BTS discussion thread


Sep 19, 2021
another day, another bt5 blind...wonder what they have on kj

They raised that kid in dirt. So im guessing they have DIRT. All of it. Fuck it dude, get out.


Jun 23, 2021
View attachment 67184
A strange picture with 2 adults being mentioned as handlers or groomers of JK who was I don't know what age but with feline print shirt and 3 of them laying down for taking a picture. Who takes pictures like that?
Maybe I'm over thinking.
And jin wearing a bandana on his neck. You can either wear it on your neck if you have to hide something like a scar or some other secret coding through pictures or maybe fashion. They don't wear them frequently now as they previously did.
Jk was 15 in that photo I believe and I don't think you're overthinking. I posted on here before the bizarre relationship of jn and jk. Yes, I do believe jn was jk's groomer. You can see in earlier footage that jk was reluctant until he gradually succumbed to jn's advances.
Now he's the one that often initiates. I think a lot of people don't want to hear that about jn but I have heard from multiple sources that he is not a nice person irl. I will leave you with some sus moments that have been caught on screen.
Also sorry I can't say with rm, I avoided anything to do with him lol. I was only a stan of jn and jk. I should clarify I was not a shipper either. This is just my opinion.



Aug 4, 2021
One of the comments "wasnt he the one who dated that unattractive girl with tattoos"

So they keep jk in a basement denying him solo work and he is stuck doing covers of other peoples songs

W/out jk there is no btss and hibe knows it and so do the other members

If he left there would be no more btss and the group would be forced to disband

#Free Je0n Junk00k now!!!!


Aug 4, 2021
@Berrywon88 I have also heard that jyn is not nice irl and imo,he is one of the most fake members

Jk never stood a chance hisparents abandoned him for the fame and fortune he eventually found ,the company didnt and still dont give a damn about the well being of any of them and he was coerced into a possible sexual relationship by someone he trusted and looked up to

No wonder he is covered in terrible tattoos and multiple piercings it's his way of dealing with his trauma,plus whatever drugs he is taking


Oct 3, 2021
Hmmm... what does this mean?

So why in many of the betees songs they have to say or whisper "Suga" (Suga's name) before his verse or vocals in the song?

Finally, I understand more why Suga is considered like a bad boy mastermind in fanfiction xD he is the real villain and menace.

More seriously? It's suspicious we are agree. Told you, discret people can be very dangerous. So much that people who are able to show directly their true colors


Dec 1, 2021
One of the comments "wasnt he the one who dated that unattractive girl with tattoos"

So they keep jk in a basement denying him solo work and he is stuck doing covers of other peoples songs

W/out jk there is no btss and hibe knows it and so do the other members

If he left there would be no more btss and the group would be forced to disband

#Free Je0n Junk00k now!!!!
no more btss - I say yes please to that ;) !


Jun 23, 2021
another day, another bt5 blind...wonder what they have on kj

Clearly about jk. All those fines could have left him broke..he definitely seems scrapped for cash. He's spent half of his life as an idol and what does he have to show for it?
He's been the most screwed over and it has a lot to do with him being just 13 when he started. I knew about him wanting to quit, which would explain why he was crying so hard at the 2018 mama when jn revealed they were considering calling it quits but renewed their contracts. The members that cried the hardest reveals the one's that wanted out.IMG_20211220_190159.jpg
And correct me if I'm wrong but jk has said that he's not an emotional person and he rarely cries. So for him to show emotions like this in public was telling.



Dec 1, 2021
We knew that it was jk and tae who wanted to leave bts in 2018. So why does Tae get solo work while JK does not??
maybe T has rich + connected sponsor/s and boy is he is using those connections to the fullest! "I'm a good boy" - errr right :rolleyes:! There is something off with the way he licks his lips, lewd eyes....
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Jun 23, 2021
Jn with childlike images again..this time with a makeshift candyland board behind him. If you zoom in you can see the children look like jn on the board. With a place called red discovery and other odd things. The dice in the corner also probably means something.IMG_20211220_202126.jpg


Apr 6, 2018
Comme j'ai voulu analysé, les références de l'auteur d'Harry Potter, j'ai acheté le livre "Harry Potter Un monde de magie L'histoire des mythes et merveilles qui ont inspiré J.K. Rowling". Et je suis tombée sur cela:
As I wanted to analyze, the references of the author of Harry Potter, I bought the book "Harry Potter A world of magic The story of the myths and wonders that inspired J.K. Rowling". And I came across this:
View attachment 29340
Si vous arrivez pas à lire, voici ce qu'il a marqué:
The English translation is just below:

Talismans Ethiopiens
Ce livre de recettes magiques annoté par son propriétaire, provient d’Ethiopie. Eecru en gueze (où Ethiopien Classique), il recence une foule d’amoulettes, talimans en sortilèges, de protection. Ce recueil aurait appartenu à un exorciste ou däbtärd [...]. Les däbtärds sont des laïcs qui ont reçu une formation religieuse supérieure et ont été ordonnés par l’Eglise. Ils étudient pendant plusieurs années ou viennent de familles d’ecclésiastiques. Sur ces pages sont présentés des talismans et figures géométriques utilisés dans la fabrication des rouleaux magiques, ainsi que des prières qui annulent les sortilèges. Les dessins exploitent la thématique de l’oeil qui sert de défense contre le mauvais oeil et les forces du mal.

"Depuis l’époque médiévale les däbtära travaillent à la cour ou enseignent das de petites écoles paroissales. Ils complètent leurs revenus en fabriquant des rouleaux magiques et en pratiquant la médecine traditionnelle. D’après les notes rédigées dans la marge, il est quasiment certain que le manuscrit a appartenu à un individu pratiquant la magie."

Les livres de la Réserve traitaient de magie noire, une matière qui n’était jamais enseignée à Poudlard. Seuls quelques étudiants de dernière année qui faisaient des recherches poussées sur la défense contre les forces du Mal pouvaient les consulter.

Ethiopian Talismans
This magical recipe book annotated by its owner, comes from Ethiopia. Eecru in Gueze (where Classical Ethiopian), he recounts a crowd of amulets, talimans in spells, of protection. This collection would have belonged to an exorcist or däbtärd [...]. The däbtärds are lay people who have received superior religious training and have been ordained by the Church. They study for several years or come from ecclesiastical families. On these pages are presented talismans and geometric figures used in the making of magic scrolls, as well as prayers that cancel the spells. The drawings exploit the theme of the eye which serves as a defense against the evil eye and the forces of evil.

"Since medieval times däbtära have been working at the court or teaching in small parish schools. They supplement their income by making magic scrolls and practicing traditional medicine. According to the notes written in the margin, it is almost certain that the manuscript belonged to an individual practicing magic."

Reserve books were about black magic, a subject that was never taught at Hogwarts. Only a few last-year students who did extensive research on defense against the evil forces could consult them.
Beta Israël, Juifs d’Ethiopie : du Gondar à Israël – Ap.D Connaissances (