Flat Earth Info


May 15, 2017
i don't believe the globe/ball no more at all
can I answer everything no I can't but there
is way too many questions I have and I do
Know tptb lie about so much I just don't
Trust them at all anymore

I don't believe the World is flat like a pancake
either,more like @ToxicFemininitySucks said
a shallow bowl or I thought saucer similar to


the moon is another story as there was a time
before the moon which is mentioned through
out history by different cultures

again I doubt We will ever get all the answers
We seek here regarding many topics this being
one of them,by the time We do get the answers
We won't even care anymore as We will be moving
on to something so much better
Jul 12, 2022
Yeah like supposedly we went to the moon w 1960s technology but now we cant go back because they lost the technology. That makes zero sense lol.
Or how they admit the pictures of the earth are not real pictures but artistic depictions.
Exactly. When they keep changing their stories around like this, who will actually believe them when they look into it? By now, many were stating in the past that we could travel to different planets! So it just sounds backwards lol.
If that's the case, they should try to show their "real" pictures :p

Now im wondering about if the moon is not a natural satellite what are the implications for Bible prophecy verses that say stuff like the moon was red as blood and such.
It's so hard to say. It would be so nice to find out the 100 percent truth about this because it just doesn't add up, at all.


Sep 8, 2018
Scriptures were written thousands of years ago before airplanes were invented and science began for better or worse. And people twist the scriptures to say whatever they want. For example Warren Jeffs came up with the idea that God told him to molest as many thirteen year old girls as he could. He is now residing in prison for the rest of his life.
There is nothing new under the sun.
The scriptures are designed to read the black part as is without adding stuff to the white part— which people tend to do to justify their evil.

The greatest scientists were men of faith historically.
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Jun 17, 2017
i would love to see a flat earth expert debate this author.
matter of fact, i think david weiss has offered a reward for globe proof.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
i would love to see a flat earth expert debate this author.
matter of fact, i think david weiss has offered a reward for globe proof.
Is this the same attorney who doesn't seem to understand that astronomical amounts of light and heat we experience every day doesn't come from the sun?



Jun 17, 2017
Is this the same attorney who doesn't seem to understand that astronomical amounts of light and heat we experience every day doesn't come from the sun?

i saved the video you sent me. on my bitchute feed, the same video showed up with a FE spin to it. you probably dont want to see it again, but in FE circles, they are calling it a win after their version of 'fact checking'.


A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
i saved the video you sent me. on my bitchute feed, the same video showed up with a FE spin to it. you probably dont want to see it again, but in FE circles, they are calling it a win after their version of 'fact checking'.

Thank-you. The full length video (almost 2 hours) that the excerpt was taken from was looked at briefly (probably the same one you've linked above), but it wasn't sat through in its entirety.

When people employ multiple logical fallacies to "prove" their points (as those who support the FE fantasy routinely do), it should be a red flag for the viewer that they don't know what they're talking about.

The entire FE hypothesis can be reduced to one argument: over relatively short distances, the Earth looks flat. But that is exactly what one would expect on the surface of a spherical object of this scale and magnitude.

Hence the true saying that looks can be, and quite often are, deceiving.

My question is this: when the entire world is involved in a shooting war, and people are dying all around us by the billions, what will the shape of the Earth matter?

We are in the midst of the greatest oppression of all time, and this is the distraction that the ruling, parasitic criminal class have foisted upon the gullible public to waste their time. The same parasitic criminal class that those who have been duped by FE believe are hiding the shape of the Earth from us.

P.S., Did you watch the video please? Just curious if anything came up about the Southern hemisphere, because by itself that is proof the Earth cannot possibly be flat, e.g. different sets of stars (the Southern Cross, no big dipper, the moon inverted, etc.), the use of equatorial mounts for telescopes that can only work on a sphere (and do work well), sun dials in the Southern hemisphere and, of course, the existence of the southern polar region which also enjoys 24 hour days near the South pole at the exact opposite time of the year that 24 hour days are enjoyed at the North pole.

P.P.S., Other than the obvious distraction from the things in this world that we have the power to change for the better, to me, one of the most troubling aspects of FE is that it can and likely will be used to discredit not only the true conspiracy facts, but also the Bible as well, which people are falsely claiming teaches the Earth is flat, which it absolutely doesn't.

