Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Anti-vax at the Vatican? You might lose your job

ROME (AP) — The Vatican is taking Pope Francis’ pro-vaccine stance very seriously: Any Vatican employee who refuses to get a coronavirus shot without a valid medical reason risks being fired.

A Feb. 8 decree signed by the governor of the Vatican city-state says that employees who opt out of vaccination without a proven medical reason could be subject to a sanction up to and including “the interruption of the relationship of employment.”

The directive cited the need to protect Vatican employees in the workplace, as well as guidelines issued by Francis’ advisory COVID-19 commission, which said individuals have a moral responsibility to get vaccinated “given that refusing a vaccine can constitute a risk for others.”

The decree sparked heated debate Thursday, since its provisions go well beyond the generally voluntary nature of COVID-19 vaccinations in Italy and much of the rest of the world. The Vatican is an absolute monarchy in the heart of Rome that operates independently of Italian law and Italian labor protections.

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Thousands of service members saying no to COVID-19 vaccine

WASHINGTON (AP) — By the thousands, U.S. service members are refusing or putting off the COVID-19 vaccine as frustrated commanders scramble to knock down internet rumors and find the right pitch that will persuade troops to get the shot.

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Dr. Carrie Madej on why Vaccines are a Threat to Humanity & Cause Infertility, Qui bono?

What is so dangerous about vaccines? What are they supposed to do and why don't they?
Did you know that the DOD is in charge of our health care now?
What does DARPA have to do with the mRNA jab?
Who benefits? Always, always ask: Qui bono?


Jan 14, 2021


Jan 10, 2019
Here’s a nice breakdown with graphics:

Just wanted to remind everyone this is a really helpful resource. There are 5 types of covid vaccines: viral vector, genetic, inactivated, attenuated, and protein. The graphics give a simple description for reference.

Another interview with Lee Merrit, I haven't seen it yet.

Dr. Merrit explains the "pharmaceutical matrix" in a common-sense way. I saw the first interview but it's not necessary to following this one. Like she says we've entered an age of manipulated pathogens; we shouldn't panic and overreact to the current covid outbreak. I learned a new word too: horn-swaggled! :D
Jul 3, 2020
Anti-vax at the Vatican? You might lose your job

ROME (AP) — The Vatican is taking Pope Francis’ pro-vaccine stance very seriously: Any Vatican employee who refuses to get a coronavirus shot without a valid medical reason risks being fired.

A Feb. 8 decree signed by the governor of the Vatican city-state says that employees who opt out of vaccination without a proven medical reason could be subject to a sanction up to and including “the interruption of the relationship of employment.”

The directive cited the need to protect Vatican employees in the workplace, as well as guidelines issued by Francis’ advisory COVID-19 commission, which said individuals have a moral responsibility to get vaccinated “given that refusing a vaccine can constitute a risk for others.”

The decree sparked heated debate Thursday, since its provisions go well beyond the generally voluntary nature of COVID-19 vaccinations in Italy and much of the rest of the world. The Vatican is an absolute monarchy in the heart of Rome that operates independently of Italian law and Italian labor protections.
The last few steps of the Judas goat.
Jan 27, 2018

A salient point from the article:

“The question focuses on whether Zynteglo’s lentivirus vector inserted itself into the human genome to cause cancer. Even though no other approved medicines use the same viral vector—as the EMA noted—analysts at Jefferies and J.P. Morgan figure the problem could reach beyond Bluebird.”

Salient points from this article:


Adenovirus vaccines might be grabbing the limelight amid the coronavirus pandemic, but they have a checkered past.

When scientists began creating adenoviral vectors in the 1980s, most worked with a particular kind of adenovirus called Ad5, which ubiquitously infects humans and causes the common cold. Researchers stripped Ad5 of the genes it needed to replicate and inserted those genes into genetically engineered cell lines. That ensured that the modified viruses could be grown only in these special cells in the lab. It also opened up space in the Ad5 genome for scientists to stitch in new genes of their choosing.
Many scientists hoped to use Ad5 to deliver a human gene that could correct rare genetic mutations—an approach called gene therapy.

Those efforts came to a grinding halt in 1999 when a teenage boy with a rare genetic liver disease died after receiving an injection of an Ad5-based gene therapy, which had been designed in James Wilson’s lab at the University of Pennsylvania.

The large dose of 38 trillion viruses the patient was given sparked massive body-wide inflammation and sent his immune system into overdrive. After that, scientists mostly stopped using adenoviral vectors for gene therapy, in which the dose needs to be high to reach many cells of the body.

But vaccine developers viewed adenovirus-induced inflammation as an asset.

“There is an expression out there that a failed gene therapy makes a good vaccine,” says Luk Vandenberghe, a viral vector expert at Harvard Medical School.“


“Compared with some of the newer, experimental technologies—such as Moderna’s mRNA vaccine, which was the first to enter human trials in the US—adenoviral vectors are touted as a more tried-and-true approach. J&J calls its adenoviral vector platform a “proven” technology. While adenoviral vectors have been tested in far more people than mRNA vaccines, the technology is used in only one commercial vaccine today: a rabies vaccine used to immunize wild animals. So far, no adenoviral vector vaccines have demonstrated they can prevent disease in humans.

“It is not proven until it is licensed, and in postlicensure, continues to succeed,” Ertl says. “To say it is proven without peer-reviewed efficacy data is a stretch.”

Here’s what I’m wondering...if Bluebird’s gene therapy MAY have inserted itself so as to trigger cancer causing genes...who’s to say adenovirus vector vaccines (which are based on failed gene therapy programs) could not also have that potential?

I wonder...
Dec 11, 2020
Matt Hancock unlawfully failed to publish details of billions of pounds' worth of coronavirus-related contracts, High Court rules

Well well well....
May 18, 2018
The media wouldn't have propogated a fake virus to destroy the economy if it was already destroyed by racial taxes and that what they meant?
Also, the media now just publishes fringe and radical leftist racial politics as the official narrative. It is the perfect compliment to fake virus fear mongering. They always need “good” or “hopeful” toned stories to compliment the fear, and they’ve chose radical racial politics for that, to continue the agenda of psychological warfare. All presented as separate seemingly random stories with no connection, one after the other, to give you the feel there is no coherence or narrative in play.

the media is nothing less than a weapon against you, the human being.
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