Art post


Nov 23, 2021
Thank you to the one person out of the multiple views that gave this post the courtesy of a like/acknowledgment . Wasn’t really looking for that too much, just an interesting observation about The attention span and reckless abandon of many humans I guess. :)
They kinda look like aboriginal art. Guess tribes eat magic shrooms too since it's found in nature.

How do you feel now? And was this the first time you experienced it? Please do shell I mean tell :)


Jan 20, 2022
Thank you to the one person out of the multiple views that gave this post the courtesy of a like/acknowledgment . Wasn’t really looking for that too much, just an interesting observation about The attention span and reckless abandon of many humans I guess. :)
Stop crying


May 21, 2017
They kinda look like aboriginal art. Guess tribes eat magic shrooms too since it's found in nature.

How do you feel now? And was this the first time you experienced it? Please do shell I mean tell :)
SO, i just had a friend who is a channeler do a psychic reading on me.. she got strong messages that I have this internal gift that I've been (repressing or ignoring out of fear or absurdity perhaps). She believes (and I now do) that I'm channeling messages / stories through my art. Also, I have been known to connect with the other side, but stopped because I was unsure if it was something that was negative (it's not)... VERY interesting though. I've been hoping to reach someone on here who might understand these things. There are legit faces showing up in my art that are totally unplanned.


Jan 20, 2022
SO, i just had a friend who is a channeler do a psychic reading on me.. she got strong messages that I have this internal gift that I've been (repressing or ignoring out of fear or absurdity perhaps). She believes (and I now do) that I'm channeling messages / stories through my art. Also, I have been known to connect with the other side, but stopped because I was unsure if it was something that was negative (it's not)... VERY interesting though. I've been hoping to reach someone on here who might understand these things. There are legit faces showing up in my art that are totally unplanned.
Stop dancing with demons aswell. I highly doubt either piece of advice will be heeded tho.


May 21, 2017
Stop dancing with demons aswell. I highly doubt either piece of advice will be heeded tho.
what is your point in being here? To give me grief? lol Real solid feedback from you, thanks.


May 15, 2017
the art is Truly Beautiful @~JC~ keep
doing what Your doing,Your friends right
Ya were meant to be sharing this with
Our World,I am looking forward to Seeing
many more art pieces by Ya

Our Light gave Us these Natural Healing
Plants to Use for Our Connection to Our Light
each other,this World and all Our Lights Creations
in it

just because tptb have made it so only they are
allowed to use/have these by their laws means
nothing in the Natural laws of Our Light/World

that's why they synthesize and add addictives to
the Naturals all so they can monopolize the Naturals
and poison Us with their creations always about being
Our Light with these evils and control over Our Lights

it's why when using the actual Naturals back in the
day We did not See the epidemic of addiction/death
disease/devastation from these Naturals
like the illnesses We have now it's only since they
started creating/introducing their "medicines"

a little research makes it clear that in Natural forms
these so called illegal/falsely owned Plants Help/Helped more
than harmed if Used the proper way but that's why tptb
have perverted all of it

We need to stop using the words of these evils
as concrete Truth as it is NOT,the only reason We
See these things as evil,be it the Use of Natural Plants
or gifts of remembering Our Soul/Lights Abilities/
Connection with that beyond Our senses ever since tptb
introduced their poisons/control to Us is NOT wrong or evil

it is Our Souls/Lights remembering or being given
the gift of that Natural to Show/Teach others what We
have had stolen/suppressed/Our Natural abilities that
have been taken from Us in the name of evil ruling Us as gods

what they tell Ya is evil is so no one Good would
try doing anything evil for fear of upsetting Our Light
and going to the below/hell

We need to Stop Our system thinking as We are
all here on this site because We Know it's not
the way Our World is supposed to be,We See and
Speak on the ways they have perverted twisted all
Good to bad and bad to good We Know

sorry for the rant I'm done
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Jan 20, 2022
the art is Truly Beautiful @~JC~ keep
doing what Your doing,Your friends right
Ya were meant to be sharing this with
Our World,I am looking forward to Seeing
many more art pieces by Ya

Our Light gave Us these Natural Healing
Plants to Use for Our Connection to Our Light
each other,this World and all Our Lights Creations
in it

just because tptb have made it so only they are
allowed to use/have these by their laws means
nothing in the Natural laws of Our Light/World

that's why they synthesize and add addictives to
the Naturals all so they can monopolize the Naturals
and poison Us with their creations always about being
Our Light with these evils and control over Our Lights

it's why when using the actual Naturals back in the
day We did not See the epidemic of addiction/death
disease/devastation from these Naturals
like the illnesses We have now it's only since they
started creating/introducing their "medicines"

a little research makes it clear that in Natural forms
these so called illegal/falsely owned Plants Help/Helped more
than harmed if Used the proper way but that's why tptb
have perverted all of it

