BTS discussion thread


Oct 3, 2021
Oh jeez. I knew about the beta kitten programming for years but I never connected it to yo**ngi's nickname cat. Now I feel so stupid XD Why ffs did I not connected the dots.... XD hhhhh
Because it was just an idea of mine, I have no proofs so don't need to feel stupid dear xD and I was thinking the same for JK surname.
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Oct 20, 2018
Because it was just a idea of mine, I have no proofs so don't need to feel stupid dear xD and I was thinking the same for JK surname.
But its actually such a great idea.
Someone had to start with these nicknames and some b*s fansite are managed by h*be staff. And what's better way to make sure these boys never forget their place than making their own fans call them by their *ehm ehm* work names *ehm ehm*.


Oct 3, 2021
But its actually such a great idea.
Someone had to start with these nicknames and some b*s fansite are managed by h*be staff. And what's better way to make sure these boys never forget their place than making their own fans call them by their *ehm ehm* work names *ehm ehm*.
THANKS ! You put it in words I haven't ! I was totally picturing what you said ! Because the others nicknames like Jungkookie. First I was blaming the fans to call him like that on social medias and others contents. I was like, but why ? And then, one day, I heard a member himself calling the mafia boss Jungkookie. And then, I understand better. We put a lot of blame to their fans. And it's ok, but we shouldn't forget, that it's also because of the group and the staff themself !

And attention ! There is worse than that xD these nicknames seriously.


Jun 23, 2021
Just really wondering what Jeykey's "gf" might think about this...

If you were his "girl" what would you do with this? Lol...

They've done this before.
Jk possibly kissing jn's knee..
Yrs ago jn was caught kissing jk's neck..
I totally believe in this ship .they definitely have some kind of sexual relationship . Jekey doesn't do this shit with other members . And I'm so disgusted by j!n. I always get creepy and arrogant vibes from j!n but yeah my opinion is kj just hooks up with someone and at the end of the day returns to his so called yeobo j!n .
Yeah unfortunately I see it too, I always get creeped out by the way jk acts with jn. Like jn is some master to him. Even if this sh!t didn't start when jk was too young, I'd still be side eyeing their interactions. They're not on an even playing field. Jn is in total control. And Jk probably misinterprets it as love..he seems really fckd up in the head, sorry. And I'm also totally disgusted by jn.


Sep 9, 2020
They've done this before.
Jk possibly kissing jn's knee..
Yrs ago jn was caught kissing jk's neck..

Yeah unfortunately I see it too, I always get creeped out by the way jk acts with jn. Like jn is some master to him. Even if this sh!t didn't start when jk was too young, I'd still be side eyeing their interactions. They're not on an even playing field. Jn is in total control. And Jk probably misinterprets it as love..he seems really fckd up in the head, sorry. And I'm also totally disgusted by jn.
i repeat and i strongly believe that Jin was the cause of Jungkook and Taehyung friendship end


Dec 2, 2021
I hope you are doing better now.
Dont worry you dont sound delusional, you are actually saying very interesting things which I agree with. I think it's very possible that some information, knowledge, fears are passed to the next generation through DNA. Some time ago I read somewhere that the reason why so many people are afraid of rats and mice is because during the ancient time when people were living in caves, when the rats were in their caves they probably infected their food with all the sicknesses they carry. So if we can pass on phobias through generations, then we could pass on other information.
Your point about generations of victims of mind control is also an interesting thing to think about and it could be like that.
I agree things like that shouldn't be happening and I wish it would be uncovered.

Thank you for sharing such a personal experience and interesting opinions. :)
Thank you for your kind response :)
I am doing better than during my childhood years, but still struggling a lot and trying to figure things out. Unfortunately my mental health
affects me in many ways with aspects of my daily life. But I am working on it.
Yes, especially the generational /dna aspect I think plays some role in a lot of this. But in what exact way is the question.
A song like "DNA" cannot be a coincidence, it must have a deeper meaning.
After all in the lyrics they say "the DNA in my blood vessels TELL ME", it almost sounds like a genetically encoded instruction.
Also all the butterfly symbolism also has to do with passing knowledge down generationally.
It is an interesting consideration whether there are thousands of "sleeping" generational slaves out there, who are a part of all this
scheme without knowing, and who posses some kind of subliminal knowledge.
But like I said, that is all speculation of mine, and just a thought, I am not insistent that it truly is like that.


Oct 20, 2018
Did they really threaten you to the point of you are afraid to post anything ? I'm mad because that's what they want ! Take all your time to think about this injustice, you have the right to speak for fuck sake ! I totally understand why you aren't ready to do it again, but you should, even if take you years, we don't care, people always say that life is too short. Hum yeah? Of course it's not bullshit. But they tend to forget that it can be very long for others people who live differently and who has endure terrible things, that's not the same, so yeah, take your time, and one day if you are ready, just do it.

