BTS discussion thread


Oct 3, 2021
By the way guys have you seen Ricky's golden globes 2020 speech? The things he was "joking" about...and how were the people so uncomfortable and offended (which I dont understand at all, those were just jokes after all - or weren't they?)
Are you speaking about the man who litteraly throw punchlines on punchlines about Tom Hanks and Spielberg ? ( or Woody Allen? I don't remember good ) but I am sure he was joking about the monsters, and their faces weren't pretty at all. They were like " we are going to kill this motherfucker" litteraly


Oct 3, 2021
yes right it could be part of the programming, the way he acted

I don't think there were alter egos in here, just cringy forced moments acted by the two but still. Oh ! How surprising ! One of the main biggest ship together at the beach, you can tell that Jimin is fed up to do the cute boy all the time, and JK mafia boss was upset too. Too visible on his face I swear. I don't know if it's because he is with Jimin, or if it's just lack of sleeping, or if it's a package


Dec 1, 2021
By the way guys have you seen Ricky's golden globes 2020 speech? The things he was "joking" about...and how were the people so uncomfortable and offended (which I dont understand at all, those were just jokes after all - or weren't they?)
hmm for Ricky to have got away with some of the stuff he said he must me part of the igang too . This is a really interesting one to watch that explains. He heavily pushes the atheists agenda so is as much of a muppet to his masters as the others.

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Oct 20, 2018
Guys, do you think that all those dark, devious and distubing magic that BTS is practicing will backfire on them badly? If yes, what would the scenario be?
I dont think so, at least not in a way that's visible to us.
Obviously I dont know much about satanism since I'm not practicing it and it's so different from hermeticism. Satanism basically bends/twists everything that hermeticism teaches. Hermeticism follows the rules of universe and nature, satanism does the quite opposite.
So if you practice hermeticism and you use it to do something bad or to hurt someone, it will always come back to you and hurt you xtimes worse than what you did. But these celebrities who practice satanism, you dont see any big consequences, its actually quite the opposite.
I have few theories why is that.
1) they not only do these bad rituals but also some strong protection spells, which probably are done with blood magic, because I cant imagine anything strong enough to protect you from consequences of going against the nature/universe, except maybe blood. I dont know if the blood magic is strong enough, though it's the strongest you can do. Because blood is literally the strongest "fuel" you can use in magic, its mindblowing how strong blood is. If I compare it using blood as a "fuel" is like trying to make a fire with gasoline and lighter and everything else is like trying to make a fire just with rubbing two sticks together.
There is video in which some guy scientifically and in detail explains why it works and why is it so strong. It's been months since I saw it but I will try to find it because it's very interesting.

Note: sacrificing magic is surely stronger but I dont know anything at all about it (never had a reason or even interest to read about this kind of stuff). Though I guess it's pretty similar to blood magic since in both cases you are using life essence (blood vs taking someone's life).

2) I find this unlikely because it goes against my beliefs and opinions but it's also possibility. There really is some kind of god/strong bad entity that "protects them" because they are making sacrifices for it.

3) Through these rituals they make pacts with demons/bad entities/bad spirits and these things protects them in exchange for something.

So no I dont think it will blow up in their faces, especially since they have years of experience by now.
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Oct 20, 2018
hmm for Ricky to have got away with some of the stuff he said he must me part of the igang too . This is a really interesting one to watch that explains. He heavily pushes the atheists agenda so as much as a muppet to his masters as the others.

Could be, I wouldn't be surprised, anyone can be part of it.
About the atheist thing, I myself dont find it that bad because I'm not Christian, but I can understand that he can be pretty harsh towards religious people and some of his jokes can be too much.


Aug 28, 2021
Just really wondering what Jeykey's "gf" might think about this...

If you were his "girl" what would you do with this? Lol...

I totally believe in this ship .they definitely have some kind of sexual relationship . Jekey doesn't do this shit with other members . And I'm so disgusted by j!n. I always get creepy and arrogant vibes from j!n but yeah my opinion is kj just hooks up with someone and at the end of the day returns to his so called yeobo j!n .


