Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
r. Zelenko — I have many patients suffering from ‘Vaccine Regret’…

Screenshot_2021-05-09 Dr Zelenko — I have many patients suffering from ‘Vaccine Regret’….png

Zelenko does an excellent job explaining mRNA vaccines, and why they ‘could be’ dangerous

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
CARPAY: Government restraining order against peaceful protest is a naked attack on Albertans’ freedoms

“Rather than relying on regular law enforcement, it’s far more effective, and far more efficient, to terrorize Albertans with an injunction like that issued by Justice Rooke on May 6, which leaves citizens unable to assert their Charter freedoms upon being arrested and imprisoned.”

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Whopping 80 Percent Who Refuse Covid Vaccine Say NOTHING Can Change Their Minds — But There’s Good News Too

Mar 30, 2017
For those who haven't been able to download it or link it, here's the document. Read it and weep you parasites on humanity! See how the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is listed? I wonder if this is one of the reasons for their "divorce"? As I said, this could get ugly for them and very interesting for us down the road:

To clarify, this case to date, will NOT happen. I came across this post who is a part of Adam Skelly's legal team in the comments section, and thought I should clarify:

7 May 2021 at 18:41
As many of you are now aware, a class action lawsuit was filed in Superior Court in Ontario back on January 11th, 2021. It’s a $35 billion lawsuit against the Pope, GAVI, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Premier Ford, the Prime Minister and several other parties.
What you are NOT aware of is that this lawsuit was struck by the Superior Court on February 10th under rule 2.1.01 of the Rules of Civil Procedure. So, any spread of this class action *nearly three whole months later* is completely fake news and disinformation. How did “Superior Court” become “Supreme Court” in all of the posts?!? This was made possible by countless people forwarding it _WITHOUT READING A SINGLE PAGE_ of the claim.
That’s the bad news. Now, the good news: the Adam Skelly / Adamson Barbecue constitutional challenge against the lockdowns in Ontario is moving full steam ahead. It’s set to be heard on June 28th and 29th. Six experts have already submitted evidence in our case:
1. Dr. Joel Kettner, former Chief Medical Officer of Health of Manitoba and professor at U of Manitoba
2. Dr. Douglas Allen, professor of economics at Simon Fraser U
3. Dr. William Matt Briggs, former professor of statistics and biostatistics at Cornell and co-author of The Price of Panic (the only book written on lockdowns thus far)
4. Dr. Gilbert Berdine, Harvard Medical and MIT educated 21 year pulmonologist (respiratory specialist) and professor at Texas Tech, he’s treated many COVID patients
5. Dr. Harvey Risch, professor of epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health and author of other 300 peer-reviewed papers
6. Dr. Byram Bridle, professor of virology and immunology at Guelph
We believe our team of experts to be the best in Canada and North America out of any COVID-related challenge. The best in the world, in fact, as far as we’re aware. We are not only challenging every tenet of the lockdowns- we’ve taken a sledgehammer to them.
We will soon be circulating the reports of our six experts. In the meantime… please stop to ***READ*** and ***THINK*** before you forward or otherwise share any legal action that involves billions of dollars or secret arrests of key officials. If it looks too good to be true, it probably is.
I have included a list of all of the links in question that refer to this disinformation. Please stop sharing it and/or correct everyone by telling them that this lawsuit has been dismissed. You’ve got to do better.
Spreading disinformation like this hurts us all and deprecates our own legal action, which provides proof undeniable of what is the greatest fraud ever perpetrated in human history.
Thank you,
Chris Weisdorf

Advisor and coordinator of evidence for Adam Skelly’s constitutional challenge"


As well, someone in the comments section also stated that there was an Appeal made in April so I suppose we'll have to wait and see if that comes to fruition. Someone has also posted a link to the Nuremberg Trials that are now taking place against the WHO, CDC and the GAVI Institute:

The New Nuremberg Trials 2021 – Please Share This Info!
Jan 27, 2018


Feb 8, 2021
First off, welcome to the forum Lucy and thank-you! I'm really glad you find this thread helpful. I'm also glad you've been sharing info with others. That was the intention from the start. Lots of folks on this forum help make the thread what it is. It's a great community and I'm glad you're part of it. Again welcome aboard!!
Thank you!

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
This is huge news if they try to implement mandatory vaccination and/or COVID Passports!

Vaccines provide No Immunity and lower transmission risk...they are useless!!

Tam warns that full vaccination does not equal immunity from COVID-19

Canada’s chief public health officer reminded Canadians on Saturday that even those who are fully vaccinated remain susceptible to COVID-19.

Speaking at a virtual townhall for Yukoners, Dr. Theresa Tam said the risk of asymptomatic infection and transmission is far lower for anyone who receives two shots of the Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, or Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccines.

“But it’s not absolute. There’s reduction in your risk of transmission, but it doesn’t necessarily eliminate your risk of transmission,” Tam said, adding that the danger dials down especially after the second dose.