It's too easy to harass people on the internet because if you aren't good with sites and that you aren't an hacker, it's so cool for them to hide their identity behind some pseudos. I want to see the same member IRL just for see if it's the same big mouth on the site. And you should endure her sheep team?

*bow to you* such a patience. I am angry because of the result of her harasment, where you are already a victim AND a survivor. Because you are strong ! Really strong. You are still here. Even if you should struggle as fuck, respect to you.
Aamy you are such a lovely kind person and you're so good with words.


Sep 21, 2021
They've done this before.
Jk possibly kissing jn's knee..
Yrs ago jn was caught kissing jk's neck..

Yeah unfortunately I see it too, I always get creeped out by the way jk acts with jn. Like jn is some master to him. Even if this sh!t didn't start when jk was too young, I'd still be side eyeing their interactions. They're not on an even playing field. Jn is in total control. And Jk probably misinterprets it as love..he seems really fckd up in the head, sorry. And I'm also totally disgusted by jn.
So, Jn must've been such a"disgusting" and "powerful controller" to have Jeykey do these things to him continuously...even 10 years, hence...?

And Jeykey has been "controlled" by Jn to believe that it's "love"... and even if "they're not on an even playing field..."

This is such "sad" and "unfortunate situation" for Jeykey then, if this is really the case...

Whoa! I wonder why Jeykey has not come to his senses yet... Maybe "soon"? Especially now that he has a "gf...?"

So his "gf" might be his "way out...of this controlling relationship" with Jn...?

Or when Jn enters the military service...Jeykey would be "totally free" of Seokjin's "control..."

At least now... maybe...Jn's Covid is keeping him away from continually "controlling" Jeykey...

And Jeykey can officially socially distance himself from this "disgusting tuna man..." lol


Oct 20, 2018
This is truly bizaree and sick for hibe to take advantage of their young and mentally unhinged fans like this

I mean what the hell even is this crap? Just a way to further deepen the paparsocial relationship armies have with their boys

They will never be able to escape armi at this rate and it's insane that btss are seeminly ok with this shit

Btss are no longer people in hibe/armies eyes-they are personalities that can be switched and replaced
This is new level of "way too much"


Jun 23, 2021
So, Jn must've been such a"disgusting" and "powerful controller" to have Jeykey do these things to him continuously...even 10 years, hence...?

And Jeykey has been "controlled" by Jn to believe that it's "love"... and even if "they're not on an even playing field..."

This is such "sad" and "unfortunate situation" for Jeykey then, if this is really the case...

Whoa! I wonder why Jeykey has not come to his senses yet... Maybe "soon"? Especially now that he has a "gf...?"

So his "gf" might be his "way out...of this controlling relationship" with Jn...?

Or when Jn enters the military service...Jeykey would be "totally free" of Seokjin's "control..."

At least now... maybe...Jn's Covid is keeping him away from continually "controlling" Jeykey...

And Jeykey can officially socially distance himself from this "disgusting tuna man..." lol
I believe you're being sarcastic in this post because we don't see the same way when it comes to jn and jk. Hmmm how shall I put this...their relationship was bred on trust and the fact that jn was jk's senior by 5 yrs. Jk was a child when they met and jn was a grown ass man. If he crossed the line at anytime with jk, which we see even on camera he has, then that is child abuse. As we know jk was young enough to possibly mistake any abuse from his environment as love. He's been conditioned to believe this for 10+ yrs like you said. If they really do have a non platonic relationship now than I'm reminded of that creep Woody Allen that groomed his underage adopted step daughter. It doesn't matter that they're still married and she's now grown. It's sick! I feel that way when I see the hints that jn is sexually involved with jk. I sincerely hope it is just fanservice and not real!


Sep 21, 2021
Thank you for your kind response :)
I am doing better than during my childhood years, but still struggling a lot and trying to figure things out. Unfortunately my mental health
affects me in many ways with aspects of my daily life. But I am working on it.
Yes, especially the generational /dna aspect I think plays some role in a lot of this. But in what exact way is the question.
A song like "DNA" cannot be a coincidence, it must have a deeper meaning.
After all in the lyrics they say "the DNA in my blood vessels TELL ME", it almost sounds like a genetically encoded instruction.
Also all the butterfly symbolism also has to do with passing knowledge down generationally.
It is an interesting consideration whether there are thousands of "sleeping" generational slaves out there, who are a part of all this
scheme without knowing, and who posses some kind of subliminal knowledge.
But like I said, that is all speculation of mine, and just a thought, I am not insistent that it truly is like that.
The "creation" of betees has been part of the plan of the global elites...

The DNA song was made to condition the mind of the world population of the UN Agenda 2020-2030...particularly on the role of the covid vaccines...the altering of the DNA to push "transhumanism..."

