
Jun 28, 2020
They could have set algorithms to give that result. Then have co-intel "stumble" upon and share it.

A year or 3 ago I remember searching "white family" on Google brought up images with mixed race families. "Happy white woman" brought up white woman with black men, kids. Various "truthers" pointed this out in recent years. I'm not racist but its clear to see they are trying to antagonize people. Perhaps this is your answer?

For what its worth one of the biggest agendas on the table is to get all the Jews to "return" to Israel. Alot of this "Jew hate" you find practically everywhere is put out by them because they want Jews to feel unsafe everywhere but Israel.

Far as the video in your link goes... you would need someone who can read Latin, otherwise you're taking the word of some random on the Internets. I've seen them purposefully mistranslate Arabic to English. Wouldn't surprise me if they done that with Latin, which is largely a dead language today. Only Scholars would speak / understand it.
May 18, 2018
They could have set algorithms to give that result. Then have co-intel "stumble" upon and share it.

A year or 3 ago I remember searching "white family" on Google brought up images with mixed race families. "Happy white woman" brought up white woman with black men, kids. Various "truthers" pointed this out in recent years. I'm not racist but its clear to see they are trying to antagonize people. Perhaps this is your answer?

For what its worth one of the biggest agendas on the table is to get all the Jews to "return" to Israel. Alot of this "Jew hate" you find practically everywhere is put out by them because they want Jews to feel unsafe everywhere but Israel.

Far as the video in your link goes... you would need someone who can read Latin, otherwise you're taking the word of some random on the Internets. I've seen them purposefully mistranslate Arabic to English. Wouldn't surprise me if they done that with Latin, which is largely a dead language today. Only Scholars would speak / understand it.
That’s definitely one plan, but the ultimate plan is for a world government with the capital in Jerusalem, for their boarders to have expanded to Saudi Arabia and Iraq to form greater Israel, for goyim to be slaves etc That’s coming from them, not me.

got to admit, it’s pretty weird though. There’s been a lot of bugs with google translate through the years, this one seems particularly apt though


Jun 28, 2020
That’s definitely one plan, but the ultimate plan is for a world government with the capital in Jerusalem, for their boarders to have expanded to Saudi Arabia and Iraq to form greater Israel, for goyim to be slaves etc That’s coming from them, not me.

got to admit, it’s pretty weird though. There’s been a lot of bugs with google translate through the years, this one seems particularly apt though
I think the ultimate plan is ushering in the anti-christ while the Jewish messiah can only return when all Jews return to Israel. At least according to their prophecy. I think we both know Jesus was their messiah whom they rejected. Now they wait on the anti-christ.

Far as Jerusalem being the capital, yes this is where he will rule from. Israel is thee ruling state in the world through puppetry of all nations. They have an iron grip on the world, so much so today Satanyahu openly boasts about it.

If you've taken a close look you'd see all the major tech corporations have their headquarters in Israel, including Google. Tech itself is building a world where one man can control it. Look at the ever growing surveillance grid with millions of everyday items such as your fridge and washing machine collecting your data. In a dystopian future its not at all inconceivable for one man to know absolutely everything about you.

Apologies for the derail.

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Dr.Ealy discussing CV-19 data manipulation.
COVID-19 Breaking Research | Dr. Henry Ealy | Stand for Health Freedom
Screenshot_2021-02-20 COVID-19 Breaking Research Dr Henry Ealy Stand for Health Freedom.png

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
‘He loved his job,’ says friend of Battlefords-area health care worker who died after testing positive for COVID-19

“We don’t know the reason for his death, but it’s very shocking news to his friends and to his family. To everyone,” said Mathew.

Mathew says Thomas tested positive for COVID-19 on Feb. 6, just a short time after he also received his first COVID vaccination. He was isolating in his apartment and had been feeling well up until Feb. 15.

“He felt chest pains February 15th around 6:30 p.m. He went to (the) hospital by himself. He was in the hospital emergency room since 7:00 on that evening. We do not know what time the death happened. I think no one knows, because when the physician opened the door to him, they found him collapsed on the bed,” he explained.

650 CKOM has asked if there has since been any additional information on Thomas’ cause of death, or whether there is any indication whether the vaccine he apparently received may have played a factor, however, we were told the SHA will have no further comment.

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Health officials can't explain Dr. Tam's 'rocket ship' modelling

Canadian government health officials were at a loss to explain why new federal modelling shows such a wild trajectory when they appeared at a House of Commons health committee hearing Friday.

Earlier in the day, Dr. Theresa Tam presented new modelling forecasting COVID-19 cases. The slide deck presents charts about how cases and deaths across Canada are significantly declining.

However, when it comes to forecasting for the future, Tam presented a graph that showed cases of COVID-19 immediately shooting up like a rocket ship in an almost vertical line.

It shows Canada going from its current count of around 2,300 cases per day to over 20,000 daily cases by the second week of March. The exact figure is unclear because the line shoots so high it exits the top of the graph.

The graph left infectious diseases experts scratching their heads. “What are the underlying assumptions?” Dr. Martha Fulford, an assistant professor at McMaster University and infectious diseases physician at Hamilton Health Sciences, told the Sun.
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Mar 18, 2017
Anti-vax at the Vatican? You might lose your job

ROME (AP) — The Vatican is taking Pope Francis’ pro-vaccine stance very seriously: Any Vatican employee who refuses to get a coronavirus shot without a valid medical reason risks being fired.

A Feb. 8 decree signed by the governor of the Vatican city-state says that employees who opt out of vaccination without a proven medical reason could be subject to a sanction up to and including “the interruption of the relationship of employment.”

The directive cited the need to protect Vatican employees in the workplace, as well as guidelines issued by Francis’ advisory COVID-19 commission, which said individuals have a moral responsibility to get vaccinated “given that refusing a vaccine can constitute a risk for others.”

The decree sparked heated debate Thursday, since its provisions go well beyond the generally voluntary nature of COVID-19 vaccinations in Italy and much of the rest of the world. The Vatican is an absolute monarchy in the heart of Rome that operates independently of Italian law and Italian labor protections.
Funny that the Vatican, of all places wouldn’t uphold religious objections to the vaccine. Incase anyone else hasn’t noticed, the Vatican is going to promote everything coming out of WEF & the UN….everything up to and including transhumanism….just give it time. The Pope already gave his approval for civil (gay) unions last year.

The ultimate affront to God as the Creator of the human body….turning churches into vaxx centers…to get a vaxx that will turn you into Bill Gates’ image.
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Mar 18, 2017
My response to Frank's post on the Red Cross head also demanding a media ban of covid vaxx skeptics. All those loudly calling for ban are most likely closet skeptics.
High chances that he is a closet Covid 19-vaccine-skeptic in the sense that he would never put his own in harms way. He and his family should be first in line if he is such a true believer.
Reuters trying their hand at debunking most covid conspiracies