemic opposition tried twice to remove the document from the agenda in order to hold preliminary hearings discussing the risks of national security from the use of biometrics. Deputy Obukhov noted that nothing was discussed with the public and independent experts, and the resonance among the people is high. His colleague Kolomeitsev pointed out that the indicated amendments to the document, with which Volodin and Khinstein tried to calm everyone down, were published only late the night before, at 23:30.

"This is a gross violation of all possible norms. I don't think that Deputy Speaker Pyotr Tolstoy himself had time to read all this. We have embarked on the path that the Duma should not enter in any way," Kolomeitsev noted.

Khinstein, in response to this, not without irritation, repeated that "everything has already been agreed with the HRC and the ROC."

"I ask you not to artificially dramatize the situation. In its current form, the law is not liked only by those who make a hype on it," concluded Hinstein.

As a result, first 116, and in the second attempt 117 deputies voted against the consideration of the PFZ, which was not enough. As a result, the document, which assumed in the first reading (we will definitely study the updated version of the text and publish the analysis separately) mandatory identification of citizens by face on a large number of objects (including strategic ones), the transfer of information to the EBS from all private/state databases without the consent of a citizen, as well as equating identification by face with a passport, the operator's ability to earn money by selling information from the EBS to private individuals, etc., was accepted "with a bang" by corrupt "people's deputies" from the party of power. Naturally, the consensus in the "EP" turned out to be more than enough here.

But the fight is not over – consideration in the Federation Council and the President is ahead. Finally, it is quite obvious that we simply will not comply with this cannibalistic law —and we will call on all our supporters to do so.

By the way, the new line of the defensive arguments of the digital lobbyists, which was taken by Volodin, Khinstein and Co., does not stand up to criticism. The EBS has been functioning for five years, and banks had a duty to transfer collected casts of citizens' voices and faces to it before. During this time, there were only 230 thousand samples of biometrics of citizens for a 150-million-strong country, but Khinstein and Shadaev broadcast to us about some 60-70 million casts that are allegedly already in the hands of private owners and sold / resold. At the same time, the possibility of selling data from the EBS to interested customers was explicitly spelled out in the text of this PFZ.

Moreover, from the decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated September 30, 2022, it directly follows that the newly established JSC "Center for Biometric Technologies", whose shares in the authorized capital are distributed as follows: 49% - from PJSC Rostelecom, 26% - from the Russian Federation (Rosimushchestvo), 25% - at the Central Bank of Russia. It is noteworthy that the state will not have a controlling stake in this joint-stock company. As there is no such package in the composition of the owners of Rostelecom, which until now has been the operator of the EBS. Rosimushchestvo has only a blocking package, but the Central Bank also has it, on whose initiative all these "innovations" are introduced in the form of digital profiles of citizens and "trafficking in persons".
Back to Rostelecom to see what things look like through their eyes.
The Center of biometric technologies will appear in Russia

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the establishment of a joint venture (JV) JSC "Center for Biometric Technologies" (CBT). The founders will be Rostelecom (49% of shares), the Russian Federation represented by the Federal Agency for State Property Management (26% of shares) and the Bank of Russia (25% of shares).

CBT will develop and replicate digital identification and authentication technologies (including those based on biometric personal data), as well as document signing and storage services, including the creation, development and operation of commercial services and standard solutions. This will increase the level of digitalization in various sectors of the economy.

The parties will combine efforts and expertise in the field of biometrics to accelerate the conversion of various services into digital form. CBT will become the operator of GIS "Unified Biometric System" and will ensure the collection, storage, processing and verification of biometric personal data, taking into account the requirements established by Federal Law No. 149-FZ of 27.07.2006 "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection". Recall that since 2018, Rostelecom has been the operator of the system.

