Jan 27, 2018
UN Forced To Admit Gates-Funded Vaccine Is Causing Polio Outbreak In Africa!!!

Poor Africans....nothing like getting vaccine derived Polio.

Poor kids developed flaccid paralysis

But vaccines are safe right?


Jun 17, 2017
'I will not take his word for it': Kamala Harris says she would not trust Trump alone on a coronavirus vaccine

boy, this is twisted. harris wouldnt directly say that she wouldnt take the vax, but that she wouldnt take his word for it that it was safe. in the US, the left was very much in favor of the lockdowns (left MSM pushed BS-19 the hardest) and the right was against it. now that trump will have the vaccine available soon for those who want it, the left is now hinting at becoming the anti-vax party (even if it is only to spite trump).

its a win-win for the anti-vax crowd. trump must make it clear that the vaccination is available but not mandatory to satisfy the independent and dem/left voters who are still undecided.

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Technocrats Freak Out Over CDC’s 6% COVID Death Figure

Well, first Technocrats and leftist media blame Qanon. Q is crazy, right? Then they point to Trump for retweeting that same number: if Trump said it, it must be false, right? After Twitter deleted everyone else’s tweets about it, the media figured it had to be fake news, right?

Within hours, every major publication was blasting anyone and everyone who dared to “misinterpret” the CDC’s latest finding. You have to leave the interpreting part to the experts, they say, to the epidemiologists and to the scientists. Mere citizens are simply too ignorant and uneducated to understand lofty mathematical concepts like 6% or complicated medical terms like comorbidity.

Fools, all.

The CDC’s website clearly and definitively states:

For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death.

What is unclear about this?

It is a really pathetic pandemic where only 6% of deaths are due exclusively to COVID-19. Stack that up against the Black Plague, TB or Ebola.

The freak-outs want you to instead focus on the 94% who died with a plethora of comorbidity conditions. Some of the most common ones mentioned in the study are:

Influenza, pneumonia, hypertensive diseases, heart disease, cardiac arrest, heart failure, diabetes, alzheimers, renal failure and on and on.

Patients with these other conditions also just happened to test positive for COVID-19, and that’s all it took to be recorded as a COVID death. What’s more, the average patient had an average of 2.6 of these other factors when they died.

Even a motorcycle crash victim who died on the scene tested positive for COVID. His death was recorded as COVID until some locals pointed out the sheer stupidity of such a categorization and it was ultimately rescinded.

OK, Look. Dying WITH COVID is not the same as dying FROM COVID. Only 6% died FROM COVID exclusively. The other 94% died WITH COVID.

Did anybody make an assessment of how many of the 94% would have died anyway, even if they did not have COVID? Nope. Not a one, so we’ll never know for sure. But even a baseball bat could figure out that there has been a significant number who were headed for their earthly exit no matter what else they contracted along the way.

But, why would Technocrats freak out so bad over this viral CDC announcement (pun intended)? Because it puts their entire narrative in jeopardy.

No more panic over a pandemic would mean no more face masks, no more social distancing, no more lockdowns, no need for vaccines, no more funding, no more “Karens”, no more social engineering. It means Anthony Fauci would be released into permanent retirement, sans a fortune in lost profits from his Big Pharma investments. Worst of all, it would mean that they were WRONG, and to a Technocrat, being wrong is a cardinal sin.

Note to Technocrats, their minions and all their political and media stooges: Get lost and don’t come back!

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Starts just before 20 min.
CDC’s ‘Six Percent’? IT’S EVEN LESS — CDC COVERS UP Number of COVID-19 Deaths Caused by Improper Use of Ventilators

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Here is Bill Gates making up shit on the fly, and accidentally let's out a truth bomb.
Nice one Bill!
Keep those truth bombs coming!!!


Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Global Technocracy And The ‘Great Reset’ Is Coming Like A Bullet Train
Screenshot_2020-09-05 Global Technocracy And The 'Great Reset' Is Coming Like A Bullet Train.png
A few weeks after the World Economic Forum launched their ‘Great Reset‘ initiative, it was followed up with the release of a new book titled, ‘Covid-19: The Great Reset‘, authored by the executive chairman of the WEF, Klaus Schwab, and Senior Director of the Global Risk Network at the institution, Thierry Malleret.

Having read the book I wanted to share with you some initial thoughts on the potential significance of the publication.

As touched upon in my last article, there are 5 planks to the Great Reset – economic, societal, geopolitical, environmental and technological – all of which the book covers in detail. But I want to focus largely on the conclusion, as it is here where the author’s motivations and rationale for championing a Great Reset, in the wake of Covid-19, become clearer.
full article:

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019

The mind of a Technocrat doesn’t see human life as anything sacred, so it is easy for them to let people die alone as patients and families are left in a state of abject horror. As stated many times, Technocracy is anti-human at its core.
Isolation is torture.
Five Months Without a Kiss: Parents Plead to Visit Children
Strict rules to keep the coronavirus out of New York pediatric nursing homes also block parents from children
May 18, 2018
Starts just before 20 min.
CDC’s ‘Six Percent’? IT’S EVEN LESS — CDC COVERS UP Number of COVID-19 Deaths Caused by Improper Use of Ventilators
So around 9,000 certified to have died from bs19 alone in us, and near 100% of those put on ventilators died. So the bs19 numbers are almost zero. ...

certification of vaccination AI
Last edited:
Jul 3, 2020

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
New normal turning schools into “virtual concentration camps” warns Italian parliamentarian

The COVID-19(84) Red Pill Posts | May 23, 2020 | John C. A. Manley

Sara Cunial, a 41-year-old member of the Italian Parliament, had this to say in the Roman palace of Palazzo Montecitorio, full of germaphobic officials wearing masks on May 14:

“Our children are the ones paying the consequences; souls violated by those who should guarantee their rights. They will be allowed to go back to school only with bracelets that accustom them to ‘freedom’ under surveillance, along with enslaving and compulsory medical treatments, in virtual concentration camps…”

At this point her speech the house erupts in scorn and rebuke. The speech culminates with her telling the President of Italy what to do the next time Bill Gates calls him on the telephone.
Surprisingly, the entire clip is still available on YouTube. It’s sounds extra powerful in Italian (but subtitles are provided).

Not surprisingly, according to the Italian Wikipedia, Cunial was expelled from her party for expressing contrary views (about vaccines and olive trees). Since then she’s been serving as an independent member of parliament. Sure could use a brave political leader like her on Parliament Hill here in the Great White North.

If you agree with Cunial, please post, email and call your representatives and let them know that you do not consent to using germ theory as an excuse to turn your country into an Orwellian police state, surveillance grid.
