Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
This guy knows his stuff! Calls out the pandemic that wasn't, the casedemic scam, the useless PCR testing, and points out that every year hospitals get over-run for a period of time with flu cases, but never have we had to go into lockdown. He then reads his constitutional challenge. Amazing!!!
RAW FOOTAGE: Adamson Barbecue owner Adam Skelly holds press conference
Jul 3, 2020
Sadly, no. I'm the black sheep in the company. They're all buying into the narrative. I've been given warnings for speaking up my mind on things like wanting to feed a stray colony of cats near the company and how toxic and gossipy my coworkers are. It's like they're waiting for the next thing to sack me.:rolleyes:
Really sorry to hear that!! :mad::mad:

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Three days ago a friend of mine committed suicide. So far I know of no deaths from covid.
As far as I can see, this 'cure' is worse than the disease. But we knew that didn't we.

I share this with you all because the best way to see what is really happening is through actual experiences.

She was 39.
Thank-you for sharing. So sorry for your loss. The media rarely touches on this reality. This past weekend there was a Mental Health Rally to protest lockdowns and expose the detrimental affects that lockdowns have on mental health. It was well attended with many front line mental health professionals and families in attendance. It managed to get some fairly positive media attention. This subject can't be ignored any longer.
Mar 30, 2017
and if that don't work

bird flu -

ebola -
It appears the MSM are getting desperate to keep up the momentum of fear. I'm assuming the "variant" stories aren't having the impact the MSM thought they would have so... they're coming up with viruses that actually exist. It's so predictable, it's sad. Where I am, I'm even finding that the people who are wearing masks are beginning to question the MSM narrative, which is a first because they weren't before. It'll be interesting to see how this pans out in the spring.

This guy knows his stuff! Calls out the pandemic that wasn't, the casedemic scam, the useless PCR testing, and points out that every year hospitals get over-run for a period of time with flu cases, but never have we had to go into lockdown. He then reads his constitutional challenge. Amazing!!!
RAW FOOTAGE: Adamson Barbecue owner Adam Skelly holds press conference
First, I would like to say that Adam Skelly reminds so much of one of the McKenzie Brothers :):

Secondly, I would almost say this NEEDED to happen to Adam because he represents the average working Joe running a restaurant in Etobicoke. Everything he said in the news conference was said in a manner where basically anyone would understand what he said regarding the lawsuits filed against his restaurant and the charges filed on his behalf. Adam has clearly said the Ontario/Toronto government have NOT shown ANY evidence for the Emergency Act/Reopening Act, which is why all criminal fines have been thrown out of court. What Adam’s legal team is doing is suing the government(s?), or those acting on the behalf of it(them), civilly, as the charges filed go against the Canadian Charter. It also demonstrates that much of what is being done is are for visual scare tactics, i.e. Toronto Police surrounding his restaurant when it reopened.

As Adam also said, his case will be able to set a precedent for other cases in other provinces. The battle is long and exhaustive won, but they can be won, as I'm sure Adam's legal team has told him they're certain the fines against him will NOT hold up in court, despite the appeals they know will be filed when he wins.


Jan 22, 2018
This is a totally true account of my own personal Covid experience over the last 4 weeks.

I work in a residential care home that looks after children aged between 12 and 17 who have emotional and behavioral issues. We have 3 kids in the home, 2 boys aged 14 and 16 and a girl of 16.

We have a staff team of 8 people who work a rolling rota to provide 24 hour care for 7 days a week. The property is a 5 bedroom house dwelling.

As soon as this covid thing kicked off the new regulations we had to start following soon started. Sanitising the home daily, temperature checks, hand sanitising, masks in shops, all family contact stopped and finally mandatory testing.

Well anyone who has read me on here for any length of time will know I wasn't having any of it and didn't comply. If they wanted to make a disciplinary issue out of it then so be it.

So, our unit Manager was the first to be struck down. She got the symptoms at home, took the test and got a positive. We all get informed we need to be tested immediately at a local testing centre.