Rostelecom President Mikhail Oseevsky:
"Rostelecom has been developing digital identification and authentication technologies for more than ten years. With their help, you can quickly and safely receive services and services from the comfort of your home — from anywhere where there is Internet. The digitalization of the economy has significantly accelerated the development of such technologies, including those based on biometrics, and today they are becoming even more in demand. I am confident that the created joint venture will provide citizens with new digital opportunities and conduct financial and non-financial transactions online. The successful operation of the CBT will be an important milestone on the path of digital transformation of business and the state."

First Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia Olga Skorobogatova:
"The unified biometric system is one of the main elements of the country's digital infrastructure. The Bank of Russia supports the creation of a joint venture and believes that the concentration of resources, technologies and management in this new organization will ensure the introduction of secure biometric technologies in various spheres of our lives. This will make it easier for citizens to receive financial and non-financial services in digital form, it will allow businesses to innovate and reduce costs. The development of a Unified Biometric system will also contribute to the development of Russian technologies and increase their competitiveness."

Dmitry Dubynin, Director of the Digital Identification Technology Development Department of the Ministry of Digital Affairs of Russia:
"The Ministry of Finance of Russia continues the development of GIS EBS. For this purpose, a Biometric Technology Center has been created jointly with the Bank of Russia and Rostelecom PJSC. The creation of the CBT will help ensure the development of biometric technologies in all areas, including in public services. It will make them more modern and convenient. For those citizens who will use biometrics to receive various services and services, the accessibility and security of these processes will increase. At the same time, the voluntary use of biometric data will remain for citizens, and all services can also be received in the usual face-to-face format."

Vice President - Director of Digital Identity of Rostelecom Ivan Berov:
"Rostelecom has done a lot of work to improve the availability and quality of services to citizens in electronic form. Biometric technologies played a significant role in this. Today, they are increasingly being used in various areas of our lives. I am sure that it is biometrics that will give a new impetus to the development of the digital economy and the field of remote services, and the joint venture — the state Unified Biometric system. And the joint use of document signing and storage services, ESIA and biometrics, in turn, will become the basis of a full-fledged digital profile of a citizen."

CEO of CBT Vladislav Povolotsky:
"The joint venture will give a new round in the development of mass services using biometric identification and authentication. Our task as an operator of a Unified Biometric System is to become a guide for the safe and comfortable provision of digital services not only in public services, but also in everyday life. In the coming year, we plan to significantly expand services and services in various industries using biometrics."

A unified biometric system is a necessary part of the remote identification mechanism that allows citizens to receive services remotely. It was launched on the initiative of the Ministry of Finance of Russia, the Bank of Russia and Rostelecom as part of the implementation of the national program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation" on June 30, 2018. On December 30, 2021, the Unified Biometric System became state-owned."
See how different, calm, mature and practical are these responsible people in high positions explain the benefits of biometrics. They don't scream about digital slavery or a system of the beast like the alternative Russian press and ordinary people.

Let us recall some of Putin's inspiring, and widely admired, words in the Alternative Press outside Russia, spoken on the same day as the signing of the Center for Biometric Technologies.

I repeat, the dictatorship of Western elites is directed against all societies, including the peoples of the Western countries themselves. It’s a challenge to everyone. Such a complete denial of man, the overthrow of faith and traditional values, the suppression of freedom acquires the features of “reverse religion” – outright Satanism. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus Christ, denouncing false prophets, says: “By their fruits you will know them.” And these poisonous fruits are already obvious to people – not only in our country, in all countries, including for many people in the West itself.

The world has entered a period of revolutionary transformations, they are fundamental. New development centers are being formed, they represent the majority – the majority! – the international community and are ready not only to declare their interests, but also to defend them, and in multipolarity they see an opportunity to strengthen their sovereignty, which means to gain true freedom, historical perspective, their right to independent, creative, original development, to a harmonious process
So what kind of super-guaranteed protection of the state is Hinstein broadcasting to us, promoting at the state level a system for identifying all Russian citizens according to their personal body data, which were previously collected only from dangerous criminals to avoid relapses of crimes? If Volodin declares that "biometrics should belong to citizens," why create and constantly stuff this very EBS with new information at all?