Similar to what was recently done with the Sandy Hook incident in the Alex Jones trial, where the "guilt-by-association" fallacy was deployed to discredit any "crazy" people who believe Waco, OK City, 9/11, Bali, Madrid, 7/7, Norway were government sponsored state terrorism. This concern has been shared previously, but felt worth repeating, as it is likely the primary goal of introducing the flat earth nonsense at this particular time (c. 2014, at the same time the U.S. notched up the use of the neo-nazi government they installed in Ukraine to provoke Russia into WW3).
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A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
i think the moon is an artificial satellite. theres plenty of evidence to suggest this.

View attachment 80053

there is also this:

updated playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMuTjP_Ne90mXOODoJjFkVvacyRpzgPlR
This is an extremely interesting subject, as the moon appears to be too large and too close to the Earth to be a natural satellite, among many other anomalies.

The following is being offered as food for thought...

In the 1977 film "Star Wars" there's a line when the Millennium Falcon is approaching the Death Star near Alderaan, where OB1 says "that's no moon...that's a space station". Could it be that's exactly what our moon is (or what our moon is hiding inside of it)? Our moon is reportedly ~2160 miles in diameter.

In the Bible Book of Revelation, it refers to the "New Jerusalem", a massive spaceship that will descend out of Heaven into Earth's atmosphere, to pick up the "Elect". The dimensions of the New Jerusalem are provided as 12000 furlongs, with its length, breadth, and height being equal.

It is speculated by some that these 3 equal measurements/dimensions (length, breadth, and height) are referring to a cube. But the same hold true for a sphere, and thus the New Jerusalem could be a sphere, which is actually the most logical 3D shape.

By today's definition of a furlong, and using the most logical presumption of the shape being spherical, 12000 furlongs would equate to a spherical object 1500 miles in diameter, which would fit inside the moon. However, a furlong is based upon the measurement of a "rod", with one furlong being equal to 40 rods which, by today's standards are 16 1/2 feet per rod. But this wasn't always the case.

In dialectal English the term lug has also been used in place of rod, although the Oxford English Dictionary states that this unit, while usually of 16+1⁄2 feet, may also be of 15, 18, 20, or 21 feet (or even up to 25 feet). So 40 rods/lugs (a furlong) could have been longer in our distant past, meaning the diameter or New Jerusalem may be very close to what the diameter of our moon is.

In the Bible, there are numerous other references to spaceships, e.g. the spaceship that led the Israelites through the wilderness for 40 years (going before them by day in a pillar of a "Cloud", to lead them along the way and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night"), the "Chariot of Fire" that took Elijah up, Ezekiel's "wheels", the "star of Bethlehem" that guided the wise men for months to the exact house where the young Child (Jesus) and Mary were, and even the spaceship that gathered Jesus from Mt. Olivet. So everyone should be prepared to see the New Jerusalem, when it comes down out of heaven.

All of these spaceships would logically need to be close enough to monitor Earth activity, and be able to make the trip back and forth to Earth when called to do so. And what would offer a closer, more concealed base of operations than the moon? A moon that we only see one side of at all times, because its rotational rate just happens to exactly match its orbital rate?

So "that's no moon...that's a space station" may very well be describing our own moon.
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Jun 17, 2017
This is an extremely interesting subject, as the moon appears to be too large and too close to the Earth to be a natural satellite, among many other anomalies.
absolutely. one does not need to believe in the flat earth to know this.

no, i didnt watch the video-- actually, i was going to watch your raw, unedited version first, but out of curiosity, i skimmed my version to see what was said.
in the beginning, dave weiss (FE) asked a battery of questions to prof. dave. i wasnt happy with his responses nor was the narrator.
prof. dave didnt believe YT censors videos, believes we went to the moon, and apparently is a big, fat normie. like i said, truthers might or might not be FE-ers, but we can both agree that NASA lies about everything, the moon landing (at least the one we were told/shown) was a fabrication, and NASA fakes all of the photos of space and fakes all of the ISS footage.
if prof. dave isnt willing to open his eyes and see the obvious fakery, it doesnt help him open his mind to any possible fallacies that weve been told through the years.

one of the commenters on the bitchute video brought up a good point-- FEers will readily say, "im not sure" about certain things that theyve been told about space and that honest exploration of space has not been done. globers are 100% assured of official stats.

although i am in agreement with you that flat/ball shape of the earth isnt a big deal, FEers will insist that it is a huge deal since it is one of the biggest lies perpretrated on mankind. that might be true, but there are more pressing issues right now.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
absolutely. one does not need to believe in the flat earth to know this.

