BTS discussion thread


Dec 6, 2021
To promote agendas, propagandas and doing what they want with people. It's easier with public personnalities
then why elite doesn't Program us? just keep us in detention until we become just what they want? o_O


Sep 21, 2021
I have a theory about this autopsy controversy. Our jj0ng could have been on drugs. In fact, I think all idols could be using some kinda drugs - energy boosters steriods and stimulants - Otherwise how would ya explain them performing such high energy dances on stage while on extreme diets to maintain their unrealistic Korean dream figures. Anyways back to jj0ng, he could have been too. He was so painfully thin with sunken cheeks which could have been due to drug use. It was most likely SM decision to not do the autopsy to hide this reality. Doing autopsy would expose not just Jj0ng but also every other idols drugs culture.

Often time I have come across rumours of managers procuring these drugs for idols use. I have also read reports on how celebs do coke and such to maintain their thin body shapes. Sull1 was also rumoured to be a substance user and I believe they did not do her autopsy as well. Also G0 h@ra. Sull1, H@ra and our jj0ng were friend who did things together. Jj0ng was also close with 1ron, another drug user. So... its simple math.

Others from their friends circle - 1u, Taey0ng, Yer1, they all lost weight drastically. 1u shared her crazy diet plan to explain her weight loss but the way she was trying so hard to explain only proves she tryna hide the real secret.

Fun fact: Use of drugs to control weight was revealed by the very bony Kate M0ss herself. Long long time ago, she said she and all her fella models were all high when they walk the runway.
*This was cross-posted from another thread...Apologies...* :)

This is a very sensible theory and it could be a fact. The assumptions are logical enough, esp that drug use in the industry is an "open secret..."
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Oct 3, 2021
then why elite doesn't Program us? just keep us in detention until we become just what they want? o_O
Ah ! Why don't they program us you said? You are in a lots of way, and everyday since your birth. We aren't born into these type of "Elite's families" so, we aren't submitted to the same programming than their children. But for people like you and me, we are considered like dirts and products that's all. They programmed us with others ways, without physical tortures. It's more easy and useful to use brainwashing.
For the second part of your question, yes of course it is.


Aug 10, 2021
Some personal opinion but also reading up from artists that voice what happened to them:

You can get success on your own merits - but that's only up to a certain level. When the Illuminati consider you influential enough to benefit their agenda you will be offered options - go it alone or join them and work your way up their hierarchy. They have gatekeepers - so if you go it alone you literally can't go beyond a certain point.

Everyone successful whether in movies, music, TV, literature, business, politics, tech, banking has been offered the same options. And a lot of them don’t understand the price you pay for joining them.

1) You are forced to give up your soul.
2) You will be programmed to do whatever they want to do.
3) You will lose everything you hold most dear, family, friends, religious beliefs.
4) They will subject you to a system of controls and checks that you can't escape

Now everyone we think of as famous, filthy rich etc - well to the elite they are still just their puppets. So yep - even if you are the children of the super rich & famous- the game is the same. The only difference is the programming started a lot earlier :(

Interesting what people say about B's daughter's name - Blue Ivy - originated from Eulb Yvi, which means Lucifer's daughter in Latin. Others say Blue stands for Born Living Under Evil and Ivy for Illuminati's Very Youngest.

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You said it all thank you! You're 100% right, and not only celebrities but also some in the gov, business men/women... etc the same rules applies to all.


Sep 21, 2021
Omg I read first worst Turtle song of the year, I was like what? I misread xD but yes. No there are worst than butter as teletubbies song, baby shark and others horrendous things in this world who can give you the worst headache in your life. But it still in the top 10
Lol..I've no idea how turtles sound like...

Do they actually create any sound?

At least Teletubbies could say "eh oh..."

And Simon Cowell was even their first manager/producer...

Come to think of it...Teletubbies were in the same "league" as One Direction! Haha!


Jun 2, 2021
Why are they forcing lipsyncing? That's causing a lot of fights between fans? I prefer live vocals. Bacon has an amazing voice, and SH8Nee does too. Fans usually love hearing a live performance but understand when there's a lot of choreography. I'll check out n7ngning's vocals. 5m should do better because it's sabotaging them. T×t has the only decent vocals along with Jk among hive groups, unless you count nu'3st etc.
No idea but they started doing this in late 2019 s*perm were criticized for lip synching on their concerts I heard only bacon sang live and T@emin for some parts but not all since he's main dancer too but the other 5 did not sing anything live now in pandemic they went overboard with it since everything is prerecorded nowadays the only times you see 5m artists sing live is concerts or slow ballad songs I agree it's wrong bcz we know that artists like bacon and sh1nee have excellent vocals and don't need lip synching but it is just some shitty policy apparently they want their idols to look and act perfect and avoid any mistakes in singing


Oct 3, 2021
Lol..I've no idea how turtles sound like...

Do they actually create any sound?

At least Teletubbies could say "eh oh..."

And Simon Cowell was even their first manager/producer...

Come to think of it...Teletubbies were in the same "league" as One Direction! Haha!
Jesus .. One Direction. This group was crazy as hell too. But I wasn't into them. I don't even remember their name, but I recall their popularity. They were shipped too it was the mess.


Nov 29, 2021
Omg I read first worst Turtle song of the year, I was like what? I misread xD but yes. No there are worst than butter as teletubbies song, baby shark and others horrendous things in this world who can give you the worst headache in your life. But it still in the top 10
Worst than Supertuna??