BTS discussion thread

Mar 1, 2021
Both types of satanists perform blatant rituals. One openly denies and one doesn't. Atheist one is undercover non atheist satanist, mostly the front for public to comprehend with the ideology of esoteric culture and to look appealing. That consists most of the occultic naratives in disguise. It does look a part of ancient occultism practiced for centuries with a handful people and on 1966 founding satanic temples, they have taken the taken goal to externalize it as metaphor, but the core is always same, worshipping satan. Like what some armys say they don't worship idols but all actions states that false, they are extremely lost in nature not to be able to comprehend the meaning of worshipping, yet acting the same. Same goes for both types of evil satanists who just have 2 excuses to do every satanic raving, one is we don't worship satan and the other is everything is symbolic, such a shame.
This site extends what you're saying and talks about other forms of Satanism too. Good post!


Love Life

Mar 4, 2021
This site extends what you're saying and talks about other forms of Satanism too. Good post!

Starts with the universal bluffing "not worshipping satan"
1. Satanic temple: Basically talking about nonsense philosophy with blatant occult symbols. What video I posted earlier on abortion with brutality on baby masked is coming from this nefarious cult.

2. Luciferiasm: They invented their own interpretation of lucifer not being satan and likelihood to laveyan shits and temple of satan.

3. Christian based Duotheism: They believe God and satan exist but cheer up on satan as a good guy who was deemed with cruelty by God. No more explanation needed in this scenario.

4. Anti cosmic: Believes in chaos ideology and denies basic restrictions of God.

5. Transcendental: The creators of this very shitstorm took LSD and dreamed of satan being ascended to heaven....and regular philosophy....

6.Demonolatry: They work with demons, fire.....

7. Setians: Founded by laveys right handed man to make themselves god.

8. Reds: Believe satan as dark force. They don't like war against great darkness

9. Polytheistic: They believe in all gods that rebelled or don't support God. They claim they don't worship towards those gods but show respect.

10. Cthulu: All evil gods is empowerment.

Quite literally their ideology is messed up with half knowledge by ignoring God's positivity and being one sided only to believe in dark ideologies.
Most of it sounds fanatic like what African sects do, no difference just getting more media coverage backing up with jews.
If they would know they are not even the abc to the actual philosophy and knowledge. Finding excuses to say "hail satan"

He has the eyes which have seen something more in life. How he reacted to that girl with that answer, very creepy way to deliver. They are performing everything for real, just lie they don't worship satan or take part in ritual. Atleast African voodoo people and sects admit to what they worship than these troll hypocrites.


Jan 19, 2021
I was watching a video of Yeonjun walking down the street. People were following him with cell phones, recording everything he did. The funny part was he mostly ignored them and continued walking and eating. He only had one bodyguard with him. I think drugs and medicine keep them together.
When i was on twitter to look at that bts super straight account i saw a picture where apparently one of the members posted this, idk where maybe their twitter account or weverse. it looks sus to me because it looks like he's doing one eye on the left pic and posing with ice cream, which is p3d0 code for male pr0stitute. It reminded me of that post someone made on the kpop thread where taem1n also posed in front of an ice cream cooler...
he maybe could have also just been promoting the brand, idk the reasoning behind the pictures cause i dont follow them anymore but i know bang p3d0 barfed and continues to barf p3d0 and p1zzagate code symbols on them, 100x more than he did with bt5 when they started, so i wont be surprised if it's just another kind of code communication pic
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Jan 19, 2021
I'm scared to out myself as a former Army. I earf_cked my family to death with Btees when I first started listening. I converted 3 to Armys but one refuses to listen to those "gay guys". One really loves btees to the point of wanting to look like them. It sucks that I know what btees is really talking about and that their facade is phony. Kids need something positive but this isn't it. My relative is very rational and hates my conspiracy theories. They're very by the book. Have bought the covid agenda and think I need to get on board. This is a young teen, so hoping I can turn them around. They're not ok with the gay agenda but I've seen straight people turned out by btees.
Ill pray for you and your relatives :( have you tried maybe showing them some videos that exposed the truth about them? I recommend maybe showing them this video by hotels hidden door on youtube, she's also a member here.

I can also link a kpop testimony video i recently saw on youtube, i think many fans and former fans can relate to what she said in the video.
Theres also another great video by daughtersoftheking where she talks about kpop spreading the gay and p3d0 agenda but i think she deleted it:confused: idk ill have to check


Jan 19, 2021
They sing and exploit on their own----lyrics and kitten dress
yeah vc made an article about it. I was so shocked at what he exposed because I first saw the video because of the hype around it and thought it was as trash as the song, but then when I read vc's article about it that's when i knew about beta s3x kitten symbolism and the other symbols they put in that song


Jul 14, 2021
Why are they doing this stuff? They have very young fans.
Older fans are starting to notice things aren't as happy as portrayed.
View attachment 58667View attachment 58668
That quote from an older fan is spot on! On another note I may get flack for this but the last video it looked like JimIN made a mistake and realized his hand went too far and so he adjusted the position…just my take in regards to that particular video.