Dec 1, 2021
Very brave of him. Because the people who were called out during his "joking" moments had a bad face. They weren't laughing at all
Brave or did he have his own instructions to take down a few of them that night as a show of power according to their own hierarchy. You don't get to his level of fame / success without compromising a few of your morals. You can find photos of him doing 666, one eye, silenced etc. He is a wolf in sheep clothing....


Oct 20, 2018
I dont think so, at least not in a way that's visible to us.
Obviously I dont know much about satanism since I'm not practicing it and it's so different from hermeticism. Satanism basically bends/twists everything that hermeticism teaches. Hermeticism follows the rules of universe and nature, satanism does the quite opposite.
So if you practice hermeticism and you use it to do something bad or to hurt someone, it will always come back to you and hurt you xtimes worse than what you did. But these celebrities who practice satanism, you dont see any big consequences, its actually quite the opposite.
I have few theories why is that.
1) they not only do these bad rituals but also some strong protection spells, which probably are done with blood magic, because I cant imagine anything strong enough to protect you from consequences of going against the nature/universe, except maybe blood. I dont know if the blood magic is strong enough, though it's the strongest you can do. Because blood is literally the strongest "fuel" you can use in magic, its mindblowing how strong blood is. If I compare it using blood as a "fuel" is like trying to make a fire with gasoline and lighter and everything else is like trying to make a fire just with rubbing two sticks together.
There is video in which some guy scientifically and in detail explains why it works and why is it so strong. It's been months since I saw it but I will try to find it because it's very interesting.

Note: sacrificing magic is surely stronger but I dont know anything at all about it (never had a reason or even interest to read about this kind of stuff). Though I guess it's pretty similar to blood magic since in both cases you are using life essence (blood vs taking someone's life).

2) I find this unlikely because it goes against my beliefs and opinions but it's also possibility. There really is some kind of god/strong bad entity that "protects them" because they are making sacrifices for it.

3) Through these rituals they make pacts with demons/bad entities/bad spirits and these things protects them in exchange for something.

So no I dont think it will blow up in their faces, especially since they have years of experience by now.
Found it!

I really recommend to watch it, the connection he made between science and magic is very interesting.


Oct 3, 2021
Brave or did he have his own instructions to take down a few of them that night as a show of power according to their own hierarchy. You don't get to his level of fame / success without compromising a few of your morals. You can find photos of him doing 666, one eye, silenced etc. He is a wolf in sheep clothing....
Oh I am not too much naive anymore dear, I don't doubt that he is certainly one of them. But I am at one point in my life where I am happy when celebs speak open up like that, even if they are still into this stuff, because people who are aware can share the informations to others people who still don't know what happen

It could be an intern war between them, since they all maintain their career with blackmailed and threats. Or maybe it was just his programming breaking and start to speak, there are a lots of possibilities


Sep 9, 2020
I totally believe in this ship .they definitely have some kind of sexual relationship . Jekey doesn't do this shit with other members . And I'm so disgusted by j!n. I always get creepy and arrogant vibes from j!n but yeah my opinion is kj just hooks up with someone and at the end of the day returns to his so called yeobo j!n .
yes he came back with his master at the end eh eh


Sep 21, 2021
Found it!

I really recommend to watch it, the connection he made between science and magic is very interesting.
Oh oh...please let me warn you to be very careful about watching "stuff" like this...

... there's a demonic portal being opened to anyone... even to those who are innocently curious..

The human spirit is very sensitive... more than we realize it... be very cautious & watchful not to be seduced by evil spirits...

There's a spiritual warfare going on...

Ephesians 6:10-20
King James Version

10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;


Oct 20, 2018
Oh oh...please let me warn you to be very careful about watching "stuff" like this...

... there's a demonic portal being opened to anyone... even to those who are innocently curious..

The human spirit is very sensitive... more than we realize it... be very cautious & watchful not to be seduced by evil spirits...

There's a spiritual warfare going on...