The mRNA vaccine is "DNA-altering" vaccine...


Sep 21, 2021
I believe you're being sarcastic in this post because we don't see the same way when it comes to jn and jk. Hmmm how shall I put this...their relationship was bred on trust and the fact that jn was jk's senior by 5 yrs. Jk was a child when they met and jn was a grown ass man. If he crossed the line at anytime with jk, which we see even on camera he has, then that is child abuse. As we know jk was young enough to possibly mistake any abuse from his environment as love. He's been conditioned to believe this for 10+ yrs like you said. If they really do have a non platonic relationship now than I'm reminded of that creep Woody Allen that groomed his underage adopted step daughter. It doesn't matter that they're still married and she's now grown. It's sick! I feel that way when I see the hints that jn is sexually involved with jk. I sincerely hope it is just fanservice and not real!
Yes. We both knew that we have differing opinions regarding Jin and Jungkook...

But sarcasm aside, I actually wanted to try to look at their "relationship" in your point of view...

However, it's rather hard to establish the "logic" that that "love" that Jungkook has for him is just a "result of Jn's control" because he's older, and the oldest Hyung in the group...

Assuming for the sake of argument, that that's the case, Jungkook could've seen & felt already that he's just being "controlled" and could've broken that "attachment" already...

Seriously, 10 years is a long time to be in that "controlling relationship..." If he ever felt "victimized," he could've "resisted" it already...

Also, I believe that a 5-year age gap is not a wide gap...people fall in love regardless of age and gender...

While justifiably, there could be violations of legal statutes, such as the case of Woody Allen & his step daughter... that is an entirely different case...where legal boundaries were violated...based on applicable societal laws...

I believe it's just fair to consider: What if Jin and Jungkook simply, truly were attracted to each other the first time they met...and that has grown into mutual love, care, and respect?

Even if I don't personally agree with same sex unions, as per Biblical teachings... who am I to judge people's feelings and choices?

We will, someday, stand before God Almighty to account for all that we've done.

At the end of the day, it's only them who can & will know if what they feel for each other is genuine or not... It's not for me to judge them...

...And my opinion of them has no bearing, whasoever, on how they want to live their lives...

I hope we'll continue to respect our differences in opinion...and still be in harmony, for the most part, as we participate in this forum... :)


Dec 2, 2021

This video just gave me so much bad feeling, really

everything is alright here isn't it ? We have an edge lord who seems drugged in some parts of his shooting. J-hope doing his so much obvious fake persona, look at his face and smile. I don't even know if it's just because he is exaggerating too much his facial expressions, if it's an alter ego about "lust" who cames to the surface. Where are the members who always say that this man is fake? You are right !

Jk... with blond hair and doing the cover eyes several times, with a depressed or tired look ( blond hair is reprogramming but to what? I don't know)

Jimin... argh. Jimin. Does I really need to say something ? I want your opinions on his part, please. I need to feel I am not crazy. It screams young man who became an half woman on sell for our rich friends. Look at his face just...
And the background. The background for fuck sake ! With pinky baloons ? All his shooting was a gift for pedos. His outfit too say it all. And after we wonder why people like James Corden can't take their dirty hands for them, imagine him seeing this type of shooting in secret ? And ask arrangments to see him again ? Or others personnalities who would want him.

Suga is creepy. I am sorry, this man is creepy. I know there are people here who still think he isn't someone to take seriously. I think they should thinking about this again. Triangle's shapes colored all along ? And it isn't even hidden? Hum, okay.

And Jin was like... Hum. If someone can help me for Jin I take it, I don't know how to describe it.

Edit : And I forgot Turtle. But I am going to repeat to myself again, this man with Yoongi are the most obvious about the " We are deep in the dark side" just look his face pure of mischievious and evil's glint ?!
Just watched the vid too.
mhhh yeah your right, the group as a whole seems really off to me in recent times. It really isn't the same as it used to be.
They all genuinely seem really broken to me, as in their spirit seems really broken from the inside. Not one of them looks genuinely happy.

Rem I think might be the one most content emotionally, and yes he has a reallyyyy evil twinkle in his eye !!! :O
both sg and jn also give me very dark vibes.
Hope too, but also he seems maybe a bit depressed too.
Jk...yeah I do think he has deep issues with his identity, and his mood/behaviour definitely makes me raise my eyebrows.

Sadly jm does look the saddest to me....:( Like he just looks really, really sad I think.
In all recent contents he never looked very happy at all.

I do worry about some of the members.

I am interested to see how and in what way they will continue as a group.
I think it is becoming more and more clear that they don't have a chemistry as good as it used to be. They seem just irritated most of the time.
But h*be will probably try really hard to keep them together. Or maybe they will allow more solo work ?
Time will tell.