No one answers these questions, but it is extremely strange that Volodin called the introduction of criminal and administrative responsibility for the forced collection and leakage of biometric PD the "next step" that needs to be taken, it seems, for our safety. That is, to push through the PFZ on biometrics without public hearings in less than a month was the most important first step, and then you can think about security – so it turns out?

And what kind of security can we talk about, in principle, if an authoritative expert, the head of Infowatch Natalia Kaspersky recently gave a large number of illustrative examples about leaks of biometric PD around the world, especially in the USA, and pointed out that this information will be 100% stolen in the future, and there is no need to create such a database it makes sense, unless of course there is a desire to merge the Russian population with the special services of "dear partners" and criminals.

The opponents of the bill, whose number will increase with each leak and with each concentration camp gesture of the authorities (which is deadly dangerous for war conditions), will definitely not accept the new reality, and will continue to fight. Despite the strict censorship, which was deployed by the moderators of the State Duma community VKontakte, Volodin's TG channel, the same Khinstein, who closed comments on his channel, etc. The struggle for our rights and freedoms, for the constitutional right to privacy continues. And in any case, it is very gratifying that there are more and more compatriots who have woken up.."


Nov 8, 2022
Testing of the 5G network has begun in the Kazan Kremlin
According to the regional authorities, the full launch of the 5G network should take place before the end of the year

KAZAN, August 24. /tass/. The 5G zone has started working in closed mode on the territory of the Kazan Kremlin. Technical specialists have started testing the technology, Deputy Head of the Ministry of Finance of Tatarstan Albert Yakovlev said on Wednesday at a meeting of the board of the Ministry following the results of the first half of the year.

"Within the framework of the national project "Digital Economy", work is underway to introduce new mobile communication services of 5G standards in Tatarstan. A new zone in the Kazan Kremlin has been added to the existing pilot zone in Innopolis, where the technical specialists of the MTS telecom operator are testing 5G technology in closed mode. The use of the new test zone in the Kremlin is not yet available to subscribers," Yakovlev said.

The head of the Ministry of Finance of Tatarstan, Airat Khairullin, told TASS that the full launch of the 5G network, including for subscribers, should take place before the end of 2022. "There is a consortium in Russia for 5G. In order to launch 5G, the consent of all participants of this consortium is needed," the minister added.

In January 2022, Airat Khairullin reported that the possible launch of 5G networks in other public spaces is being discussed. Also in January, it was reported that Rostelecom submitted an application to the State Commission on Radio Frequencies (SCR) for testing fifth-generation (5G) communication technology in the Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kazan metro systems. In 2021, the mobile operator Tele2 together with Nokia launched a 5G pilot zone in the Kazan metro. In June 2021, MTS, using Ericsson equipment, launched a 5G pilot zone in Innopolis."

Russia is working on an edible flu vaccine
It is planned to be released in the form of capsules

ST. PETERSBURG, December 16. /tass/. The Institute of Experimental Medicine (IEM) is developing an edible flu vaccine. To date, two versions of the vaccine are at the stage of preclinical studies, Alexander Suvorov, head of the Department of Molecular Microbiology of the IEM, said on Friday.

"We have several variants [of the vaccine], which I think are very effective against influenza. <...> We have variants that are based on neuraminidase, and there are on hemagglutinin. Both turned out to be very good, so we will have to choose or use both options. <...> They are all at the preclinical stage," he said on the sidelines of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference on Countering the New Coronavirus Infection and Other Infectious Diseases.

According to Suvorov, both versions of the future vaccine have shown effectiveness against influenza in laboratory animals. It is planned that it will be produced in the form of capsules. "We see it in such a way that it will be freeze-dried lactic acid bacteria, and it will be a capsule preparation," he added.

The III International Scientific and Practical Conference on Countering the New Coronavirus Infection and Other Infectious Diseases is being held at the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library in St. Petersburg from December 15 to 16. It is attended by about 300 representatives of ministries and departments responsible for the prevention and control of infectious diseases, countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Southeast Asia, Africa, as well as relevant international, non-governmental and scientific organizations."