Ephesians 6:10-20
King James Version

10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
Thank you for warning :) but I'm not Christian, I have little bit different beliefs.
Also I guess I'm kinda practicing hermeticism little bit. I work with herbs and sigils and I make talismans and sometimes I do tarot. So I view these things differently.
Hermeticism isn't evil, its completely different from satanism. Hermeticism is philosophy and combination of science and magic, which is used only in a good way, its following the rules of nature/universe. Lot of people dont understand the difference between hermeticism and satanism very well so there is lot of misconceptions about hermeticism. The most important thing is in hermeticism you cant do anything bad or hurt someone.


Aug 10, 2021
Just really wondering what Jeykey's "gf" might think about this...

If you were his "girl" what would you do with this? Lol...

Even when i listened to their music i never imagined myself being someone of them's girlfriend, i cant take anyone of them seriously nor imagine them as boyfriends, cant have a partner, who give up on his morals/manhood for sole cash, and all this being a fanservice is even worse.
With all due respect but things like this really disgust me .


Oct 3, 2021

This video just gave me so much bad feeling, really

everything is alright here isn't it ? We have an edge lord who seems drugged in some parts of his shooting. J-hope doing his so much obvious fake persona, look at his face and smile. I don't even know if it's just because he is exaggerating too much his facial expressions, if it's an alter ego about "lust" who cames to the surface. Where are the members who always say that this man is fake? You are right !

Jk... with blond hair and doing the cover eyes several times, with a depressed or tired look ( blond hair is reprogramming but to what? I don't know)

Jimin... argh. Jimin. Does I really need to say something ? I want your opinions on his part, please. I need to feel I am not crazy. It screams young man who became an half woman on sell for our rich friends. Look at his face just...
And the background. The background for fuck sake ! With pinky baloons ? All his shooting was a gift for pedos. His outfit too say it all. And after we wonder why people like James Corden can't take their dirty hands for them, imagine him seeing this type of shooting in secret ? And ask arrangments to see him again ? Or others personnalities who would want him.

Suga is creepy. I am sorry, this man is creepy. I know there are people here who still think he isn't someone to take seriously. I think they should thinking about this again. Triangle's shapes colored all along ? And it isn't even hidden? Hum, okay.

And Jin was like... Hum. If someone can help me for Jin I take it, I don't know how to describe it.

Edit : And I forgot Turtle. But I am going to repeat to myself again, this man with Yoongi are the most obvious about the " We are deep in the dark side" just look his face pure of mischievious and evil's glint ?!
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Oct 20, 2018
That's just a theory of mine and I admit there is paranoïa in my way of thinking about these famous animals themes, maybe at the beginning it was innocent and that you were right saying it's just kpop stuff. But with staff and superiors in the industry ? Nothing innocent or naive with them, they know what they are doing to younger idols who are still full of illusions and beauty of the world, I saw a lot of celebs in others countries wearing bunny ears. Men like women, and it's only in music industry or with actors and actresses. By the way, I don't know with which animals the others members are presented, beside Yoongi. Considered like a cat. I still didn't get it
Oh jeez. I knew about the beta kitten programming for years but I never connected it to yo**ngi's nickname cat. Now I feel so stupid XD Why ffs did I not connect the dots.... XD hhhhh


Sep 21, 2021
Thank you for warning :) but I'm not Christian, I have little bit different beliefs.
Also I guess I'm kinda practicing hermeticism little bit. I work with herbs and sigils and I make talismans and sometimes I do tarot. So I view these things differently.
Hermeticism isn't evil, its completely different from satanism. Hermeticism is philosophy and combination of science and magic, which is used only in a good way, its following the rules of nature/universe. Lot of people dont understand the difference between hermeticism and satanism very well so there is lot of misconceptions about hermeticism. The most important thing is in hermeticism you cant do anything bad or hurt someone.
I respect your belief as an individual... and I won't ever impose upon you...

I just pray and hope you'll reconsider and read the Biblical truth of the Christian faith... :)

May God's protection come upon you as you might consider looking through what the Bible says about the devil and the reality of spiritual warfare...

Please remember that satan is a deceiver...He is the father of lies...there is absolutely no truth in him.

Take care...