BTS discussion thread


Jun 4, 2018
Tell her to stop talking out her ass and stop lying and this will stop. She keeps making the ditch deeper with every lie. I came back to straighten out her lies.
I’d appreciate if you just exposed her with real facts not insults and babbling like a 5 yo. No one will believe you this way anyway. So why you keep trying?


Sep 28, 2020
Tell her to stop talking out her ass and stop lying and this will stop. She keeps making the ditch deeper with every lie. I came back to straighten out her lies.
With all due respect, I understand that that you are deeply frustrated. However, we must see screenshot proof and also I'd like to know about your friend who was blocked. Could your friend send you screenshots to you about the conversations you guys witnessed. I saw the controversial comment and I'm actually shocked.

So SHC14AC, when you get back I hope to hear more from you. Because this is important to you, the members would give you their full attention. First, cut out the cursing, and explain calmly.
Mar 24, 2018
Part 2

Bunnymyeon on the dm group chat with me and @Boopdedoop raised concerns that JD May watch this thread. She made one post about this and then I came on the thread to see people here were talking about JD... and so I made that joke. At this point we in the group chat were all just speculating about this. This whole thread is mainly speculation also.

here are the dms :
As you can see, I was told this PRIVATELY, by another user and the more bunnymyeon told me after I wrote that comment, the more
I questioned if she read this. I even clarified that I didn’t mind as long as she shouted us all out because of plagiarism and because it’s also the right thing to do. I will also mention what happened after this. After this JD made a video talking about the PUBLIC comment I had made . Here is that video

I will discuss what happened after this video was released. I will also reveal my dms with honey. I apologise to bunnymyeon and Boopdedoop for releasing private messages. But this has to be done right now


Jun 4, 2018
ya'll deserve to get burnt by this lil btch

Ya'll so fucking dumb. Go outside and get some fresh air. Get that blood circulation going FFS. I already explained myself a couple of times. READ BACK YA DAFT FCKIN COW.
Bro y’all give a sh*t about someone with this disgraceful vocabulary. I don’t even understand why y’all bother to answer someone mentally disturbed. They will keep repeating and saying same stuff because all they want is attention. My advice is to STOP replying and interacting with these people until they leave. If you don’t do that don’t ask yourselves why they keep being annoying. Again, there is no point in arguing with people that are mentally deranged.


Sep 12, 2019
ya'll deserve to get burnt by this lil btch

Ya'll so fucking dumb. Go outside and get some fresh air. Get that blood circulation going FFS. I already explained myself a couple of times. READ BACK YA DAFT FCKIN COW.
Listen bitch you never explained in the first place so you can STFU and leave because you’re the one out here talking bs and NO ONE will believe your dumb ass so get to the point and CHAT your shit or just LEAVE


Jun 4, 2018
With all due respect, I understand that that you are deeply frustrated. However, we must see screenshot proof and also I'd like to know about your friend who was blocked. Could your friend send you screenshots to you about the conversations you guys witnessed. I saw the controversial comment and I'm actually shocked.

So SHC14AC, when you get back I hope to hear more from you. Because this is important to you, the members would give you their full attention. First, cut out the cursing, and explain calmly.
Doing a screenshot isn’t a big of a deal. Y’all really hope they will provide proof when it’s been days since we kept asking for it. Mark my words : IT WON’T HAPPEN.
I wonder why y’all giving them so much clout? Is it because you try to see good in everything and everyone? There is a thing that you need to learn: some people are dead inside, some people have a sick soul some people need help and some people are helpless. You need to learn when it’s time to stop arguing with somebody. BTS or these persons won’t change their behavior just because you ask them nicely.


Jun 4, 2018
This is my last comment for today. The people who needed to know what a snake shining is have been informed. Shining is making matters worse by pretending to show y'all the messages which ARE NOT the ones I was referring to and SHE KNOWS this but she is playing dumb and involving JD ( another NUTJOB) who has nothing to do with this mess. Can you see what a manipulating cow she is? Think about that.
Your head needs the sanitazing lady
Mar 24, 2018
Part 3

after the video came out I felt HORRIBLE. I realised that I should have never said what I said on this thread publicly and deleted my post directed at JD.

here are the messages to Boopdedoop about this:

I can only attach 10 messages. As you can see here I was very anxious and overwhelmed by everything. I was so upset and didn’t know how to fix this. I was worried that since this incident bunnymyeon didn’t return. I was upset that JD’s followers insulted this thread yet didn’t do anything about the video on Islam - I talked about all of this privately because I didn’t want to make it into a big deal. Oh the Irony



Sep 28, 2020
Yeah, I get that being nice to certain people sometimes doesn't work. However, the reason why I want to be nice is not only because I understand what her situation most likely is, and also it's because I believe in Jesus Christ. I know that we may not have screenshots, but what matters to me is that SC14AC actually answered my question calmly. So hopefully this battle will not continue anymore. (I also wanted to clarify that I'm not taking her side, I'm neutral.)


Jun 9, 2019
This is my last comment for today. The people who needed to know what a snake shining is have been informed. Shining is making matters worse by pretending to show y'all the messages which ARE NOT the ones I was referring to and SHE KNOWS this but she is playing dumb and involving JD ( another NUTJOB) who has nothing to do with this mess. Can you see what a manipulating cow she is? Think about that.
Hello Cunt. Stand still and realize what you ate doing. What you are doing right now is bullying. Cornering one person. I don't know why you are so eager into ruining Shining.

Your account is also new, you are speaking in a silly tone and you use foul langauge. Your name says it all, about your intention and reason. You seem to have written heedlessly with no sign of trying to understand the other person.

It is easy to say that person XYZ did this and that. It is easy to hurt someone for people who are not self aware. I have no reason to trust what you say because your behaviour shows me your intentions. Your words don't matter if your behaviour says something else. Making an account to hurt someone? That says enough for me to not trust you.

Thank you for exposing yourself. In Law you are innocent untill proven guilty. I would have said the same thing if this happened to someone else.


Jun 4, 2018
Y’all just in case you question my next actions I am taking my friend’s side until proven wrong. If these persons keep attacking my friend w/o any proof I will attack back. Ain’t no one harassing my people without facing me first :p
Mar 24, 2018
Hello Cunt. Stand still and realize what you ate doing. What you are doing right now is bullying. Cornering one person. I don't know why you are so eager into ruining Shining.

Your account is also new, you are speaking in a silly tone and you use foul langauge. Your name says it all, about your intention and reason. You seem to have written heedlessly with no sign of trying to understand the other person.

It is easy to say that person XYZ did this and that. It is easy to hurt someone for people who are not self aware. I have no reason to trust what you say because your behaviour shows me your intentions. Your words don't matter if your behaviour says something else. Making an account to hurt someone? That says enough for me to not trust you.

Thank you for exposing yourself. In Law you are innocent untill proven guilty. I would have said the same thing if this happened to someone else.
You always are so nice to me thank you for helping me through all of this. I am literally shaking right now. I have had trouble sleeping. I have been anxious for a few days. They don’t know how much stress and anxiety they caused to me really. This isn’t me even being the victim. I am taking our time to show everything. Thank you sis really for everything. God bless you <3