The Russian Academy of Sciences warned of significant climate change in the Russian Federation in the next 30 years
NOV. 8, 2022

"In Russia, on average, it will warm up by 2-2.5 degrees, which will lead to fires, uneven distribution of precipitation and melting of permafrost.

This was stated by Vladimir Semenov, Deputy Director of the Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in an interview with the Moscow Speaks radio station.

"Over the next thirty years, the global temperature will increase by about one degree, maybe 0.7 degrees. In Russia, the average annual temperature will warm up by another 2-2.5 degrees. Further warming will continue at the same pace. The climate will change significantly, as it has changed in previous decades — it will warm up before our eyes. There are many consequences: more heat waves, more intense precipitation somewhere, on the contrary, drier weather, melting of sea ice, melting of permafrost. Basically, of course, this is due to the increase in temperatures, that is, a warmer climate will be for our country, warmer winters, which is probably even more comfortable for our residents. In summer, there are more heat waves, more fires."

Semenov added that the human factor has seriously affected climate change in the world.

"Man certainly influences warming. The warming that has occurred in the last hundred years is mainly a consequence of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. This will continue due to the fact that emissions are growing. The greenhouse effect will increase, and therefore the temperature will rise."

Earlier, the UN Secretary General warned about the movement of the Earth to a "climate hell". According to Antonio Guterres, the last eight years have been the warmest in the history of meteorological observations.

In 2022, the temperature was 1.15 degrees Celsius higher than 150 years ago, in the pre-industrial period."


Nov 8, 2022
Tomsk NIMC received unique equipment for research of postcovid syndrome

In total, the Tomsk National Research Medical Center purchased 20 new devices in 2022, including an ultrasound system for small laboratory animals for preclinical studies of new therapeutic molecules and a laser-optical rotary analyzer of erythrocytes

TOMSK, December 20. /tass/. Within the framework of the national project "Science and Universities" in 2022 at the Tomsk National Research Medical Center (NIMC) The Russian Academy of Sciences purchased 20 new devices for scientific research. Among the new equipment there are also devices unique to Russia, the press service of the regional administration reported on Tuesday.

"For the third year, our center has become a participant in the instrument base upgrade program, which gives us the opportunity to significantly replenish the equipment fleet. This is an X-ray computed tomograph, which will allow to identify new pulmonary-cardiac and cerebral phenotypes of postcovoid syndrome," the words of the director of the Tomsk NIMC, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vadim Stepanov are quoted in the message.

The equipment park of the Tomsk NIMC was also replenished with an ultrasound system unique for Russia for small laboratory animals for preclinical studies of new therapeutic molecules, a server for bioinformatic analysis of genetic data, a cryohistory and a platform for automatic electrophoresis. ..."

Putin decided to create the organizing committee of the "Games of the Future" in Kazan

A multi-sport tournament "Games of the Future" will be held in Kazan in 2024. The Government of the Russian Federation has been instructed to form an organizing committee for the preparation and conduct of competitions

"Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on holding the international multisport tournament "Games of the Future" in Kazan in 2024. The relevant document is published on the official Internet portal of legal information.

The Government of the Russian Federation has been instructed to form an organizing committee for the preparation and holding of the tournament, to develop, with the participation of the authorities of Tatarstan, a set of measures to prepare for it and ensure their implementation. The Russian Foreign Ministry has also been instructed to assist in promoting the "Game of the Future".

The Organizing Committee must ensure the development and approval of the plan of the main events related to the preparation and conduct of the competition within a month. The competitions will be financed from the federal budget and other funds.

The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan is recommended to take part in the preparation and holding of the tournament, including financing expenses for these purposes from the budget of the Republic.

In June at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) Kazan was announced as the city that will host the new technological sports tournament "Games of the Future".

