BTS discussion thread


Jan 16, 2021
Guys honestly it is kinda worrying if they're harvesting energy from us, like yes it's "special" but it's not good, this is exactly what they want, what the devil wants also, for us to idolize them. They are just people, I'm not going expect them to keep giving us hints, if they do then either they genuinely find it funny in which case no problem (toxic army side doesn't mind either and you didn't read that), or they see some evil benefit in it and that doesn't make me happy one bit

Pray for them and for yourself, the war is not in flesh but in spiritual


Nov 26, 2020
Guys honestly it is kinda worrying if they're harvesting energy from us, like yes it's "special" but it's not good, this is exactly what they want, what the devil wants also, for us to idolize them. They are just people, I'm not going expect them to keep giving us hints, if they do then either they genuinely find it funny in which case no problem (toxic army side doesn't mind either and you didn't read that), or they see some evil benefit in it and that doesn't make me happy one bit

Pray for them and for yourself, the war is not in flesh but in spiritual
Harvesting energy from us or the blinded fans? I dont idolize them one bit now that i know what they are up to..i get disgusted sometimes seeing them on the news and all, am i safe now?


Jan 16, 2021
Harvesting energy from us or the blinded fans? I dont idolize them one bit now that i know what they are up to..i get disgusted sometimes seeing them on the news and all, am i safe now?
Eh I panicked for a bit. I meant us (who were meant to notice the brooch), but you could take it as just a hint and an open joke 'bout blind armies. Idk I'm torn

Evil only has as much power as you give it so yes you're safe. Remember who's in control (and I mean Jesus), they're fighting a losing battle


Nov 26, 2020
@Pretty Woman As you wanted to get more hints from BeeTS Idk is this related or not but Im gonna put it here. If you search for sailor moon flower or flower brooch this is what you get
View attachment 51076

And this pic is from today's RM's vlive. A painting is hanging on the wall with a moon and a purple flower with a yellow center. These two pics can be related
View attachment 51077

If he really wanna give any hints I do believe he will never say Sailor moon directly but maybe indirectly cause never think no Army knows about this thread.
Did he paint that painting himself? why?? If not what was the paintings name, where did he get it from? That could be some proof


Jan 16, 2021
Guys honestly it is kinda worrying if they're harvesting energy from us, like yes it's "special" but it's not good, this is exactly what they want, what the devil wants also, for us to idolize them. They are just people, I'm not going expect them to keep giving us hints, if they do then either they genuinely find it funny in which case no problem (toxic army side doesn't mind either and you didn't read that), or they see some evil benefit in it and that doesn't make me happy one bit

Pray for them and for yourself, the war is not in flesh but in spiritual
About this, I said "idolize" but meant more like keep thinking about them and have strong feelings towards them. No way would any sensible person idolize them after finding out what they do so that was a bad choice of words on my part


Oct 25, 2018

I had a dream about them last year and taehyung was frowning at me. That’s all I remember . It was Nothing malicious but it definitely wasn’t spiritual though. I’ve read of some people here having scary dreams of them.
The reason I ask is because last week I had a dream about a BTS member. I do not listen to their music at all and do not watch videos of them on youtube. Whatever I know about them is from this thread. Truthfully, I do not even remember the names of the group members except one called RM.

Anyway, one of them with pink hair was in my dream and he was smiling while sitting next to me. I was thinking, "who's this?". Lol


Oct 25, 2018

Thats really weird. Do you remember him saying anything?
You know what else is odd, I literally never have had a dream of a celebrity besides this one. This is the only one that stuck with me!
There’s major juju going on with them. When I first came across them, I developed a major soft spot for them and I’m not one who usually cares about celebrities. Even now, I don’t hate them but I care for them weirdly enough.
That's me too - I never have dreams about celebs!

His mouth was moving, but I am not sure what he said. I just know he was smiling - super happy - and I was like whatever. I think it was this guy -RM:
I did not realize this until I googled him afterward. The guy in my dream had pink hair and dimples like this.