Apr 12, 2021
Even armys noticed some of the procedure. They all tried to connect it with BU or random events but failed, at the same time questioned some of the odds like this.

0:48 murder scene happened?
1:08 except for the toast it looks party?
2:06 why should put random arrows?
3:57 arrows between the toast and the drink back and forth did he used to the drink to make the butter?
4:10 used camera to take the picture of the yellow balloons?

I wish they could know how close they are to the scenario.

People get addicted to blood, not impossible.

True creepy story behind alice in wonderland. A few days ago I said on the basis of melanie martinez's Mad Hatter video its connected to something horrible with children and drugs here. Notice how the song name is Mad Hatter, sings "you can be alice I'll be the mad hatter" dressed up time to time like children and adult and at the end something totally off.
This article really shows some of the glimpse of it. The story maker was certainly off with childern.

Carroll was known for forming close friendships with children and not really having any relationships with adults.

He established friendships with the children of his colleagues and acquaintances
- and he would spend lengthy periods of time with them and send them letters.

"Extra thanks and kisses for the lock of hair," he once wrote to a 10-year-old girl. "I have kissed it several times — for want of having you to kiss, you know, even hair is better than nothing."

In 1862 Carroll - along with one of his colleagues - took the three girls out on a picnic and rowing trip along the Thames.

To keep the young girls entertained, Carroll started telling them a story which would eventually become Alice in Wonderland.

Remembering that day, Carroll wrote in his diary: "n a desperate attempt to strike out some new line of fairy-lore, I had sent my heroine straight down a rabbit-hole, to begin with, without the least idea what was to happen afterwards".

Carroll was also known as a keen photographer and he took photos of nude and semi-nude children - including a full-frontal nude shot of Alice's sister Lorina.

Carroll wrote openly about his penchant for taking photos of young girls.

“I confess I do not admire naked boys in pictures," he wrote. "They always seem to me to need clothes: whereas one hardly sees why the lovely forms of girls should ever be coverd [sic] up!”

Surely bbc trying to cover such blatant pedos.

But what study says

4. Relates better to children than adults.

5. Socializes with few adults unless they are pedophiles.

10. Frequently photographs or collects photographs of his victims, either dressed, nude, or in sexually explicit acts.

11. Collects child erotica and child-adult pornography.

17. Talks about children in the same manner as one would talk about an adult lover or spouse.

Over the course of months or even years, a p***phile will increasingly become a trusted friend of the family, offering to babysit
take the child shopping or on trips, or spend time with the child in other ways. Many pedophiles won't actually begin abusing a child until trust has been gained.

Though the child might be under 10-years-old, the p***phile will lavish gifts upon the target, take him or her to amusement parks, museums, restaurants and other places of interest.
Good catch! You can dive more deep into hollywood videos to find more clear reference of p***philia.
Huminity is moving backwords.

With fingers crossed, the old rabbit's foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch . .

Talking so in detail with code "chicken" just to joke? Very bad joke
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Love Life

Mar 4, 2021
satanism in short is worshipping Lucifer, while taking elements from the Bible and inverting them/twisting them around. Since satan never can come up with anything new/original on his own, he steals elements from the Bible and twists them around. He likes to mock Christ and wants everyone to think that Lucifer is the true god. "For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light" (2 Cor 11:14).
Ummm....satanists worshipping lucifer means they are part of the occult or freemasonry, participating in witchcraft to cheer up their sick god satan.

They believe on this terminology to perform wicked mental gymnastics which is deliberately associated with the devil or satan. To sum up when satanists say "We don't worship satan" but fullfill all the requirements demanded by satan, they are worshipping satan in disguise. Lucifer is basically another name for satan to create smokescreen to the public in the sense of making to believe them they aren't worshipping the actual satan which offers nothing but to trick people who don't go in depth of it.

What you quoted "For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light" is exactly what lucifer refers to satan. Considering the article which refers lucifer to a fallen star(light) and this verse showing satan transforms into light, only clears the fact that satan is the lucifer, lucifer is satan. All satanists worship satan, some do under the veil of the name lucifer. At the end, satanists doing their devilish job to trick people, just like their god satan doing with their foolishness and clumsiness.

Love Life

Mar 4, 2021
that's correct. Lucifer means lightbringer, and Satan wants people to believe that he is good and that he brings light. So yes, people are deceived when worshipping Satan, thinking that he is some fallen star(light) when in reality he is the devil and 100% evil.
I don't why your answer sounds very tricky.
Lucifer had the authority over to keep in line with light with what he was bestowed upon, but he misused it and fell for greed.
Lucifer is what noted as the fallen light which is exactly what satan when he was thrown away and the Bible quotes this creature to be able to transform into light. So how people are deceived when they know satan is the fallen star or light? In reality
Fallen star=lucifer=devil=the ultimate deceiver
People who don't believe satan is the so called "lightbringer" aka lucifer are the most deceived.