no, i didnt watch the video-- actually, i was going to watch your raw, unedited version first, but out of curiosity, i skimmed my version to see what was said.
in the beginning, dave weiss (FE) asked a battery of questions to prof. dave. i wasnt happy with his responses nor was the narrator.
prof. dave didnt believe YT censors videos, believes we went to the moon, and apparently is a big, fat normie. like i said, truthers might or might not be FE-ers, but we can both agree that NASA lies about everything, the moon landing (at least the one we were told/shown) was a fabrication, and NASA fakes all of the photos of space and fakes all of the ISS footage.
if prof. dave isnt willing to open his eyes and see the obvious fakery, it doesnt help him open his mind to any possible fallacies that weve been told through the years.

one of the commenters on the bitchute video brought up a good point-- FEers will readily say, "im not sure" about certain things that theyve been told about space and that honest exploration of space has not been done. globers are 100% assured of official stats.

although i am in agreement with you that flat/ball shape of the earth isnt a big deal, FEers will insist that it is a huge deal since it is one of the biggest lies perpretrated on mankind. that might be true, but there are more pressing issues right now.
Agreed about the interview being a circus, and that anyone at this point that doesn't think the corporate fictional government and ALL of its agencies lie is spiritually sound asleep. Governments are FILLED with professional liars, which we call politicians, and their official agencies are officially as untrustworthy as the politicians that manipulate them.

NASA obviously lies, just as the CIA does through the mainstream media they've controlled for the past 50-60 years, as does the military industrial complex. However, the fact that NASA lies in no way can be offered as evidence that the Earth is flat; it's only proof that NASA lies.

The question that really should be asked is why they're lying. And when one understands that virtually everything that transpires on this planet is about war, it shouldn't be too difficult to see what would motivate one country to lie about going to the moon, which would offer them a tactical as well as a psychological advantage in war.

It also shouldn't be too difficult to see that the maps that are presently used, are used by the war machine, by thousands of commercial vessels and aircraft, and by millions of private travelers to travel "from one end of the earth to the other" or "to circle the globe". And where money, war and time are involved, the distances traversed will, out of necessity, be the shortest routes possible in most cases. Or that things as simple as sunrise and sunset times, as well as eclipses can be very accurately predicted through calculations that all depend upon the spherical shape of the Earth and celestial, orbital mechanics. There simply is no way to explain much less accurately predict any of these things with a "flat earth model".


May 15, 2017
We have been lied to for so long its
hard for Us to See and Believe the Truth
instead of the lies

is the World flat idk I Hope one day though
that I get to learn the real Truth of what Our
World Truly is cause I do Know I'm so sick of
the lies


A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
We have been lied to for so long its
hard for Us to See and Believe the Truth
instead of the lies
Agreed. Only when the world is viewed through awakened spiritual eyes, can the Truth be seen.

is the World flat idk I Hope one day though
that I get to learn the real Truth of what Our
World Truly is cause I do Know I'm so sick of
the lies
This world is a prison planet reform school for the criminally insane, where the most depraved lunatics are temporarily in charge of the asylum.

People laugh sometimes when they read the above sentence, but it is straight out of the Scripture of Truth, aka the Bible, which warns us we are all criminals (law-breakers/sinners), who were sent here to either learn how to be good or to suffer the penalty for our crimes. The fact that almost 100% of the inhabitants are still committing crimes, while on death row, instead of spending every waking moment striving to learn how to become the selfless, kind, loving, generous and thoughtful individuals our Creator KNOWS we could be and need to be, is proof that this is a lunatic asylum.

The Scripture of Truth tells us that the Earth is spherical in shape (Isa. 40:22) and that it exists in empty space (Job 26:7). It also includes information about its rotation and its fixed course through space, which have been shared in previous posts.

Shouldn't that be enough?

If not, please consider the next two posts, concerning some of the many lies that are told to support the flat earth idea, and also a challenge that can be taken by anyone who believes the Earth is flat.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
FE = the "Flat Earth" hypothesis

FE claims the sun can remain thousands of miles above the horizon, but somehow set below it at the same time: LIE
FE claims the sun disappears due to perspective: LIE
FE claims there is no proof of curvature, despite MILLIONS of measurements of curvature taken by thousands of geodetic surveyors over the past few hundred years: LIE
FE claims that ships that have disappeared over the horizon magically reappear when higher magnification is used to view them: LIE
FE claims there is no proof of rotation by ignoring Foucault's pendulum: LIE
FE claims there are no real photos from space of the Earth: LIE
FE claims there is no period of 24-hour sunlight in Antarctica: LIE
FE claims that Antarctica is a giant ice wall: LIE
FE claims the Coriolis effect doesn't exist: LIE
FE claims the force referred to as gravity doesn't exist: LIE
FE claims the longest days are longer and the shortest days are shorter in the Northern hemisphere v. the Southern hemisphere: LIE
FE claims that certain flights, like the emergency landing in Anchorage of a flight from Taiwan to LA couldn't happen on a globe: LIE
FE claims that water is always level, even over hundreds or thousands of miles: LIE
FE claims the Bible teaches the Earth is flat: LIE

These are but a few of the COUNTLESS LIES taught and mindlessly repeated by FE proponents. In fact, every single “proof” FE offers is either missing some mission critical piece of evidence so that it can be misrepresented or is based on a logical fallacy.

