'the Mummy' With Tom Cruise


Mar 16, 2017
Movie plots about ancient demons/Ancient entities rising up after long ages of dormany always remind me of this.

I believe these contain double messages for those with 'eyes to see and ears to hear'.
Yes, its about a tv show but its programming aswell. Lucifer is indeed coming. Not as a haggard-looking fallen angel but with the glory he had as a covering cherub and......as hot as hell!
Jesus, Josef and Mary! It's in plain sight for the masses to see, now. But they're to blind to even get that they really mean it and that it's not just an ad to get viewers. Well....Satans time will be short.
Mar 20, 2017
You to, my sweet brother. Do you pray a lot these days? I pray like never before. The times are extremely harsh.
I try to make it a constant daily habit By His Will.

When the prayers are established and become the most important part of my day and my life, the rest do not really matter.


Mar 18, 2017
Can Hollywood not make an original film and stop rebooting everything. Wasn't that long ago the mummy came out starring Brendan fraser


Mar 13, 2017
Has anyone actually seen this movie yet? Yes the posters are kind of lame, but maybe it's not that sinister.

The one eye symbol can mean a lot of things. Ok we are pretty sure it's about the eye of horus. You know, using the whole godhead energy as a tool. To watch people, to destroy and to push the Illuminati agenda.


Mar 14, 2017
People must be fucking morons to promote this. Already I see bad reviews. Good!
Well, my 'friends', acquaintances and familiy are all painfully oblivious to the obvious. I try to tell them there's a conspiracy involving worship of this one-eye symbol which, lo and behold, appears yet again . Guess what, though? They're simply not interested in hearing about my 'theories'. It's like, I tell people the wolf really is coming this time and the world is going to burn in a way they can't even begin to believe. What do they do? Shrug their shoulders... and possibly go watch this exact same film afterwards, paying more money into the hands of the satanic occult 'elite' by watching its propaganda (after the commercials they've also paid to watch).

Yeah, I'm quite frustrated with the unbelievable idiocy of people around me. "fucking morons" is sadly an apt description.

Has anyone actually seen this movie yet? Yes the posters are kind of lame, but maybe it's not that sinister.

The one eye symbol can mean a lot of things. Ok we are pretty sure it's about the eye of horus. You know, using the whole godhead energy as a tool. To watch people, to destroy and to push the Illuminati agenda.
This is the same question that keeps coming up, over and over again. It's ultimately about what one chooses to believe. Do you choose to believe the Illuminati isn't really all that bad? Maybe 9/11 wasn't really a conspiracy but was actually by bin Laden. Maybe all these celebrities just make the Illuminati symbols for kicks and to provoke, they're not really under mind control and they didn't really "sell the soul" to the music industry. Scientology and Hubbard's connections to Crowley and the 'Church' of Satan may not mean that much. Maybe everything wrong is the world isn't actually there, it's all imaginary, and everything is really perfectly fine and there's nothing to worry about.

... or, you choose to face the possibility it's really a lot more serious than that. That there are in fact unbelievably sick and evil people running the world. And that this movie, however banal and insignificant it is/appears, is in fact yet another expression of that very same, very real evil.

Since I've picked my stance, I can't condone this movie in any way, shape or form, regardless of any speck of entertainment value it might have... because, on some level, however remote the connection may appear and however "not that bad" this movie looks... then ultimately, by watching it you are accepting the NWO and its actions. The money you pay for the ticket to watch this ultimately ends up in these peoples' hands. At the end of the day, it's all the same system, so if you go watch this film, filled with overt Illuminati symbolism, you have to accept that by doing so you're ultimately saying you don't care enough about all of this to pass up on watching this. In my opinion, if you go watch this film it's really the same as saying you don't care about the 3000 people killed on 9/11, the chemtrails or all the rest of it. Unless, of course, you think these are all just nothing more than 'theories'.

They turned me off just the same moment they put the one-eye symbol on the posters. Even if I didn't believe the conspiracies are real I don't want to promote those feeding into this idea in the first place. That's simply not the kind of world I want to live in. If you don't believe there's any more to this one-eye symbol than some lame joke, some meme about a global conspiracy, you'd have to consider the continuous promotion of that symbol an insult to your intellect at this point - as many others have noted, usage of these same occult symbols again and again has grown really tired.
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Mar 20, 2017
Born on the Fourth of July is a great movie. I can't stand Cruise in anything else though.
Why not? He's a human being just like everybody else. I know he has quite the eccentric behavior but still.

I can't help but wish that everybody gets to know their Maker.
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Mar 15, 2017
Why not? He's a human being just like everybody else. I know he has quite the eccentric behavior but still.

I can't help but wish that everybody gets to know their Maker.
I mean only as an actor. I don't have an opinion about him as I haven't met him. For all I know he is a great guy, and it doesn't matter either way, I just don't like his acting or the majority of movies he is in.
Mar 20, 2017
I mean only as an actor. I don't have an opinion about him as I haven't met him. For all I know he is a great guy, and it doesn't matter either way, I just don't like his acting or the majority of movies he is in.
I agree he acts weird and unnatural sometimes.

I'll bet ya he's somewhat possessed by an evil spirit or something though God Certainly Knows Best.


Jun 25, 2017
I mean only as an actor. I don't have an opinion about him as I haven't met him. For all I know he is a great guy, and it doesn't matter either way, I just don't like his acting or the majority of movies he is in.
Same. Of course I can't judge the man behind the mask. But I don't like his acting at all.