In any case, I prayed for anything demonic to be canceled.


Jan 16, 2021
I agree. We should ask them if they are in danger. So if any BTS member is reading this, I want you to wear something blue if you are in danger and need help. If you are not in danger, then wear white. I am very curious to know if they really are. They have been showing us a lot of hints that they are lurking around in this thread.
Um guys

Not only was his hair blue but hoodie too. He could be asking for help or messing with us, doesn't really matter.

Many normal people are waking up during the quarantine and beetees were not expecting this either, I wasn't here then but you speculated they had to change their plans. This whole plandemic is humbling.

Also iirc some beetees member made an ill comment about how come J1n is still alive and @daughter of the most high shared how J1n could be seeking God but in all the wrong places. I think it's possible that God is giving him time to repent.

Our God is a loving God who sent Jesus Christ to die for the filthiest of sinners and postponed destruction of wicked cities for hundreds of years to give them time to repent and be saved. I don't know the soul life of beetees or how many times they've chosen evil over good but there's still hope for them. If they keep mocking God and reject Christ then that is completely on them and should not weight the conscience of us who hope for them. If they die in their sins then their punishment will be huge but it is not the time of judgement yet, nor are any of us The Judge. Remember these idols have for their whole lives been surrounded by exactly the kinds of things that anger God the most (shedding of innocent blood). They are currently on the side that will kill christians during the last days (these days) but Jesus told us to pray for our enemies.

The gospel to be preached to all of creation:
"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that everyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

What I wrote earlier on this thread in case it helps anyone:
Alright I woke up and chose offence. After this I will stop my posting spree as I've said everything I intended to. If I'm ever going to post something as ambitious and tremendously optimistic as this, now feels like the right time considering the weverse speculation. As long as they're breathing, they have hope. Actually if I can benefit even one person (anyone) then I'm happy.

To ARMY and people on this thread:
If you’re a christian, make sure that you love GOD above everything else, that JESUS is the lord of your life and that the HOLY SPIRIT is guiding you. You don’t need to know about the darkness, idolatry is still a sin. If you love/care for beetees, please pray for them!! But don't feel obligated to and focus on your walk with the Lord. Warn your family, friends, neighbors. Time is short.

If you’re not a christian, then I’m sorry but I care for your soul more than your feelings. Just like a painting is proof of a painter and building proof of a builder, creation is proof of a creator. There is a God that loves you. You can’t earn your way to heaven, even one sin is too much in the face of the holy God. If you do not have Jesus on the day of judgement then I’m sorry but you are not going to make it. Please I beg of you. Forget distractions. You're going to spend eternity either with God or without God. Open your heart and ask Jesus to reveal himself to you and He will.

I’m sorry for shipping you, lusting after you and supporting your company by giving them views/money. If there were no ARMY, there would be no BTS. Maybe you don’t care or you even like your current situation but I’m serious. I don’t hate you, I love you and I forgive you.

If you seek wisdom, wisdom starts with the fear of God. If you seek glory and wealth, there’s nothing like the glory of heaven. If you seek fame and have already made your decision, fine. But there's no way you can escape God’s wrath. God grieves for the things done against you and will punish those who hurt you, but he also grieves for the things you do and if you don’t repent, you too will be punished. BTS always says to love yourself. Love your soul, then.

You are serving the father of all lies, and live in a world where good is evil and evil is good. Stop serving the devil! You can’t sell your soul, it belongs to God. Time is short. Even if you get your crown, it will be for a brief time only. Isn't it better to struggle with Christ for a little while and live forever in heaven's glory than to celebrate with the devil for a little while and be eternally damned in hell, forever away from your creator? But you already know that the devil is not making you happy. So are you just going to suffer forever? Why?? The devil hates you and is the one hurting you. Stop believing in his lies!

