

Mar 18, 2017
You assume that's true regardless that it's John Bolton who wrote it? He wouldn't be the first fired employee who exaggerated or made stuff up.
yes I do believe this in particular because I used to watch his show the apprentice. If it isn’t true, then he is a different person than the somewhat eccentric person he portrayed on that show that seemed like he would be entirely entertained by the idea of sending rocket man to a foreign country getting attention for testing missiles, and Bolton would be playing off of this persona that trump created himself as a reality tv star.
Apr 13, 2017
It'd be funny if it was true though. I find it plausible, but describing it as an obsession seems clearly predisposed. The reality is probably more like "Hey, did you send Rocket Man to Kim? No? Come on, do it, it'd be tremendous fun."
May 14, 2017
Cult 45

The cult-like behavior is the weirdest thing about Trump supporters. Even people who were blindly supporting Obama and Bush didn't fucking act like their president was some sort of messiah, but it feels like Trump's fanbase actually thinks that somehow a billionaire is really going to bring change.
May 14, 2017
Not surprised to see anti-Trumpers getting their political insights from Vanity Fair.
You might think that's clever, but Vanity Fair is only writing an article based on things that people who don't like Trump has seen.

I hated Bush II but I don't recall anyone pretending he was some sort of rebel. I hated Obama and while some people seemed to think he was important because he was a black man and that would lead to change in America... Well, when it didn't actually change shit for racial relations in America, people realized the idea was a man.

I'm sure if he loses in 2020 or after 2024, people will also stop caring about Trump... But the amount of fever around him seems almost religious, which should unsettle anyone even if you support him.
Apr 13, 2017
yes I do believe this in particular because I used to watch his show the apprentice. If it isn’t true, then he is a different person than the somewhat eccentric person he portrayed on that show that seemed like he would be entirely entertained by the idea of sending rocket man to a foreign country getting attention for testing missiles, and Bolton would be playing off of this persona that trump created himself as a reality tv star.

Word against word. Which one would be lying, I wonder ...


Mar 16, 2017
Yes, I wonder... :rolleyes:

Apr 13, 2017
Yes, I wonder... :rolleyes:

lol, do some due diligence for crying out loud.

Most of those "lies" were merely hyperbolic statements and most others were "lies" because mainstream media considered them "lies", or were straw manning or nitpicking statements. First "lie" of the list:

"Democrats can't impeach a Republican President for crimes committed by Democrats."

It's been confirmed over and over that Russiagate was a hoax and that it were the Democrats who conspired against Trump. Just wait for the Obamagate information to be unleashed.

It's a "lie" because at that time the media was to busy burying the truth and spinning a hoax.

Show me lies of Trump that have truly negatively affected anyone?

In the mean time, you're taking sides (you're going to argue in typical fashion "I'm not taking sides with Bolton" yadda yadda), but you're taking sides with John Bolton, you know, the guy who lied about WMDs in Iraq, which killed and displaced millions of people, and who wanted to nuke Iran.

But you "wonder" ... eye roll eye roll



Mar 16, 2017
The man is a pathological liar and has been his whole life. Ever hear of Pinocchio or the boy who cried wolf? Blaming everything on hyperbole is nonsense. Changing goalposts to whether or not his lies resulted in substantial harm is dishonest and irrelevant. Firing everyone who disagrees with him prior to them being able to say what’s going on is a preventive measure used to erase the credibility of anyone who’s not a sycophant. And no, pointing this out is not implicit or explicit support of John Bolton. It is possible to have different complaints regarding different people at the same time. Insisting it isn’t is taking a page from trumps playbook - discrediting someone so that there words or opinions are dismissed regardless of their merit based on an irrelevant factor to the matter at hand.
Apr 13, 2017
It's John Bolton vs Trump. In this fight you sided with Bolton or you wouldn't have posted what you posted.

Keep being dishonest.


Mar 18, 2017
Just something to think about...

"In 2013, at a conservative conference in Palm Beach, an oil tycoon named William Lee Hanley, who had commissioned some polls from Patrick Caddell, asked him to show the data to Mercer and Bannon, who were at the event. The data showed mounting anger toward wealthy élites, who many Americans believed had corrupted the government so that it served only their interests. There was a hunger for a populist Presidential candidate who would run against the major political parties and the ruling class. The data “showed that someone could just walk into this election and sweep it,” Caddell told me. When Mercer saw the numbers, he asked for the polling to be repeated. Caddell got the same results. “It was stunning,” he said. “The country was on the verge of an uprising against its leaders. I just fell over!”

Until Election Day in 2016, Mercer and Hanley—two of the richest men in America—paid Caddell to keep collecting polling data that enabled them to exploit the public’s resentment of élites such as themselves. Caddell’s original goal was to persuade his sponsors to back an independent candidate, but they never did. In 2014, Caddell and two partners went public with what they called the Candidate Smith project, which promoted data suggesting that the public wanted a “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” figure—an outsider—as President. During the next year or so, Caddell’s poll numbers tilted more and more away from the establishment. Caddell’s partner Bob Perkins, an advertising executive and a former finance director of the Republican Party, told me, “By then, it was clear there wouldn’t be a third-party candidate. But we thought that a Republican who harnessed the angst had a real chance.” At one point, Caddell tested all the declared Presidential candidates, including Trump, as a possible Mr. Smith. “People didn’t think Trump had the temperament to be President,” Caddell said. “He clearly wasn’t the best Smith, but he was the only Smith. He was the only one with the resources and the name recognition.” As Bernie Sanders’s campaign showed, the populist rebellion wasn’t partisan. Caddell worried, though, that there were dark undertones in the numbers: Americans were increasingly yearning for a “strong man” to fix the country."


....if the PTB, back in 2013/2014, were already aware of a public hunger for a populist president, then why go ahead and give the public exactly what they wanted (seeing as Trump didn't win the popular vote)....unless a "strong man to fix the country" was exactly what suited their plans. It makes sense to make everything fall apart on the watch of a guy who promised to keep those very things from falling apart.
I understand people say that Trump hasn't taken the country to war but Baghdadi's "death" last year was a signal (to me anyway) that the theater/enemy was to change (as it does every 15-20yrs).


Jan 22, 2018
Did we do this one?......ahhh I don't care I 'm doing it again.

I just have this new sense of safety and security since learning that Trump and his Qanon army will soon be bringing down the deep state thus freeing us all from a life of tyranny and oppression. I've even heard a rumour he'll be opening up his golf clubs to fee paying non members on the last Friday of every month here in the UK, so there is hope.

I think we should all just relax a bit over what comes out of his mouth and just understand that he is simply lulling the deep state into a false sense of security by acting like a dumb ass and this is all part of the plan.



Jan 22, 2018
^^ That could be more true than you think.
Well now it's on public record, why do you think the deep state haven't had him knocked off yet? Are there additional lock down restrictions on hitmen over there in America?

What do ya reckon?
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Apr 13, 2017
So as long as someone in power isn't dethroned, he's shilling for the deep state? A bit fatalist, wouldn't you say?