I declined the test myself but give a lift to a work mate to the test centre, just to be nosey and see how busy it was. Anyway, the whole staff team get tested and they all get a negative result. The test centre was this huge hall with barriers queuing people up like cattle but only had about 10 people in line so it looked empty, he showed me around on his phone. I thought they must be expecting a few coach loads of people by the scale of the operation, ridiculous.

I am now on annual leave and four days later everybody at work is ordered to take a second test at a different test centre which everybody did.

Well whaddaya know everybody gets a positive test, even the kids! Over the next few days the symptoms started kicking in. The older staff, 2 males in their sixties suffered bad symptoms similar to flu, bed ridden for a couple of days. The rest had very mild symptoms like tireness, aches and pains, mild cold.

I'm at home feeling just fine, now not allowed back to work but on annual leave....the only person who didn't sanitize, didn't mask up, didn't do nothing didn't catch the virus. What are the chances of that eh? I even took four rapid flow tests at home and tested negative each time.

It turned into full pantomime mode on returning my work mate from the test centre. He asked to pop into a shop to pick some bits up so I pull up and he goes in to this mini Tesco. (The spooky part here is on the way to the shop I was talking about how to deal with police who try and trick you into accepting a fine for non compliance with covid restrictions. The advice I gave him was just not give them your details, ask them if your being detained then just walk away)

He goes into the shop unmasked but carrying an exemption card in his wallet, half a minute later two masked up PCSO's go in. This should be interesting I thought. Next minute one of them is back outside on his radio trying to get a police officer to the shop as somebody inside is refusing to give his ID. I, at this point I am incredulous.

So my work mate jumps into my car followed by a very irate nappy faced pretend policeman who doesn't have the power of arrest. He comes to my window, which I close to leave about a two inch gap.

"Why have you closed your window?" he asks. "There's a nasty virus going around" I say.

"I want to talk to your friend" he snarles.

"Do you wanna talk to this guy?" I ask my mate.

"Not really, we talked inside" he says.

"He doesn't want to talk to you" I say.'s the good bit.

"OK then I'll run your car and send you the fine because your friend won't give me his details"

After a comical exchange involving me educating his sorry ass on what he could and couldn't do the conversation ends with me saying.

"Listen mate, you don't what you gotta do but stop wasting my time, thanks" then I drive off leaving him a tad bit humiliated.

Anyway, everyone's back at work now and the lock downs continue.

I'm living in clown world right now I really am.
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Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
It appears the MSM are getting desperate to keep up the momentum of fear. I'm assuming the "variant" stories aren't having the impact the MSM thought they would have so... they're coming up with viruses that actually exist. It's so predictable, it's sad. Where I am, I'm even finding that the people who are wearing masks are beginning to question the MSM narrative, which is a first because they weren't before. It'll be interesting to see how this pans out in the spring.

First, I would like to say that Adam Skelly reminds so much of one of the McKenzie Brothers :):

Secondly, I would almost say this NEEDED to happen to Adam because he represents the average working Joe running a restaurant in Etobicoke. Everything he said in the news conference was said in a manner where basically anyone would understand what he said regarding the lawsuits filed against his restaurant and the charges filed on his behalf. Adam has clearly said the Ontario/Toronto government have NOT shown ANY evidence for the Emergency Act/Reopening Act, which is why all criminal fines have been thrown out of court. What Adam’s legal team is doing is suing the government(s?), or those acting on the behalf of it(them), civilly, as the charges filed go against the Canadian Charter. It also demonstrates that much of what is being done is are for visual scare tactics, i.e. Toronto Police surrounding his restaurant when it reopened.

As Adam also said, his case will be able to set a precedent for other cases in other provinces. The battle is long and exhaustive won, but they can be won, as I'm sure Adam's legal team has told him they're certain the fines against him will NOT hold up in court, despite the appeals they know will be filed when he wins.
I agree. Adam is definitely old school Canadian eh? Hahaha!!

I think he's a really smart guy, who knows his stuff. He presented an intelligent, rational argument for his reasons for defying the closure. He remained cool and calm, which I thought was a very good move. A lot of people are so ignorant on the subject and would go off on a angry tirade. Well done Adam!!
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