40 regions of the country showed interest in the project, half of them applied for the right to hold competitions in November last year. Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Kaluga and the federal territory "Sirius" competed for the right to host the competition.

The first inspection visit of representatives of the organizing committee of the "Games of the Future" took place in Kazan on July 6-8. Project manager Igor Stolyarov said that in the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan, there are enough existing facilities for the tournament.

"The ideology of the competition is that there is no need to build new facilities. According to the format of the event, we can hold games very compactly. Now we are deciding whether it will be one object, or there will be many objects. But we won't need any new construction. And this is great, because test competitions and "Games of the Future" can be held at existing facilities," he said.

The test competitions of the "Games of the Future" were held in September at the Kazan Expo exhibition complex as part of the International Forum Kazan Digital Week 2022."
So, in the roadmap that was approved a few days after the start of the "war":

Who are the key global actors and what is Rus ' attitude towards them?

https ://ДК%20Нейронет.pdf
[pages 3 and 4]

"1.2. Description of the main participants of the emerging market
1.2.1. Key international participants of the emerging market

Technology companies, research centers, universities, foundations, regions, universities, corporations, etc. and the strategy of interaction with them. <--- [:oops::cool:]

Lundbeck, Biogen, UCB, Merck KGaA, Sanofi, Dainippon Sumitomo, Intuitive Surgical (Da Vinci), Hocoma (Lokomat, Armeo), Ekso Bionics, Cochlear Corporation, Canon, Emotiv, Facebook, Google, Go Pro, HTC, Microsoft, NeuroSky, Samsung, Sony, Neurosky, Interaxon (Muse), Macrotellect, GreatLakeNeuroTechnologies, G.Tec (Intendix), MyndPlay, Home Of Attention, Focus Pocus, BrightHouse (USA), Olson Zaltman Associates (USA), Neurosense Limited (UK), Nielsen (USA), NeurocoLtd. (UK), Neuro Insight (Australia), Retail Branding (Australia), Lucid Systems (USA), EmSence (USA), Google, Apple, Microsoft, IBM, Facebook, Baidu, Amazon, Nuance, Intelli-response, Next IT, Creative Virtual, SRI International"

[- I don't know why they wrote Facebook, Google and Microsoft twice, ask them. Will they "interact" with them a lot, double?-]

continues, page 4:
https ://ДК%20Нейронет.pdf

"1.2.2. Key Russian participants of the emerging market

Technology companies, research centers, universities, foundations, regions, universities, corporations, etc. and the strategy of interaction with them.

NextGen LLC (hereditary neurodegenerative diseases), Avneiro (Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia), Biointegrator (multiple sclerosis), Generium Medical and Biological Center, SilverpHarm Innovative Pharmaceutical Company LLC (neuropathies and demyelinating diseases of the peripheral nervous system), Medical Computer Systems LLC, LLC "Neurobotics", LLC "Neurosoft", LLC"Medicom-LTD", LLC "Mizar", LLC "ATES-Medica", LLC "Neurocom", LLC "Exoathlet", Fibrum, LLC "Bitronics", LLC "Neuromatics", LLC "Wikium", JSC "Neurotrend", LLC "Mind Mining", Yandex, LLC "Persona, GC Newvizhin, MDT, LLC"NeuroChat", LLC "Neurotonus", LLC "AI ES JI Neuro", Innopraktika,Seldon, Association "National Champions".

1.3. Information about the global context of the emergence of a new market
1.3.1. Global technological trends and transformational changes in traditional industries caused by the introduction of end-to-end technologies that are within the scope of the implementation of the action plan ("roadmap")

Trends and transformational changes in the directions: developments related to an orderly increase in the efficiency of the basic tasks of the market with the use of end-to-end technologies, the introduction of products to the market, applications and obtaining intellectual property rights, attracting financing for startups.

The increasing digitalization of all aspects of human life leads to the emergence of an increasing number of digital platforms (super applications) for the provision of services; the development of communications via the Internet, using various wearable devices leads to the need to create new human-machine means of communication.

