BTS discussion thread


Nov 29, 2021
yes, may he rest in peace.
It's still really hard to believe just how early he went...I also cant imagine how hard all this must be for the shinee members....
You could tell he was a sweet person, it's really sad cuz when you see the videos shortly before his passing, you can tell by looking in his
eyes that something was deeply troubling him...
The industry discarded him.
Yes,I saw his last instagram, and something was wrong,he was off :( No happiness in his eyes


Jun 23, 2021
They just let go of their brain cells, if u see inside, ull find it empty asf, healing voice, hahah my a**, he's with all due respect, like a goat period.
With all due respect jm sounds like a cat being strangled making one last yelp ahaha.
Jn is the goat of the group..This is insane indeed..

Edit: This song alone could have destroyed jm's vocals.
I heard more than once that b*s songs are in jk's key and the others have to sing outside their range putting a strain on their vocal cords.
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Sep 21, 2021
I prefer this duet than Supertuna jin and jimin "healing" voice lol.

And this @e-Enoch ,this is so beautiful♡♡♡The real "healing "voice
Real vocal kings
At the first note of Jonghyun & Onew's duet, the hairs of my exposed epidermis just gave them a standing ovation... lol!

Jonghyun's voice has the throbbing timbre, that pulsates through the emotions of the song...

The intensity is so strong...his voice carries the listener to the fantastic heights of musical expression...

He was one of a kind...


Sep 21, 2021
With all due respect jm sounds like a cat being strangled making one last yelp ahaha.
Jn is the goat of the group..This is insane indeed..

Edit: This song alone could have destroyed jm's vocals.
I heard more than once that b*s songs are in jk's key and the others have to sing outside their range putting a strain on their vocal cords.
Lol! Their voices combined are a different kind of animal...wild...untamed...scary... Haha!


Jun 23, 2021
Am I correct in believing jn is actually pretty popular? Like not too far off from jm? Because now that he overtook jm in the brand ranking and his insta followers are pretty high too I’m wondering if he’s got more fans than I thought. if so is this recent that he’s more popular?
He's very popular and always has been especially in the Asian market..I've mentioned before that he's the group's most popular idol in Japan, which is huge. He also has very loyal devoted fans that have followed him since the beginning. They don't switch biases. And they will make an rj go out of stock in seconds flat. People always talk about jk having selling out powers and forget about jn. Jn is the most popular member in the hyung line without a doubt.



Jun 23, 2021
Jin finally took the brand idol ranking number 1 spot from Jimin lol, his solo's about to riot, they must be the craziest ones in that fandom lol.
If you had told me when I was a jn stan that he would one day take the number one spot for male idol br I wouldn't have believed you. Jm secured that spot for 3 yrs and jn often barely made it in the top 10. Jn caught a big tuna! Due to his song's success I bet there will be a part 2, 3, 4......
the tuna song will live on!EGRoW-UXoAAkd_N.jpeg.jpg


Jun 2, 2021
If you had told me when I was a jn stan that he would one day take the number one spot for male idol br I wouldn't have believed you. Jm secured that spot for 3 yrs and jn often barely made it in the top 10. Jn caught a big tuna! Due to his song's success I bet there will be a part 2, 3, 4......
the tuna song will live on!View attachment 66676
I think it was simply bcz of his birthday but supertuna did give him a boost the tuna was lucky
Yeah tbh I sometimes disagree with the people on this thread about jn’s voice like like yes jn’s voice is very nasal but at least he is stable and for certain songs like ballads his voice suits them quite well. jm’s voice sounds like it’s going to crack any minute hahahahaahahhaha
For me he is the only one who is good at adding some emotion to the songs jeykey's voice is very commercial not very suited for ballads and emotional songs jimin is pure shit and V sings like a frog gargling water so he is the best suited for ballads and slow songs


Sep 21, 2021
Yeah tbh I sometimes disagree with the people on this thread about jn’s voice like like yes jn’s voice is very nasal but at least he is stable and for certain songs like ballads his voice suits them quite well. jm’s voice sounds like it’s going to crack any minute hahahahaahahhaha
Jn is known to have the silver voice, i.e., with stable breath control and strong falsetto...

Here's an analysis of his voice...



Sep 21, 2021
What really do confuse me, is the connection between these old and powerful bloodlines that are all Jewish and World War II. I have a difficulty to see, what they would gain from something like what the Nazis tried to do.

Yes, they share a lot of similar goals, and they were all deep into the occultism, esotericism and mysticism. But the Jewish families did definitely not want to die nor see themselves as lesser beings.

I have for some time thought that there could be two separate elites fighting it out against each other. They have the same historic knowledge about our past, they believe in the same things, but one is Jewish and the other one is not.

Their goal is probably pretty much the same one: A new world order. The question is, who will rule it?

And then I found this little video. Go to 9.18. The Bush family is not Jewish, and they are certainly a part of the elite. Apparently, there is evidence that they made it so Hitler could afford his war. So, on one side we have the Bush’s and Rockefellers, and on the other side we have the Rothschilds and Soros.

Yay how nice…

What's common among them...whether they are of Jewish or non-Jewish race, is that they all worship satan himself, lucifer...

They all belong to a complex group of people/organizations...all aiming at totalitarian control of the people in the world...

Here's an excerpt from Fritz Springmeier's book on Illuminati which I've posted earier on this thread:


Councils (llluminati)--The Illuminati has frequent meetings. Some of these meetings are organized to appear "acephalous" and "accidential" in their meetings, when in reality they are structured and planned. One group, MJ-12 has gone by the following names: the Group, the Special Study Group, the Wise Men, the Operations Coordinating Board (OCB), 5412 Committee, 303 Committee, 40 Committee, PI-40 Committee, and Policy Planning Group (PCG). Some of the formal policy and ritual groups have names that all Illuminati members who have gotten high enough to learn, will recognize: The Council of 3, Council of 5, Council of 7, Council of 9, The Grand Druid Council, The Committee of 300, and the Committee of 500 (known as Fortune 500). Many of the meetings are conclaves without formal names. The Grand Druid Council is not something fictional, but an actual body of people who formally meet and whose membership, we have been trying to keep track of. The groups which make decisions to control this planet are networked together. Each decision has its own origin and route that it takes...


Sep 21, 2021
I completely agree omg jk’s voice is just so plain like if you don’t know the lyrics you can never tell what the mood of the song is and I genuinely wonder if v has a speech impediment because his words sound slurred.
Vee has a problem with enunciation...meaning pronouncing clearly, distinctly each phoneme or individual unit of sound...

I think this is particularly problematic whenever he uses the English language...

I hope he does get an accent reduction training in the English language...


Sep 21, 2021
If you had told me when I was a jn stan that he would one day take the number one spot for male idol br I wouldn't have believed you. Jm secured that spot for 3 yrs and jn often barely made it in the top 10. Jn caught a big tuna! Due to his song's success I bet there will be a part 2, 3, 4......
the tuna song will live on!View attachment 66676
Wishing Jn more "tuna power"... and more sushi to make...btw, this hyung is crazy about Japanese food...reason why he established a Japanese restaurant with his brother...