Was Homosexual Marriage A Good Idea?


Jun 3, 2017
How does two consenting adults who are in love getting married = p***philia and bestiality becoming legal?
thats why i dont even debate with idiots like him. Apparently 2 human being adults loving each other = p***philia and bestiality. Sigh..
Mar 20, 2017
thats why i dont even debate with idiots like him. Apparently 2 human being adults loving each other = p***philia and bestiality. Sigh..
So he's an idiot now? I can't recall that he ever insulted you?

How can people even claim to know what love is when they go against the very way they came into this world is beyond me...


Apr 20, 2017
How does two consenting adults who are in love getting married = p***philia and bestiality becoming legal?
The arguments might be refutable, of course, but, especially as it relates to some controversial Supreme Court decisions and other American sociological phenomena, the late Senator Patrick Moynihan and others addressed the issue with the expression "defining deviancy down."
Manon McKinnon said:
... That same year columnist Charles Krauthammer expanded Moynihan’s point by proposing the reverse — that not only were we “normalizing what was once considered deviant,” but we were also “finding deviant what was once considered normal.” [snip] In time, the inevitable lower standards and moral relativism brought us the movies, TV shows, fashions, sex norms and web pages we have today. Deviant and normal swapped places.

Furthermore, when writing the dissenting opinion on the Supreme Court's landmark Lawrence vs. Texas ("sodomy") case, the late justice, Antonin Scalia, said that "the Court has taken sides in the culture war."
John Schwartz said:
... departing from its role of assuring, as neutral observer, that the democratic rules of engagement are observed.” He [Scalia] called up a litany of horrors, state laws that Justice Kennedy’s opinion might ultimately overturn, including “bigamy, same-sex marriage, adult incest, prostitution, masturbation, adultery, fornication, bestiality, and obscenity.” Such laws are only sustainable, he said, under the ability of the nation to base laws on moral choices, as the Court had allowed in Bowers [vs. Hardwick]. “Every single one of these laws is called into question by today’s decision,” Justice Scalia wrote. “This effectively decrees the end of all morals legislation.”

To my view, and leaving aside, for the most part, what the author of the article claims as Justice Scalia's "litany of horrors," it remains to be seen if Scalia's prediction proves correct: that the decision (and others like it) "effectively decrees the end of all morals legislation."
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Mar 15, 2017
So he's an idiot now? I can't recall that he ever insulted you?

How can people even claim to know what love is when they go against the very way they came into this world is beyond me...
I've honestly never seen that commenter before. I'm also not in the insulting business, but I will "bark back".
I'm not the type to get my fur all ruffled over opinions, so, not sure what that commenter is trying to accomplish
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Mar 15, 2017
The arguments might be refutable, of course, but, especially as it relates to some controversial Supreme Court decisions and other American sociological phenomena, the late Senator Patrick Moynihan and others addressed the issue with the expression "defining deviancy down."


Furthermore, when writing the dissenting opinion on the Supreme Court's landmark Lawrence vs. Texas ("sodomy") case, the late justice, Antonin Scalia, said that "the Court has taken sides in the culture war."


To my view, and leaving aside, for the most part, what the author of the article claims as Justice Scalia's "litany of horrors," it remains to be seen if Scalia's prediction proves correct: that the decision (and others like it) "effectively decrees the end of all morals legislation."
Thank you for the receipts.


Jun 17, 2017
No. I don't think so. It normalizes the abnormal. Next is peddie & beastiality. And I'm not for that. At all. Ain't no human gettin at me!
bingo. (pun intended)

what mecca and valerian do not want to acknowledge is that anything other than what marriage is supposed to be is abnormal and deviant.
legitimizing gay marriage- a deviant (meaning, straying from the norm) justifies any other deviant behavior. there is a movement now to legitimize p***philia as a "sexual preference" by the left. there is also an agenda by the leftist/cultural marxists (if you dont know what a cultural marxist and the frankfurt school is about, get on it) to push sex ed on very young children. i also saw a news article on redice creations about a year ago about sex toys for infants. this is what happens when start revising what is right and what is wrong.
ecosexuals-- people rolling around, having sex with dirt in the forest (
), is also deviant. only moral relativists would condone such behavior and make excuses for it.

being homosexual and ecosexual, as long as no one is injured by it, should be completely legal. that is not the issue here. saying that those sexual preferences should be accepted as normal (along with trans-racial people, fat pride, etc.) is not only completely ridiculous, but its a KEY tool by the elite to make us deviate from the norm, become dependent on pornography, lower birth rates/depopulation, and become loyal to the state instead of family. yes, it all links together if you research it deeply enough. you can do it-- you can hump sex dolls if you want to-- but dont give us the line that this is normal behavior and should be accepted as such.

the problem is that we have been conditioned over the decades now (thanks to the kinsey report) to be accepting of this.

great documentary on the kinsey report: watch and learn. i did.