We need to stop using the words of these evils
as concrete Truth as it is NOT,the only reason We
See these things as evil,be it the Use of Natural Plants
or gifts of remembering Our Soul/Lights Abilities/
Connection with that beyond Our senses ever since tptb
introduced their poisons/control to Us is NOT wrong or evil

it is Our Souls/Lights remembering or being given
the gift of that Natural to Show/Teach others what We
have had stolen/suppressed/Our Natural abilities that
have been taken from Us in the name of evil ruling Us as gods

what they tell Ya is evil is so no one Good would
try doing anything evil for fear of upsetting Our Light
and going to the below/hell

We need to Stop Our system thinking as We are
all here on this site because We Know it's not
the way Our World is supposed to be,We See and
Speak on the ways they have perverted twisted all
Good to bad and bad to good We Know

sorry for the rant I'm done
You know nothing of what you speak of.


Jan 20, 2022
what is your point in being here? To give me grief? lol Real solid feedback from you, thanks.
Are you seriously asking me what my point is? In the very post of mine you quoted is my use of the word 'advice' not a clue? I guess your just confirming the last thing i said in that post tho.
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May 21, 2017
Are you seriously asking me what my point is? In the very post of mine you quoted is my use of the word 'advice' not a clue? I guess your just confirming the last thing i said in that post tho.
Sorry, thanks! Sending you lots of love. I really mean that and I’m not being a smart ass <3 have a wonderful day and a beautiful weekend filled with love and beauty!


Jan 20, 2022
I didn't mean to come across as being
rude or mean to offend Ya in anyway
I Know We all put infliction to the text
as We read and sometimes We may
read it differently or totally out of the way
it was meant to be

I'm sorry if I have but I don't think I Know
nothing on the subject I am speaking on

so We can agree to disagree
You dont need to say you 'dont think you know nothing on the subject' that is obvious for anyone to see. Nobody would write a long paragraph such as you did if they in anyway suspected they knew nothing, you clearly think you know much but you don't and im not agreeing to do anything im telling you that you know nothing about what your speaking on.

This is the cancer within the 'truth' movement. You speak a whole bunch of new age spiritualism clichés talking so much about a world you know nothing about because what it preaches works well with the way you want to live life. You champion ideals and dogma lifted straight from the realms of occultism and a beginners guide to witchcraft and Satanism but all with the name satan removed so that no one is alarmed, so that all the talk of light this and that and 'our light' sounds noble but anyone who is wise knows that it is Lucifer who is the light bearer.

As i have said many times the truth movement has long been infiltrated and it is through the truth movement that the new world will be established here is a fruit of that infiltration. This is the new world religion, this new age spiritualism promoting the use of psychedelic herbs and drugs in search of healing and some divine connection, the same herbs, plants and drugs men long ago used to use to contact the entities they worshipped in their rituals and whose altars they would also sacrifice countless men women and children on. All this pseudo spiritual nonsense you are speaking which would fit in perfectly well with material written by someone like Helena blavatsky or Alice Bailey, all of which finds its source in the mystery schools and ultimately in Satanism. They are using the truth movement to spread this spiritualism absent of God and concealing its connection to Lucifer with the ultimate purpose of initiating the entire world into the mysteries. Presented as the 'truth' the elites are trying to hide from us, this is the coming one world religion which will compliment our coming one world government. Again it is through the truth movement that the new world order will be established.

So yes you know nothing about whatt you speak... Or maybe yo do. They have agents and wolves in sheep's clothing throughout every level of the truth movement, whether on small forums on the Internet or on youtube with channels attracting tens and hundreds of thousands of viewers, all with job of helping influence the movement. Maybe you know exactly what you are doing.
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Jan 20, 2022
multiple people.. I just did this one randomly yesterday and there are a couple of faces appearing that i did NOT create, also, supposedly i have 3 spiritual guides watching over and protecting me, one of them since birth.. I'm lumping this into part of the "signs" i'm getting.
'Spiritual guides' smh. Demons that is what they are playing the same old tricks they have always played and because of human ego the same tricks continue to work. Humans all love to feel important, the idea of you being special and receiving these divine like signs and revelations seduces you, just like the promise of being like God seduced in the Garden. Do you know how many people like you i have met in real life? All seeking some sort of spiritual connection through psysics and mediums, not realising your psychic is really breaking bread with demons, sometimes unknowingly admittedly but alot of times they know exactly what they are dealing with.