If you seek love, God is love. If you seek freedom, the truth will set you free and Jesus is the way the truth and the life. If you seek God, Jesus is the only way to God. Don’t give up on God, if you’re reading this, whoever you are, he has not given up on you. You are lovable and you can be saved. You are NOT too big of a sinner. The crucifixion of Jesus is enough. Jesus died for all of your sins. He came to set the captives free. Accept Christ as your savior and let the Holy Spirit change you. The true living God created you and He loves you and wants to heal you, if you let Him. Call on the name of Jesus of Nazareth to protect you from the evil works of darkness. Seek him with all your heart and you will find him. It is NOT too late.

”Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Romans 10:13

”Jesus answered, ”I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father expect through me.” John 14:6

”24 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. 25 For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. 26 What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? 27 For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father’s glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what they have done. ” Matthew 16:24-27

Yes I'm writing on a thread focused on this one idol group but my desire to reach out and share the gospel is directed at everyone!!

And I'm sorry for focusing solely on their salvation and not so much on their freedom from their company/occult or whatever, I know my words might annoy some of you but I believe to be preaching the Truth and I had this on my heart this time.

Of course we should also find other ways to help them other than praying for them if at all possible (maybe not cuz armies won't listen) but I'm tired now so good night and God bless anyone reading this.

"Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is very powerful in its effect. " James 5:16 (why it's good for a christian to pray for others)

"8 When I say to the wicked, ‘You wicked person, you will surely die,’ and you do not speak out to dissuade them from their ways, that wicked person will die for their sin, and I will hold you accountable for their blood. 9 But if you do warn the wicked person to turn from their ways and they do not do so, they will die for their sin, though you yourself will be saved." Ezekiel 3:8-9 (again preach the gospel to those who are near you)

"For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it pierces even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It judges the thoughts and intentions of the heart. " Hebrews 4:12

"So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." Romans 10:17

"If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.” John 20:23 (christians have the authority to forgive sins)

↑ This complicates beetees's position if they're controlled 24/7 but remember, nothing, and I mean nothing is impossible for God.

Thank you and again God bless if you read here<3
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Jan 16, 2021
That's me too - I never have dreams about celebs!

His mouth was moving, but I am not sure what he said. I just know he was smiling - super happy - and I was like whatever. I think it was this guy -RM:
I did not realize this until I googled him afterward. The guy in my dream had pink hair and dimples like this.

In any case, I prayed for anything demonic to be canceled.
Honestly a part of me hopes this is a sign he will be saved... :oops:

Okay I will seriously go to sleep now


Nov 29, 2020
For the first time after BeeTeeS comeback I took courage to listen the song ''Skit'' and this is what I found out. They are tremendously full of themselves.If it was just uploaded on BangtanTV okay I could have got that for fun but this literally got place in an album....amazing.