These features of the development of the economy and human society are reflected in the emergence of new products and services around the world, an increase in investment in research and development, an increase in mentions in the media.

1.3.2. Global political, economic, social, environmental and regulatory trends

Strengthening the role of neurotechnologies in economic models of the future requires a separate close study. It seems most promising to further reduce the costs of process logistics, increase the share of remote communication, etc.

The strengthening of the role of neurotechnologies in the task of developing society is dictated by the need to provide quality services to the end user.

1.4. Segmentation of the emerging market, assessment of competitiveness and growth rates of segments in their current form

Key market segments:

"Neuro-entertainment and sports";
"Neurocommunications and marketing";

1.5. The main directions of the implementation of the action plan ("roadmap")
1.5.1. Creation, development and promotion of advanced technologies, products and services that ensure the priority positions of Russian companies in emerging global markets.

1) "Neuromedtechnics"

The market of artificial organs, prosthetic limbs and sensory organs, as well as neurorehabilitation systems is the forerunner of the NeuroMed Technology market.
By 2035, it is planned to develop prototypes of neural interfaces integrated into exoskeletons, prostheses, wheelchairs, and a smart home;
neurorehabilitation systems for recovery after stroke, brain injuries, neurodegenerative diseases;
neuromodulation devices for the treatment of a wide range of diseases of the nervous system.

Within the NeuroMed Technology segment to By 2035 , it is planned to introduce neuroprosthetics of sensory organs and limbs exceeding biological prototypes in their parameters; to create life support systems and brain interface, including in the future during its transplantation into an artificial body.

2) "Neuropharma"

The market of drugs for the treatment of diseases of the nervous system is the predecessor of the Neuro Pharma market, as it is mainly focused on the treatment of symptomatic nature. The products of the Neuro Pharma segment can be defined as means of restoring neurocognitive functions in neurological patients and means
of enhancing cognitive abilities in healthy people.

By 2035, a number of services will be provided in the Neuro Pharma market: early diagnosis, correction, treatment and prevention of diseases of the nervous system (such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, depressive states,schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, traumatic brain injury); strengthening
the cognitive abilities of healthy people, taking into account professional specialization and personal characteristics

3) "Neuroeducation"

In this case, we mean an education system based on patterns and the use of neurocognitive mechanisms for acquiring new knowledge, learning and memory, as well as data on individual human predispositions and brain plasticity, the use of neurocomputer interfaces, elements of virtual and augmented reality, hybrid intelligence.

Currently, the products and services of the market Neuroeducation is developing in such segments as distance learning
, lifelong learning, mass open online courses, blended learning, as well as innovative models of additional education.

The priorities are the creation of educational and laboratory places for schoolchildren and students based on neurotechnologies of enhanced perception, optimized memorization and enhancement of cognitive functions, and by 2035 - the full use of integrated systems of natural and artificial intelligence.

4) "Neuro-entertainment and sports"

The segment of neuro-entertainment and sports can be divided into the following sub-segments, which are already developing:

entertainment (games, entertainment gadgets, systems of interaction with virtual and augmented reality); biometrics (the market of wearable electronic devices);

evaluation devices and training of cognitive abilities;

devices for monitoring and tracking potentially dangerous psychoemotional states in real time;

devices for self-determination (conducting selections based on objective predisposition data based on EEG;

assistance in identifying optimal areas of effort;

analysis of the level of involvement;

a platform for the interaction of products within all segment projects, exchange, storage, analysis and provision of data;

non-invasive autonomous systems for obtaining biometric data from the nervous system and other physiological data.

The product of 2035 will be a large-scale gaming platform that constantly interacts with the user. The platform will continuously monitor functional, psycho-emotional states, assess the cognitive background of the user's current activity. Based on the data obtained, non-invasive stimulation of users will be carried out to achieve the necessary conditions. The platform will work according to the game format, the format of permanent trainings.

