Mar 15, 2019
Lockdown: Boris Johnson unveils plan to end England restrictions by 21 June

of course, they won't let us spend the summer arguing that restrictions are unnecessary. we know that we never go back to "normal". the age of madness started in 2020 and won't stop until doomsday. so, the great event(s) is near.

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
China ranks 'good' and 'bad' citizens with 'social credit' system In China,
In China, where millions of people have their faces scanned on a daily basis, authorities are developing a so-called "social credit" system. Citizens’ behavior is monitored and scrutinised – they are given scores and ranked according to rules set by the government. "Model" citizens enjoy perks such as reduced bus fares, but those with low scores lose certain rights and are blacklisted. Our colleagues from France 2 report, with FRANCE 24’s Emerald Maxwell.

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Unmasking COVID: What Purpose does it serve? And for Whom?

In our first half hour, we are joined by the Catherine Austin Fitts. She has a background as an investment banker, investment adviser and government official. For the duration of her interview, she explains that COVID is a cover for a major move by the G7 Central Banks to re-organize their financial systems under a plan called ‘Going Direct Reset.’ This would result in a major flush of economic wealth upwards, and bring in new technologies that would resemble a return to control of the mass population. This all masked by an effort to ‘protect public health.’

In our second half hour, we are introduced to a remarkable theory by psychologist and psychopathologist Dr. Mila Alečković-Bataille. She examines the history of psychological manipulation and the relevance to the current crisis.

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
South Korean government investigates 7 deaths that followed Covid-19 vaccination with AstraZeneca's jab

South Korea finished its first week of rolling out long-awaited Covid-19 inoculations in the country with thousands of suspected adverse reactions to AstraZeneca's vaccine, seven of which resulted in deaths.

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Hong Kong authorities probe death, hospitalizations that occurred days after people received Sinovac Covid jab

Hong Kong officials are investigating a death and two medical episodes reported days after individuals were given China’s Sinovac Covid-19 vaccine. So far no links have been established between the drug and the incidents.

Local media reported that a 71-year-old man was hospitalized on Sunday night after receiving the jab last Wednesday. He’s believed to have died from a heart attack.
Health authorities said they were looking into the case. The death coincided with two elderly individuals being rushed to the hospital days after being administered the vaccine. An 80-year-old man was taken to intensive care with chest pain on Saturday, five days after receiving the shot.

Meanwhile, on Sunday, a 72-year-old woman who took the drug a day earlier was hospitalized after experiencing general discomfort. Both patients suffer from pre-existing conditions, local media reported. Both cases are being reviewed for any possible links to the vaccine.
Two other deaths have been reported in recent days, but authorities have ruled out the vaccine as a potential cause for the fatalities.
A 55-year-old woman who got the jab died last weekend after suffering from a stroke and subsequent heart attack. Officials have concluded her passing was not related to the Sinovac jab, but are still preparing a final report on the matter.
Medical experts also ruled on Wednesday that the death of a 63-year-old man who suffered from diabetes and hypertension was not caused by the shot.
While none of the incidents have been shown to be caused by the vaccine, questions have been raised about why Hong Kong is administering the drug to people aged 60 and older, even though the same is not done in mainland China.
There have been numerous reports of serious medical episodes and deaths occurring in people who receive various Covid-19 vaccines, but none of the incidents have been shown to be caused by the jabs. On Sunday, Austrian health officials halted the use of a batch of AstraZeneca vaccine as a precaution while probing the death of a nurse who received the drug.

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019

Petition update
Press Release: Canadian Doctors Speak Out
Liberty Coalition Canada
Mar 8, 2021 —
Watch the video HERE.
The first principle of medical and health care practice is to do no harm. Furthermore, evidence-based medical information should be the determining factor in all governmental healthcare rules, policies, and procedures. The current government measures regarding COVID are not supported by evidence-based medical research and many of these measures are harmful to individuals, families and society in general.

In partnership with Canadian Health Alliance, based on the lack of medical evidence and harm being caused, we call on all levels of government to immediately stop promoting the following measures:
· Lockdowns and physical distancing
· Promoting the use of masks
· Handwashing and cleaning surfaces with toxic disinfectants
· Quarantines of asymptomatic people and social isolation
· Using RT-PCR testing on people
· Advocating inadequately tested gene-modifying COVID-19 vaccinations (insufficient human and animal trials)
· Unnecessary COVID-19 policies at hospitals and other health care facilities
· Business closures or restrictions
· Restrictions on churches and places of worship
· Closures of public facilities including schools, playgrounds, parks and recreational facilities
· Misrepresentation of the COVID situation in the media
· The use of fear and other psychological coercion techniques

The CANADA HEALTH ALLIANCE is a non-profit collaboration of medical doctors, nurses, chiropractors, naturopaths, pharmacists, and other healthcare practitioners from across Canada whose common goal is to protect the rights of our patients to access the highest quality healthcare available, continued freedom of choice, and autonomy through informed consent.
Our goal is to halt the misuse of power by politicized public health “experts” currently being conveyed through damaging COVID-19 public health policies that are destroying Canadian society and the health of Canadians.
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Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Arizona Hospital Worker Says Nearly All of New COVID Cases are Illegal Aliens
A recent caller to the Garret Lewis show in Tucson says nearly all of the new COVID cases in the local hospital are illegal aliens.

After his inauguration, Joe Biden immediately opened the US southern border to illegal migrants and fake refugees.