Love Life

Mar 4, 2021
We clearly both agree that Satan is the deceiver. Why are you saying that my answer sounds tricky? Did we disagree on something?
As you said,
lucifer is the lightbringer,

Satan is the devil or deceiver,

But you didn't mentioned anywhere satan=lucifer,

You said people are deceived to believe satan is the lightbringer which is in reality just the opposite.

Do you believe satan is the lucifer?

Love Life

Mar 4, 2021
sorry for the confusion! my apologies. I honestly think we agree on this topic, i was just being a bit unclear with my words.

yes satan = lucifer, they are the same thing. lucifer is Satan.
Indeed, satanists are ignorant to think satan is the light of anything.

Love Life

Mar 4, 2021
i definitely don't think luciferianism is a good thing if that's what you're asking:)
Yep. Luciferianism and satanism are of to participate in same ideologies. Both only creates confusion to the understanding to the mass.
And again
In coclusion, satanism is seed of the evil to the core.


Jul 14, 2021
View attachment 56252This is from their newest abomination, “Butter”. This mugshot is an example of celebrity quote on quote “arrests” which are manufactured so the celebrity can be re-programmed. In other words, they get thrown away and cloned into a new body.. This is how it works as a serpent seed to keep them looking and acting streamlined to simulate a natural human being of God’s creation. Satan’s mock creations will always have to be fixed and re-programmed. This is also what the Bible means when it says we “are fearfully and wonderfully made”, because Satan and his clans know we are made after God’s own Image and their clones are weak, falling apart after short periods of time because the “clay can’t cleave to the iron”. The Bible says that in Daniel and it means the clay (flesh clone body) can’t function naturally with iron (demonic spirit) posessing the body because they are two different creatures. This is why they seem like they have changed or grown up or sound different because they are new versions of themselves.
And now coming out of the BTS trance you can see they really are too pretty to be human! Hahahaha they arent human! We were right!
I know this is something I have come across multiple times in my study about all this site is about but it’s one of the hardest things to digest not because I believe it’s not plausible but the thought that the real versions were killed and discarded like trash is not only heartbreaking but downright disgusting and evil. I want to believe that it’s not the case with them(vV, Mimin, Cook, or Jiń) or many of our young entertainers. It’s just sad!


Apr 12, 2021
I know this is something I have come across multiple times in my study about all this site is about but it’s one of the hardest things to digest not because I believe it’s not plausible but the thought that the real versions were killed and discarded like trash is not only heartbreaking but downright disgusting and evil. I want to believe that it’s not the case with them(vV, Mimin, Cook, or Jiń) or many of our young entertainers. It’s just sad!
On the basis of what? Read till the end before commenting whats meaning is already been discussed before bringing up something false.


Jul 14, 2021
FINALLY! This was so refreshing to read. A mainstream media outlet (the wrap) reporting on Army's disappointment and confusion with BeeTeeEs's direction. The article was also reposted by Yahoo! The article states "The group has been clear that their foremost goal as artists at this point is to win a Grammy," and even calls out their English songs: "Like their other English songs before it, “Dynamite” and “Butter,” the song is expertly produced for maximum earworminess, but possesses a bland quality that makes the track difficult to remember after listening to it." I hope more media outlets aren't afraid to start ripping the band-aid off of this fake fandom and boy band.

There is apart of me that is absolutely fine if this blows up in their face because the industry here in America (i know the industry is bad in a lot of countries, but here is the mecca) is so darn ruthless, greedy, disgusting on so many levels and artist here are expendable, but not just oh go retire now you’ve served us well it’s more so how can we publicly humiliate you or setup a way for you to die like it’s an accident or a suicide. The debachery is on a whole other level here and I don’t want them to win a grammy because what’s attached is not going to be good for them.


Jul 14, 2021
On the basis of what? Read till the end before commenting whats meaning is already been discussed before bringing up something false.
I don’t understand your comment. I was replying to someone saying that they are most likely clones and my response was that it’s hard to imagine they are


Jul 14, 2021
FINALLY! This was so refreshing to read. A mainstream media outlet (the wrap) reporting on Army's disappointment and confusion with BeeTeeEs's direction. The article was also reposted by Yahoo! The article states "The group has been clear that their foremost goal as artists at this point is to win a Grammy," and even calls out their English songs: "Like their other English songs before it, “Dynamite” and “Butter,” the song is expertly produced for maximum earworminess, but possesses a bland quality that makes the track difficult to remember after listening to it." I hope more media outlets aren't afraid to start ripping the band-aid off of this fake fandom and boy band.

Good article!