5) "Neurocommunications and marketing"

Today, the market of neuro-communication is in the process of formation. There are no comprehensive solutions in the world that allow for a full-fledged analysis of the process of perception by the consumer (user) of an ever-increasing information flow. At the same time, such information is needed, for example, for marketing research, the development of the film industry, political and social research, the creation of television content, independent projects (DYI), design, advertising.

By 2035 , the following products are projected to appear on the neuromarketing market:

automated systems for calculating neurometrics and systems for analyzing categories of states based on neurodata;

prototypes of cheap scalable systems for removing neurometrics (boxed solutions);

wearable devices for automatic detection of emotional status;

decision support systems;

human – pets communication systems;

neurocommunication systems "man–man", "man–machine", "man–society";

decision-making forecasting systems, social neural networks.

6) "NeuroAssistant"

The predecessor of the NeuroAssistant market is the market of the very first intelligent virtual assistants designed to understand the current needs of the user and search for solutions on the Internet, cloud services. The virtual assistant market covers the B2B and B2C sectors.

By 2035, the virtual assistant market will be a multi-level network of interacting intelligent services.

All together, electronic assistants will be part of the "global secretariat", minimizing all transaction costs for finding services, goods, personnel, coordinating the interests and personal schedules of employees and business partners. In these developing areas, there will be a tendency for a rapid increase in neuromorphic computing algorithms and

The transition from the predecessor markets to full-fledged segments of the neural network market can be carried out provided that the relevant technological barriers are overcome and the action plan is successfully implemented (section VI). The existing competitive advantages (scientific and technological background and experience of companies), as well as the experience of developing the IT market in Russia, indicate the possibility of implementing an innovative scenario for the development of the neural network market. Among the barriers facing the emerging market, it is worth noting not only scientific, technological and infrastructural, but also ethical restrictions that will be overcome if successful implementation of measures aimed, among other things, at popularizing the neural network market.
[- What are these guys talking about?! Covid "crisis"? "The climate crisis"? The financial, energy, "disinformation crisis"?! -]

1.5.2. Gradual improvement of the regulatory framework in order to eliminate barriers to the use of advanced technological solutions and create a system of incentives for their implementation

1.5.3. Improving the education system to meet the prospective staffing needs of dynamically developing companies, scientific and creative teams involved in the creation of new global markets

The main directions of the action plan ("roadmap")
1) "Improvement of the education system for directions 1)-6) of section 1.5.1"

A brief description of the direction of the action plan ("roadmap")
Improving the education system for all areas of the "roadmap". The reference segment is "Neuroeducation".

1.5.4. Development of the system of professional communities and popularization of the National Technological Initiative Title of the direction of the action plan ("roadmap")
1) "Popularization for directions 1)-6) of Section 1.5.1"

A brief description of the direction of the action plan ("roadmap")
A cross-cutting popularization event for all directions of the "roadmap"

1.5.5. Organizational, technical, expert and analytical support, information support of the National Technological Initiative

The name of the direction of the action plan ("road map")
1) "Organizational-technical and expert-analytical support, information support for directions 1)-6)
of section 1.5.1"

Brief description of the direction of the action plan
A cross-cutting event for all directions of the roadmap. Interaction with the NTI Working Group and the expert community of NTI "Neuronet"

1.5.6. Creation of acceleration mechanisms for companies of the National Technology Initiative and mechanisms for export promotion of the products being created

The name of the direction of the action plan ("roadmap")
1) "Acceleration of projects for directions 1)-6) of section 1.5.1"

A brief description of the direction of the action plan ("roadmap")
Measures to accelerate promising projects and technologies for all areas of the "roadmap" Measures to develop
cooperation with the Central Committee, CI, NSC, support for patenting.

1.6. Expected socio-economic effects from the implementation of the action plan ("roadmap") in the medium and long term


1. Increasing life expectancy through the development of innovative and import-substituting medicines for the diagnosis and treatment of the most common diseases
of the nervous system.