One particular woman i knew her demons would appear to her in the form of Catholic nuns, she grew up Catholic you see but then got interested in psychics and mediumship, thats when the psychics she knew started telling her the same nonsense, that she is special, the spirits want to talk to her, they have been watching over her for a long time and she believed it all. From then it wasn't long before the demons started appearing to her, first just giving her 'feelings' then she would hear voices speaking to her and they would tell her things, things that were true, warn her about things give her knowledge about things all to gain her trust the more she lapped it all up eventually they started appearing to her like i said in the form of three Catholic nuns cause the demons knew its a form that would connect with her considering her Catholic upbringing, even though she wasn't living as a Catholic anymore them appearing as nuns completely disarmed her. Wasn't long before she herself was a full on medium conducting seances with these same demons now pretending to be spirits of the dead, using her and masquerading as spirits of the dead to seduce other people into believing these lies.

They watch you for years, manipulating situations in your life and orchestrating you meeting certain people in life all in order to shape your mindset, your thoughts, opinions and beliefs especially in a spiritual sense all in preparation for how they plan on using you. When they think your ready they pull the trigger, making you believe the situations you have gone through and experiences you have had all your life is because you are 'special' and then they masquerade as whatever it takes to fool you, whether spirit guides, or guardian angels, or ascended masters, or spirits of the dead, spirits of ancestors even aliens from other planets whatever you are most inclined to believe is the guise they will take. Most times they have spent years orchestrating experiences in your life so that your become inclined to believe in one of these guises, sowing the seeds early for the deception they plan to use. They will use you and once they have got everything they want out of you they will torment you till the point they literally drive you insane.


Jan 20, 2022
Your opinion and Ya can believe what Ya
want I ain't gonna change it obviously I
Know my Heart/Soul/Light and so does
Our Creator that is all that matters in the end

show me a post since I have been renewed
in my faith/Love of Our Creator that I said it
was not the same as God from the book or
that I promoted the absence of Our Creator
from Us in anyway

I am saying We do not the corrupted designed
religions of today to connect/Love Our Creator
and that We can do so without any of these designed
religions that promote and were designed to do so the
divide of Us from each other

anyhow I am not asking anyone to have my beliefs
but am asking to not put Your belief/faith into that
which has come literally from the mouth of serpents
and liar and evils that have fed on innocence and those
that want to do nothing but destroy all that is Good/Light
and Love in Our World

Using the Naturals of Our World that was gifted and
Created by Our Creator is NOT evil or a sin those
Naturals were gifted to Us for Us to use

in the end Your not my judge/Creator,that is for Our Creator
and them alone so Ya worry about Yourself and I'll
worry about me

anyways if Ya wanna discuss move the discussion
to my thread and let's stop hijacking this one

sorry ~JC~ I'm done here I would like to See more
of Your art please
It is not my opinion it is the truth end of story, but you know again I've seen it all before the style of your response is very familiar.


Jan 20, 2022
Peoples are allowed to have w/e beliefs
they want Ya have Yours right there is only
one judge of Us that's it and it is not Ya or me

it is not Truth it's Your biased opinion which
Ya are entitled to Thanks to Our Creator gifting
all of Us with FreeWill

there was not only evils that Our Creator
made,many Creations were made and there
is Good Creations that do try to guide Us as
well as evil

the style of Your response is also very familiar lol
what does that matter Your gonna believe w/e
Ya believe nothing said here will change that just
as nothing Ya say here will change mine

I just got my faith/Love back and Peoples and their
beliefs/opinions are never going to take it from me again

sorry again ~JC~ I'm done hijacking this thread
it was meant to share something beautiful but
is getting twisted to something very ugly

I will be here to See Your next art Creation
Regardless of what anyone believes THERE IS TRUTH. There is truth and anything that isn't the truth is a lie. Everything you believe and every you have said is not the truth, it is a lie, a dangerous lie and will not allow you or anyone else to spread and champion lies that will lead to the destruction of people, i will call out your beliefs for the lies that they are.

Only thing ugly in this thread is the talk of 'spirit guides' and this new age occultic rhetoric you are attempting to promote, few things i hate more than satanic ideals, i will never tolerate nor respect them.


Jul 27, 2017
Shell and tell :) didn’t want to be…shellfish by not sharing :)

Lately, I’ve been microdosing. All of my connections have been amazing (esp my willingness to connect with family)

also… idk something interesting is going on with my art because I don’t plan some of these very intricate ones. Then I look at it again and it kind of blows my mind because I see some VERY interesting things transforming. I feel like there’s a message here. Like telling us we’re being watched. I’ve seen some weird fkng shit I’m the sky lately (def some unusual looking clouds I was inclined to photograph) Is there a message here? Enjoy :)

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Look at you being all artsy and enlightened.

I have not been on this site in a fat minute. Glad you’re doing well


May 21, 2017
Look at you being all artsy and enlightened.

I have not been on this site in a fat minute. Glad you’re doing well
Thank you, Maes! Good to see you and I hope you’re doing well :D