Two such examples (non sequitur):

“NASA lies” is NOT “proof” the Earth is flat; it is only proof that NASA lies.

The Earth “looks” flat when viewed from its surface is NOT proof the Earth is flat; it is only proof that the Earth LOOKS flat from its surface.

Logical conclusion: FE is based on nothing but lies and logical fallacies

There is NO hubris in pointing out this TRUTH; arrogance is to blame though for not accept it.

Matthew 7:16-20
7:16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
7:17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
7:18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither [can] a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
7:19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into The Fire.
7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
The FE Challenge
(in North America)

About 25 miles or so to the northeast out of Asheville, NC up Hwy 128, sits the highest peak in the Appalachian Mountains.

At its summit, Mount Mitchell is 6684 feet, and is the highest point not only in the Appalachian Mountains, but anywhere East of the Mississippi River.

Its GPS coordinates are 35.7693°N, 82.2657°W.

If for some reason Mount Mitchell seems too far out of the way to visit or to view, there are plenty more 6000+ foot peaks in the Appalachians.


West of the Mississippi, in the Rocky Mountains, Mt. Elbert stands at 14,440 feet, laying claim to the both the highest peak in the Rockies as well as in central North America.

Although not as easy to get to, Mount Elbert's GPS coordinates are 39.1178°N, 106.4452°W.

Not to worry though; there are over 50 other peaks in Colorado that are over 14,000 feet:-


The distance between Mount Elbert and Mount Mitchell is approximately 1342 miles, according to multiple mapping sources, both online and on paper. That's less than half the supposed distance to the moon on the FE model which, as we all know, is visible with the naked eye from the surface of the Earth when its view isn't completely obstructed by Earth's shadow (if you believe in that sort of thing). Certainly within easy view of a decent telescope.

In between the Appalachian and Rocky mountain ranges lie the great plains, which sit significantly below the elevation of both mountain ranges.

The elevation of major cities in between the Appalachians and the Rockies are as follows:

City -- Elevation, feet

Wichita, KS -- 1300
Lawrence, KS -- 866
Springfield, MO -- 1300
St. Louis, MO -- 465
Bowling Green, KY -- 547
Nashville, TN -- 597

Which means on a clear Summer day, there should be NO obstruction in between these two mountain ranges, making one range visible from the other, IF THE EARTH IS ACTUALLY FLAT.

So IF the actual goal of FE is the truth, then here is a very simple test to prove your FE hypothesis. All that would be needed is a decent telescope and possibly a camera if photographic evidence of your findings is desired.

And you'll be treated to spectacular views at the same time you are learning about the shape of the Earth first-hand.

A win-win for everyone.


May 15, 2017
@A Freeman i respect Your opinions and theories
unfortunately being I'm in Canada I cannot visit
any locations Ya have for examples to be honest
I have left my home town in my life a total of 3 times
and they were not long times away,last time would
be 2 decades ago so yeah lol

I did say I don't Know what the Truth is
could the global model that's spoken of
not be including the heavens above Us
and the belows under Us?

no matter what the shape it does seem We are
in a closed system which We cannot leave so
whether flat,round,oval or square does it matter
really the shape when tptb lie about the rest enough
it should make Us at least question what We're being told
about leaving and colonizing other planets or about
space in general

the only pictures We can say come from above earth
that are not cgi or artists renditions and even then I'm
not sure about how far above before they change to the real
to cgi/goog etc.. are Our so called satellite images and goog
maps/earth etc...

the posts I make are more to point out We should have
questions and that tptb lie to Us whenever they want or
the need to do so arises

it's also to show the beauty as in the one I posted above
of the sun dogs no matter what the lies/Truth is We wont
Know for certain until We are no longer on this plane probably
by then We will not care anymore

lets all just enjoy the beauty that Our Creator has given all
around Us and try to unite together more than allowing tptb
to divide Us with their petty lies