Jun 20, 2017
I mean, i don't know about anyone in this forum but for me, i like people. i don't mind if they have a penis or a vagina in them. I just care if they're kind, funny, you know. that kind of things. If i like someone but is the same sex than me that would be a "NONONO, sinner" for other people. i have to explain several times to people who doesn't understand what is my "sexuality" (like if it was everybodys business lol, awkward) and that I'm not interested in having sex for the pure procreation. these planet is already overpopulated and with trump and his retarded ideas with the paris agreement i don't think we're going to last more than 200 years so i'm not gonna put babies in this sad place (and also because everything is getting more and more expensive, so having kids is a fucking luxury). I understand the balance between man and woman but i don't think that's a golden rule that applies to everybody.


Mar 13, 2017
what mecca and valerian do not want to acknowledge is that anything other than what marriage is supposed to be is abnormal and devian
But who are you to say that gay people shouldn't have equal rights? Of course it's abnormal, there are less gay people than straight people.
legitimizing gay marriage- a deviant (meaning, straying from the norm) justifies any other deviant behavior
No it really doesn't because there are good things and bad things... no human would look at p***philia and say that it's an ok thing to do unless they were a p***phile themselves... same with bestiality. Homosexuality has nothing to do with those things because it's consensual and not harmful to anyone. Just because a human supports gay marital rights, doesn't mean they support terrible things like p***philia, that would be crazy.
there is a movement now to legitimize p***philia as a "sexual preference" by the left
What do you mean "by the left"? It's by crazy people who are pedophiles themselves. Also it still has nothing to do with gay people. Plus normal people don't support pedophiles so all we have to do is say that p***philia is not okay (because it's obviously not).


Mar 16, 2017
The left isn't pushing to legalize pedophilua.. Jesus. Maybe pedophiles are but that will go no where. And I'm pretty sure pedophiles come in every political type.

Legalizing gay marriage isn't the death knoll of civilization. It doesn't mean that all things are now ok and to be accepted. All it means is that the government looked at the homosexuality issue and decided they had a good case - same sex love hurts no one and is consensual. Marriage gives certain benefits - health insurance, inheritance, taxes - that the government decided it wasn't fair to deny citizens because they fell in mutual love with someone with the wrong genitalia. That's the entire issue.

p***philia and bestiality involve force, they hurt people (or animals), they are completely different.

Serveto - I wouldn't really take anything scalia said too seriously. His religion often took precedence in his work and you could call him a far right wing catholic reactionary tbh


Mar 13, 2017
Legalizing gay marriage isn't the death knoll of civilization. It doesn't mean that all things are now ok and to be accepted. All it means is that the government looked at the homosexuality issue and decided they had a good case - same sex love hurts no one and is consensual. Marriage gives certain benefits - health insurance, inheritance, taxes - that the government decided it wasn't fair to deny citizens because they fell in mutual love with someone with the wrong genitalia. That's the entire issue.
Exactly, that's what I'm saying.


Apr 20, 2017
Serveto - I wouldn't really take anything scalia said too seriously. His religion often took precedence in his work and you could call him a far right wing catholic reactionary tbh
Advice, as always, both appreciated and taken. With that said, I think Scalia was very articulate, and serves, even in his death, as a sort of counterpoint to, for instance, Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Even his reference to the "culture war," while I think it does include a side-swipe at the Cultural Marxists (and we should know what the Vatican thinks of them), was probably a reference to Bismarck's kulturkampf, which has Catholic/Protestant implications, but has since been redefined to encompass the "war" which rages in the global community at large. I read a lot of far right Catholic writers, including Patrick Buchanan and (I think) the late Robert Bork, just to hear the defenses of "patriarchy" by men who still largely have their testicles in tact lol.

As for me, I usually sit astride the fence, with my athletic supporter on, so to speak, not having much of an opinion of my own, and usually act as a sort of "ideas" reporter, just to keep things lively :cool:.