“Some studies have shown that it reduces the amount of virus in the back of your nose. If you sample people, there’s less virus, which means less risk of transmission.”

Young people, who often work in frontline or essential services and sit at the bottom of vaccination priority queues, now have some of the highest case rates and can transmit the virus despite showing no symptoms, Tam added.

“The groups that transmit the virus the most are actually younger adults, many of whom have to work. They can’t stay at home,” she said.

“It’s important that we protect them, as well as the fact that if they’re protected, we reduce transmission of the virus in the community.”

Alberta and other parts of Canada remain mired in the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, even as hospitalization rates have started to tick downward in provinces such as Ontario and Quebec.

Many parts of the country face tight restrictions, with schools closed across Ontario and Alberta and patios shut down in Montreal, Toronto and — as of this Monday — Calgary.

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
To clarify, this case to date, will NOT happen. I came across this post who is a part of Adam Skelly's legal team in the comments section, and thought I should clarify:

7 May 2021 at 18:41
As many of you are now aware, a class action lawsuit was filed in Superior Court in Ontario back on January 11th, 2021. It’s a $35 billion lawsuit against the Pope, GAVI, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Premier Ford, the Prime Minister and several other parties.
What you are NOT aware of is that this lawsuit was struck by the Superior Court on February 10th under rule 2.1.01 of the Rules of Civil Procedure. So, any spread of this class action *nearly three whole months later* is completely fake news and disinformation. How did “Superior Court” become “Supreme Court” in all of the posts?!? This was made possible by countless people forwarding it _WITHOUT READING A SINGLE PAGE_ of the claim.
That’s the bad news. Now, the good news: the Adam Skelly / Adamson Barbecue constitutional challenge against the lockdowns in Ontario is moving full steam ahead. It’s set to be heard on June 28th and 29th. Six experts have already submitted evidence in our case:
1. Dr. Joel Kettner, former Chief Medical Officer of Health of Manitoba and professor at U of Manitoba
2. Dr. Douglas Allen, professor of economics at Simon Fraser U
3. Dr. William Matt Briggs, former professor of statistics and biostatistics at Cornell and co-author of The Price of Panic (the only book written on lockdowns thus far)
4. Dr. Gilbert Berdine, Harvard Medical and MIT educated 21 year pulmonologist (respiratory specialist) and professor at Texas Tech, he’s treated many COVID patients
5. Dr. Harvey Risch, professor of epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health and author of other 300 peer-reviewed papers
6. Dr. Byram Bridle, professor of virology and immunology at Guelph
We believe our team of experts to be the best in Canada and North America out of any COVID-related challenge. The best in the world, in fact, as far as we’re aware. We are not only challenging every tenet of the lockdowns- we’ve taken a sledgehammer to them.
We will soon be circulating the reports of our six experts. In the meantime… please stop to ***READ*** and ***THINK*** before you forward or otherwise share any legal action that involves billions of dollars or secret arrests of key officials. If it looks too good to be true, it probably is.
I have included a list of all of the links in question that refer to this disinformation. Please stop sharing it and/or correct everyone by telling them that this lawsuit has been dismissed. You’ve got to do better.
Spreading disinformation like this hurts us all and deprecates our own legal action, which provides proof undeniable of what is the greatest fraud ever perpetrated in human history.
Thank you,
Chris Weisdorf

Advisor and coordinator of evidence for Adam Skelly’s constitutional challenge"


As well, someone in the comments section also stated that there was an Appeal made in April so I suppose we'll have to wait and see if that comes to fruition. Someone has also posted a link to the Nuremberg Trials that are now taking place against the WHO, CDC and the GAVI Institute:

The New Nuremberg Trials 2021 – Please Share This Info!
So how did this "misinformation" all come about? Was it from that video of the owner of J W Foods in Scarborough, Ontario explaining his excitement in the expected hearing this coming summer? I can't find any info from him.
Mar 30, 2017
So how did this "misinformation" all come about? Was it from that video of the owner of J W Foods in Scarborough, Ontario explaining his excitement in the expected hearing this coming summer? I can't find any info from him.
Good question! I'm not exactly sure to be honest. I've taken a look at what's on FB and this is what I've found posted:

Chris Weisdorf on FB appears to be wondering why Adam's case isn't getting this kind of attention. I found that a bit strange because I've been wondering about Adam's case myself so for him to make that statement, then maybe they should have more PR about it? There are other posts regarding this but I don't have a FB account to log in to get further access so the answer could be in there.

They also appealed the case so maybe they're waiting until the Nuremberg Trial is underway or makes some headway for the Courts to take another look at it? Of course, I'm just speculating but where "Ground Zero" is when all this came about as a case going before our courts is something that might found out some time later.

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Great Reset: Digital Citizenship Required To Use Internet

Screenshot_2021-05-09 Great Reset Digital Citizenship Required To Use Internet.png