Four people in Cookeville, Tennessee were questioned about antifa after posting about Black Lives Matter rallies on social media.
FBI just got permission to search browser histories without a warrant a little while ago. I knew this would be used to try to look into the protestors.
I would be careful before thinking that trump doesn’t hire his own people to push narratives too. Everyone is all about saying there is money behind blm or antifa, but trump has some money of his own, and I don’t think he is above using it to spread some things circulating out there that work to his advantage.
personally, I still don’t see antifa involved at all. That is a major one that would serve trumps campaign agenda. Antifa is more political and was noticeable when trump won the election.
an issue like this gains support from a larger audience than something like antifa, which is going to attract a different mindset that seems to be more interested in politics overall.
There was an article about this music shop that was looted. The people who looted this place weren’t antifa. You can see that these people are probably regular people getting taken up in their agreement about corrupt police.
A family-owned Santa Monica music center is working to pick up the pieces after they were hit by looters right after being shut down for months due to COVID-19. They were looted just days after reopening. The owners of the Santa Monica Music Center are still trying to understand the destruction...
An issue like this attracts a large number of people who know the police shows favoritism, so there are different reasons something like this gets support in contrast to the protests that took place after trump was elected. Saying antifa is responsible or even a major player, is playing off of a narrative specific to a claim of opposition towards trump personally descending from the protests that took place after he was elected.
I would not be surprised if trump were paying his own people to spread a false message that this whole thing is about opposition to trump rather than anything legitimate.
it wouldn’t surprise me if trump didn’t pay some people to spread around social media that the coronavirus was also about hurting trump election chances.
if you have ever hung around people who had at one point in their life felt targeted by the police, it should be fairly easy to see why this would gain support from people who usually don’t have much interest in politics at all.
apparently, it is even inspiring people to vote in larger numbers, which is some evidence that these protests are supported by people who don’t usually have a lot of interest in politics.
honestly, a negative view towards police might be a reason that many people don’t have an interest in politics or see voting as a way to change things. All the more reason to defund the police.
Democrats cast close to a million votes in the Senate primary, more than triple the number in the 2016 primary.