Jin: Billboard No. 1 singer is entering
J-hope: Oh wow, you called the No. 1 singers!
V: Happy birthday, too!
J-hope: Oh, right wow, No. 1 on your birthday!
Jung Kook: Oh, yes
Jin: Guess you don't need a birthday gift!
Jung Kook: This... this doesn't make any sense
RM: We should gift ourselves with something
J-hope: This is the biggest gift!
Jung Kook: This is the best gift of my life... what... what just happened...
J-hope: So the announcement was today? September 1st?
Jung Kook: This is a double celebration
RM: They say it's Saturday
(SUGA enters)
SUGA: Oh, I'm sorry Billboard No. 1 singer has arrived too late. I wеnt to the bathroom
J-hope: Hahaha! (clapping hands) I told you!
RM: Tell us how you feel!
SUGA: ****** ******
(all laugh)
Jin: Okay, that was fantastic!
SUGA: Can you trеat Billboard No. 1 singer like this? No seat?
RM: Six No. 1 singers arrived earlier than you!
SUGA: It fixed my health
RM: How was it yesterday? I went to sleep early, calmly
SUGA: I felt healthier
J-hope: I was late to see it too
Jin: I saw what Namjoon sent me, and had a drink right away, and went to bed
RM: I sent it to the group chat!
SUGA: I couldn't sleep at all
RM: Nobody said anything! Were these guys asleep?!
SUGA: Sorry, I was crying
Jung Kook: I honestly didn't know it was today
V: Me neither, I didn't know it was today
Jimin: I thought it was this evening
Jin: I thought it was 1:00 PM or something
Jimin: I was thinking it would be great... to get No. 1
SUGA: *sighs*
RM: Why you wanna retire all of a sudden?
V: Go ahead, have an announcement now!
RM: This skit will be legendary
SUGA: I'm gonna do music until I die
(all laugh)
RM: Musician-for-life announcement!
J-hope: Are we going for a drink? Or what?
V: We should
SUGA: Let's have a quick short drink
RM: Yeah why not
V: Billboard No. 1 singer couldn't get today's dance practice canceled
J-hope: Dance practice canceled?
SUGA: We should dance
J-hope: Okay let's make it short and sweet
Jung Kook: What's for today?
Jimin: "No More Dream." Guys, don't worry
RM: No, we are doing a "back to first mindset" project, practicing "No More Dream" when we're No. 1
SUGA: First intention? What first intention!?
RM: No Hyung, look. How cool is it? Do Billboard No. 1 singer practice their debut song on the day of No. 1 announcement?
V: Write that into a song
RM: How? (rapping) I practiced "No More Dream" today, too!
Jimin: That is interesting though, practicing "No More Dream" today
SUGA: Ahh... for real...
SUGA: Do we really have to rehearse today?
RM: I woke up in the morning seeing the news and...
Jimin: It's so great. You guys are so great!
RM: You are!
Jin: You are!
J-hope: No, what's so great about No. 1...
SUGA: It's regrettable if you say so
Jimin: I want to do stage so bad seeing this
RM: Hope-ah, don't you think this is what happiness is like?

I have never listened this genre of music in my entire life. They are truly multitalented. :D
Okay. What exactly is this? Is this really supposed to be a 'song' given it is in the album? Suddenly they don't seem that humble anymore with how much they mentioned 'Billboard'


Aug 14, 2020
Should we maybe try a final affirmation? One last sign just to be certain? Also, what happens if someone reports this page to BIG***? Would we be fined or sued?? I’m curious since this has been going on for so long. I don’t want to jinx us but how come nothing has happened.

lol I don’t trust them too. I’m scared we will get reported or something. Honestly.
DO not be scared. We did nothing wrong! And we should not trust them. We do not know what their intention is. So we have to be careful. They could be giving us hints just to play with us and they might not even want our help. We do not know their hearts.


Oct 22, 2020
I’ve been watching this thread for a while now but I’m just getting a bad gut feeling recently. That’s why I usually post stuff and then delete it later on.

Your right. We should not trust them. What if they are following our hints to somehow lead armies here. I just don’t want to be sued for defamation but I also don’t think it’s that easy to sue. Freedom of speech I guess.
As long as you say it's theory and that you let them know what you're saying is not a fact it protects you from defamation. Such as what it says on the first page of this thread.


Oct 22, 2020
I did not even notice RM's cloth while searching for the flower. As @Openso15t said if BeeTS is in danger then wear blue. And now look at his shirt
View attachment 51104

I don't think there can be so many coincidences at the same in a same room.
Honestly, I'm so confuzzled by this tea guys! If he is wearing a lot of blue and little white does he mean I'm not in danger currently but later I'm going to be in danger?

Oh also there's this also
This happened a couple of months ago I think? But people in this comment section freaked out because they were saying it's sign language and he was asking for help. But I debunked it because I was like oh he's wipping his sweat.... But if these clues are real they are being real descret about whats happening, but I dont blame them.