2. Improving the quality of life of people with disabilities and the disabled through the development of neuroprostheses of the upper extremities (bioprosthesis of the hand), locomotor-active prostheses of the lower extremities, receptors and elements of the sensory organs (cochlear implant, artificial retina) and the development of technological devices for the care and rehabilitation of patients, including a wheelchair with a control function via a neurointerface,
an exoskeleton brush for neurorehabilitation, etc.

3. Increasing the availability of medical services through the development of remote monitoring tools for patients in the treatment and rehabilitation of diseases of the nervous system in the clinic or at home.

4. Improving the quality of education through the development of new methods of early career guidance for schoolchildren and methods of "neurotraining" in educational programs.

5. Improving the quality of medical services in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system, preventing severe and irreversible changes in the brain and spinal cord in a number of pathological conditions and significantly improving the results of treatment and prevention of a number of acute and chronic brain and spinal cord injuries in high-risk groups.

6. Increasing the level of employment of the population by creating jobs in high-tech industries, expanding remote forms of joint activity, increasing the working age due to advances in the field of neural network technologies.

7. Increasing the number of highly qualified specialists in the field of neural network technologies (neurosurgery, neurobiology, diseases of the nervous system, neuroinformational technologies, materials science, robotics with neural interfaces).

8. Improving the quality of life of the population by creating software and hardware complexes for monitoring and tracking health and psycho-emotional states.

9. Digitalization of economic services using Neuronet technologies will reach at least 30% of the total quantity

10. Neuronet technologies will reduce social tension and its consequences arising in connection with the pandemic in 2020.

1.7. Measures to improve technical regulation in order to ensure the implementation of the action plan ("roadmap")

Within the framework of section 1.5.2
2. Information on strategic planning documents related to the category being developed at the federal level, according to the sectoral and territorial principle, as well as within the framework of forecasting, the provisions of which are taken into account when developing the action plan ("roadmap").

Support of the "market in exchange for innovation" directions
Support for the directions of technical transfer centers
Support for patenting, taking into account industry specifics within the segments of the Neuronet Roadmap (for example, the fight against "green patents" within the Neuropharma segment)."

this is up to Page 11; continues later....

//Meanwhile, alternative media: "Russia is fighting the globalists/bankers/global trusts/WEF/Satanists/technocrats/ transhumanists! Russia defends traditional and Christian values. Putin takes care of his people!"
:rolleyes::D //
4) "Neuro-entertainment and sports"

The segment of neuro-entertainment and sports can be divided into the following sub-segments, which are already developing:

entertainment (games, entertainment gadgets, systems of interaction with virtual and augmented reality); biometrics (the market of wearable electronic devices);

evaluation devices and training of cognitive abilities;

devices for monitoring and tracking potentially dangerous psychoemotional states in real time;

devices for self-determination (conducting selections based on objective predisposition data based on EEG;

assistance in identifying optimal areas of effort;

analysis of the level of involvement;

a platform for the interaction of products within all segment projects, exchange, storage, analysis and provision of data;

non-invasive autonomous systems for obtaining biometric data from the nervous system and other physiological data.

The product of 2035 will be a large-scale gaming platform that constantly interacts with the user. The platform will continuously monitor functional, psycho-emotional states, assess the cognitive background of the user's current activity. Based on the data obtained, non-invasive stimulation of users will be carried out to achieve the necessary conditions. The platform will work according to the game format, the format of permanent trainings.

Intelligent video surveillance is being implemented to ensure the security and management of regions

"What is done in the country

More than 600 thousand active users of the video surveillance platform in the largest cities and regions of Russia

More than 350 thousand cameras are connected to the video surveillance platform in total

More than 3 billion hours of video are processed per year

Results on the example of a project in Moscow

The largest video surveillance project in the world connected more than 200 thousand cameras

More than 105 thousand cameras connected to video analytics

More than 180 thousand violations in the sphere of housing and communal services and landscaping were revealed by the end of 2020

More than 5 thousand crimes were solved by the end of 2020."